Crypto Services
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@CryptoCreative Graphic design
@BotsDirectory Telegram Bots
@HireBotDevelopers Hire a bot developer
@XeovoVPN Secure VPN


❗️ Telegram has an auction site to buy and sell Telegram handles, please visit


@CryptoGroups offers an @EscrowService for digital assets outside of Telegram handles.

❗️We do not escrow assets under $5000 USD, please use services like but be warned these are open grounds for scammers, please do due diligence; if the offer sounds too good to be true, it’s probably a scam.

More information coming soon on @EscrowService
πŸ“Report a scam:
@NoToScam (Run by @Telegram)
πŸ“Get unbanned or to report something:
@Resolutions (Run by @CryptoGroups)
List your item use: @ListMeBot
More information: @CryptoFAQs
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❗️Important Information❗️
✳️ Please read our @CommunityRules
✳️ New to Crypto? Read @TradingTips