1. Come close – to almost do something.
(Yaqin kelmoq)
We didn’t win, but we came close to win.
(Biz g’alaba qozona olmadik, ammo g’alabaga juda yaqin kelgandik.)
2. Come first – to be more important than something else
(Hammasidan ustun bo’lmoq)
He cares about his job, but his family comes first.
(U o’z ishi haqida juda ko’p o’ylaydi, lekin u uchun uning oilasi hammasidan ustun turadi.)
3. Come to a stop – If an activity comes to a stop, it stops happening.
(To’xtab qolmoq)
Working on this project has come to a stop because of a lack of funding.
(Loyiha ustida ish mablag’ yetishmovchiligi bois to’xtab qoldi.)
4. Come up with – to think of an idea, answer etc.
(O’ylab topmoq)
We have been asked to come up with some new ideas.
(Bizdan yangi fikrlar o’ylab topishimizn so’rashdi.)
5. Come cheap – to be available at a low price
(Arzonga sotilmoq)
These smartphones don’t come cheap.
(Bu telefonlarni arzonga olib bo’lmaydi.)
6. Come to a compromise – a way of ending problem
(Kelishuvga erishmoq)
Both sides have agreed to meet in the hope of coming to a compromise.
(Ikki taraf kelishib olish maqsadida uchrashishga ko’nishdi.)
7. Come to rescue – to save someone who is having problems or difficulties
(Qiyin vaziyatda yordamlashmoq)
Carol’s brother came to the rescue and sent her 1000$.
(Carolning akasi unga yordam berdi va 1000$ jo’natdi.)
8. Come on time – to arrive at the exact time
(Ayni vaqtda yetib kelmoq)
John always tries to come on time.
(John har doim ayni vaqtda yetib kelishga harakat qiladi.)
9. Come clean – be completely honest
(Rostgo’y bo’lmoq)
My friend Ann doesn’t always come clean.
(Do’stim Anna har doim ham rost gapiravermaydi.)
10. Come to life - If something such as machine comes to life, it starts to work.
(Ishga tushmoq)
Sometimes my TV doesn’t come to life.
(Ba’zida mening televizorim ishlamay qoladi)
1. Come close – to almost do something.
(Yaqin kelmoq)
We didn’t win, but we came close to win.
(Biz g’alaba qozona olmadik, ammo g’alabaga juda yaqin kelgandik.)
2. Come first – to be more important than something else
(Hammasidan ustun bo’lmoq)
He cares about his job, but his family comes first.
(U o’z ishi haqida juda ko’p o’ylaydi, lekin u uchun uning oilasi hammasidan ustun turadi.)
3. Come to a stop – If an activity comes to a stop, it stops happening.
(To’xtab qolmoq)
Working on this project has come to a stop because of a lack of funding.
(Loyiha ustida ish mablag’ yetishmovchiligi bois to’xtab qoldi.)
4. Come up with – to think of an idea, answer etc.
(O’ylab topmoq)
We have been asked to come up with some new ideas.
(Bizdan yangi fikrlar o’ylab topishimizn so’rashdi.)
5. Come cheap – to be available at a low price
(Arzonga sotilmoq)
These smartphones don’t come cheap.
(Bu telefonlarni arzonga olib bo’lmaydi.)
6. Come to a compromise – a way of ending problem
(Kelishuvga erishmoq)
Both sides have agreed to meet in the hope of coming to a compromise.
(Ikki taraf kelishib olish maqsadida uchrashishga ko’nishdi.)
7. Come to rescue – to save someone who is having problems or difficulties
(Qiyin vaziyatda yordamlashmoq)
Carol’s brother came to the rescue and sent her 1000$.
(Carolning akasi unga yordam berdi va 1000$ jo’natdi.)
8. Come on time – to arrive at the exact time
(Ayni vaqtda yetib kelmoq)
John always tries to come on time.
(John har doim ayni vaqtda yetib kelishga harakat qiladi.)
9. Come clean – be completely honest
(Rostgo’y bo’lmoq)
My friend Ann doesn’t always come clean.
(Do’stim Anna har doim ham rost gapiravermaydi.)
10. Come to life - If something such as machine comes to life, it starts to work.
(Ishga tushmoq)
Sometimes my TV doesn’t come to life.
