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Promoting European proactivity by exposing Messianic passivity. @IvarDonarson

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The Christian problem in a nutshell. I have yet to meet one Christian who does not believe the "pagan nations like Rome"—and therefore Europeans as a whole—to be "wicked" unless we "follow the instructions of Christ the King" (of the Jews).

True morality promotes the survival of a folk—and "wrath" against your enemies is therefore perfectly justified—not its extermination through passivity, racial apathy, and the prioritization of the preservation and adoption of another people's traditions and (mythological) history.

Nothing is more wicked than glorifying that which has destroyed what so many of our ancestors died trying to preserve: The worship of our Gods, our blood, and our soil, rather than the God of Israel, his chosen people, and their holy land.

The Ultima Ratio Of The Lie

"Christianity can only be understood on the soil where it grew,—it is not a counter-movement to the Jewish instinct, it is its natural consequence, a further conclusion drawn by its terrifying logic. In the formula of the redeemer, 'salvation comes from the Jews.'"

"In Christianity, all of Judaism, a several-century-old Jewish preparatory training and technique of the most serious kind, attains its ultimate mastery as the art of lying in a holy manner. The Christian, the ultima ratio of the lie, is the Jew once more—even three times a Jew."

"This is precisely why the Jews are the most disastrous people in world history: they have left such a falsified humanity in their wake that even today Christians can think of themselves as anti-Jewish without understanding that they are the ultimate conclusion of Judaism."

— Friedrich Nietzsche (The Anti-Christ)


Correct. As prominent Jesuit priest and liturgist Josef Andreas Jungmann stated:

"We may safely assert that in all the two thousand years of the Church's history, no period has ever seen a greater revolution in religious thought and institutions than that which took place in the first five centuries between the close of the patristic age and the dawn of scholasticism [c. 600-1100]."

Another example is the Gosforth Cross (estimated to date from 920 to 950), which also depicts Christ as a warrior—along with Thor and Vidar battling Jörmungandr and Fenris—significantly deviating from the traditional sacrificial lamb narrative.

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"For the Pagans whom Paul is speaking to, their salvation in Christ is provisional. And the proviso is that they must stop worshiping their own Gods, and only worship the God of Israel." — Paula Fredriksen

Full presentation here.

Yahweh Saves

'Jesus Christ' literally means 'Savior Messiah', which actually just means 'Anointed Savior'. The author of the Gospel of Matthew was well aware of this, and even made a point of it [
Mt. 1:20-21].

Jesus is an English derivation from the Greek spelling of the Hebrew name Joshua (Yeshua), which means 'Yahweh saves'. Christ is from the Greek christos, meaning 'anointed', which in Hebrew is māšîaḥ, 'messiah'.

That should make us suspicious from the start. Isn’t his name abnormally convenient? The 'Christ' part was assigned by those who believed he was the messiah, and thus not accidental. But what are the odds that his birth name would be 'Savior', and then he would be hailed as the Savior?

Are historical men who are worshiped as savior gods usually so conveniently named? No, not usually. Are mythical men who are worshiped as savior gods usually so conveniently named? Surely more often than historical men are.


From: On the Historicity of Jesus by Dr. Richard Carrier.

The Very Seat Of The Demons Themselves

Statues, the very seat of the demons themselves, suffered some of the most vicious [Christian] attacks. It was not enough merely to take a statue down; the demon within it had to be humiliated, disgraced, tortured, dismembered and thus neutralized. A Jewish tractate known as the
Avodah Zarah provided detailed instructions on how to properly mistreat a statue.

One can desecrate a statue, it advised, by "cutting off the tip of its ear or nose or finger, by battering it—even although its bulk be not diminished—it is desecrated." Merely taking the statue down, or spitting at it, or dragging it about, or throwing dirt upon it, was not, the treatise warned, sufficient—though the resourceful Christian might indulge in all of these as an added humiliation to the demon within.


From: The Darkening Age by Catherine Nixey.

A Spiritual Syphilis

Revilo P. Oliver became convinced that Christianity, by promoting universality and brotherhood rather than racial survival, was itself a Jewish product and part of the conspiracy. In a
1990 article, he characterized Christianity as "a spiritual syphilis" that "has rotted the minds of our race and induced paralysis of our will to live".

Damon T. Berry, in his book
Blood and Faith: Christianity and American White Nationalism, devotes a chapter to Oliver, concluding that "Oliver hated both conservativism and Christianity ... because they equally represented to him an ideological poison that was alien to the best instincts of the white race to defend its existence."


