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Dizziness still present 2 1/2 weeks after injection.
I get these stories I post from multiple platforms and via others sharing as well. I am absolutely disgusted that Facebook wants to be Gestapo and police the sharing of stories from real people. These are personal accounts of what is happening and we must ask why they want to silence the truth. I will continue posting here and on Gab when I have time to catch up there. If anyone gets removed from Facebook please send them to me. I’ll happily share their story.
“This article came out in the New York Times yesterday. I read it yesterday and it’s really long. Several other news sites are now reporting it as well. I will link it in the first comment for you to read.

Many have seen the story of what happened to Dr Gregory Michael. Of the 36 VAERS reports so far for this adverse event, I found another Physician who has suffered greatly. She’s only 36 and the report states she developed thrombocytopenia which led to a brain bleed and then a stroke. Her sister, who is also a physician, reported her condition to VAERS and it states in the report that compensation is now being sought. The physician, as per the time of the report, was still in the hospital and the Neuro rehab unit and confused since the stroke. 😔 I hope that they know going through the CICP is the only way to seek compensation and that the CICP has compensated only 29 cases since 2010. 😪😥

Another physician (a pediatrician) reports their own report to VAERS and states at the end the shot was the trigger. (Listed below)

Here are some quotes from the article. My question is...why do the specialists claim they have no idea what causes this? What is the unknown predisposition? If they are the experts and have written over 300 articles on the platelet disorder why do they not know? 🧐

“Hematologists with expertise in treating immune thrombocytopenia said they suspected that the vaccine did play a role. But they said that cases after vaccination were likely to be exceedingly rare, possibly the result of an unknown predisposition in some people to react to the vaccine by developing an immune response that destroys their platelets. The disorder has occurred, rarely, in people who received other inoculations, particularly the measles-mumps-rubella one.

“I think it is possible that there is an association,” Dr. James Bussel, a hematologist and professor emeritus at Weill Cornell Medicine who has written more than 300 scientific articles on the platelet disorder, said in an interview. “I’m assuming there’s something that made the people who developed thrombocytopenia susceptible, given what a tiny percentage of recipients they are.”

He added: “Having it happen after a vaccine is well-known and has been seen with many other vaccines. Why it happens, we don’t know.”

Dr. Bussel said it was important to share information about the cases, because severe thrombocytopenia can be serious, and physicians need to know how to treat it.”
Below are some of the VAERS reports. Note they are fairly young people.

905345-1 Pfizer 18-29 hospitalized
Patient received Pfizer COVID 19 vaccine last Thursday 12/17. Admitted today (12/21) with bleeding and low platelet count - working up for ITP, TTP. Given recency of vaccination and no known contributory allergy or medical history, physician thought potentially associated with vaccination.

906910-1 Pfizer 50-59 hospitalized
HPI: 56 y.o. male with no pmhx c/o generalized bruising for 2 days, noticed small blood tinged spots generalized. Gradual onset, severe on severity, no alleviating or aggravating factors. Patient denies fevers, chills, N/V/D, abdominal pain. In ER: Platelet <1. Platelet transfusion in ER. Admitted for Thrombocytopenia/ITP

910316-1 Pfizer 18-29 hospitalized
This is a spontaneous report from a non-contactable pharmacist. A 22-year-old male patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE), intramuscular on 17Dec2020 as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient did not have any known relevant medical history. The patient had no allergies to medications, food or other products. Prior to the vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. It was unknown if the patient received any other vaccines within four weeks prior to the vaccination. On 21Dec2020, the patient experienced thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP); which was serious for hospitalization.
The clinical course was as follows: The patient went to the emergency room/urgent care and was admitted in the early morning of 21Dec2020 due to TTP. Work-up was ongoing with no known results. On 21Dec2020, the patient also had a COVID-19 test which was negative. The patient was treated with unspecified corticosteroids and platelets. The clinical outcome of the TTP was unknown.

919546-1 Moderna 50-59 life threatening
thrombotic stroke -necessitating hospitalization; and craniotomy; required mechanical ventilator for 2 days. Patient now extubated, breathing on her own. Patient remains hospitalized with marked deficits (aphasic)

921188-1 Pfizer 18-29 hospitalized
22 year old patient with no known allergies or medical history admitted 12/21 with TTP and currently being worked up. Currently unclear if related or unrelated to COVID vaccination, but received Pfizer vaccine Thursday 12/17.

932915-1 Moderna 18-29 hospitalized
Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruising

933935-1 Moderna 40-49 hospitalized
Severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count 2,000) 8 days following Moderna COVID vaccine. Clinically suspicious for ITP.

