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Forwarded from MERIDIAN (Александр Потемкин)
The fact of the possession of the MERIDIAN statuette will talk about the status of its owner as an outstanding member of the society, a do-gooder and a philanthropist.
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Forwarded from MERIDIAN (Александр Потемкин)
The MERIDIAN centre is launching a new project on creation of the World Electronic Bank (E-Bank) of Good Deeds. (WEBGD)
The main objective of the project is registration and promotion of all socially active citizens involved in charity work, volunteers, activists and all the people who do good deeds in various socially significant areas, as well as organizations and corporations that provide charitable assistance.

This is a social online service for registration, recognition, propaganda and remuneration for committed Good Deeds for the society and the state.
With the help of the online service the top list of social activity of different levels officials, public institutions, social services and socially active citizens will be built. Officials will have to pay more attention to social issues, because the results of their activity will be evaluated in the World Wide Web, and will be within reach of the interested public and even officially rewarded. On the other hand, officials who do not perform their duties, do not participate in solving social problems, will be condemned by citizens in the online service and have their own negative rating. Social services and enterprises misconducting and ignoring social problems within their teams and community, thinking only about profit will be able to "earn" the same negative rating thanks to public opinion which will be formed on the pages of our online service. Financially supported Good Deeds motivate pragmatic-minded citizens to the participation in volunteer activities creating an Union in which all Good Deeds done to the benefit of the society and the state are rewarded, where there is a motivation to increase the ranking and support it financially. The results of each participant will be stored in the online service and be within reach of the interested public.
Our World Electronic Bank (E-Bank) of Good Deeds is a system in which personal social and economic success of every participant depends on the number of socially beneficial Good Deeds which he has done for the society and the state and their social impact.
Forwarded from MERIDIAN (Александр Потемкин)
The fact of the possession of the MERIDIAN statuette will talk about the status of its owner as an outstanding member of the society, a do-gooder and a philanthropist.
ВОЛШЕБНАЯ СОТКА - лучший сервис с соотношением ВКЛАД-ДОХОД