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I have not written about COVID since early 2020, precisely because I do not want to exacerbate sectarian divisions in the movement. Also, I have better things to do with my time. I was hoping COVID gaslighting would just go away with COVID. Sadly, the COVID meme plague is just as hardy and virulent as COVID itself. I decided to say something when Millennial Woes platformed twice during Millenniyule a woman who argued that we need to stop focusing on resisting the great replacement and instead focus on COVID.

We all recognize biological cuckoldry, for instance when whites adopt black children. The COVID conspiracy psyop is now openly a form of ideological cuckoldry, demanding that the movement for white survival downplay white survival and devote its resources to promoting gaslighting about COVID.

This sort of ideological cuckoldry is nothing new. Holocaust revisionists, MGTOWs, Catholics, pagans, and Putin jock-sniffers have been doing the same thing for years now. Thus we will always have to be vigilant and remind people that nothing is more important than the movement for white survival.

Those who try to cuckold the movement with their sectarian pet projects need to be firmly and politely rebuffed. If their hearts are in the right place, we should be able to point their minds in the same direction.
A Friendship of Differences, an exclusive translation of a recent Hungarian interview with the French New Right philosopher Alain de Benoist on his friendship with the Hungarian conservative thinker Thomas Molnar, his own career, and his relationship to Hungary has been sprung from the paywall.
Robert Hampton's review of Freedom Writers, an unintentionally hilarious film about a white liberal teacher who turns her non-white inner city high school students into liberals who reject their own ethnic heritage by teaching them about the Holocaust, has been sprung from the paywall.