Crowd1 - ELITE
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The promotion upgrade to "Titanium Pro" is back until 2nd Jan 2021
*How to reach Support @ Crowd1*

1. Email:
2. Backoffice

*Click* :
1: Backoffice
2. Account
3. Support
4. Scroll down to OTHER
5. How can I contact Support directly
6. Still need help? Tick the 3 boxes
7. Contact us
8. New Ticket - Fill out the form with your query.
9. Send Question
10. You will get a ticket number that is your reference.

NB: Check your back office daily for an answer
Jan 14th 2021

Crowd1 2021 Worldwide Super Kickoff promotion! 

Crowd1 is the world´s fastest-growing online networking company and will always deliver the industry´s most powerful promotions ever!In the exclusive period of 45 days - starting TODAY and up until March 1, Crowd1 presents the GREATEST PROMOTION of all time in online crowd marketing.
Epic Promotion is backdated and APPLIES TO EVERYONE who has bought or upgraded a Crowd1 package since the previous Epic Promotion that ended January 1, 2021.
Upgrade for free will be working for ALL upgrades and purchases of Educational Packages if they are done with BTC or ETH.
FREE UPGRADE — for all new and existing Crowd1 members!
The Epic Promotion, which gives you a FREE upgrade when buying or upgrading a Crowd1 package, starts today, January 14, and will be valid till March 1.
When you join Crowd1 at any level we will upgrade you FOR FREE!
If you already are a Crowd1 member and do an upgrade we will upgrade you to the next level FOR FREE!
Purchases with gift codes generated from personal accounts will only - upgrade for free - when you purchase a White Educational Package, and you will be upgraded for free to a Black Educational Package. For all other packages to get a free upgrade, the only Payment is BTC and Etherium.
All gift codes will keep their value, and you can use them for new Educational Packages and upgrades. However, free upgrades in the Epic promotion for packages, besides the White package, will only be available when you buy gift codes with BTC or ETH.
Crowd1 April 2021 Compensation Plan Update.pdf
10.3 MB
Crowd1 April 2021 Compensation Plan Update.pdf
Greetings leaders, if you have long pending Bitcoin withdraw made before March 10th 2021...please send your Crowd1 username to my inbox @Crowd1_Leader and I forward it to the respective leaders. Thank you. If you have no pending bitcoin withdraw, don't send me your username🙏. Thank you.
Send in below format :
Username, Withdrawal date and business points
Crowd1 - ELITE
Send in below format : Username, Withdrawal date and business points
Those who had given the usernames, kindly check for withdrawals.
For those who requested withdrawals 2000 BP and below may got denied because the coinpayment has cancelled itself and not crowd1, due to high fees in transactions in this day.

For the ones that got “denied” at their BTC withdraws, it is not the wallet it is Auto deny because of minimum withdraw of 115€ = 0,0026 Btc (rate right now) from the Btc provider
Crowd1 Rewards Swap Option

We are very excited to be able to offer all of our loyal Crowd1 Reward holders the opportunity to swap their Crowd1 Rewards for shares in the MultiWallet (working title) PLC Company, based in the UK. Very soon, all Crowd1 Reward holders will be able register their interest in making the swap.

Why should you do this?

By receiving shares in a public company, your ownership will be built from the free, transparent and open marketplace.

50% of the MultiWallet PLC company will be owned by Reward holders

Share in the profits of the companies promoted by Crowd1

Be part of a long-term and 100% compliant solution in all jurisdictions.

What is the process?

The process to swap Rewards for shares need to be followed step by step. The process commences in your Crowd1 Back Office and will conclude in the MultiWallet Company. You are requested to begin by registering your interest in doing the swap. At the conclusion of this period, information about the next step will be shared.