935452-1 Pfizer 40-49 hospitalized
1/6/21 8pm started with Nasuea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. 1/7/21 started having intermittent chest pain in the morning. Then in the evening it became constant. Went to ER that evening due to chest pain. EKG showed t wave abnormality. 1st Trop was negative went from 0.08 to 2.3 Had 2 Echo's done and they were normal. Platelets were 85. Was discharged without chest pain. Troponin on discharge was 0.67 and platelets 61. Was admitted due to Chest pain and troponin. Attending provider diagnosed as myocarditis and thrombocytopenia R/T vaccine

940950-1 Pfizer unknown Death
thrombopenia; pulmonary embolism; neutropenia fever; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizer-sponsored program . A contactable consumer reported for a patient that received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient experienced thrombopenia, pulmonary embolism and neutropenia fever on an unspecified date. The clinical outcome of thrombopenia, pulmonary embolism and neutropenia fever was fatal. The patient died on an unspecified date. It was unknown if an autopsy was performed. The batch/lot number for the vaccine, BNT162B2, was not provided and will be requested during follow-up.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: thrombopenia; pulmonary embolism; neutropenia fever

961499-1 Moderna 30-39 hospitalized
Severe thrombocytopenia platelet count of 1.

976971-1 Pfizer 30-39 hospitalized
thrombocytopenia; Stroke; bleed in the brain; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient's sibling). A 39-year-old female patient received first dose of BNT162B2 (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, lot number: EJ1685), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm deltoid on 18Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history was not reported. There were no concomitant medications. The reporter is calling about the COVID Vaccine. She is calling on behalf of her sister (patient). The patient had her first dose on 18Dec2020, then she had thrombocytopenia (reported to be life threatening) causing her to bleed in the brain which led to a stroke (reported to be disabling). The reporter stated that she is a doctor herself, as well as her sister who experienced the stroke is a doctor also. The thrombocytopenia was diagnosed on 30Dec2020, which is the same day she had the stroke on 30Dec2020. They did the Tensilon Test when she was admitted to the emergency room on 30Dec2020. When admitted her platelets were Low, it was 36, that is dangerously low. They did a CT scan and found a large massive amount of blood clot.
When queried if this is an infarct or hemorrhage, the reporter stated that this was an internal bleed for the stroke. She's in the hospital and had brain surgery. The thrombocytopenia at the moment was gone now. They gave her 6 units of blood and 4-5 units of platelets. The thrombocytopenia ended about 7 days after the diagnosis. Her sister is still in the hospital at this moment but in the Neuro Rehab unit. She is now confused after the stroke. Her sister has had no positive tests for Covid prior to the vaccine and no Antibody Test prior to the vaccine. Her sister has had no issues with vaccines in the past. Her sister had no vaccines on the same as the covid vaccine. At the end of the call, the reporter stated that because this was an injury caused by the vaccine, she is looking for compensation.

968354 Pfizer hospitalized
Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding per rectum with massive bloody diarrhea, transfer to Emergency room by EMS with IV placement and fluid resuscitation, vital signs unstable, emergency assessment and massive transfusion over next 4 hours of 4 units of PRBC and 2 units platelets, dual 16 gauge IV's, intrarterial line. ER Summary available and can be scanned and sent. Low HgB, Low platelets in 60 k range and multiple consultants and diagnositcs.

968483 Moderna 40-49 hospitalized
"Within 20 minutes I experienced extreme shortness of breath that continued throughout the weekend and into the following week. Within 36 hours I developed a ""rash"" that was later diagnosed as petechiae. Labs were ordered immediately and my platelet level was 66,000. The hematologist that was consulted with had me report to the emergency room for further tests. I was informed not to injure myself in anyway with a count that low or I could hemorrhage and die."

969839 Pfizer 50-59 hospitalized
Onset of hemmoragic oral bullae after eating very hot cheese toast 1-20-2021 Widely scattered petechiae lower and upper extremeties 1-21-2021 Extensive petechaie lower extremities and a few on trunk face 1-22-2021 CBC in ER showed severe thrombocytomenia with platelets less than 2000 1-22-2021 Admitteed and treated with Decadron 40 mg IV, and IVIG infusions once daily Jan. 23rd and 24th 2021 Hepatiitis pannel negative EBV negative, COVID Nasopharengeal negative, splenic U/S upper limit of normal but unchanged on comparison with old imaging. With treatment platlets increased to 65,000, Discharged from hospital. IVIG discontinued Oral decadron 40mg will continue for 2 days with CBC hematology f/u in 36 hours.

972719 Moderna 30-39 hospitalized
Received second COVID vaccine Moderna on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Later that night, I was a little light-headed and achey, but went to bed. On thursday, my legs and arms were extremely achy. I took Tylenol and Motrin in the morning. It seemed to help some, but continued to feel very achy in my legs. I left work early (I am a pediatrician) on Thursday and went home and just sat and rested. I felt terrible, but had talked to other colleagues who felt very bad that first day after the shot. Friday morning, I woke up still achy but feeling better overall. I took motrin and Tylenol again on Friday morning. I worked the whole day seeing patients. Was tired, but got thru the workday. At around 6pm, I noticed petechiae rash on my lower legs. The rash started spreading thru the night- up my legs and to my arms. I went to ER. They did order CBC, CMP. Platelets were undetectable- 1 platelet was seen under microscope. CMP was normal. I was told to go to bigger hospital. I went, My platelets read as 4. I was admitted for two nights. Two doses of IVIG were given and I was put on Decadron 40mg PO daily for 4 days. I had tylenol, benadryl, zofran before the IVIG and after. I will see Hematology next week for follow up. Platelets yesterday at discharge were 60. Will be checked frequently for the next few months. ITP= diagnosis. COVID shot was trigger.”
Read below for the story......