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Orvium - Open and Transparent Science Powered By Blockchain
It is time to get involved and get the control back of the human knowledge.
Orvium is more than another startup — you are about to participate in a project driven by top engineers and scientists with many years of experience driving innovation at CERN, the birthplace of the Web, and NASA.
Orvium aims to disrupt one of the most lucrative industry world-wide, with profit margins reported to exceed those of companies such as Google, Amazon, and Apple, while making science more transparent, universal and open than ever. Orvium creates a unique decentralized platform powered by blockchain, decentralized storage, big data and artificial intelligence to create an unprecedented decentralized solution to process, validate, disseminate and preserve scientific knowledge forever.
We want you to be part of our future: Our TGE offers you the unique opportunity to buy ORVIUM tokens and join an excellent team. With your participation, we are going to scale science and become the leading publication platform while returning the benefits of science to society. The Web was originally designed to meet the demand for transparent and automatic information sharing between scientists around the world, lets do it now and for all.
Early-birds will be rewarded with a 10% bonus during our pre-sale.
Join us and be part of this exciting journey:
​​🔷Yoroi wallet for cryptocurrency Cardano (ADA) has been presented, it enables users to work with ADA in a browser. This is a “lightweight” wallet that launches quickly, allowing users to receive and send ADAs in a matter of minutes.

Also, users can easily import data from Daedalus Desktop Cardano client.

By the end of the year, the Yoroi team plans to add support for other browsers, integrate software with hardware wallets, add the ability to export transactions to Excel, and release mobile apps for iOS and Android.
​​🗣Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat, during his speech at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, has stated that cryptocurrencies will become the money of the future.

The head of the Maltese government believes that Bitcoin and blockchain are able to provide users with more financial and information freedom, while blockchain technology helps filter good business from bad.

Blockchain will allow patients to truly own their medical records. Thanks to technology, emissions trading schemes can be brought to a new level. We can check whether humanitarian aid reaches its intended purpose, and also make sure that no one is deprived of their legal property because of the compromised data.

He added that the technology improves existing systems. That is why Malta is positioning itself as a “blockchain-island”.


To play, users will have to load the car assets into the game from an Ethereum wallet, where they are stored as an ERC721 token. The ERC721 token has paved the way for a new class of digital assets called non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These allow users to own, customise and maintain control in the
same way as in the physical world.

Blockchain Studios contends that this new asset class opens up new opportunities for user engagement and ownership. We believe that the first wave of innovation will come from gaming. CryptoCarz is the first platform to bring together blockchain, VR and gaming technologies. By giving gamers new options to visualise, own, adapt and race their own car, we think a new era in gaming has arrived.


Each of them, independently, represents a paradigm shift for game development and consumption. Their attributes will make technology more individual, inclusive and immersive. The combination of these technologies will give rise to new scenarios, where gamers can own, modify, trade and play in an unprecedented way


Cars, gaming and cryptocurrency are shared passions at Blockchain Studios, so combining them was a natural choice when we started working on CryptoCarz. We see strong synergies between the cryptocurrency community and gamers and we believe there is a market for a game that blends racing, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. CryptoCarz is a multiplayer, fully immersive, VR-enabled racing experience, powered by the Ethereum blockchain. To race in the game, a user will have to demonstrate ownership of a car that is modelled and stored as an ERC721 Ethereum token in the gamer’s private wallet. The car will then be loaded into the game via integration with MetaMask and other proprietary tools

The game will initially offer 20 car models representative of the top cryptocurrencies. Each model will have a maximum of 650 units, hard-coded and numerically defined in the smart contract.No further cars in these models will be produced in the future.

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Ripple is leading a number of organizations launching a lobbying group in Washington D.C., Business Standard reported Friday.

Dubbed Securing America's Internet of Value Coalition (SAIV), the group includes, apart from Ripple, the RippleWorks Foundation; Coil, a company developing a solution for digital payments; Hard Yaka, an investment firm focusing on digital assets; and PolySign, a company seeking to be a crypto custodian.

Most of the participants have links to Ripple; for example, Coil was founded by the former CTO at Ripple Stefan Thomas and Hard Yaka has been working on a prepaid card allowing users to spend Ripple balances in real time.

Together the startups hope to influence the regulation of crypto in an environment when "policymakers in Congress and government agencies examine this new technology and wrestle with a regulatory regime that must be updated to meet the needs of this global financial transition," the SAIV's press release says.
Raincheck-Global loyalty & rewards points exchange aggregator on 🚀 Stellar

Want to be able to transfer your existing reward/loyalty points into one digital unit that can be used at any scheme? How about accurately monitoring your points, with the flexibility of transferring them at any time, on a fast and secure network? RAIN Token will give you this power at a fraction of the cost of other providers. Built on the Stellar Blockchain your secure transactions will go through within seconds at the cost of one cent per 100,000 transactions, whereas Ethereum based projects still cost around $0.20-1.45 per transaction. RAIN Token is the seamless and inexpensive experience you’ve been waiting for.

