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FENIX - where blockchain and music meet

Feniks.Finance is a new financial blockchain based system, created on a fundamentally new concept, capable of scaling its speed as needed and adding new functionality. Feniks.Finance can be used as an international banking system for information transfer and payment execution. The first version of Feniks.Finance will be able to handle payments and storage of users' funds. Namely, the banking transactions labeled in the SWIFT system with MT103 as payment sent and MT202 as a receipt and crediting of the payment to the account. The next step in the development of the system will be a 700 group of SWIFT operations, namely documentary transactions better known as guarantees and letters of credit. The introduction of the 500 group, that is, the operation with securities, suggests that an exchange will appear in our network.

The technical characteristics of Feniks.Finance will be decisive, as none of the solutions we studied can in fact provide the speed of 50,000 transactions per second, which are necessary in order to create real competition with the current financial and payment systems. As many other distributed blockchain networks, Feniks.Finance is universal solution. In addition to servicing financial flows, we see Feniks.Finance as a smart-contract platform for knowledge base, legal solutions, network games and any other areas of human activity requiring collective participation.

🔹2016 This year is the genesis of the Feniks.Finance project. At that time the idea, concept and design were formed.
🔹2017 Core team was formed to start the organizing process and to complete essential technical and legal documents for the Feniks.
🔹2018 Q1 At this time interval the team brought into line and issued a document of project requirements.
🔹2018 Q2 Official start of development flow according to approved project requirements.
🔹2018 Q3 Beta version of the Feniks. Finance system. Listing on exchanges.
🔹2018 Q4 Mainnet launch. Masternodes launch. Conclusion of new partnerships.
🔹2019 Q1 Marketing, promotion, PR campaigns.
🔹2019 Q2 Integration of MT700 (letters of credit and bank guarantees) banking component group.
🔹2019 Q3 Implementation of banking practices and clauses described in ICC500 standard.

🔥 DataBroker DAO: Global market for local data
The first marketplace to sell & buy sensor data.

As a decentralised marketplace for IoT sensor data using Blockchain technology, Databroker DAO enables sensor owners to turn generated data into revenue streams. This will open up a wealth of opportunities for various industries. Data will be used and become more effective.

Unlocking the potential & monetization of IoT sensor data
Individuals, companies, researchers & governments are spending hundreds of billions each year on buying and maintaining IoT sensors.

Unlocking the potential & monetization of IOT sensor data

The growth of the investment and applications in IoT is truly staggering, and yet, all data captured by these devices is locked up in silos and walled gardens.

Who is it for?

DataBroker DAO connects people with complementary needs. The platform allows sensor owners to earn back their investments in hardware while enabling entrepreneurs and organizations to buy and aggregate data for their own purpose or resell the enriched data via DataBroker DAO.

Sensor owners, Network operators, Sensor manufacturers, Smart city initiatives, Agricultural sector, Academics, …

DTX Tokensale

The token sale will accept purchases in ETH or BTC. The tokens will be delivered the week after the sale completes.

Pre-sale starts March 5th, 2018 4PM CET - 50% bonus
Main sale starts March 12th, 2018 4PM CET - 30-0% bonus

Referral program - 5%

Bounty campaign at:

Visit and check out the whitepaper at for more information about our solution, alliance and our team members.
Lithuanian Gov’t Releases ICO Guidelines That Aim to Create ‘Certainty and Transparency’

Lithuania has released comprehensive new “guidelines” on Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) in a document published June 8. Officials are heralding the move as a “step towards certainty and transparency” in the country.

Coming two months after the government set up a roundtable to establish dialogue between banks, ICO operators and other entities, the guidelines see confirmation from Minister of Finance Vilius Šapoka that ICOs “should be regulated.”
“Lithuania already has an exceptional regulatory advantage. We are one of the first ones in Europe who prepared comprehensive Guidelines on legal framework for ICO projects covering regulatory as well as taxation and accounting,” he said in introductory remarks, continuing:
 has released comprehensive new “guidelines” on Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) in a document published June 8. Officials are heralding the move as a “step towards certainty and transparency” in the country.
Covering a wide range of regulatory aspects including taxation, accounting and anti-money laundering (AML), lawmakers appear to single out an ICO token’s “granting profits or governance rights” as the key determining factor as to whether it constitutes a security.
Lithuania’s approach seeks to smooth over the gaps in legislative understanding for both consumers and businesses involving themselves in ICO token handling.
“These Guidelines are another step towards more certainty and transparency in the regulatory, taxation, accounting and other requirements as well as better cooperation between different stakeholders,” the introduction continues.
The issue of whether or not crypto tokens should be classified as securities currently forms the focus of a major probe by U.S. and Canadian regulators. In the U.S. the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last week admitted it was “underwhelmed” by the lack of cryptocurrency entities registering as securities operators.
Want to monetize your personal data you are producing every day anyway? How about selling it on the Opiria-Platform to companies worldwide and receive PDATA tokens in return that you can cash out for real money?

