Reading: the time problem 📚⏰
'Not having enough time' is the biggest problem for most people taking the reading test. Here are some tips for dealing with this problem:
1. Go straight to the first question. Don't waste time reading the full passage or the first sentence of each paragraph, and don't read any of the other questions.
2. Do 'paragraph' questions last. Questions that ask you to match headings or statements with paragraphs are much easier if you are already familiar with the passage.
3. Don't get stuck on one question. As soon as you realise that you are having difficulties with a question, leave it and move to the next one. Return to difficult questions later if you have time.
4. Remember that the answers to most question sections are in order in the passage. You don't need to go back to the beginning of the passage to search for each answer.
5. Only skim or scan for numbers and names. Otherwise, read at normal speed.
6. Work with an alarm. You can't do this in an exam, but at home you could set the alarm (on your phone) for 2 minutes and try to do each question within this time.
When preparing for the reading test at home, try not to worry about time at first. Your first concern should be to get the score you need, even if it takes you 3 hours instead of 1 hour to do a full test.
'Not having enough time' is the biggest problem for most people taking the reading test. Here are some tips for dealing with this problem:
1. Go straight to the first question. Don't waste time reading the full passage or the first sentence of each paragraph, and don't read any of the other questions.
2. Do 'paragraph' questions last. Questions that ask you to match headings or statements with paragraphs are much easier if you are already familiar with the passage.
3. Don't get stuck on one question. As soon as you realise that you are having difficulties with a question, leave it and move to the next one. Return to difficult questions later if you have time.
4. Remember that the answers to most question sections are in order in the passage. You don't need to go back to the beginning of the passage to search for each answer.
5. Only skim or scan for numbers and names. Otherwise, read at normal speed.
6. Work with an alarm. You can't do this in an exam, but at home you could set the alarm (on your phone) for 2 minutes and try to do each question within this time.
When preparing for the reading test at home, try not to worry about time at first. Your first concern should be to get the score you need, even if it takes you 3 hours instead of 1 hour to do a full test.
Reading | Vaqt muammosi 📚⏰
readingda vaqt yetmasligi o’rganuvchilar uchun eng katta muammolardan biri. Quyida siz uchun bu borada bir nechta maslahatlar:
1. Birdaniga birinchi savolga qarang. Butunmatnni yoki matn boshini o’qiyman deb vaqtingizni behuda sarflamang.
2. Paragraf savollarini eng so’ngida ishlang. Matching headings yoki matching statements with paragraphs savollarini matnni o’qib bo’lgandan keyin ishlasangiz, anchagina osonroq.
3. Bitta savolda to’xtab qolmang. Bitta savolda qiynalib, ko’proq vaqt sarflayotgan bo’lsangiz darhol keyingisiga o’tib keting va qolib ketgan savolga vaqting ortib qolsagina, qayting.
4. Eslab qoling, ko’p savollar javoblari ketma-ket keladi. Shuning uchun har safar matn boshiga qaytavermang.
5. Raqamlar va ismlarni scan uslubida ishlang. Qolgan qiyin savollar uchun matnni normal tezlikda o’qing.
6. Budilnik bilan ishlang. Telefoningdagi budilnikni 2 daqiqaga qo’yib, har bitta savolni 2 daqiqa ichida ishlashni mashq qiling.
Readingni endigina boshlagan paytingizda, vaqt haqida qayg’urmang. Eng avvalo, 2-3 soat vaqt ketsayam savollarni to’g’ri ishlashni o’rganib olishga harakat qiling.
readingda vaqt yetmasligi o’rganuvchilar uchun eng katta muammolardan biri. Quyida siz uchun bu borada bir nechta maslahatlar:
1. Birdaniga birinchi savolga qarang. Butunmatnni yoki matn boshini o’qiyman deb vaqtingizni behuda sarflamang.
2. Paragraf savollarini eng so’ngida ishlang. Matching headings yoki matching statements with paragraphs savollarini matnni o’qib bo’lgandan keyin ishlasangiz, anchagina osonroq.
