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Blockstack Public Benefit Corporation ( (Blockstack PBC) has released the first “ecosystem-wide, universal” Dapp Store ( with over 150 Dapps on launch.With the growth in number of blockchain-based decentralized apps (Dapps) that are running on various networks and protocols, it is becoming increasingly difficult for users to locate and make use of these Dapps. According to the announcement (, the Blockstack Dapp Store is “a discovery tool for decentralized apps built on Blockstack (, Ethereum (, EOS (, IPFS (, Steem (, and more ... serving as an aggregator of usable Dapps for gaming, social networking, productivity, and financial services.”The store features decentralized counterparts to many popular applications, such as Stealthy ( for WhatsApp, DTube ( for YouTube, Peepeth ( for Twitter, and Graphite ( for Google Docs. Many of these Dapps are not yet at a 1.0 release level and, depending on the network they are running on, may require you to pay processing fees for the network, like gas for Ethereum.The store is nicely arranged, clearly showing the category that the Dapp is part of as well as the blockchain protocol it supports, such as Ethereum or Steem. A usability feature that is currently missing is the ability to search, sort and filter, which needs to be addressed in the near future to allow the platform to scale. There is a simple form to fill in to add your Dapp to the store, but it is not made clear what the process and timeline for approval might be. According to their announcement, Blockstack uses the following criteria to evaluate if an app is in fact a Dapp:Do customers own their network identity? Can anyone else revoke that identity?
Is private user data encrypted with user-owned keys?
Is customer data stored on decentralized networks with reconfigurable APIs?
Is the app open source? Can community members contribute or fork the software?
Is the app publishable and hostable by others or only a single company?
Is the app running client-side or on a server?
Does the app limit or clearly communicate the scope of data logging?
Blockstack PBC will initially curate and maintain the Dapp Store, but have plans to eventually implement user ratings for ranking Dapps across the ecosystem as it gains wider acceptance. Their goal is for wide-scale community involvement to show how a truly decentralized experience can work outside of the stranglehold of a few large corporations on software and information.

This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine (
💥 Yumerium . An lncentivized, Blockchain Based, Open Gaming Platform

Want to monetize your effort on playing games? Want to monetize your game reviews on Youtube and Twitch? The Yumerium Platform gives gamers the power to play, review and share games online and offline worldwide and receive YUMERIUM tokens.

Because gaming platforms need to reward player’s efforts. Playing and sharing games attracts more players with little to no reward to influencers and a lot of savings to game publishers.

So far, gaming platforms takes 30% of revenue by just connecting gaming developers and game players. This leaves makes it harder for game developers to turn a profit and altogether ignores players and reviewer efforts.

We set out to change that. With the Yumerium Platform & YUMERIUM Token, we can make your experience count! All gaming efforts, whether it be playing, reviewing or sharing will be recorded on our blockchain. As your influence on the eco-system increases, so will amount of YUMERIUM tokens you earn. You can use these tokens to play other games on our online Yumerium platform and play games offline at partner arcades and internet cafes.

Developers can also join in on the platform. The more players join your game the more YUMERIUM tokens you can earn. Eventually, players can even become developers themselves and create their own games!

Who we are?
YUMERIUM is being developed by Subdream Studios, which was founded in November 2016 in Los Altos, California. The studio has released multiple successful games and has an experienced team of online game developers and offline arcade developers. Subdream Studios has received $2.3M of equity funding from global investors such as HTC (Taiwan), DeNA (Japan), Genesia Ventures (Japan), Cognitive Investment (Korea), Macro (U.S.), and Bridgelink Capital (China).

Subdream Studios currently has 5 VR games in the market, the latest being Galaga Fever, which was a joint effort with Bandai-Namco. In early 2017, Subdream Studios also became the major shareholder of VR Plus, the biggest VR Arcade in Korea with over 30 locations. The studio has recently acquired partial ownership of Exalabs, which already has experience with cryptocurrency development. Exalabs will release their token, Hurbit, on the exchange market in Summer 2018.

🔥 DataBroker DAO: Global market for local data

The first marketplace to sell & buy sensor data.

As a decentralised marketplace for IoT sensor data using Blockchain technology, Databroker DAO enables sensor owners to turn generated data into revenue streams. This will open up a wealth of opportunities for various industries. Data will be used and become more effective.

Unlocking the potential & monetization of IoT sensor data
Individuals, companies, researchers & governments are spending hundreds of billions each year on buying and maintaining IoT sensors.

Unlocking the potential & monetization of IOT sensor data

The growth of the investment and applications in IoT is truly staggering, and yet, all data captured by these devices is locked up in silos and walled gardens.

Who is it for?

DataBroker DAO connects people with complementary needs. The platform allows sensor owners to earn back their investments in hardware while enabling entrepreneurs and organizations to buy and aggregate data for their own purpose or resell the enriched data via DataBroker DAO.

Sensor owners, Network operators, Sensor manufacturers, Smart city initiatives, Agricultural sector, Academics, …

DTX Tokensale

The token sale will accept purchases in ETH or BTC. The tokens will be delivered the week after the sale completes.

