William de Vere's review of the animated film WolfWalkers, a tale based on Irish folklore about wolves that take on their traditional significance as a symbol of the aristocrat, the outlaw, and the reactionary, has been sprung from the paywall. https://counter-currents.com/2021/11/wolfwalkers-on-werewolves-outlaws-reactionaries/
Counter-Currents Publishing
WolfWalkers: On Werewolves, Outlaws, & Reactionaries | Counter-Currents
4,210 words The howling of wolves is one of the most evocative and unsettling sounds on earth, awakening something primordial in the human soul. Among the most intelligent and graceful of terrestrial animals, wolves have been an object of fear and fascination…
Jim Goad on the black elementary school librarian who made third-graders reenact the Holocaust because "the Jews have ruined Christmas," an 18-year-old who recanted rape accusations that her father had been convicted for 13 years ago, two "defund the police" Democratic politicians who were carjacked within 16 hours of each other, and more. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/the-worst-week-yet-62/
Counter-Currents Publishing
The Worst Week Yet: December 19-25, 2021 | Counter-Currents
3,345 words Librarian has Third-Graders Reenact Holocaust “Because the Jews Ruined Christmas” Kimberlynn Jurkowski is not the sort of name you’d expect a black woman to have, but this is 2021, and the only rule is that there are no rules anymore. The 61-year…
Beau Albrecht traces the destructive influence that the ideas of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, an influential aristocrat of racially mixed heritage who envisioned a future racially-mixed Europe under Jewish rule, have had on the West in the century since he first formulated it. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/coudenhove-kalergis-destructive-legacy/
Coudenhove-Kalergi’s Destructive Legacy
3,375 words Long ago, one of my friends in college was trying to convince me of the benefits of universal race-mixing. Back then, normal people were well aware that was deviant and that they should stick with their own kind. The problem was that in just a…
Find out how US citizens can make a tax deductible donation to Counter-Currents in the final week of our 2021 fundraiser. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/the-counter-currents-2021-fundraiser-how-any-american-can-make-a-tax-deductible-donation-this-year/
Counter-Currents Publishing
The Counter-Currents 2021 Fundraiser How Any American Can Make a Tax-Deductible Donation This Year | Counter-Currents
392 words We have great news for all our American readers! Normally, American taxpayers have to itemize their deductions to write off charitable donations when filing their federal income taxes. This means that people who file the 1040EZ form cannot take…
Find out how US citizens can make a tax-deductible donation to Counter-Currents in the final week of our 2021 fundraiser. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/the-counter-currents-2021-fundraiser-how-any-american-can-make-a-tax-deductible-donation-this-year/
Counter-Currents Publishing
The Counter-Currents 2021 Fundraiser How Any American Can Make a Tax-Deductible Donation This Year | Counter-Currents
392 words We have great news for all our American readers! Normally, American taxpayers have to itemize their deductions to write off charitable donations when filing their federal income taxes. This means that people who file the 1040EZ form cannot take…
Hubert Collins' Girls on Film: The Predominance of Pornography, now in Arabic. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/girls-on-film-the-predominance-of-pornography-in-arabic/
Counter-Currents Publishing
بنات في الكادر: غلبة الإباحية | Counter-Currents
3,094 words English original here هوبيرت كولنز قال الحكيم ف. روجر ديفلين ذات مرة إنه نظراً لأن “مجلة كوزموبوليتان هي أكثر المجلات مبيعاً في مكتبات الكليات الأمريكية، فليس من المبالغة وصفها بأنها جزء مهم من تعليم المرأة الأمريكية. “كانت الملاحظة بمثابة نقد…
The idea of the "consensus gentium" (consensus of peoples) is that if widely different peoples apply their minds to the same problem and come up with the same conclusion, that conclusion is probably true. In a world in which there are distinct nations and competing geopolitical blocs, the best explanation for the fact that COVID policies are basically the same in the West, Russia, Iran, Syria, Israel, China, etc. is that (1) COVID is real, (2) COVID is a serious threat, & (3) vaccines and isolation measures (including lockdowns) are effective counter-measures.