3. Bitta savolda to’xtab qolmang. Bitta savolda qiynalib, ko’proq vaqt sarflayotgan bo’lsangiz darhol keyingisiga o’tib keting va qolib ketgan savolga vaqting ortib qolsagina, qayting.
4. Eslab qoling, ko’p savollar javoblari ketma-ket keladi. Shuning uchun har safar matn boshiga qaytavermang.
5. Raqamlar va ismlarni scan uslubida ishlang. Qolgan qiyin savollar uchun matnni normal tezlikda o’qing.
6. Budilnik bilan ishlang. Telefoningdagi budilnikni 2 daqiqaga qo’yib, har bitta savolni 2 daqiqa ichida ishlashni mashq qiling.
Readingni endigina boshlagan paytingizda, vaqt haqida qayg’urmang. Eng avvalo, 2-3 soat vaqt ketsayam savollarni to’g’ri ishlashni o’rganib olishga harakat qiling.
Birinchi yarim yillikga reg qilish yakunlanishiga oz qoldi. Ulgurib qoling😊
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Suffering is not bad...
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We all had such days when first started learning English 😅🙈
P.S. We should thank our English teachers for their great patience 😇
P.S. We should thank our English teachers for their great patience 😇
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Ҳар бир тонг — янгиликларни кўриш, ўрганиш имконияти, ғаpойиб саргузаштнинг бошланиши ва давом этишидир. Ҳар бир янги кунни машаққатларга қарамай унутилмас лаҳзаларга бой қилиш эса ўз қўлимиздадир...
Ассалому алайкум Қадрдон, янги кунингиз омадли ва барокатли бўлсин!
Ҳар бир тонг — янгиликларни кўриш, ўрганиш имконияти, ғаpойиб саргузаштнинг бошланиши ва давом этишидир. Ҳар бир янги кунни машаққатларга қарамай унутилмас лаҳзаларга бой қилиш эса ўз қўлимиздадир...
Ассалому алайкум Қадрдон, янги кунингиз омадли ва барокатли бўлсин!
Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯
1. return - qaytmoq
/rɪˈtɜːn/ verb GO BACK
to come or go back to a previous place
Odysseus returned to his home after many years of travelling.
Odysseus ko'p yillik sayohatdan keyin uyiga qaytdi.
2. competent at - nimadadir zo'r bo'lmoq
/ˈkɒm.pɪ.t ə nt/ adjective
able to do something well
I wouldn't say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job.
Men u brilliant deb aytmagan bo'lardim, lekin u o'z ishida zo'r.
3. reserve - band qilmoq, g'amlamoq
/rɪˈzɜːv/ verb [ T ]
to keep something for a particular purpose or time
If you get there early, reserve me a seat/reserve a seat for me.
Agar siz ertachiroq kelsangiz ,menga bitta joy olib qo'ying.
4. stimulate - rag'batlantirmoq
/ˈstɪm.jʊ.leɪt/ verb
1. [ T ] to encourage something to grow, develop or become active
2. [ I or T ] to make someone excited and interested about something
The film was intended to stimulate and amuse.
Film rag'batlantirish va ko'ngil ochish uchun mo'ljallangan edi.
5. innate - tug'ma qobiliyat
/ɪˈneɪt/ adjective
an innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not you have learned, inborn
Cyril’s most impressive quality was his innate goodness.
Kirilning eng ta'sirli fazilati uning tug'ma yaxshiligi edi.
6. reject - rad qilmoq
/rɪˈdʒekt/ verb [ T ]
1. to refuse to accept, use or believe something or someone
2. to not give someone the love and attention they want and are expecting from you
The football coach rejected him for the first team.
Futbol murabbiyi uni asosiy jamoa uchun rad qildi.
7. nevertheless - ... bo'lmasa ham,ga qaramay
/ˌnev.ə.ðəˈles/ adverb ( slightly formal nonetheless )
despite what has just been said or referred to
I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was so interesting nevertheless.
Men bu mavzu haqida ko'p narsani bilardim, lekin shunga qaramay, uning nutqi juda qiziq edi.
