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Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. complex - murakkab

/ˈkɒm.pleks/ , /kəmˈpleks/ adjective
1. involving a lot of different
but related parts
2. difficult to understand or find
a complex molecule/carbohydrate
a complex network of roads

It's a very complex issue to which there is no straightforward answer.
Bu juda murakkab masala, unga aniq javob yo'q.

2. criterion - mezon, o'lchov

/kraɪˈtɪə.ri.ən/ noun [ C ] plural
a standard by which you judge,
decide about or deal with something

The Health Service should not be judged by financial criteria alone.
Sog'liqni saqlash xizmati faqat moliyaviy mezonlarga ko'ra baholanmasligi kerak.

3. outnumber - miqdoran ko'p bo'lmoq, son jihatdan o'tib ketmoq

/ˌaʊtˈnʌm.bə r / verb [ T ]
to be greater in number than
someone or something

In our office, the women outnumber the men 3 to 1.
Bizning idoramizda ayollar erkaklar sonidan 3 taga ko'p.

4. addition - qo'shish, ko'paytirish

/əˈdɪʃ. ə n/ noun
1. [ U ] the process of adding
numbers or amounts together
2. in addition (to)
as well (as)

In addition to his flat in London, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.
Uning Londondagi kvartirasidan tashqari, Italiyada villasi va Shotlandiyada qal'asi bor.

5. current - joriy, hozirgi

/ˈkʌr. ə nt/ adjective
of the present time

Have you seen the current issue of Vogue magazine?
Vogue jurnalining joriy sonini ko'rdingizmi?

6. Conceive - tasavvur qilmoq

/kənˈsiːv/ verb IMAGINE
1. [ I or T ] to imagine something
2. [ T ] to invent a plan or an idea

I think my uncle still conceives of me as a four-year-old.
O'ylaymanki, amakim hali ham meni to'rt yoshli deb tasavvur qiladi.

7. acknowledge - tanimoq, tushunmoq

/əkˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/ verb [ T ]
to accept, admit or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something

You must acknowledge the truth of her argument.
Siz uning bahsining to'g'riligini tushunishingiz kerak.

Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

numerous - ko'p, ko'p sonli

/ˈnjuː.mə.rəs/ adjective

We have discussed these plans on numerous meetings.
Biz bu rejalarni ko'p uchrashuvlarda muhokama qilganmiz.

2. alleviate - yengillashtirmoq

/əˈliː.vi.eɪt/ verb [ T ] formal
to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe

The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain.
Dorilar uning og'rig'ini yengillashtirishga hech narsa qilmadi.

3. contemporary - zamonaviy, hozirgi

/kənˈtem.p ə r. ə r.i/ adjective EXISTING NOW
existing or happening now

contemporary music/literature/art/fashion
zamonaviy musiqa/adabiyot/san'at/moda

4. Identify - aniqlamoq, tanimoq

/aɪˈden.tɪ.faɪ/ verb [ T ]

Even the smallest baby can identify its mother by her voice .
Hatto eng kichkina bola ham onasini ovozidan taniy oladi.

5. Reveal - oshkor qilmoq

/rɪˈviːl/ verb [ T ]
1. to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret
2. to allow something to be seen that, until then, had been hidden

He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians.
U ruslarga sirlarni oshkor qilgani uchun qamalgan.

6. convert to/into - o'zgartirmoq

/kənˈvɜːt/ verb CHANGE
1. [ I or T ] to (cause something or someone to) change in form, character, or opinion
noun [ C ]
someone who changes their beliefs, habits, or way of living

Could we convert the small bedroom into a second bathroom?
Kichkina yotoqxonani ikkinchi hammomga aylantira olamizmi?

7. insurmountable - yengib bo'lmaydigan

/ˌɪn.səˈmaʊn.tə.bl ‌/ adjective formal
(especially of a problem or a difficulty) so great that it cannot be dealt with successfully
insurmountable difficulties

This small country is faced with an insurmountable debt.
Bu kichik mamlakat yengib bo'lmas qarzga duch keldi.

🎼 Dance Monkey
🎤 Song by Tones and I


They say oh my God I see the way you shine
Take your hand, my dear, and place them both in mine
You know you stopped me dead while I was passing by
And now I beg to see you dance just one more time
Ooh I see you, see you, see you every time
And oh my I, I, I like your style
You, you make me, make me, make me wanna cry
And now I beg to see you dance just one more time
So they say
Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh
I've never seen anybody do the things you do before
They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay
And when you're done I'll make you do it all again
I said oh my God I see you walking by
Take my hands, my dear, and look me in my eyes
Just like a monkey I've been dancing my whole life
But you just beg to see me dance just one more time
Ooh I see you, see you, see you every time
And oh my I, I like your style
You, you make me, make me, make me wanna cry
And now I beg to see you dance just one more time
So they say
Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh
I've never seen anybody do the things you do before
They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay
And when you're done I'll make you do it all again
They say
Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I've never seen anybody do the things you do before
They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay
And when you're done I'll make you do it all again
Woah-oh, woah-oh, oh
Ah ah, ah
They say
Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh
I've never seen anybody do the things you do before
They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay
And when you're done I'll make you do it all again
They say
Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I've never seen anybody do the things you do before
They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay
And when you're done I'll make you do it all again
All again

