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🔴Afghanistan. October 7 and 11, 2023. Earthquakes of magnitude 6.3.
More than 2,500 people were killed and about 10,000 were injured. 90% of the injured and dead were women and children.
According to eyewitnesses, restrictions imposed by the Taliban regime prevented male medical workers from helping injured women.

🔴Haiti. January 2010. An earthquake of magnitude 7.0.
260.000 victims, 3 million people lost their homes.
The worst thing is that many people died not as a result of the elements themselves, but as a result of the struggle for a piece of bread and a sip of water. Due to the high temperature and thousands of corpses, a massive cholera epidemic has arisen.
And now, after 14 years, Haiti is the poorest country in the world and a truly hellish place.

🔴 Turkey and Syria. February 6, 2023. An earthquake of magnitude 7.5. More than 50,000 people died and 107,200 were injured. Many people were buried alive under the rubble or died after hypothermia. The earthquake affected more than 15 million people and 4 million buildings. 865,000 Turkish citizens still live in tents.

🔴 New Orleans, USA. August 29, 2005. Hurricane Catherine.
The death toll was 1,836. 1 million people were evacuated, 150,000 residents were unable to leave.
The disaster was accompanied by severe flooding, the dams were breached by an 8-meter high tide.
The hurricane caused an environmental disaster, looting, mental disorders and respiratory diseases. The city was plunged into chaos.

🔴Japan. March 11, 2011. "Great Eastern Earthquake", magnitude 9.0.
More than 18,000 people died. The earthquake caused a powerful tsunami up to 30 meters high. A huge wave washed away cities along the Pacific coast.
The earthquake exceeded the measurement limit of all seismometers in Japan, which is why the warning system failed to warn people in time.
The disaster caused a maximum-level accident at the Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant. This is one of the largest man-made disasters in history.

A climate catastrophe is a one-day event, but the consequences remain for generations. It is in our power to prevent this.
Find out more in the forum Global Crisis. Responsibility
June 10-11, 2024

Climate disasters around the world

For more info about what is going on with our planet watch the forum Global Crisis. The Responsibility


ℹ️ This may sound strange, but the Dead Sea is dying. Bordered by the West Bank, Israel and Jordan, it has been drying up for the last century.
The lowest point on Earth is getting lower and lower. Every year the water level in the Dead Sea drops by 1 meter ❗️so that by 2050 it could dry up completely.

📍The Dead Sea - is a unique ecosystem and a sensitive barometer of the state of the environment. The main reason for its drying up is that water from the Jordan River and other tributaries flowing into it is used for the needs of neighboring countries, irrigation of fields and industrial mining of minerals. Thus, the sea does not have time to fill up and shrinks in size.

‼️ Because of drying up of the Dead Sea karst sinkholes are formed. They appear in the place of receding water, where underground salt deposits remain. These places collapse into huge crevices, or are washed out by underground water. Some of the craters are simply gigantic - about 100 meters in diameter and 50 meters deep.

⚠️ In total, there are now more than 5,500 such sinkholes near the shores of the Dead Sea, whereas 40 years ago there were none.

🔴The trend so far is frightening. If action isn't taken soon, a special place on the planet like the Dead Sea will disappear. According to Israeli water experts, the water level in the body of water fell by 138 centimeters last year, and this is a very serious figure, because since 1998 the sea has been shoaling at an average of 98 centimeters per year.

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🔥Water from the air is becoming fashionable now.
If you haven't heard about new technology yet, then you have the opportunity to learn more right now. Watch the video Water From Air: The Path to Saving Humanity. Find out for yourself and tell your friends about generating water from the air.


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Egypt Establishes Hottest June Day in African History

Egypt is facing an unprecedented heat wave, as citizens battle ongoing power outages just ahead of the Eid Al Adha holiday. On June 7, 2024, the southern city of Aswan reached a staggering 50.9°C (123.6°F), setting a new record as the hottest June day in African history. This mark exceeds the previously recorded temperature in Egypt of 51°C (123.8°F) on July 4, 1918, the accuracy of which is questioned due to the lack of a standard Stevenson screen at the time.

Extreme temperatures have wreaked havoc across the country, with forecasts predicting up to 48°C in Aswan and between 43°C and 45°C in other parts of Egypt. In Cairo, temperatures reached 40°C on Wednesday, and are expected to rise to 45°C over the weekend, coinciding with the start of the Eid Al Adha holiday.

The heat wave has raised concern among the country's 106 million residents, many of whom criticize government policies that make it difficult to adapt to the heat. Power outages, implemented to save fuel and keep power plants running, have aggravated the situation. Although some residents report minor power outages, others experience outages outside of the announced 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., lasting more than two official hours.

The situation is further complicated by deaths attributed to extreme heat. Media report that up to 50 Sudanese died last week due to sunstroke while trying to enter Egypt illegally. Sudan's consulate in Aswan has issued a warning against taking the desert route to Egypt, citing extreme heat and other dangers.
Today whole day Tik Tok live Marathon of Creative Society participants!

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🎤Let’s discuss current climate situation, what is going on in the world, and what can each of us do!
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On June 8, 2024, the First national ZERO DOSI PRIDE event took place in Rome. Participants of the Creative Society Project from all over Italy gathered here to discuss important issues of our time. Many visitors showed interest in the ideas of the Creative Society. They received information about the current climate crisis and the urgent need to find a solution for the benefit of all mankind.

We look forward to your examples of how you share information with people about the need to solve the climate problem! You can send photos and videos via telegram bot:

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Free Energy. Technologies that Lead to Changes | Inge and Adolf Schneider

⚡️ What was the impetus and what continues to motivate them to explore the topic of free energy and free energy generators together over the decades?
⚡️ What results have been achieved in the development of water engines for cars?
⚡️ Are there, commercially available, free energy generators that you can buy in a store and assemble yourself?
⚡️ What are the reasons why many free energy technologies that do not depend on fuel or weather have existed for over 100 years, but have not yet found wide application and access to free energy is still limited?
⚡️ What needs to change in society so that free energy technologies can be implemented without the threat of mass unemployment?
⚡️ How would people's daily lives change if everyone had unlimited energy at their disposal?



Volunteers of the Creative Society from all over the world went live in tik tok for 24h in different languages and in different countries!
The purpose of the event is to draw the attention of the general public to a mutual dialogue on climate change, which affects all spheres of people's lives, to inform about the real climate situation and what each of us can do to ensure The future is for our children!