(Ba’zida mening televizorim ishlamay qoladi)
Ko’pchilik introductionni umumiy gap bilan boshlashim kerak deb aytadi. Ammo, bunday gaplar bilan muammo shundaki, ko’p hollarda o’rganuvchilar o’ta umumiy gap yozib yuborishadi va mavzudan uzoqlashib ketishadi.
Yoki boshqa o’quvchilar tayyor birikmalar yodlab olib, inshoni doim shunday birikmalar bilan boshlashga harakat qilishadi. Masalan: “This is an often debated topic” yoki “This is a controversial topic.” Ammo, ko’pincha kuchli ziddiyat olib keluvchi mavzular berilmaydi. Insho mavzulari odatda barchamiz biladigan, kundalik hayotda tez-tez eshitib turadigan mavzular bo’ladi. ❌
Eng avvalo, sizga berilgan insho savolining umumiy ma’nosini aniqlab oling va mana shu mavzudan uzoqlashmagan holda gap yozing. Agar hech qanday umumiy fikr eslay olmasangiz, bunday gap yozishingiz shart ham emas. Shunchaki, berilgan insho savolidagi gaplarni paraphrase qilishdan boshlang.
Introductionda umumiy gap bor yoki yo’qligi balingizga ta’sir qilmaydi. Bor bo’lsa yaxshi, ammo yo’q bo’lsa balingiz kesiladi degani emas. ☝️
Examiner eng birinchi e’tibor beradigan jihat bu paraphrase dir. Shuning uchun balingizga katta ta’siri yo’q gaplar uchun ko’p vaqt sarflash o’rniga, savolni to’g’ri paraphrase qilish va unga mos keluvchi fikrlarni topish haqida o’ylang.
Ko’pchilik introductionni umumiy gap bilan boshlashim kerak deb aytadi. Ammo, bunday gaplar bilan muammo shundaki, ko’p hollarda o’rganuvchilar o’ta umumiy gap yozib yuborishadi va mavzudan uzoqlashib ketishadi.
Yoki boshqa o’quvchilar tayyor birikmalar yodlab olib, inshoni doim shunday birikmalar bilan boshlashga harakat qilishadi. Masalan: “This is an often debated topic” yoki “This is a controversial topic.” Ammo, ko’pincha kuchli ziddiyat olib keluvchi mavzular berilmaydi. Insho mavzulari odatda barchamiz biladigan, kundalik hayotda tez-tez eshitib turadigan mavzular bo’ladi. ❌
Eng avvalo, sizga berilgan insho savolining umumiy ma’nosini aniqlab oling va mana shu mavzudan uzoqlashmagan holda gap yozing. Agar hech qanday umumiy fikr eslay olmasangiz, bunday gap yozishingiz shart ham emas. Shunchaki, berilgan insho savolidagi gaplarni paraphrase qilishdan boshlang.
Introductionda umumiy gap bor yoki yo’qligi balingizga ta’sir qilmaydi. Bor bo’lsa yaxshi, ammo yo’q bo’lsa balingiz kesiladi degani emas. ☝️
Examiner eng birinchi e’tibor beradigan jihat bu paraphrase dir. Shuning uchun balingizga katta ta’siri yo’q gaplar uchun ko’p vaqt sarflash o’rniga, savolni to’g’ri paraphrase qilish va unga mos keluvchi fikrlarni topish haqida o’ylang.
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🔰How to write an opinion essay
🔸Government should invest in teaching science subjects rather than other subjects in order for a country to develop and progress.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write your introduction in two sentences:
Sentence 1 - paraphrase the statement (you can use ‘it is argued/considered/thought that’ to start):
It is often argued that the government should finance public services instead of spending its budget on arts, music and theatre.
Sentence 2 - give your opinion:
Although I agree that government’s investments in public services play a very important role, I think that proper funding of arts sector is also crucial for the society.
Body paragraph 1 - the 1st supporting point
Sentence 1 - state the first reason you agree/disagree.
This sentence should contain the main idea of the whole 1st paragraph. In our case we’ll use the reason A: why it is important to finance public services. As we’ll be considering opposite opinions, it is a good idea to use a collocation on the one hand to introduce the first reason:
On the one hand, the government should definitely allocate a large part of its budget on public services.
Sentences 2-3 - explain the reason.