Pre-sale starts March 5th, 2018 4PM CET - 50% bonus
Main sale starts March 12th, 2018 4PM CET - 30-0% bonus

Referral program - 5%

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What is EQUI?

Venture Capital Transformed

EQUI, a new investment platform opens up venture capital to a wider audience, providing access to vetted, early-stage high-growth tech companies. EQUI allows individuals to combine forces and participate in an investment sector that has traditionally been the preserve of institutions and ultra-high net worth individuals.

EQUI is a web-based application leveraging the Ethereum blockchain to showcase exciting investment projects, that anyone can gain a stake in, using the new cryptocoin, EQUItoken. EQUI seeks to reward participants who share their vision, offering an enhanced incentive structure.

An Experienced and Dynamic Team

Backed by a board of successful and visionary entrepreneurs, EQUI harnesses a vast global network to identify innovative pioneers and exciting ventures that will excel from the injection of not just finance but also operational and strategic expertise. Businesses brought on to the EQUI platform will benefit from the guidance of the experienced team through mentorship and support.

A Game Changer in the Venture Capital Space
Utilising new technology and combining it with traditional venture capital investment models, EQUI is a unique offering that will disrupt conventional thinking in this space.
The EQUI Vision
💥The experience layer of the decentralized internet

Is Cardstack the Future of Decentralized Applications?

At the moment, everyone using a mobile phone, has several social applications, messengers etc. We have applications for everything: learning foreign languages, watching videos, communicating with friends, shopping, and so on. And it seems all right, it is really convenient, but did you try watching the video and write a message to a friend at the same time? However, no one has come up with such a convenient feature for combining all these applications in one. With the advent of numerous new applications and social networks, the user has a bunch of new accounts, sites, different logins and passwords that he should remember! The advent of blockchain and dApps aggravated the situation, requiring users to acquire and manage tokens of applications for each of the functions.

CardStack is developing an application for everything so that users can watch the video, write messages, and scroll through the feed. And all this can be done in one application. Moreover, with the advent of the ability to combine everything in one application, this will significantly reduce the time for transitions from one application to another, and you won't have to remember all your logins and passwords!
The popularization of the blockchain technology and its mass circulation in various industries allows the users from all over the world to discover new opportunities. A variety of applications are created literally every day on the base of the blockchain, but it is worth acknowledging that their number is rather small, compared with the usual centralized solutions. Cardstack is designed to solve the problem of creating, accessing and promoting decentralized applications, as well as providing developers with a unique set of tools that will reveal the potential of a decentralized approach for everyone.
The Cardstack Framework is an integrated SDK that will allow any user to create interconnected decentralized applications for various platforms. Thanks to the multi-level approach and blockchain technology, we will get a completely new generation of applications. By combining so-called different layers into new services, developers will receive a truly unique tool that a centralized application or platform can ever boast of.

The idea of the project is the transition from the vertical orientation of the software to the horizontal layers. The orientation to the horizontal layers allows native applications, cloud applications, and dApps to create a future software stack.

Cardstack is a leap forward for blockchain at every layer of the software stack — providing a toolset that unlocks the potential of the decentralized Internet for everyone.
App Framework. Cardstack Framework is a comprehensive SDK for building powerful, cohesive blockchain apps.
Aggregation Protocol. Cardstack-powered dApps can tap into the Tally protocol, which gives dApps the power to perform complex computations to organize large networks of users — such as batching payments, counting votes, and rewarding good work.
Ecosystem Token. Developers can monetize their Cardstack- based apps via the smart contracts powered by the Cardstack Token (CARD), an Ethereum-based ERC20 token designed to fairly reward Cardstack- powered communities.

CARD Token and ICO Details
The Cardstack ecosystem is built in such a way that developers can monetize their applications and receive rewards. ERC-20 CARD tokens are created on the Ethereum blockchain and will become the main unit of account in the whole ecosystem.

Symbol: CARD
Token Type: ERC20 on Ethereum
Number of tokens: 6,000,000,000
Accepted currency: ETH
Hard Cap: $35,000,000
Soft Cap: $10,000,000
Tokens available for sale: 40%