Because companies worldwide desperately need your personal data to understand your needs and requirements and to design better products and services that fuel desire. This is why personal data is the oil of the 21st century and a 250 billion USD/year industry. Today your personal data is being stolen from you by intermediaries and sold for big money to companies worldwide - and you get nothing in return.

We set out to change that. With Opiria-Platform & PDATA Token we make you and your data count! You own and control your personal data and Opiria-Platform enables you to exchange it with companies for PDATA tokens. You can sell your personal data such as your opinion about topics of interest, your feedback on how you use and like products and services, data about how you browse the internet, data from wearables and smart devices, smartphone usage, what you buy online and more … in return you receive PDATA Tokens that you can cash out for real money.

Who we are?
Opiria was founded in 2015 and has its headquarters in Ingolstadt, Germany, having an experienced team of developers and data analysts. Opiria is a strong partner for many Fortune500 companies worldwide including Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Volkswagen, GM and BMW. Our vision is to directly connect consumers and companies worldwide and to become the world´s largest decentralized personal data marketplace.

ANN Thread:
The online ads industry is one of the biggest duopolies the world has ever seen. Moreover, advertisers and publishers get almost nothing from their effort. The vast majority of the revenue generated goes to the platforms that are being used (e.g. Google & Facebook).

To play, users will have to load the car assets into the game from an Ethereum wallet, where they are stored as an ERC721 token. The ERC721 token has paved the way for a new class of digital assets called non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These allow users to own, customise and maintain control in the
same way as in the physical world.

Blockchain Studios contends that this new asset class opens up new opportunities for user engagement and ownership. We believe that the first wave of innovation will come from gaming. CryptoCarz is the first platform to bring together blockchain, VR and gaming technologies. By giving gamers new options to visualise, own, adapt and race their own car, we think a new era in gaming has arrived.


Each of them, independently, represents a paradigm shift for game development and consumption. Their attributes will make technology more individual, inclusive and immersive. The combination of these technologies will give rise to new scenarios, where gamers can own, modify, trade and play in an unprecedented way


Cars, gaming and cryptocurrency are shared passions at Blockchain Studios, so combining them was a natural choice when we started working on CryptoCarz. We see strong synergies between the cryptocurrency community and gamers and we believe there is a market for a game that blends racing, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. CryptoCarz is a multiplayer, fully immersive, VR-enabled racing experience, powered by the Ethereum blockchain. To race in the game, a user will have to demonstrate ownership of a car that is modelled and stored as an ERC721 Ethereum token in the gamer’s private wallet. The car will then be loaded into the game via integration with MetaMask and other proprietary tools

The game will initially offer 20 car models representative of the top cryptocurrencies. Each model will have a maximum of 650 units, hard-coded and numerically defined in the smart contract.No further cars in these models will be produced in the future.

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The data economy is broken. Large corporations hoard data for their own means, while small companies are left to pick from a collection of fragmented sources. This stalls innovation in frontier industries like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
At the same time, Data Vendors and Producers have little incentive to continue producing the authentic data these small companies need. This isn’t a sustainable model for the “new oil.”
Quadrant changes all that by providing a blueprint for mapping these decentralized data sources. Authenticity, provenance, compliancy, and fair compensation all rolled into a single protocol.
With Quadrant, everybody wins. Data Producers get compensated fairly every time their data is used, not just the first time it is sold. Data Vendors can prove ownership of their data products and earn status as a trusted supplier. Data Consumers get access to authentic and compliant data that they can use to power their data-driven businesses.
But where Quadrant really shines is the opportunity it provides the Elons of the world to solve global problems. Elons are the game-changers, the innovators that will find connections between diverse datasets that bring about fundamental changes in the way we live.
Quadrant is the future of authentic data. Get in on this revolutionary project while you can.

Quadrant is a blockchain-based protocol that enables the access, creation, and distribution of data products and services with authenticity and provenance at its core. The data economy is similar to space; unmapped and chaotic. Quadrant serves as the blueprint that provides an organized system for the utilization of decentralized data.

Learn more about Quadrant Protocol here:
​​Bitcoin ATMs: How to Use and Find Cryptocurrency ATMs
The first known Bitcoin ATM was installed in a cafe in Vancouver back in 2014. This and subsequent machines are not technically ATMs as we know them, which allow us to withdraw hard currency from our bank accounts. Instead, they work as localized instant Fiat to Crypto exchanges. Users can purchase Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash and others, using Fiat, in cash, or to access their crypto wallets and exchange their digital currencies for Dollars, Euros or other currencies, withdrawing them on the spot.

Using a Bitcoin ATM is fairly straightforward. After choosing the “buy Bitcoin” option, the user provides the machine with a wallet address or scans a QR code, inserts the cash and confirms the transaction. Bitcoin is automatically transferred to the users wallet. The “Selling Bitcoin” option is pretty much the reverse process.