To explain the reason effectively, you can imagine that your examiner didn’t understand what you were talking about and you have to explain every detail:
This economic sector determines the overall quality of life, ensuring that some basic services, like schools, hospitals and roads, are available to all citizens irrespective of their income or social status. Public services satisfy the primary needs of the society and thus need a proper funding, while artists and musicians are not curing diseases or building houses, so their role is secondary.
Sentence 4 - example.
It’s always good to give examples in your body paragraphs, even if you’re not asked to do it (like in our case):
For example, any country can live without music concerts, but absence of medicine will create significant problems.
Sentence 5 - a short summary of your ideas in this paragraph:
That’s why the government should adequately finance public services in the first place.
Body paragraph 2 - the 2nd reason you agree/disagree
Sentence 1 - state the second reason you agree/disagree.
This statement should contain the main idea of the whole 2nd paragraph. This time we’ll use the reason D: why it is important to finance public services. As we are considering opposite opinions, it is a good idea to use a phrase on the other hand to introduce the second reason:
On the other hand, arts, music and theatre are not a waste of money, since they are an integral part of the society’s cultural and intellectual development and amusement.
Sentences 2-3 - explain the reason (assume that your examiner doesn’t understand the topic at all):
Firstly, art and music draw people’s attention to diverse phenomena and represent the inward significance of things. Quite often a single drawing, piece or song can exhort myriads of people to reconsider their attitude towards some situation. This way, art serves as a major source of nation’s personal and intellectual development. Moreover, visiting museums, watching movies and listening to music are common ways of relaxation and entertainment.
Sentence 4 - support your idea with an example:
The question doesn’t ask us to give examples, plus we’ve already written a lot in this paragraph, so we’ll skip this point.
Sentence 5 - a short summary of your thoughts in the 2nd paragraph.
Thus, art sector is also important for the society and should not be neglected.
You can write the conclusion in one sentence that summarizes your opinion + 2 reasons for it:
To conclude, though I agree that the government should allocate a large part of its budget on such urgent needs of the society like public services, I think that arts, music and theatre should also be financed since they play an important role in people’s development and entertainment.
🔸Government should invest in teaching science subjects rather than other subjects in order for a country to develop and progress.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write your introduction in two sentences:
Sentence 1 - paraphrase the statement (you can use ‘it is argued/considered/thought that’ to start):
It is often argued that the government should finance public services instead of spending its budget on arts, music and theatre.
Sentence 2 - give your opinion:
Although I agree that government’s investments in public services play a very important role, I think that proper funding of arts sector is also crucial for the society.
Body paragraph 1 - the 1st supporting point
Sentence 1 - state the first reason you agree/disagree.
This sentence should contain the main idea of the whole 1st paragraph. In our case we’ll use the reason A: why it is important to finance public services. As we’ll be considering opposite opinions, it is a good idea to use a collocation on the one hand to introduce the first reason:
On the one hand, the government should definitely allocate a large part of its budget on public services.
Sentences 2-3 - explain the reason.
To explain the reason effectively, you can imagine that your examiner didn’t understand what you were talking about and you have to explain every detail:
This economic sector determines the overall quality of life, ensuring that some basic services, like schools, hospitals and roads, are available to all citizens irrespective of their income or social status. Public services satisfy the primary needs of the society and thus need a proper funding, while artists and musicians are not curing diseases or building houses, so their role is secondary.
Sentence 4 - example.
It’s always good to give examples in your body paragraphs, even if you’re not asked to do it (like in our case):
For example, any country can live without music concerts, but absence of medicine will create significant problems.
Sentence 5 - a short summary of your ideas in this paragraph:
That’s why the government should adequately finance public services in the first place.
Body paragraph 2 - the 2nd reason you agree/disagree
Sentence 1 - state the second reason you agree/disagree.
This statement should contain the main idea of the whole 2nd paragraph. This time we’ll use the reason D: why it is important to finance public services. As we are considering opposite opinions, it is a good idea to use a phrase on the other hand to introduce the second reason:
On the other hand, arts, music and theatre are not a waste of money, since they are an integral part of the society’s cultural and intellectual development and amusement.
Sentences 2-3 - explain the reason (assume that your examiner doesn’t understand the topic at all):
Firstly, art and music draw people’s attention to diverse phenomena and represent the inward significance of things. Quite often a single drawing, piece or song can exhort myriads of people to reconsider their attitude towards some situation. This way, art serves as a major source of nation’s personal and intellectual development. Moreover, visiting museums, watching movies and listening to music are common ways of relaxation and entertainment.