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#WeiCrowd #TokenSale #ICO #ICOSale
Yesterday, May 16, 2018, well-known venture capitalists Fred Wilson and Balaji Srinivasan, the latter of which is now the CTO at Coinbase, had a chat with Wall Street Journal reporter Paul Vigna on the mainstage of Consensus 2018. During the discussion, Srinivasan and Wilson were asked for their opinions on recent comments made by Warren Buffett, Nouriel Roubini and other notable bitcoin skeptics who have been quoted in the media recently.
In their responses, the pair of tech investors (but mostly Wilson) pointed out the differences between Buffett’s approach to investing and how the crypto asset market works. It is these fundamental differences between crypto assets and traditional stocks that may explain why the “Oracle of Omaha” has a general distaste for bitcoin.For those who missed it, Buffett recently referred to bitcoin as “rat poison squared” ( at Berkshire Hathaway’s 2018 annual shareholder meeting. The Right Way to Look at Crypto AssetsOne of the key counterarguments to Buffett’s assessment of bitcoin made during the chat at Consensus 2018 was articulated by Wilson right after the topic was first brought up by Vigna.“Calling it rat poison, to me, suggests that they haven’t taken the time to really understand what’s going on here,” said Wilson. “If all you think of it as is some new asset class and some new thing that you can trade, then I think you’ll come to that conclusion. But if you really understand that this is a fundamental innovation in foundational technology for the internet that provides a bunch of new functionality that didn’t exist before this, then what I see it as is like the LAMP stack or something. This is an entirely new stack that we’re going to get to build new applications on top of, and the tokens are just the fuel that lights up that stack.”The LAMP stack referenced by Wilson is an open-source platform and set of tools (Linux, Apache, MySQL and Python or some other scripting language) that has been used to build dynamic websites and applications during the “Web 2.0” phase of the internet. Some view blockchain technology, of which bitcoin was the first implementation, as a key component of a new, decentralized internet, which has been dubbed “Web 3.0.”This Is Very Different From Buffett’s WorldWilson would later add that his work in venture capital is quite different from Warren Buffett’s approach to the investment world. While Buffett searches for cash-producing assets that will grow in value over time, Wilson is making a large number of moonshot bets in anticipation that a handful of them will lead to hundredfold gains.Talking more specifically about the world of crypto assets, Wilson explained that this market is more about picking the networks that will win rather than the businesses built on top of them.“The value is going to ultimately, I think, accrue to the token, not necessarily to the operating business that you build on top of these networks,” said Wilson.In short, the ways in which the tokens native to these networks are valued are quite different from a normal business that Buffett would purchase. How to fundamentally value these crypto assets is still an open question, which adds even more difficulty and specialization to the emerging market.“There are some things about this sector that are unlike any other asset class we’ve ever seen,” Wilson would later add during a digression regarding forks in the crypto asset ecosystem.While Wilson admitted there are some crypto tokens that have inflated valuations right now, Srinivasan added that bitcoin and blockchain technology in general have already reached a point at which people like Buffett are frequently asked to comment on the topic, which points to a level of success that has already been achieved.Additionally, Srinivasan mentioned that other institutional figures, such as IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde and Goldman Sachs CEO
Lloyd Blankfein, have had more positive things to say about the future of crypto assets.

This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine (
Streamr (, the blockchain-based data platform based in Zug, Switzerland, launched their real-time data Marketplace on May 16, 2018, during a presentation at Consensus 2018 ( This was followed by an announcement of partnerships with Nokia ( and OSIsoft (
The Streamr Marketplace connects data producers and consumers through a web-based application where data consumers can pay for access to real-time data streams listed by data providers. For example, a recent partnership ( between Streamr and Hewlett Packard Enterprise will allow vehicle data to be monetized in real-time. Vehicles generate data that is usable to third parties — it might be used to gauge traffic through a geographic region, or to fine-tune traffic signals, or to schedule road work, etc. Rather than just giving that data away for free, vehicle owners can make use of the Streamr Marketplace to monetize and trade that data. The use of the Streamr cryptographic token, DATA, will make it possible for data streams around the world to be freely tradable. The terms of use, pricing schedules and more are currently coded in Ethereum smart contracts, though Streamr has plans to support additional networks. The Streamr platform does not charge a transaction fee, but external fees from the blockchain network being used may apply. People acting as nodes on the network for Streamr will earn DATA as a reward for supporting the Marketplace and making it possible to make data a freely traded commodity around the world.Streamr’s agreement with Nokia — a multinational telecommunications, information technology and consumer electronics provider — will focus on developing the next generation of mobile base stations and allow Nokia customers to monetize their data through a range of IoT sensors and devices. The integration of Nokia’s Kuha transportable base stations into the Streamr Marketplace will allow users of the base stations to buy and sell data worldwide. Martti Ylikoski, radio system evolution lead at Nokia, commented, “Providing smart mobile coverage for up to four billion individuals across the world is a major challenge and current solutions don’t go far enough.” Ylikoski noted that there has been a growing movement of empowered mobile customers who want to control and monetize their own data. “Our partnership with Streamr reflects our firm belief in the platform, as well as our commitment to better serve our customers.”Meanwhile, Streamr’s partnership with OSIsoft will aim to enable new business cases and data sharing solutions not yet available on the market. OSIsoft is an industry leader in operational intelligence, delivering an open enterprise infrastructure to connect sensor-based data, systems and people.The OSIsoft PI System is a suite of data-collection software with the ability to analyze, visualize and share data, as well as compare historical and real-time information, resulting in key insights that help companies to improve, optimize and transform their business. Richard Beeson, CTO of OSIsoft, said, “By integrating OSIsoft’s PI System with the Streamr Marketplace, we take a step toward offering our customers the ability to share and monetize their operations data. The partnership with Streamr demonstrates how the PI system can plug into an open source platform and highlights our commitment to empowering our customers to maximize the value of their business operations data. Together with Streamr, we can be the enablers of innovation in the ever-evolving data market.”

This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine (