Corey J. Mahler
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The most precious thing any man owns is his wife and children.
Atheism is nothing but a vicious cycle of low-midwits believing — and parroting — the inane ‘observations’ of high-midwits posing as geniuses, because these delusional midwits cannot tell the difference.
If someone brings up Dietrich Bonhoeffer, never forget to mention the most relevant thing about him:

He is presently burning in Hell, where he will remain for all eternity.
God permitted wicked Cain to slay righteous Abel. Sometimes the good does not prevail here in time. Ours is the duty; God’s is the outcome.
A woman travelling alone is simply occasion for sin and evil — it should not be permitted.
The reason @treblewoe and I can safely make what appear to other men to be snap judgements is that there is no such thing as an ‘isolated statement’ — every word you speak reveals who and what you are.

A man betrays his priors, his presuppositions, his upbringing, and a thousand other things every time he opens his mouth to every man within earshot who has ears to hear.
A reminder for those claiming to be Christian while affirming all of the tenets of ‘modernity’: God reserves a special hatred for the lukewarm.

“So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.”
If you have Star Wars (or any such similar thing) in your bio — or, worse, a room or section of your house dedicated to such a thing —, then I absolutely do not care what you think about anything.

Put away childish things.
If women find you physically repulsive, then you are unfit to be a pastor.
No man has ever respected a harlot.
Officium Nostrum; Dei Fructus
There is no such thing as a Republican or a Democrat — there are only Fascists, Marxists, and speed bumps.
Whether or not Napoleon existed or was a good man is not a tenet of the Christian faith.
The average American has more fingers on July 2nd than on July 5th.

Be safe out there.
Godly women have no personal opinions on political matters.
Illegal aliens are living in open, impenitent sin and should not be admitted to the Lord’s Table.
Under Christian Nationalism, those executives who have overseen or maintained a switch to using soy- or insect-based ingredients will be hauled before the magistrate and publicly executed.
Every Atheist is an enemy of the White race.