1. return - qaytmoq
/rɪˈtɜːn/ verb GO BACK
to come or go back to a previous place
Odysseus returned to his home after many years of travelling.
Odysseus ko'p yillik sayohatdan keyin uyiga qaytdi.
2. competent at - nimadadir zo'r bo'lmoq
/ˈkɒm.pɪ.t ə nt/ adjective
able to do something well
I wouldn't say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job.
Men u brilliant deb aytmagan bo'lardim, lekin u o'z ishida zo'r.
3. reserve - band qilmoq, g'amlamoq
/rɪˈzɜːv/ verb [ T ]
to keep something for a particular purpose or time
If you get there early, reserve me a seat/reserve a seat for me.
Agar siz ertachiroq kelsangiz ,menga bitta joy olib qo'ying.
4. stimulate - rag'batlantirmoq
/ˈstɪm.jʊ.leɪt/ verb
1. [ T ] to encourage something to grow, develop or become active
2. [ I or T ] to make someone excited and interested about something
The film was intended to stimulate and amuse.
Film rag'batlantirish va ko'ngil ochish uchun mo'ljallangan edi.
5. innate - tug'ma qobiliyat
/ɪˈneɪt/ adjective
an innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not you have learned, inborn
Cyril’s most impressive quality was his innate goodness.
Kirilning eng ta'sirli fazilati uning tug'ma yaxshiligi edi.
6. reject - rad qilmoq
/rɪˈdʒekt/ verb [ T ]
1. to refuse to accept, use or believe something or someone
2. to not give someone the love and attention they want and are expecting from you
The football coach rejected him for the first team.
Futbol murabbiyi uni asosiy jamoa uchun rad qildi.
7. nevertheless - ... bo'lmasa ham,ga qaramay
/ˌnev.ə.ðəˈles/ adverb ( slightly formal nonetheless )
despite what has just been said or referred to
I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was so interesting nevertheless.
Men bu mavzu haqida ko'p narsani bilardim, lekin shunga qaramay, uning nutqi juda qiziq edi.
Useful vocabulary for Listening 🎧
Bilamiz, listeningda ko’p hollarda talaba va universitet o’qituvchisi o’rtasida suhbat bo’lib o’tadi. Va bu suhbatda, albatta, talaba va o’qituvchini anglatuvchi ko’plab so’zlar ishlatiladi.
Keling, shunday so’zlar ro’yxati bilan tanishamiz. Quyidagi so’zlar albatta sizga Listening paytida asqotadi.
Other words for STUDENT 🧑🎓👩🎓
Freshman – birinchi bosqich talabasi
Sophomore – ikkinchi bosqich talabasi
Junior student – uchinchi bosqich talabasi
Senior student – oxirgi bosqich talabasi
Bachelor – bakalavr talabasi
Master – magistr talabasi
Doctoral candidate – fan nomzodi
Alumni/alumnus – sobiq talaba (allaqachon o’qishni tugatgan)
Post doctorate – doktaranturadan keyingi bosqich talabasi
Other words for TEACHER 👨🏫👩🏫
Lecturer – ma’ruzachi
Associate professor – professordan quyi o’rindagi akademik
Supervisor – ilmiy rahbar
Professor – professor
Dean – dekan
Teaching assistant – o’qituvchi yordamchisi
Bu so’zlar ro’yxati sizga ma’qul bo’ldimi? Unda uni do’stlaringiz bilan ulashing.
Bilamiz, listeningda ko’p hollarda talaba va universitet o’qituvchisi o’rtasida suhbat bo’lib o’tadi. Va bu suhbatda, albatta, talaba va o’qituvchini anglatuvchi ko’plab so’zlar ishlatiladi.
Keling, shunday so’zlar ro’yxati bilan tanishamiz. Quyidagi so’zlar albatta sizga Listening paytida asqotadi.