Full article here.

Living Witnesses To The Truth

The Jews are 'living witnesses' to the truth of the Christian story, and thus ought to be preserved, not destroyed, because they serve as enduring testimony. This is made clear in
Augustine's City of God:

"[T]he Jews who killed [Christ] refused to believe in him… They were dispersed all over the world—for indeed there is no part of the earth where they are not to be found—and thus by evidence of their own Scriptures they bear witness for us that we have not fabricated the prophecies about Christ. … [T]hey supply for our benefit by the possession and preservation of those books… [Were they not scattered, we] would not have them available among all nations as witnesses the prophecies which were given beforehand concerning Christ."


From: Eternal Strangers by Thomas Dalton.

A typical and age-old display of the Christian's visceral hatred for the Gods of Europe in the comment section of a Zeus veneration ritual in preparation for the Olympic Games—likely not knowing that the games originated as a religious festival in honor of the King of the Gods in 776 BCE.

The last documented celebration was in 393 during the reign of Christian Emperor Theodosius I, who initiated the war on paganism and whose grandson ordered the destruction of the Temple of Zeus in 426. The Olympics weren't revived until 1896.

"After [Jesus'] death [his] lowly disciples formed themselves into a communistic brotherhood. A sermon their late leader had once delivered upon a hillside summed up for them the essence of his teachings, and they made it their rule of life."

"It was a philosophy calculated to appeal profoundly to humble people. It comforted those who suffered here on earth with promised rewards beyond the grave. It made virtues of necessities of the weak. Men without hope in the future were admonished to take no thought for the morrow. Men too helpless to resent insult or injury were taught to resist not evil."

"Men condemned to lifelong drudgery and indigence were assured of the dignity of labour and of poverty. The meek, the despised, the disinherited, the downtrodden, were—in the hereafter—to be the elect and favoured of God. The worldly, the ambitious, the rich and powerful, were to be denied admission to heaven."

— Rothschild biographer Marcus Eli Ravage [source]

You become what you worship. It is therefore not at all surprising that, once our people adopted the worship of a sacrificial lamb (John 1:29, 1 Cor 5:7), that is exactly what many have become—the embodiment of passivity, victimhood, and submission, rather than of courage, fortitude, and resilience.

The consequences of which are clearly observable today, as the greatest threat to our survival and prosperity comes from within our own midst, driven by a worldview that embraces self-sacrifice over self-preservation, and self-hatred over self-respect—an ethos shared by both Christians and leftists.

Hence why both are—and always have been—actively engaged in the destruction of our European heritage, for that which is strong is deemed as oppressive by the weak, and that which is beautiful is daunting to the inadequate.

"Christianity is a perversion of the instinct for self-preservation. This makes it a destroyer of entire civilizations and peoples. Western culture would have been lost forever if not for the rediscovery of pagan science and philosophy during the Renaissance. Unfortunately for us, the West has once again succumbed to this spiritual plague. The heavenly city of God now sits in judgment of the West. The crucified Jew has spoken: the West has been judged and found wanting!"

— Ferdinand Bardamu (Why Europeans Must Reject Christianity)

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Dr. Richard Carrier on how none of the "eyewitnesses" ever even met Jesus. Not even Paul, whose epistles are the earliest documents we have for Christianity, which were written about two decades after the alleged crucifixion.

Full interview here.

"All Communist systems in the West are in fact derived from Christian theological thought ... Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism."

Oswald Spengler (The Hour Of Decision)

Jew Against Jew And All Against Rome

All the early Christians were Jews, but they were in revolt against both the elite (Jewish) Pharisees and the dominant Roman Empire. Jesus and his followers made enemies on both fronts, and both were complicit in his death. But even if we are inclined to disbelieve the traditional story of Christ—and there is good reason to doubt it—we still have his disciples to deal with.

They deliberately undertook to challenge the Romans by creating an alternate moral system and, in fact, a completely new worldview—one that involved a savior come to earth. This action put the small band of rebels in conflict with an age-old Jewish tradition that was still awaiting its savior.

To have any hope of undermining support for Rome, the newly-minted Christian story had to draw in as many gentiles as possible. Christianity thus, at the very start, pitted (lowly) Jew against (elite) Jew and all against Rome.


From: Eternal Strangers by Thomas Dalton.

Incompetent Bunglers

While it might take months of effort, years of training and centuries of accumulated knowledge to build a Greek temple, it took little more than zeal and patience to destroy one.