Built by a team with diverse backgrounds in full stack software development, data/cyber security, global payments, retail, travel, finance and investment; Our two founders pioneered the internet in the early 90’s, founding several tech startups and have a combined 50+ years experience in the ICT sector. The RAIN Token team recognises the faults in current loyalty/rewards schemes and with their wealth of knowledge, and experience, have created a solution.

Plus, unlike some exchanges, RAIN Token has your back if you get stuck. A dedicated customer service team is available 24/7. No more submitting a support ticket and waiting 2 weeks to get an automated response.

The RAIN Token is all about simplifying the reward/loyalty point systems and giving power back to the consumer, allowing them to attain the best value - Creating opportunities for retailers, and customer, alike. Get in on this awesome project before it takes off.
Listen to the Prime Minister of Malta aka "The Blockchain Island", an EU and Eurozone member country say to UN General Assembly: Blockchain makes cryptocurrencies the inevitable future of money.

🗣Dennis Parker, Bitcoin Maximalist Specialized in Bitcoin Politics and Game Theory
​​🔳The blockchain company IOHK expanded the list of technological solutions by offering the open source project Cardano Rust to third-party developers.

Cardano Rust is a set of tools for developers, with which they can create various block-products. In particular, it includes a library of functions that can be used to create and integrate decentralized applications for Cardano, including products for mobile devices.

Despite the fact that the solution code is written in Rust - an easy and fast programming language that is compatible with web, iOS and Android platforms, developers also plan to add support for other languages, including C and Javascript. In a potential this will expand the global community of Cardano developers.

The first product, which was released as part of the Cardano Rust project, was a new wallet for the ADA crypto currency. Called CLI, it runs on the user device as a standalone application using the command line. It also includes a set of tools for developers, which allows you to use CLI as the basis for creating decentralized applications.
​​🤝Hyperledger Project and the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance have partnered to create standards for corporate distributed networks developed by the participants of these two organizations.

Cross-platform collaboration based on the principles of adherence to open code will accelerate the mass adoption of blockchain technologies in the business environment.

This is a time of great opportunities. Cooperation on the rights of mutual associate membership opens the possibility for both organizations to work together more closely. In addition, Hyperledger developers can participate in the EEA certification program, which will ensure compatibility of solutions with projects focusing on the Enterprise Ethereum Client Specification.

Also, participants of both organizations will be able to cooperate in various working groups, meetings and conferences around the world, thus uniting numerous developers.
🔥 Huobi denied any involvement in vote manipulation on the EOS ecosystem
This follows the publication of an alleged inside document indicating the existence of a system of votes and kickbacks that allowed Huobi to maintain its position within the EOS ecosystem.
However, the market operator denied the allegations without giving details:
“Based on the initial investigation, there were no financial contracts involved between Huobi and any third party. The investigation is still on-going and therefore, we seek your patience and co-operation in this matter.”

In theory, voting collusion is possible within the EOS ecosystem since block producers and node operators are all relatively large EOS holders. However, it is difficult to discern how tokens are used for voting.
According to EOS blockchain statistics, Huobi is indeed one of the most powerful accounts due to its large-scale EOS ownership. So far, the exchange has not stated anything about using trader deposits for voting. However, the Huobi wallet is one of the largest among voters, and the Huobi block producer account is the most influential in terms of voting coins.
In EOS, there is a disparity between the actual number of individual voters and the coins used for voting. This means that a majority of EOS holders may not be able to sway the vote and whales have a stronger influence. For instance, EOS Authority is the block producer with the most individuals voting, a total of 17,007 accounts. But the account eoslaomaocom has the most coins staked for voting, a total of 107,690,979 EOS.
The EOS voting ecosystem is extremely complicated and has so far escaped scrutiny. Other delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) coins such as TRON (TRX) aim to cut down on kickbacks and voter bribing.


To play, users will have to load the car assets into the game from an Ethereum wallet, where they are stored as an ERC721 token. The ERC721 token has paved the way for a new class of digital assets called non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These allow users to own, customise and maintain control in the
same way as in the physical world.

Blockchain Studios contends that this new asset class opens up new opportunities for user engagement and ownership. We believe that the first wave of innovation will come from gaming. CryptoCarz is the first platform to bring together blockchain, VR and gaming technologies. By giving gamers new options to visualise, own, adapt and race their own car, we think a new era in gaming has arrived.


