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Қутлуғ Жума тонги барча мўмин мусулмонларга муборак бўлсин.
Ушбу кунда барча дуо қилгувчиларнинг дуолари ижобат бўлсин... Аллоҳим қалбларимизни Ўзининг муҳаббати билан шод айласин!

Ассалому алайкум ва раҳматуллоҳи ва барокатуҳ!

Vocabulary for Writing

📝 Enhance – to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something;

These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.
Ushbu janjallar tashkilotning obro'sini oshirmaydi.

📝 Problematic – full of problems or difficulties;

Getting everyone there on time might prove problematic.
Hammani u erga o'z vaqtida yetib borishi muammoli bo'lishi mumkin.

📝 Crucial – extremely important or necessary:

It is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately.
Muammoni darhol hal qilish juda muhimdir.

📝 Ludicrous – stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at;

He looked ludicrous in that suit!
U bu kostyumda kulgili ko'rinardi!

📝 Minor – having little importance, influence, or effect, especially when compared with other things of the same type;

She suffered only minor injuries.
U faqat yengil jarohatlar olgan.

📝 Virtual – almost a particular thing or quality;

Ten years of incompetent government had brought about the virtual collapse of the country's economy.
O'n yillik qobiliyatsiz hukumat mamlakat iqtisodiyotining virtual qulashiga olib keldi.

Source: E2 English

"LA'CORE" Узбекистон- Корея кушма компанияси ишга таклиф этади!! 🤝🤝🤝
Аъзо булиш бепул!
Тармокли маркетинг усулида ишлаймиз!
Компания 100% расмий фаолият юритади!
Республикамизда 40 дан зиед офислар фаолият юритмокда!
Тулик 30 кунда ойлик хисобот киласиз, каталог хар фасл учун 1 та, йилига 4 дона оласиз 👍👍💐💐 Узингизга маькул вактда офисдан махсулотларни чегирмали нархда олишингиз мумкин. 💥💥 Фаолиятингизни устиришингиз учун спонсорлар томонидан бепул дарслар утказилиб борилади.
Энг асосийси компанияда ишлаб узингизга, оилангизга сифатли махсулотларимизни чегирмали нархларда ишлатиш имконига эга буласиз!!
Уз бизнесингизни юритиб, Узбекистонимиз ривожига хисса кушган буласиз!!👍👍👍👆👆👆
Заводимизда Корея технологияси ва табиий хом ашёси асосида сифатли ва иклимга мос махсулотлар ишлаб чикарилади 👍👍👍
Ажойиб, кувнок жамоа билан фаолият юритасиз!!!💃💃💃💃🌹
Nodirabegim 90 230 64 96

Band 9 words for SPEAKING 🔥🔥🔥

Academic (adjective) – connected with education and studying; involving a great deal of reading and studying, rather than practical skills;
(akademik = ilmiy)

All the candidates had excellent academic credentials.
Barcha nomzodlar mukammal ilmiy ma’lumotlarga ega edilar.

Ambition (noun) – something which you want to achieve very much;

His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.
Uning maqsadi o'z biznesini yuritish.

Aptitude (noun) – a natural ability or sill at something;

We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account.
Biz sizning shaxsiy qobilyatingiz va layoqayatingizni hisobga olamiz.

Aspire (verb) – to want very much to achieve something or to become; someone

Most of his students aspired to a career in business.
Uning shogirdlarining aksariyati biznes bilan shug'ullanishga intilishgan.

Commerce (noun) – the activities connected with business or trade; the large scale buying and selling of goods and services;

We are trying to develop a model for best practice in electronic commerce.
Biz elektron tijorat sohasida eng yaxshi amaliyot modelini ishlab chiqishga harakat qilmoqdamiz

Conflict (noun) - a continued period of fighting or hospitality between countries or groups;

There was a lot of conflict between him and his father.
U bilan otasi o'rtasida juda ko'p ziddiyatlar bo'lgan.

Entrepreneur (noun) – a person who sets up a new business, especially when that involves financial risk, in the hope of making a profit and getting a lot of money;

He was one of the best entrepreneurs of the 1980s.
U 1980-yillarning eng yaxshi tadbirkorlaridan biri edi.

💥Multi level imtihoniga reg qilish to'xtatildi. Bugun to'lovini qilmaganlar qilib qo'yilar😊
Reg qilganlar bugun to'lov qilib qo'yinglar
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Har kun, har lahza
"Hayot kitob"ingizni yaxshi kayfiyat, shukronalik va samimiy quvonch bilan to‘ldiring-ki, sahifalarini ortga qaytarib varoqlaganingizda umringizni go‘zal yashayotganingizni his qiling...

Assalomu alaykum va rohmatulloh!🌿 Bugungi kun sahifangizni go‘zal amallar bezasin.🤲🏻

Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. compound - aralashma birikma

/ˈkɒm.paʊnd/ noun [ C ] COMBINATION
1. a chemical that combines two or more elements
2. formal something consisting of two or more different parts
noun [ C ] AREA

Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.
Tuz natriy va xlor aralashmasidir.