Other words for STUDENT 🧑🎓👩🎓
Freshman – birinchi bosqich talabasi
Sophomore – ikkinchi bosqich talabasi
Junior student – uchinchi bosqich talabasi
Senior student – oxirgi bosqich talabasi
Bachelor – bakalavr talabasi
Master – magistr talabasi
Doctoral candidate – fan nomzodi
Alumni/alumnus – sobiq talaba (allaqachon o’qishni tugatgan)
Post doctorate – doktaranturadan keyingi bosqich talabasi
Other words for TEACHER 👨🏫👩🏫
Lecturer – ma’ruzachi
Associate professor – professordan quyi o’rindagi akademik
Supervisor – ilmiy rahbar
Professor – professor
Dean – dekan
Teaching assistant – o’qituvchi yordamchisi
Bu so’zlar ro’yxati sizga ma’qul bo’ldimi? Unda uni do’stlaringiz bilan ulashing.
Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯
1. adopt - asrab olmoq, moslashmoq
They have adopted a baby girl.
Ular qiz farzand asrab olishdi.
2. overly - haddan tashqari
/ˈəʊ.v ə l.i/ adverb ( also over )
too; very
His films have been criticized for being overly violent.
Uning filmlari haddan tashqari zo'ravonlik uchun tanqid qilingan.
3. confront - duch kelmoq
As she left the court, she was confronted by angry crowds who tried to block her away.
U suddan chiqib ketayotganda, uni to'sishga uringan g'azablangan olomonga duch kelgandi.
4. fundamental -asosiy, muhim
/ˌfʌn.dəˈmen.t ə l/ adjective
forming the base, from which
everything else develops; more
important than anything else
Some understanding of grammar is
fundamental to learning a language.
Tilni o'rganish uchun grammatikani tushunish muhim.
5. encounter - duch kelmoq
On their way home they encountered a
woman selling flowers.
Ularning uyiga ketishdagi yo'lda ular gullar sotayotgan ayolga duch kelishdi.
6. widespread - keng tarqalgan
/ˌwaɪdˈspred/ adjective
existing or happening in many
places and/or among many people
There are reports of widespread flooding in
northern France.
Shimoliy Fransiyada keng tarqalgan suv toshqini haqida xabarlar bor.
7. reflect - qaytarmoq, aks ettirmoq
The light reflected on the surface of the water.
Yorug'lik suv yuzasida aks etdi.
1. adopt - asrab olmoq, moslashmoq
They have adopted a baby girl.
Ular qiz farzand asrab olishdi.
2. overly - haddan tashqari
/ˈəʊ.v ə l.i/ adverb ( also over )
too; very
His films have been criticized for being overly violent.
Uning filmlari haddan tashqari zo'ravonlik uchun tanqid qilingan.
3. confront - duch kelmoq
As she left the court, she was confronted by angry crowds who tried to block her away.
U suddan chiqib ketayotganda, uni to'sishga uringan g'azablangan olomonga duch kelgandi.
4. fundamental -asosiy, muhim
/ˌfʌn.dəˈmen.t ə l/ adjective
forming the base, from which
everything else develops; more
important than anything else
Some understanding of grammar is
fundamental to learning a language.
Tilni o'rganish uchun grammatikani tushunish muhim.
5. encounter - duch kelmoq
On their way home they encountered a
woman selling flowers.
Ularning uyiga ketishdagi yo'lda ular gullar sotayotgan ayolga duch kelishdi.
6. widespread - keng tarqalgan
/ˌwaɪdˈspred/ adjective
existing or happening in many
places and/or among many people
There are reports of widespread flooding in
northern France.
Shimoliy Fransiyada keng tarqalgan suv toshqini haqida xabarlar bor.
7. reflect - qaytarmoq, aks ettirmoq
The light reflected on the surface of the water.
Yorug'lik suv yuzasida aks etdi.