Sentence 4 - support your idea with an example:
The question doesn’t ask us to give examples, plus we’ve already written a lot in this paragraph, so we’ll skip this point.
Sentence 5 - a short summary of your thoughts in the 2nd paragraph.
Thus, art sector is also important for the society and should not be neglected.
You can write the conclusion in one sentence that summarizes your opinion + 2 reasons for it:
To conclude, though I agree that the government should allocate a large part of its budget on such urgent needs of the society like public services, I think that arts, music and theatre should also be financed since they play an important role in people’s development and entertainment.
🔘 Drill 🔘
1️⃣ drill something into somebody
🇬🇧 Meaning: to teach someone to do something by repeating to do so again and again.
🇺🇿 Kimgadur biror narsani qilishni qayta va qayta uqtirish.
📝 Example:
💬 I always drill it into my students that it is nearly impossible to get a high IELTS score without a good command of English.
2️⃣ drill down
🇬🇧 Meaning: to search something on a computer or a website in order to get more information.
🇺🇿 Kompyuter yoki qandaydur internet saytda ko'proq ma'lumotga ega bo'lish uchun uni turli bo'limlarini qarab chiqmoq.
📝 Example:
💬 By drilling down my telegram channel, you may find lots of useful IELTS related stuff for your preparation.
Hope this post was helpful 👍🏻
🔘 Drill 🔘
1️⃣ drill something into somebody
🇬🇧 Meaning: to teach someone to do something by repeating to do so again and again.
🇺🇿 Kimgadur biror narsani qilishni qayta va qayta uqtirish.
📝 Example:
💬 I always drill it into my students that it is nearly impossible to get a high IELTS score without a good command of English.
2️⃣ drill down
🇬🇧 Meaning: to search something on a computer or a website in order to get more information.
🇺🇿 Kompyuter yoki qandaydur internet saytda ko'proq ma'lumotga ega bo'lish uchun uni turli bo'limlarini qarab chiqmoq.
📝 Example:
💬 By drilling down my telegram channel, you may find lots of useful IELTS related stuff for your preparation.
Hope this post was helpful 👍🏻
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Гўзал тонг, хайрли дийдор, нурафшон кўз нури, тинчлик ва соғлик, мустаҳкам иймон... Барчасини борига беҳисоб шукур...
Бошланган янги кунингиз бахтли-саодатли онларга тўлиб, қалбингиздаги қувонч юзингизда акс этсин.
Инсонни гўзал қилган унинг юзидир, юзни гўзал қилган унинг кўздир. Инсонни инсон қилган оғзидан чиққан сўздир... Чин инсонийлик сизни асло тарк этмасин. Ассалому алайкум!
Гўзал тонг, хайрли дийдор, нурафшон кўз нури, тинчлик ва соғлик, мустаҳкам иймон... Барчасини борига беҳисоб шукур...
Бошланган янги кунингиз бахтли-саодатли онларга тўлиб, қалбингиздаги қувонч юзингизда акс этсин.
Инсонни гўзал қилган унинг юзидир, юзни гўзал қилган унинг кўздир. Инсонни инсон қилган оғзидан чиққан сўздир... Чин инсонийлик сизни асло тарк этмасин. Ассалому алайкум!
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Бу дунёни шундай гўзал яратиб, унга қуёш, ой, сув ва ҳавони бўйсундириб қўйган Аллоҳнинг Жаннати қандай гўзал эканлигини биз ожиз бандалар тасаввур ҳам қила олмаймиз... Унга эришишнинг йўлини эса ҳаммамиз биламиз...
Аллоҳ таоло барчамизга Фирдавс Жаннатига киришликни насиб айласин 🤲 Ассалому алайкум!
Бу дунёни шундай гўзал яратиб, унга қуёш, ой, сув ва ҳавони бўйсундириб қўйган Аллоҳнинг Жаннати қандай гўзал эканлигини биз ожиз бандалар тасаввур ҳам қила олмаймиз... Унга эришишнинг йўлини эса ҳаммамиз биламиз...