In a world in which there are distinct nations and competing geopolitical blocs, and in which COVID is a real and serious threat that can be contained by harsh public health measures, one explanation for widespread COVID denialism and resistance to harsh public health measures in the West is that the West's geopolitical rivals are promoting such ideas to harm it. Thus it should come as no surprise that COVID denialism and resistance to public health measures are widespread on the far Right, in many cases promoted by the very same people who lionize Putin and China (e.g. Anglin). If COVID were not real, our geopolitical rivals would gain advantage by not imposing harsh public health measures on themselves but instead by promoting such measures in the West.
My hypothesis is that COVID denialism and resistance to public health measures in our circles is at least in part a psyop promoted by non-Western geopolitical rivals (Russia, China, Iran). If I were in their shoes, I would do the same thing. The other main sources of COVID denialism and resistance to public health measures in our circles are (merited) distrust in the system, numerous and energetic paranoids and cranks, and residual classical liberal individualism. All of these factors, of course, make it easy for the West's enemies to gaslight and agitate our people.
I oppose this psyop not because I identify with the Western power structure (hardly). I oppose it because (1) it damages our intellectual credibility to promote false and kooky narratives, (2) it damages our moral credibility to be moaning about burgers and pints, or promoting Social Darwinism, or repeating classical liberal talking points about bodily autonomy, individual rights, free choice, and the threat of totalitarianism during a public health crisis, (3) it divides our movement along sectarian lines, and (4) it distracts our movement from the most important thing: resisting white genocide.
I oppose this psyop not because I identify with the Western power structure (hardly). I oppose it because (1) it damages our intellectual credibility to promote false and kooky narratives, (2) it damages our moral credibility to be moaning about burgers and pints, or promoting Social Darwinism, or repeating classical liberal talking points about bodily autonomy, individual rights, free choice, and the threat of totalitarianism during a public health crisis, (3) it divides our movement along sectarian lines, and (4) it distracts our movement from the most important thing: resisting white genocide.
I have not written about COVID since early 2020, precisely because I do not want to exacerbate sectarian divisions in the movement. Also, I have better things to do with my time. I was hoping COVID gaslighting would just go away with COVID. Sadly, the COVID meme plague is just as hardy and virulent as COVID itself. I decided to say something when Millennial Woes platformed twice during Millenniyule a woman who argued that we need to stop focusing on resisting the great replacement and instead focus on COVID.
We all recognize biological cuckoldry, for instance when whites adopt black children. The COVID conspiracy psyop is now openly a form of ideological cuckoldry, demanding that the movement for white survival downplay white survival and devote its resources to promoting gaslighting about COVID.
This sort of ideological cuckoldry is nothing new. Holocaust revisionists, MGTOWs, Catholics, pagans, and Putin jock-sniffers have been doing the same thing for years now. Thus we will always have to be vigilant and remind people that nothing is more important than the movement for white survival.
Those who try to cuckold the movement with their sectarian pet projects need to be firmly and politely rebuffed. If their hearts are in the right place, we should be able to point their minds in the same direction.
We all recognize biological cuckoldry, for instance when whites adopt black children. The COVID conspiracy psyop is now openly a form of ideological cuckoldry, demanding that the movement for white survival downplay white survival and devote its resources to promoting gaslighting about COVID.
This sort of ideological cuckoldry is nothing new. Holocaust revisionists, MGTOWs, Catholics, pagans, and Putin jock-sniffers have been doing the same thing for years now. Thus we will always have to be vigilant and remind people that nothing is more important than the movement for white survival.
Those who try to cuckold the movement with their sectarian pet projects need to be firmly and politely rebuffed. If their hearts are in the right place, we should be able to point their minds in the same direction.
