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#ATTENTION We wiped and are rebuilding all TkG kernels. Expect them to be back by tomorrow 14:00 GMT. PKGREL will be smaller then last release, explanation and intervention tutorial will come later...

Explaining what I meant yesterday: Tk-Glitch worked in a total refactor of the linux*-tkg-*'s PKGBUILD, and with that, all PKGRELs were reset. You will receive a local (linux-*) is newer then chaotic-aur, what you should do is reinstall your TkG's kernel packages.

TL;DR: Reinstall linux*-tkg* packages you already have installed, even if the version is lower than local.

Wine upstream is moving to Vista+ user folder architecture, if you use proton-ge or proton-tkg, you might want to delete the compatdata of your games.

Watch GloriousEggroll old tutorial

Lately the Python 3.10 update hit the Arch repos which means a lot of package rebuilds needed to be done. You can do sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.9) to reinstall all affected packages.