Аллоҳ таоло барчамизга Фирдавс Жаннатига киришликни насиб айласин 🤲 Ассалому алайкум!
Introductionni yakunlash
Ba’zi o’rganuvchilar insholaridagi kirish qismini quyidagi kabi gaplar bilan yakunlashishadi: “In this essay, I will discuss both these views and give my opinion.” Bunday gap bilan insho savolidagi gapni o’zini ko’chirib olyapsiz va bu yaxshi fikr emas. ❌
Yoki boshqalar quyidagicha gap bilan examiner e’tiborini tortishga harakat qilishadi: “I will now prove that…” Yana bir bor aytaman, bunday gap kerak emas. Chunki examiner allaqachon nima uchun insho yozayotganingizni biladi va kirish qismida nima haqida yozishingizni aytishni o’zi kifoya.
Kirish qismida inshoyingiz o’zini asosiy e’tibor markaziga qo’ying, o’zingizni emas. Introductionda “I will discuss…” deyish o’rniga “This essay will discuss...” deyish maqsadga muvofiqdir. ☝️
Introductionni yakunlash
Ba’zi o’rganuvchilar insholaridagi kirish qismini quyidagi kabi gaplar bilan yakunlashishadi: “In this essay, I will discuss both these views and give my opinion.” Bunday gap bilan insho savolidagi gapni o’zini ko’chirib olyapsiz va bu yaxshi fikr emas. ❌
Yoki boshqalar quyidagicha gap bilan examiner e’tiborini tortishga harakat qilishadi: “I will now prove that…” Yana bir bor aytaman, bunday gap kerak emas. Chunki examiner allaqachon nima uchun insho yozayotganingizni biladi va kirish qismida nima haqida yozishingizni aytishni o’zi kifoya.
Kirish qismida inshoyingiz o’zini asosiy e’tibor markaziga qo’ying, o’zingizni emas. Introductionda “I will discuss…” deyish o’rniga “This essay will discuss...” deyish maqsadga muvofiqdir. ☝️
Vocabulary for Writing 📊
📝 Enhance – to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something;
These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.
Ushbu janjallar tashkilotning obro'sini oshirmaydi.
📝 Problematic – full of problems or difficulties;
Getting everyone there on time might prove problematic.
Hammani u erga o'z vaqtida yetib borishi muammoli bo'lishi mumkin.
📝 Crucial – extremely important or necessary:
It is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately.
Muammoni darhol hal qilish juda muhimdir.
📝 Ludicrous – stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at;
He looked ludicrous in that suit!
U bu kostyumda kulgili ko'rinardi!
📝 Minor – having little importance, influence, or effect, especially when compared with other things of the same type;
She suffered only minor injuries.
U faqat yengil jarohatlar olgan.
📝 Virtual – almost a particular thing or quality;
Ten years of incompetent government had brought about the virtual collapse of the country's economy.
O'n yillik qobiliyatsiz hukumat mamlakat iqtisodiyotining virtual qulashiga olib keldi.
📝 Enhance – to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something;
These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.
Ushbu janjallar tashkilotning obro'sini oshirmaydi.
📝 Problematic – full of problems or difficulties;
Getting everyone there on time might prove problematic.
Hammani u erga o'z vaqtida yetib borishi muammoli bo'lishi mumkin.
📝 Crucial – extremely important or necessary:
It is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately.
Muammoni darhol hal qilish juda muhimdir.
📝 Ludicrous – stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at;
He looked ludicrous in that suit!
U bu kostyumda kulgili ko'rinardi!
📝 Minor – having little importance, influence, or effect, especially when compared with other things of the same type;
She suffered only minor injuries.
U faqat yengil jarohatlar olgan.
📝 Virtual – almost a particular thing or quality;
Ten years of incompetent government had brought about the virtual collapse of the country's economy.
O'n yillik qobiliyatsiz hukumat mamlakat iqtisodiyotining virtual qulashiga olib keldi.
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Бир кун, эрталаб уйғонганингизда, тўсатдан ҳамма нарса ўтмишда қолганини тушунасиз...
Шунда фарқи йўқ, яхши ёки ёмон - ҳаммаси ўз аҳамиятини юқотади. Сизга фақат ўзингиз қоласиз. Янги кун. Янги ҳаёт. Тоза вароқ. Энди барчасини қандай рангларга бўяш ўзингизга боғлиқ! Ассалому алейкум Қадрдонлар!