At the end of the fourth century, as the laws against pagans were reaching an aggressive crescendo, the bishop
Marcellus was said to have destroyed the vast and still hugely popular temple of Zeus at Apamea with prayers and the help of a man who was "no builder, or mason, or artificer of any kind."

Today, Marcellus is worshipped as a saint in the Orthodox Church. Though even Christian accounts often present these divine destroyers as incompetent bunglers. Marcellus launched numerous failed attempts on that ancient temple before finally getting it to collapse—it transpired that a "black demon" had been thwarting his purpose.


Source: The Darkening Age by Catherine Nixey.

No One Dies for a Lie?

The false dichotomy the argument starts on is that what someone dies for is either known by them to be true, or known by them to be false. But the Law of Excluded Middle says: what someone dies for might not be known by them to be false.

This is most obviously true for non-eyewitnesses, who die merely for trusting someone else’s word. But it’s also true for “eyewitnesses,” whose own minds have lied to them. And also, of course, eyewitnesses who are being conned (and indeed many a person has been fully convinced of something that was in fact a perpetrated sham).

And also witnesses who aren’t sure of what they saw, but who believe they will gain eternal life if what they saw is what they are told it was, or want it to be—convincing themselves it must be true, merely to avoid personal despair.


Full article here.

Apologists typically deny Christianity's role in imperial [Rome's] decline, retorting that Byzantium survived the fall of the Latin West. Our Christian excuse-makers fail to realize that the east was richer and more populous. This allowed the Byzantine state to better absorb the tremendous internal damage caused by the depredations of the parasitical Nicene state religious cult.

There are also geographical reasons for Byzantine survival. The eastern emperor had a much shorter frontier to defend. Constantinople, the imperial capital, was surrounded by a series of massive fortifications begun by Constantine and completed in the early 5th century. These were virtually impregnable to barbarian invaders. Unlike the east, the west had no second line of defense.


From: Why Europeans Must Reject Christianity by Ferdinand Bardamu.

Why Christianity Is Problematic

Jesus never existed
All testimonies are either fraudulent or not contemporary
We do not have more evidence for Jesus than for Alexander
We do not have more evidence for Jesus than for Socrates
We do not have more evidence for Jesus than for Spartacus
The Gospels are anonymous
The martyred Apostles never existed
Martyrs prove nothing
Scholarly consensus proves nothing
The Shroud of Turin is a forgery
Paul never even mentions a historical Jesus
The Talmud does not refer to Jesus Christ

Christianity is not European
The Israelites were not European
Scripture does not refer to Europeans
Jesus was not European
Jesus speaking Aramaic does not make him any less Jewish
Christianity does not oppose Judaism
Christianity preserves Judaism
Christianity preserves Israel
Christianity is anti-Pagan
Jews are anti-Pagan
Jews fear Paganism
Jews embrace Christianity
Maimonides praised Christianity
Jews are not Khazars

Christianity did not uplift Rome
Pre-Christian Europe was not degenerate
Pre-Christian Europe was not gay
Pre-Christian Europe did not tolerate homosexuality
Family values precede Christianity
The cardinal virtues predate Christianity
The trinity predates Christianity
European competence does not derive from Christianity
Christianity did not unify Europe
Christianity has always been divisive
The Unites States was not founded on Christianity
The US Constitution was not inspired by the Bible

Christianity is not monotheistic
Christianity Judaized Pagan Gods
Christmas is not Christian
Christmas trees are not Christian
Christmas caroling is not Christian
Mistletoes are not Christian
Easter is not Christian
All Hallows' Eve is not Christian

Christianity did not spread rapidly
The English did not convert willingly
The Germans did not convert willingly
The Saxons did not convert willingly
The Poles did not convert willingly
The Prussians did not convert willingly
The Rus did not convert willingly
The Norse did not convert willingly
The Crusaders did not save Europe

Christianity is anti-nature
Christianity is anti-survival
Christianity is anti-tribal
Christianity is anti-European
Christianity is proto-leftism
Christianity is proto-communism
Christianity is dishonest
Christianity promotes passivity
Christianity promotes universalism
Christianity promotes Noahidism
Christianity promotes Zionism
Christian Nationalism is an oxymoron

Christianity is spiritual warfare
Christianity is a Jewish ploy
Christianity fulfills Jewish prophecy
Jesus is "the destroyer of the Gentiles"
Jesus was "to make the Gentiles obedient"
Jesus is not coming to save you