Each of them, independently, represents a paradigm shift for game development and consumption. Their attributes will make technology more individual, inclusive and immersive. The combination of these technologies will give rise to new scenarios, where gamers can own, modify, trade and play in an unprecedented way


Cars, gaming and cryptocurrency are shared passions at Blockchain Studios, so combining them was a natural choice when we started working on CryptoCarz. We see strong synergies between the cryptocurrency community and gamers and we believe there is a market for a game that blends racing, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. CryptoCarz is a multiplayer, fully immersive, VR-enabled racing experience, powered by the Ethereum blockchain. To race in the game, a user will have to demonstrate ownership of a car that is modelled and stored as an ERC721 Ethereum token in the gamer’s private wallet. The car will then be loaded into the game via integration with MetaMask and other proprietary tools

The game will initially offer 20 car models representative of the top cryptocurrencies. Each model will have a maximum of 650 units, hard-coded and numerically defined in the smart contract.No further cars in these models will be produced in the future.

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Traditional” venture capital (VC) investment in blockchain and crypto firms has almost tripled in the first three quarters of 2018, according to a new Diar report published September 30.

Diar cites data from Pitchbook that indicates that blockchain and crypto-related firms have raised almost $3.9 billion in VC capital in so far this year — a 280 percent rise as compared with last year. The rise comes not just in terms of an increasing number of deals, but also in the burgeoning median value of each, which has grown by over $1 million this year.

The Zero Carbon Project is tackling climate change using the blockchain and international carbon credits.
Renewable energy has responded well to the climate change challenge, with impressive cost reductions achieved. However, we are concerned that renewables remain too expensive and so the impact on carbon emissions is slow.

Innovative solution
The Zero Carbon Project has 2 parts:
1. deliver energy at a lower price than existing renewable and fossil fuel energy contracts; and
2. to entice people to use the Zero Carbon Project, provide a blockchain-driven incentive scheme to reward consumers for engaging with the Zero Carbon Project and encourage consumer action.
The first part of our solution consists of a competitive ‘Zero Carbon Market’ which provides consumers access to cheaper energy contracts where the carbon emissions have been offset by international carbon credits.
Secondly, our blockchain economy is based on Energis tokens that have been designed to capture the future value that customers receive form our Market. This is enabled using the distributed ledger, Ethereum smart contracts and crypto exchanges.
Energis tokens are underpinned by concrete value as energy suppliers must use them to pay their transaction fees for using our Market. Therefore, as our consumer base grows, the demand for Energis tokens increases, constrained by a fixed supply.
We intend that up to 70% of the transaction fees received by the Zero Carbon Project will be ‘recycled’ and provided to consumers as rewards for engaging with the Zero Carbon Project. Energy suppliers and consumers (“Customers”) can sell Energis tokens to other customers, including energy suppliers who purchase them to pay transaction fees. This is the Energis economic cycle.

Progress achieved to date
We have been actively building the Zero Carbon Market over the last year. This includes building the Project team, completing the systems, designing the Energis smart contracts and registering energy suppliers in the UK. Our UK Market is now complete and ready for launch in October 2018. This will be followed by a global roll out in 2019.

Track-record of innovation and execution
The Zero Carbon Project is a subsidiary of Beond which is an award-winning energy and carbon consultancy based in London. Beond is a team of 30 energy market professionals who are passionate about helping clients achieve their ambitions and also about tackling global climate change, through the application of new technologies. Our core values are integrity, innovation and quality.
Beond services over 600 energy consumers in UK including Knight Frank, Capita, The Salvation Army and Salford County Council, and has received eight awards over the last three years covering innovation, green business and consultancy services.

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TRON launches project Atlas to bring BitTorrent users into its blockchain
TRON is aiming to bring blockchain and file sharing together with their latest venture, Project Atlas, which will blend blockchain technology with BitTorrent’s massive peer-to-peer infrastructure.
TRON acquired BitTorrent in July 2018, along with its 100 million active monthly users. BitTorrent is an established peer-to-peer network with a developed and tested infrastructure, but only time will tell how well the collaboration will work.
It’s an intriguing move, but what does it mean? Peer-to-peer file sharing has always been a popular way of exchanging information and media online, with around 27 million people using it to share or download files every day.
It’s clearly an important space and dates back to the early days of the internet. File sharing advocates are quick to call attention to its value in promoting democracy, openness, and the free exchange of ideas. Its detractors, of course, will point to the misuse of file sharing and torrenting platforms by pirates and criminals.
​​🔊Bitmain has acquired a Telescope startup that has created a Bitcoin Cash wallet.

BCH-wallet was first introduced this year. Telescope is currently available in the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. In the future, the company intends to expand the list of supported browsers.

The wallet is supported by BitPay and Cryptographic keys are stored in the browser extension and are signed on the user side. According to representatives of the project, this approach provides a high level of security.