Бир кун, эрталаб уйғонганингизда, тўсатдан ҳамма нарса ўтмишда қолганини тушунасиз...
Шунда фарқи йўқ, яхши ёки ёмон - ҳаммаси ўз аҳамиятини юқотади. Сизга фақат ўзингиз қоласиз. Янги кун. Янги ҳаёт. Тоза вароқ. Энди барчасини қандай рангларга бўяш ўзингизга боғлиқ! Ассалому алейкум Қадрдонлар!
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Шундай инсонлар борки, томчи сувдан яралганини яхши билади...
Аммо кибри чексиз денгиздай...
Тафаккур қил эй банда, ким эдингу, ким бўлдинг. Дунё учун нима бердинг...
Шундай инсонлар борки, томчи сувдан яралганини яхши билади...
Аммо кибри чексиз денгиздай...
Тафаккур қил эй банда, ким эдингу, ким бўлдинг. Дунё учун нима бердинг...
Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯
1. Flourish - gullab - yashnamoqda
/ˈflʌr.ɪʃ/ verb SUCCEED
1[ I ] to grow or develop successfully
verb WAVES
If you do something with a flourish, you do it with one big, noticeable movement
My tomatoes are flourishing this summer. Mening pomidorlarim bu yozda gullab -yashnamoqda.
2. evident - aniq, oydin
/ˈev.ɪ.d ə nt/ adjective slightly formal
easily seen or understood; obvious
The full extent of the damage only became evident the following morning.
Zararning to'liq miqdori faqat ertasi kuni aniq bo'ldi.
3. expose - olib tashlamoq
/ɪkˈspəʊz/ verb [ T ] UNCOVER
1. to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen
verb [ T ] MAKE PUBLIC
2. to make public something bad or dishonest
expose sb to sth phrasal verb [ usually passive ]
to make it likely that someone will experience something harmful or unpleasant
The plaster on the walls has been removed to expose the original bricks underneath.
Uning ostidagi asl g'ishtlarni ochish uchun devorlardagi gips olib tashlandi.
4. relate - 1. bog'liq 2. aytib bermoq
/rɪˈleɪt/ verb [ T ]
She related the events of the previous week to the police.
U o'tgan haftadagi voqealarni politsiyaga aytib berdi.
5. behavior - xulq, axloq
verb [ I or T ]
to act in a particular way, or to be good by acting in a way which has society's approval
She always behaves well/badly when her aunts come to visit.
Xolalari tashrif buyurganida, u o'zini har doim yaxshi/yomon tutadi.
6. undertake - zimmasiga olmoq
/ˌʌn.dəˈteɪk/ verb [ T ] undertook , undertaken DO
1. slightly formal to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult
2. formal to promise that you will do something
[ + that ] The government undertook that the buildings would be redeveloped.Hukumat binolar qayta qurilishini o'z zimmasiga oldi.
7. Contrary - qarshisidagi, aksincha , nimanidir aksini
/ˈkɒn.trə.ri/ noun (S )the contrary the opposite
I was worried that it might be too difficult for me but I found the contrary.
Men uchun bu juda qiyin bo'lishi mumkinligidan qo'rqardim, lekin men buning aksini topdim.
1. Flourish - gullab - yashnamoqda
/ˈflʌr.ɪʃ/ verb SUCCEED
1[ I ] to grow or develop successfully
verb WAVES
If you do something with a flourish, you do it with one big, noticeable movement
My tomatoes are flourishing this summer. Mening pomidorlarim bu yozda gullab -yashnamoqda.
2. evident - aniq, oydin
/ˈev.ɪ.d ə nt/ adjective slightly formal
easily seen or understood; obvious
The full extent of the damage only became evident the following morning.
Zararning to'liq miqdori faqat ertasi kuni aniq bo'ldi.
3. expose - olib tashlamoq
/ɪkˈspəʊz/ verb [ T ] UNCOVER
1. to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen
verb [ T ] MAKE PUBLIC
2. to make public something bad or dishonest
expose sb to sth phrasal verb [ usually passive ]
to make it likely that someone will experience something harmful or unpleasant
The plaster on the walls has been removed to expose the original bricks underneath.
Uning ostidagi asl g'ishtlarni ochish uchun devorlardagi gips olib tashlandi.