Tones and I
Dance Monkey

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Қаерда меҳр бўлса, у ерда ҳаёт бўлади! Кўнглингизни дуосиз, шукрсиз ва меҳрсиз қолдирманг..!
Дуо қилганда дилдан ишонинг. Шукр қилганда қалбдан миннатдор бўлинг. Меҳр кўрсатганда, самимий ва шафқатли бўлинг. Ҳар бир кунингиздан унумли фойдаланинг.

Ассалому алайкум Қадрдон. Янги тонг муборак!


Ko’pchilik introductionni umumiy gap bilan boshlashim kerak deb aytadi. Ammo, bunday gaplar bilan muammo shundaki, ko’p hollarda o’rganuvchilar o’ta umumiy gap yozib yuborishadi va mavzudan uzoqlashib ketishadi.

Yoki boshqa o’quvchilar tayyor birikmalar yodlab olib, inshoni doim shunday birikmalar bilan boshlashga harakat qilishadi. Masalan: “This is an often debated topic” yoki “This is a controversial topic.” Ammo, IELTSda ko’pincha kuchli ziddiyat olib keluvchi mavzular berilmaydi. Insho mavzulari odatda barchamiz biladigan, kundalik hayotda tez-tez eshitib turadigan mavzular bo’ladi.


Eng avvalo, sizga berilgan insho savolining umumiy ma’nosini aniqlab oling va mana shu mavzudan uzoqlashmagan holda gap yozing. Agar hech qanday umumiy fikr eslay olmasangiz, bunday gap yozishingiz shart ham emas. Shunchaki, berilgan insho savolidagi gaplarni paraphrase qilishdan boshlang.

Introductionda umumiy gap bor yoki yo’qligi balingizga ta’sir qilmaydi. Bor bo’lsa yaxshi, ammo yo’q bo’lsa balingiz kesiladi degani emas. ☝️

Examiner eng birinchi e’tibor beradigan jihat bu paraphrase dir. Shuning uchun balingizga katta ta’siri yo’q gaplar uchun ko’p vaqt sarflash o’rniga, savolni to’g’ri paraphrase qilish va unga mos keluvchi fikrlarni topish haqida o’ylang.

Source: Key to IELTS

Vocabulary 📒📕📗

🌟 To contain - to have something inside or include something as a part;
(o’z ichiga olmoq)

How much liquid do you think this bottle contains?
Sizningcha bu shishada qancha suyuqlik bor?

🌟 To integrate into - to mix with and join society or a group of people, often changing to suit their way of life, habits and customs;

He seems to find it difficult to integrate socially.
Ko'rinib turibdiki, unga ijtimoiy hamjihatlik qiyin.

🌟 Vital – necessary for the success or continued existence of something; extremely important;

She had found out some information of vital importance.
U hayotiy muhim ahamiyatga ega bo'lgan ba'zi ma'lumotlarni bilib oldi.

🌟 Threaten – to tell someone that you will kill or hurt them, or cause problems for them if they do not do what you want;

They threatened the shopkeeper with a gun.
Ular do'kondorga qurol bilan tahdid qilishgan.

🌟 Principally – mainly;

The advertising campaign is aimed principally at women.
Reklama kampaniyasi asosan ayollarga qaratilgan.

Source: Academic Word List

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📕Prepositions of time [on/at/in]

🖍ON - hafta kunlari bilan yoki mahsus kunlar bilan qo'llaniladi (time):

on Sunday
on the 8th of March
on the first of September
my birthday is on 8 February
on Christmas Day.

🖍AT - aniq vaqt (time) ko'rsatilganda ishlatiladi:

at 5 o’clock
at 4 o'clock
at 11:50
at midnight
at sunset
at noon
at night
at weekends

🖍IN - kunning ma'lum bir qismini aytganimizda ishlatamiz(time):

in the morning
in the day time
in the afternoon
in the evening

🖍IN - oy, fasl, yil haqida gapirilganda ham ishlatiladi(time)ya'ni uzoq muddat uchun:

in may
in summer
in 1960
They arrived in 2020.
In the winter it’s cold.
In the past I studied French.
🖌AT - yonida ma'nosida, o'rnini (place)bildiradi:

at the table
at the office
at home

🖋IN - ichida ma'nosida ham ishlatiladi(place)

in the room
in the pocket
in the bag

🖊ON - ustida ma'nosini ham anglatadi(place)

on the roof
on the table
on the shelf

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Bilamizki, insho introductionida iloji boricha savolda berilgan so’zlarni takrorlamasdan, savoldagi gaplarni o’z so’zlarimiz qayta yozishimiz kerak, ya’ni paraphrase qilishimiz kerak.