Petr Hampl presents some lessons that today's nationalists can learn from the strategic innovations of the fifteenth-century Czech Hussite leader, Jan Žižka. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/lessons-nationalists-can-learn-from-the-hussites/
Counter-Currents Publishing
Lessons Nationalists Can Learn from the Hussites | Counter-Currents
1,419 words Is it possible for national patriotic revolts against the globalist elite to be successful? And if so, what is the right strategy? This is a topic with which some of the best independent minds of our time are preoccupied. We have seen a number…
Stephen Paul Foster on Anthony Fauci as a new and decidedly less funny version of NPR's "Dr. Science" character. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/dont-ask-dr-science/
Counter-Currents Publishing
Don’t . . . Ask Dr. Science | Counter-Currents
1,549 words The New Year is upon us and so is the tradition of making resolutions to be done with bad habits. I kicked my bad habit of listening to National Public Radio (NPR) long ago after concluding -- being the slow learner that I am -- that NPR functioned…
Morris van de Camp reflects on the best Counter-Currents articles of 2021, the best books he read in 2021, and more on the past year and what lies ahead. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/year-end-reflections-for-2021/
Counter-Currents Publishing
Year-End Reflections for 2021 | Counter-Currents
2,437 words It’s been another trip around the Sun. Since nightfall occurs around 5 PM these days, it is time to sit by the fire and reflect upon the events of the last year while preparing for the next. On the personal front, my usual New Year’s resolutions…
Greg Johnson's classic "Freedom of Speech," about the importance of the principle even in a white ethnostate, is now in Arabic. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/freedom-of-speech-in-arabic/
Counter-Currents Publishing
حرية التعبير | Counter-Currents
2,060 words English original here جريج جونسون ملحوظة المؤلف: هذا هو نص الخطاب الذي ألقيته في مؤتمر Erkenbrand في هولندا يوم السبت 3 نوفمبر 2018. وأود أن أشكر منظمي Erkenbrand وجميع الحاضرين. لدي أخبار جيدة وأخبار سيئة. الخبر السار هو أن الجميع يحب الحصول…
MoonPay is a new easy way to send cryptocurrencies.
Counter-Currents Publishing
An Easy New Way to Send Cryptocurrencies | Counter-Currents
60 words If you wish to use cryptocurrencies for purchases or donations, there is an easy new way to do it. MoonPay lets you use a credit card to buy a variety of cryptocurrencies, which they will then send to any of our addresses listed on our crypto page.…
Aquilonius outlines the Left's archetype of the Traitor: those individuals of both sexes who decide to sell out their own people for personal gain. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/archetypes-of-the-left-the-traitor/
Counter-Currents Publishing
Archetypes of the Left The Traitor | Counter-Currents
2,067 words CNN recently touted a teenage girl on their rag show who was rewarded by the network for her stunning bravery in being pictured giving anti-mask protestors the finger. Her school bus was in the photo’s background. The girl was a pretty, white…
Mark Gullick on the importance for Rightists of following the ancient Greek injunction to "know thyself" — something Leftists seem incapable of doing. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/autognosis-auditing-the-self/
Counter-Currents Publishing
Autognosis: Auditing the Self | Counter-Currents
2,575 words Psychoanalysis is learned, first of all, from a study of one’s self, through the study of one’s own personality. — Freud, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis How can anybody know me when I don’t even know myself? — The The, “Giant” I did work…
On yet another exciting episode of The Writers’ Bloc, host Nick Jeelvy was joined by special guest Endeavour to talk about the situation on the ground in Russia (pictured) and “The Moral Equivalent of War,” a 1906 speech by William James, and it is now available for download and online listening. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/counter-currents-radio-podcast-no-403-the-writers-bloc-on-russia-the-moral-equivalent-of-war/
Counter-Currents Publishing
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 403 The Writers’ Bloc on Russia & The Moral Equivalent of War | Counter-Currents
120 words / 2:04:05 On yet another exciting episode of The Writers’ Bloc, host Nick Jeelvy was joined by special guest Endeavour to talk about the situation on the ground in Russia (pictured) and "The Moral Equivalent of War," a 1906 speech by William James…
German activist Johannes Scharf description of his recent trip to Belarus, where he encountered African migrants, feminist mooches, and young people who hate the regime and admire Western liberalism is now in Czech. https://counter-currents.com/2021/12/invaze-turistu/
Counter-Currents Publishing
Invaze „turistů“ | Counter-Currents
1,103 words English original here Během letu z Istanbulu do Minsku dočítám klasiku Anthonyho Burgesse Mechanický pomeranč. Mnohé výrazy Burgessova umělého jazyka „nadsatu“ (v českém překladu „jazyk týnů“), který vychází z ruštiny, se mi v Bělorusku docela…
CashApp is a fast, easy, and cheap way to send credit card payments to Counter-Currents. As our annual fundraiser comes down to the wire, this is a great way to help out.
Counter-Currents Publishing
A New Way to Send Credit Card Payments to Counter-Currents | Counter-Currents
70 words CashApp is a new way to send credit card payments to Counter-Currents. Just install the app on your smartphone. Our ID is $CounterCurrents. Just scan the code and follow directions. It is fast, easy, and has low processing fees. Give it a try and…