Transaction fees vary widely from country to country and operator to operator, as do the ways of interacting with the machine.
Generally, Bitcoin ATMs do not demand any form of identification to perform transactions, which makes them a great way of purchasing cryptos in a completely anonymous way. Unfortunately, this has made them a great tool for people trying to hide funds from authorities or launder illicit gains. To face this issue authorities in Canada and the United States have imposed strict demands for “Know Your Costumer” (KYC) rules and transaction limitations to try to put a hold on illegal activities using these machines. China’s ban on ICO’s and exchanges also extended to the country’s only Bitcoin ATM, which now lies disconnected.

Tighter regulation has not stopped the strong expansion of the Crypto ATM network around the world and you can probably find a Bitcoin ATM not very far from you. Today, according to coinatmradar, there are 3234 Bitcoin ATMs installed in 70 different countries. While the United States dominates by numbers, with 2017 installed ATMs, the curious winner by number of ATMs per million inhabitants is the small nation of Anguilla, with 666.7 ATMs per million people, which it achieves with only one ATM serving its population of 15000.

As regulatory measures continue to evolve, aimed at making transactions either more secure or more controllable, worldwide, the number of these ATMs should continue to expand. In November last year, in a landmark move, South Korea’s Hyonsung, one of the largest manufacturers of ATMs in the world, decided to integrate Bitcoin in all its international ATM models, something it has long done for its national market. In mid-April, the first Bitcoin ATM started operating in Zimbabwe, where Bitcoin has become a preferred form of storage of value to the national currency due to out-of-control inflation. Zimbabweans will perhaps benefit more than most from these machines as they will be able to buy Bitcoin at global market prices rather than through the country’s only exchange, Golix, where cryptos normally sell for a 10 to 15% premium.

Global REIT is the first ever blockchain based real estate investment trust. It will work on the same mechanism as a traditional REIT but will offer additional benefits including monthly dividends, future access to all Assets Under Management (AUM’s) and Fund Management Income.

We will provide investors with dividends within the first year and will reduce the barriers to entry associated with normal REIT’s.

Our ICO will help us raise the funds necessary to purchase our first asset in the UAE before expanding globally.

The ICO will offer Dual Utility tokens to its subscribers.
1. Global REIT Fund Manager Token (GREM)
2. Global REIT Asset Token (GRET)

This means that each subscriber will receive a share in the Fund Management Company (GREM) returns and the Asset Owning Company (GRET) returns besides the utility attached with both tokens. Ethereum (ERC-20), Bitcoin (BTC) and Fiat Currency will be accepted for subscription to these tokens and in return, the dividends will be paid in USD and USDT (Tether).

Pre ICO : 1st may - 31st May
ICO : 1st June - 30th June

​​We have come to specify about PAYERA. What is payera? What is something extraordinary about it? Is the project practical? Gainful? Those were a portion of the inquiries running on our heads at the present time and they should be the focal point of the present money introduction.

PAYERA sounds like PERA maybe in light of the fact that it is instituted from the Asian word "PERA" which implies cash is an installment stage with wallet and trade that empowers people to encounter safe crypto spending.

Furthermore, Payera is very like effective web based business Enterprise in the Asia yet is more imaginative and is simple and advantageous to utilize. It is further couple with "SHOPERA"

Which is fundamentally an online e-store or shop, holding well done for you to shop, and a trade where you can straightforwardly purchase and offer cryptographic money.

Furthermore, additionally energizing that! Payera will likewise be connected to a card which will be known as "CALDERA"

CALDERA is a cryptocurrency empowered card which somebody could utilize like a check card or an Atm card, from which you can utilize it to pay on the web or in a store tolerating cryptocurrency by means of swipe or NFC, or you could even utilize it to pull back money from an ATM. Such an amazing advancement of installments worth note taking.

Payera ICO
PARE is an ERC20 standard Token, based on Ethereum Blockchain, PARE will be the Token used by Payera platform.

The Token sale are schedule in three different categories

Private Sales
which started in April 3rd.

The pre-sales date has the schedule for May 30th

Main ICO Sale.
While the Main-sales will kick-up at June 20th
Korean Banks Can Use Blockchain to Verify Customer IDs from July

A national banking group in South Korea is to roll out a blockchain-based ID verification system for domestic commercial banks in just weeks.

According to a notice revealed on Monday by the Korea Federation of Banks (KFB), the new system – dubbed BankSign – is scheduled to be launched in July following a testing phase that began in April of this year.

Built on top of Nexledger, a private blockchain platform developed by Samsung's enterprise solution division, BankSign will offer local banks an option to replace the existing ID verification system that has been in place for decades in South Korea, the KFB said.

Founded in 1984, the KFB represents commercial banks in South Korea, with notable members including Shinhan and Woori banks – institutions that have also been exploring blockchain-based cross-border remittances for business customers.

The new blockchain ID service, which will be available for both online and mobile banking according to the KFB, marks one of the first efforts by commercial banks in South Korea to make blockchain applications available for general consumers.

According to Korea JoongAng Daily, the KFB has formed a banking blockchain consortium with domestic financial institutions in November 2017, after which the exploration of an alternative authentication system had already begun.

The report added the beta testing of BankSign started in April after the South Korean government had lifted its mandate that banks must use the traditional system, allowing the banking industry freedom to adopt more streamlined services.