2. potential - potinsial, salohiyat

/pə ʊ  ˈten. t  ʃ ə l/ adjective [ before noun ]
possible when the necessary conditions exist
noun [ U ]
someone's or something's ability to develop, achieve or succeed

A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the company.
Bir qator potentsial xaridorlar kompaniyaga qiziqish bildirishdi.

3. capacity - hajm, imkoniyat

/kəˈpæs.ə.ti/ noun AMOUNT
1. [ C or S or U ] the total amount that can be contained or produced, or (especially of a person or organization) the ability to do a particular thing
2. [ S ] formal a particular position or job

The stadium has a seating capacity of 50 000.
Stadion 50 000 o'ringa mo'ljallangan.

4. relevant - muvofiq, mos

/ˈrel.ə.v ə nt/ adjective
1. connected with what is happening or being discussed
2. correct or suitable for a particular purpose

Education should be relevant to the child's needs.
Ta'lim bolaning ehtiyojlariga mos kelishi kerak.

5. readily - tez, darhol

/ˈred.ɪ.li/ adverb
quickly, immediately, willingly or without any problem

He readily agreed to help.
U darhol yordam berishga qo'shildi.

6. broaden - kengaymoq

/ˈbrɔː.d ə n/ verb WIDER
1. [ I or T ] to become wider, or to cause something to become wider
2. [ T ] to increase the range of something

The road broadens and becomes a big road at this point.
Bu vaqtda yo'l kengayadi va katta yo'lga aylanadi.

7. irrespective - qat'iy nazar

/ˌɪr.ɪˈspek.tɪv/ adverb
without considering; not needing to allow for

The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone’s ethnic origins.
Qonun kimning millatiga mansubligidan qat'iy nazar qo'llanilishi kerak.


Juda ko'pchilik uchun listening qismida section 4 o'ziga xos qiyinchiliklarni kasb etadi va ko'p hollarda aynan shu muammo yuzasidan mendan maslahat so'rashadi.

Maslahatim g'alatiroq tuyilishi mumkin, lekin o'quvchilarimga section 4 haqida unchalik ham qayg'urmasliklarini ta'kidlab kelaman. Buning o'rniga, biz boshqa section lar ustida ko'proq ishlaymiz. Agarda siz 1-3 section larda yaxshi natijaga erishsangiz, section 4 dan yuqori ko'rsatkich unchalik ham kerak bo'lmaydi.

O'z o'quvchilarimga taxminan mana bunday maqsad qo'yib olishni uqtirib kelaman:

Section 1 uchun 10 ta to'g'ri javob

• Section 2 uchun 8 ta to'g'ri javob

• Section 3 uchun 7 ta to'g'ri javob

• Section 4 uchun 5 ta to'g'ri javob

Ko'rib turganingizday, ja'mi 30 ta to'g'ri javob 7 ballni tashkil etadi, lekin buning uchun section 4 dan bizga atiga 5 ta to'g'ri javob kerak bo'ladi.

. .

Kanal adminidan qo'shimcha: bu maslahat faqat listening qismidan 7 olishni mo'ljallayotganlar uchun (7+ uchun emas)!


1. Get
This word feels a little bit informal. There is always a replacement that does the job. For example, 'get a job' could be replaced with 'find a job'. 'Get some clothes' could be 'buy' or 'purchase' some clothes.

2. Pretty
By this I mean expressions like 'pretty good'. Basically 'pretty + adjective' is a fairly informal structure that is best used in speaking.

3. Really
It's inappropriate for formal writing for the exact same reason as above.

4. Totally
I often see people say 'I totally agree'. 'Totally' used in this way is informal.

5. And, But, So (to start sentences)
For formal writing, some teachers and grammar nazis consider doing this to be informal and wrong. There is no reason to risk it for your IELTS test, so avoid starting your sentences with these. Using them in the middle of your sentences is fine. Replacements could be 'Furthermore/In addition, However/Nevertheless, Therefore/Thus/Consequently.

Source: James Biden

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Even monkeys are clapping some people seeing their stupidity 🤦🏻‍♂
Media is too big
#action #adventure #thriller
Name: Fast & Furious Hobbs & Shaw 🎥
Language: English 🇬🇧
Year: 2019 📆

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Фасллар каби умримиз ҳам ўтиб бормоқда... Яқинда ёзни қарши олгандик мана кузга ҳам яқинлашиб қолдик. Вақт шафқатсиз, у ҳеч кимни ва ҳеч нарсани кутиб турмайди. Вақтни ғанимат билинг ва эзгу ишларни қилиб қолишга улгуринг...

Ассалому алайкум Қадрдон. Яна бир янги кунингиз муборак бўлсин!