4. relate - 1. bog'liq 2. aytib bermoq
/rɪˈleɪt/ verb [ T ]
She related the events of the previous week to the police.
U o'tgan haftadagi voqealarni politsiyaga aytib berdi.
5. behavior - xulq, axloq
verb [ I or T ]
to act in a particular way, or to be good by acting in a way which has society's approval
She always behaves well/badly when her aunts come to visit.
Xolalari tashrif buyurganida, u o'zini har doim yaxshi/yomon tutadi.
6. undertake - zimmasiga olmoq
/ˌʌn.dəˈteɪk/ verb [ T ] undertook , undertaken DO
1. slightly formal to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult
2. formal to promise that you will do something
[ + that ] The government undertook that the buildings would be redeveloped.Hukumat binolar qayta qurilishini o'z zimmasiga oldi.
7. Contrary - qarshisidagi, aksincha , nimanidir aksini
/ˈkɒn.trə.ri/ noun (S )the contrary the opposite
I was worried that it might be too difficult for me but I found the contrary.
Men uchun bu juda qiyin bo'lishi mumkinligidan qo'rqardim, lekin men buning aksini topdim.
Band 9 words for SPEAKING 🔥🔥🔥
✅ Academic (adjective) – connected with education and studying; involving a great deal of reading and studying, rather than practical skills;
(akademik = ilmiy)
All the candidates had excellent academic credentials.
Barcha nomzodlar mukammal ilmiy ma’lumotlarga ega edilar.
✅ Ambition (noun) – something which you want to achieve very much;
His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.
Uning maqsadi o'z biznesini yuritish.
✅ Aptitude (noun) – a natural ability or sill at something;
We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account.
Biz sizning shaxsiy qobilyatingiz va layoqayatingizni hisobga olamiz.
✅ Aspire (verb) – to want very much to achieve something or to become; someone
Most of his students aspired to a career in business.
Uning shogirdlarining aksariyati biznes bilan shug'ullanishga intilishgan.
✅ Commerce (noun) – the activities connected with business or trade; the large scale buying and selling of goods and services;
We are trying to develop a model for best practice in electronic commerce.
Biz elektron tijorat sohasida eng yaxshi amaliyot modelini ishlab chiqishga harakat qilmoqdamiz.
✅ Conflict (noun) - a continued period of fighting or hospitality between countries or groups;
There was a lot of conflict between him and his father.
U bilan otasi o'rtasida juda ko'p ziddiyatlar bo'lgan.
✅ Entrepreneur (noun) – a person who sets up a new business, especially when that involves financial risk, in the hope of making a profit and getting a lot of money;
He was one of the best entrepreneurs of the 1980s.
U 1980-yillarning eng yaxshi tadbirkorlaridan biri edi.
✅ Academic (adjective) – connected with education and studying; involving a great deal of reading and studying, rather than practical skills;
(akademik = ilmiy)
All the candidates had excellent academic credentials.
Barcha nomzodlar mukammal ilmiy ma’lumotlarga ega edilar.
✅ Ambition (noun) – something which you want to achieve very much;
His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.
Uning maqsadi o'z biznesini yuritish.
✅ Aptitude (noun) – a natural ability or sill at something;
We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account.
Biz sizning shaxsiy qobilyatingiz va layoqayatingizni hisobga olamiz.
✅ Aspire (verb) – to want very much to achieve something or to become; someone
Most of his students aspired to a career in business.
Uning shogirdlarining aksariyati biznes bilan shug'ullanishga intilishgan.
✅ Commerce (noun) – the activities connected with business or trade; the large scale buying and selling of goods and services;
We are trying to develop a model for best practice in electronic commerce.
Biz elektron tijorat sohasida eng yaxshi amaliyot modelini ishlab chiqishga harakat qilmoqdamiz.
✅ Conflict (noun) - a continued period of fighting or hospitality between countries or groups;
There was a lot of conflict between him and his father.
U bilan otasi o'rtasida juda ko'p ziddiyatlar bo'lgan.
✅ Entrepreneur (noun) – a person who sets up a new business, especially when that involves financial risk, in the hope of making a profit and getting a lot of money;
He was one of the best entrepreneurs of the 1980s.
U 1980-yillarning eng yaxshi tadbirkorlaridan biri edi.