Ammo, ko’pchilik paraphrase ni haddan ziyod oshirib yuborishadi, ya’ni ular umuman ma’nosi mos kelmaydigan yoki ma’no boshqa yo’nalishga burib yuboradigan so’z va so’z birikmalarini paraphrase uchun ishlatishadi.

Masalan, “some people” o’rniga “numerous individuals” yoki “humans” deb yozishadi. Ammo, bu xato, chunki bu birikmalar some people bilan bir xil emas. Yoki, “children” so’zi o’rniga “youths”, “teachers” so’zi o’rniga “educational scholars” deb yozishadi.

Qaytaraman, bu birikmalar children yoki teachers ma’nosini teng anglatmaydi.


Mavzuni so’zma-so’z paraphrase qilmang.
Uning o’rniga, savoldagi gapning grammatika strukturasini o’zgartiring yoki asl ma’noni o’zgartirmagan holda, uni boshqacharoq ifodalashga harakat qiling. Paraphrase qiling bo’lmaydiga so’zlarni (teachers, languages kabi) o’z holicha qoldiring.

Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. insurmountable - yengib bo'lmaydigan

/ˌɪn.səˈmaʊn.tə.bl ‌/ adjective formal
(especially of a problem or a difficulty) so great that it cannot be dealt with successfully

This small country is faced with an insurmountable debt.
Bu kichik mamlakat yengib bo'lmas qarzga duch keldi.

2. elaborate - puxta

/ɪˈlæb. ə r.ət/ /adjective
containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts
verb [ I ] slightly formal
to add more information to or explain something that you have said

They're making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding.
Ular to'yga eng puxta tayyorgarlik ko'rmoqdalar.

3. Role - rol, ahamiyat

/rəʊl/ noun [ C ]

Schools play an important role in society.
Maktablar jamiyatda muhim rol o'ynaydi.

4. Severe - og'ir

/sɪˈvɪə r / adjective VERY SERIOUS
causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc; very serious

a severe liver infection/leg injury/toothache
og'ir jigar infektsiyasi/oyoq shikastlanishi/tish og'rig'i

5. indeed - darhaqiqat, haqiqatdan ham

/ɪnˈdiːd/ adverb
1. really or certainly, often used to emphasize something
2. used to express that something is correct
used to express surprise, anger, or lack of belief or interest

Indeed, it could be the worst environmental disaster in Western Europe this century.
Darhaqiqat, bu G'arbiy Evropadagi bu asrdagi eng yomon ekologik halokat bo'lishi mumkin.

6. invaluable - juda foydali

/ɪnˈvæl.jʊ.bl ‌/ adjective
extremely useful

The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.
Yangi ish sizga juda foydali tajriba beradi.

7. present - sovg'a

/ˈprez. ə nt/ noun SOMETHING GIVEN
[ C ] something which you are given, without asking for it, on a special occasion, especially to show friendship, or to say thank you

a birthday/Christmas/wedding present
tug'ilgan kun/yangi yil /to'y

Vocabulary: Global challenges 🌎🌍🌏

Developing countries
– countries not generally considered to be fully developed yet;
(rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlar)

Illiteracy is a huge challenge for developing countries to overcome.
Savodsizlik - rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlar uchun eng katta qiyinchilik.

Developed countries – countries considered to have advanced economies, industries and social infrastructure;
(rivojlangan mamlakatlar)

Developed countries contribute aid to those nations affected by famine.
Rivojlangan davlatlar ochlikdan aziyat chekkan davlatlarga yordam ko'rsatadilar.

Livelihood – the way a person makes a living;

Many villagers sell handicrafts, as this is the only livelihood they can find.
Ko'p qishloq aholisi hunarmandchilik buyumlarini sotishadi, chunki bu ular uchun yagona tirikchilik.

Civil war – war between inside a country;
(fuqoralar urushi)

It will take many years for our nation to recover from civil war of the 1990s.
90 -yillardagi fuqarolar urushidan xalqimizning tiklanishi uchun ko'p yillar kerak bo'ladi.

To migrate – to move permanently between countries;
(ko’chib o’tish)

Migration within in the Eurozone is a highly controversial issue at present.
Yevropa hududidagi migratsiya hozirda juda munozarali masala.

Longevity – the tendency to have a long life expectancy;
(uzoq umr ko’rish)

Japanese people have perhaps the highest longevity in the world.
Yaponlar, ehtimol dunyodagi eng uzoq umr ko'radigan odamlardir.