🔘 Kremlin-backed republics in Ukraine to hold referendums on joining Russia from Friday (audio + text)

Two Russian-backed regions in eastern Ukraine have revealed they'll hold a referendum on whether to split from Ukraine and join Russia. Some international watchers claim the five-day referendum could result in Moscow claiming Ukraine was responsible for bringing war onto itself. Lee Seung-jae has more. Two Russian-backed regions in eastern Ukraine,... the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics announced on Tuesday they will hold a five-day referendum on joining Russia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov,... said the upcoming referendum was a decision of great importance for the people who live in the region. However,... the referendum could result in claims by Russia that Ukraine had brought the war into its own territory. The latest announcement comes as the course of Russia's war in Ukraine shifted dramatically in Ukraine's favor, as a successful counterattack recaptured thousands of square kilometers of territory around the eastern city of Kharkiv. The counter-offensives threaten the supply lines of Russia's troops in Donetsk, Luhansk and further to the west and south. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said Tuesday that Russian troops "appear on the ropes" in Ukraine and that the Kremlin's actions, such as the call for a referendum were a desperate move by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Speaking to MSNBC,... Sherman said there are concerns that Putin "will use kinds of weapons of war that he should not," noting he had already weaponized food. She added that Putin could possibly use chemical or nuclear weapons to turn the tide on Ukraine. Previously,... a referendum on Crimea joining Russia was held in March 2014,... after Russian forces took control of the region. Crimea's leaders declared that 97 percent of voters chose to secede from Ukraine at the time.

Listening to Audio While Reading Helps Comprehension

🎧 https://t.me/cefrprofessionals
🎼 Angel Baby
🎤 Song by Troye Sivan


I need a lover to keep me sane
Pull me from hell, bring me back again
Play me the classics
Something romantic
Give him my all when I don't even have it

I always dreamed of a solemn face
Someone who feels like a holiday
But now I'm in pieces
Barely believing
Starting to think that I've lost all feeling

You came out the blue on a rainy night
No lie
I'll tell you how I almost died
While you're bringing me back to life

I just wanna live in this moment forever
'Cause I'm afraid that living couldn't get any better
Started giving up on the word "forever"
Until you gave up heaven, so we could be together

You're my angel
Angel baby, angel
You're my angel, baby
Baby, you're my angel
Angel baby

I fall in love with the little things
Counting the tattoos on your skin
Tell me a secret
And baby, I'll keep it
And maybe we could play house for the weekend

You came out the blue on a rainy night
No lie
I'll tell you how I almost died
While you're bringing me back to life

I just wanna live in this moment forever
'Cause I'm afraid that living couldn't get any better
Started giving up on the word "forever"
Until you gave up heaven, so we could be together

You're my angel
Angel baby, angel
You're my angel, baby
Baby, you're my angel
Angel baby

All the sick and twisted nights that I've been waiting for ya
They were worth it all along, yeah

I just wanna live in this moment forever
'Cause I'm afraid that living couldn't get any better
Started giving up on the word "forever" (on the word "forever")
Until you gave up heaven, so we could be together

You're my angel
Angel baby, angel
You're my angel, baby
Baby, you're my angel
Angel baby

Angel baby, angel (you're my angel, baby)
You're my angel, baby (you're my angel, baby)
Baby, you're my angel
Angel baby

Troye Sivan
Angel Baby


1. Get
This word feels a little bit informal. There is always a replacement that does the job. For example, 'get a job' could be replaced with 'find a job'. 'Get some clothes' could be 'buy' or 'purchase' some clothes.

2. Pretty
By this I mean expressions like 'pretty good'. Basically 'pretty + adjective' is a fairly informal structure that is best used in speaking.

3. Really
It's inappropriate for formal writing for the exact same reason as above.

4. Totally
I often see people say 'I totally agree'. 'Totally' used in this way is informal.

5. And, But, So (to start sentences)
For formal writing, some teachers and grammar nazis consider doing this to be informal and wrong. There is no reason to risk it for your IELTS test, so avoid starting your sentences with these. Using them in the middle of your sentences is fine. Replacements could be 'Furthermore/In addition, However/Nevertheless, Therefore/Thus/Consequently.

Source: James Biden



Bu so’z og’zaki uslubga xos. Uning o’rniga doim boshqa so’z ishlatishingiz mumkin. Masalan, “get a job” deyish o’rniga “find a job” deb yozing. Yoki “get some clothes” deyish o’rniga “buy yoki purchase clothes” deb yozing.

Bu so’zni sifatdan oldin yozish o’ta og’zaki uslun, misol uchun “prett good”. Bu, asosan, og’zaki uslubda uchraydi.

Bu so’z ham “pretty” (juda ma’nosida) so’zi kabi og’zaki uslubga mos.

Ko’pincha intorductionda “totally agree” deb yozishadi. Ammo bu ham og’zaki uslub.

And, But va So (gap boshida kelganda)
Formal writing uchun bu so’zlarni gap boshida ishlatmang. Gapning boshiga bu so’zlarni qo’yish o’rniga, boshqa muqobil so’zlarni ishlating, masalan: “'Furthermore/In addition, However/Nevertheless, Therefore/Thus/Consequently.”

Manba: James Biden
