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#TOPIC #Psychology


Problem : Create a vicious cycle of negative emotions.

Solution : Keep in mind the ultimate goal: financial and geographic freedom that trading can offer, consider trading as a business and not as a hobby.

The frustration will be the result of an error due to previous emotions. When we lose a trade, money, we risk too much, forget our rules, we will be frustrated. This frustration will make us more mistakes, entering into a loop that we do not want to be in. Take a break and remember to consider that trading is a long term game. It takes years to become an overnight success trader.


Problem : The ego is responsible for the creation of excessive confidence, in a field where overconfidence kills since no one knows the future.

Solution : Keep your feet on the ground with our objectives, be humble and practice gratitude. 📝

Ego is the most dangerous emotion. When you experience a winning streak, you will feel that you are on top of everyone and this can cause excessive confidence 💁🏻‍♂️, but negative confidence ☠️.

When the price reaches the Take-Profit, it can make you feel as if you have the greatest victory, which brings you to fall into the illusion of "it's so easy" . Stay humble, disciplined and remember this series of bad trades can always come faster than winning streak!

Another major mistake to avoid is that traders with ego can add positions ✒️ when they see a trade that goes in their favor (or against them) they increase the initial risk without being tactical and strict to a plan. They tend to hedge position because they think they will always have a reason. They don’t like to accept that they are wrong.

The ego that many novice traders ignore is the belief that if they could make 20 points of profit using a lot adapted to 1 per point, they believe they can do the same, but with much more 10 per point. Each stage of development requires psychology and experience, do not try to skip steps, go ahead step by step. You will trade with big money just do not rush to start trading with logs unadapted to your account.

Not taking into account risk management in proportion to the amount of our account is a deadly weapon. Not only because your account has increased you should quickly increase the lot or positions. We are here to get the skills to be profitable on a real account, not to play the Wolf of Wall Street.

The ego can be easily combated, all we have to do with our state of mind is to keep our feet on the ground, setting realistic objectives respecting risk management. When you win a trade , the best is to stay humble and practice gratitude.

Each trade is unique. Each trade is exposed to a loss. When you feel the euphoria before launching a trade , the best is to move away from screens for a while to come back with a mindset without emotions. - NOTE THAT 📝👀

You should never trust in the markets.