As it is stated by the representatives, Telescope brings a “simple but key innovation” to the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem.

Bitmain owns approximately 6% of the total Bitcoin Cash. The investment policy of the Chinese giant is perceived in the crypto community ambiguously. So, in August it became known that because of the large share of BCH in the company's portfolio and the deep drawdown of the price of this asset, Bitmain suffered significant losses.
​​👾The recently fixed CVE-2018-1744 bug in bitcoin’s network was used to issue 235 million Pigeoncoin (PGN) coins.

The coins put into the market make up almost a quarter of the PGN market offer, which currently holds 1,446 place in the Coinmarketcap rating. The coin is represented on the little-known exchange CryptoBridge, which, at the time of the elimination of the bug, suspended the trade of this coin.

Thus, the threat that the bug carried in itself for two years turned out to be quite real. As the Bitcoin Core developers note, the exploitation of the vulnerability allowed an attacker to disrupt almost 90% of the first cryptocurrency network nodes.

The bug appeared in the Bitcoin Core version 0.14.0, which was released in November 2016, and affected all subsequent versions up to 0.16.2. Its operation made it possible to disrupt the network when trying to validate a block containing a transaction that tries to spend the same input twice. Such a block would be invalid and could only be created by miners who are ready to refuse the loss of a 12.5 BTC reward, over $ 80,000.

Another confirmation of the threat posed by CVE-2018-1744 is the fact that last week an unknown person performed a double write-off operation of 0.1 BTC in a bitcoin test network. According to experts, one of the network members did not update the software and this led to the appearance of two versions of the testnet on block No. 1414411.

In the updated test network, the block with the same number contained 195 transactions and was produced an hour later. The main Bitcoin network was not affected.
Orvium - Open and Transparent Science Powered By Blockchain
It is time to get involved and get the control back of the human knowledge.
Orvium is more than another startup — you are about to participate in a project driven by top engineers and scientists with many years of experience driving innovation at CERN, the birthplace of the Web, and NASA.
Orvium aims to disrupt one of the most lucrative industry world-wide, with profit margins reported to exceed those of companies such as Google, Amazon, and Apple, while making science more transparent, universal and open than ever. Orvium creates a unique decentralized platform powered by blockchain, decentralized storage, big data and artificial intelligence to create an unprecedented decentralized solution to process, validate, disseminate and preserve scientific knowledge forever.
We want you to be part of our future: Our TGE offers you the unique opportunity to buy ORVIUM tokens and join an excellent team. With your participation, we are going to scale science and become the leading publication platform while returning the benefits of science to society. The Web was originally designed to meet the demand for transparent and automatic information sharing between scientists around the world, lets do it now and for all.
Early-birds will be rewarded with a 10% bonus during our pre-sale.
Join us and be part of this exciting journey:
Stock brokerage giant TD Ameritrade bets on a new cryptocurrency exchange

The U.S. brokerage firm announced a strategic investment in an exchange called ErisX, which offers both bitcoin spot and futures trading.

“We wanted to find a platform that would be fully regulated, and something that has that capital markets feel,” says JB Mackenzie, head of futures and foreign exchange trading at TD Ameritrade.
Raincheck-Global loyalty & rewards points exchange aggregator on 🚀 Stellar

Want to be able to transfer your existing reward/loyalty points into one digital unit that can be used at any scheme? How about accurately monitoring your points, with the flexibility of transferring them at any time, on a fast and secure network? RAIN Token will give you this power at a fraction of the cost of other providers. Built on the Stellar Blockchain your secure transactions will go through within seconds at the cost of one cent per 100,000 transactions, whereas Ethereum based projects still cost around $0.20-1.45 per transaction. RAIN Token is the seamless and inexpensive experience you’ve been waiting for.

Built by a team with diverse backgrounds in full stack software development, data/cyber security, global payments, retail, travel, finance and investment; Our two founders pioneered the internet in the early 90’s, founding several tech startups and have a combined 50+ years experience in the ICT sector. The RAIN Token team recognises the faults in current loyalty/rewards schemes and with their wealth of knowledge, and experience, have created a solution.

Plus, unlike some exchanges, RAIN Token has your back if you get stuck. A dedicated customer service team is available 24/7. No more submitting a support ticket and waiting 2 weeks to get an automated response.

The RAIN Token is all about simplifying the reward/loyalty point systems and giving power back to the consumer, allowing them to attain the best value - Creating opportunities for retailers, and customer, alike. Get in on this awesome project before it takes off.
Crypto Angels Space💰🚀 pinned «Raincheck-Global loyalty & rewards points exchange aggregator on 🚀 Stellar Want to be able to transfer your existing reward/loyalty points into one digital unit that can be used at any scheme? How about accurately monitoring your points, with the flexibility…»