Bu savolga juda ko’pchilik insho yozishni introductiondan boshlash kerak deb aytishadi. Ammo, bu noto’g’ri. ❌
Introduction inshoning birinchi paragrafi bo’lsa-da, insho yozishni birdaniga introductiondan boshlamang. Siz, eng avvalo, savolni sinchiklab o’qib, u sizdan nimani so’rayapti shuni bilib oling. So’ngra bu savolga nima deb inshoyingizda javob yozish haqida o’ylang. Fikrlaringizni bitta kichik rejaga jamlang. ☝️
Ana shundan so’nggina, introductionni yozishni boshlang va unda quyidagi ikkita savolga aniq javob yozing:
What is the topic and the focus of the essay? (e.g. context)
What is the main issue or point that will be discussed in your essay?
Inshoning mavzusi va asosiy fokusi nima? (ya’ni kontekst)
Inshoda muhakama qilinadigan asosiy masala yoki fikr nima?
Keyingi postlarda introduction yozishdagi asosiy muammolar haqida gaplashamiz.
Bu savolga juda ko’pchilik insho yozishni introductiondan boshlash kerak deb aytishadi. Ammo, bu noto’g’ri. ❌
Introduction inshoning birinchi paragrafi bo’lsa-da, insho yozishni birdaniga introductiondan boshlamang. Siz, eng avvalo, savolni sinchiklab o’qib, u sizdan nimani so’rayapti shuni bilib oling. So’ngra bu savolga nima deb inshoyingizda javob yozish haqida o’ylang. Fikrlaringizni bitta kichik rejaga jamlang. ☝️
Ana shundan so’nggina, introductionni yozishni boshlang va unda quyidagi ikkita savolga aniq javob yozing:
What is the topic and the focus of the essay? (e.g. context)
What is the main issue or point that will be discussed in your essay?
Inshoning mavzusi va asosiy fokusi nima? (ya’ni kontekst)
Inshoda muhakama qilinadigan asosiy masala yoki fikr nima?
Keyingi postlarda introduction yozishdagi asosiy muammolar haqida gaplashamiz.
🎼 Yummy
🎤 Song by Justin Bieber
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe
In the mornin' or the late
Say the word, on my way
Bona fide stallion
Ain't in no stable, no, you stay on the run
Ain't on the side, you're number one
Yeah, every time I come around, you get it done
Fifty-fifty, love the way you split it
Hundred racks, help me spend it, babe
Light a match, get litty, babe
That jet set, watch the sunset kinda, yeah, yeah
Rollin' eyes back in my head, make my toes curl, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah babe, yeah babe, yeah babe
In the mornin' or the late
Say the word, on my way
Standin' up, keep me on the rise
Lost control of myself, I'm compromised
You're incriminating, no disguise
And you ain't never runnin' low on supplies
Fifty-fifty, love the way you split it
Hundred racks, help me spend it, babe
Light a match, get litty, babe
That jet set, watch the sunset kinda, yeah, yeah
Rollin' eyes back in my head, make my toes curl, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy (You stay flexin' on me)
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum (Yeah, yeah)
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe (Yeah, babe)
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah babe, yeah babe, yeah babe (Yeah, babe)
In the mornin' or the late
Say the word, on my way
Hop in the Lambo', I'm on my way
Drew House slippers on with a smile on my face
I'm elated that you are my lady
You got the yum, yum, yum, yum
You got the yum, yum-yum, woah
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe (Yeah, babe)
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe (Yeah, babe)
In the mornin' or the late
Say the word, on my way
🎤 Song by Justin Bieber
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe
In the mornin' or the late
Say the word, on my way
Bona fide stallion
Ain't in no stable, no, you stay on the run
Ain't on the side, you're number one
Yeah, every time I come around, you get it done
Fifty-fifty, love the way you split it
Hundred racks, help me spend it, babe
Light a match, get litty, babe
That jet set, watch the sunset kinda, yeah, yeah
Rollin' eyes back in my head, make my toes curl, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah babe, yeah babe, yeah babe
In the mornin' or the late
Say the word, on my way
Standin' up, keep me on the rise
Lost control of myself, I'm compromised
You're incriminating, no disguise
And you ain't never runnin' low on supplies
Fifty-fifty, love the way you split it
Hundred racks, help me spend it, babe
Light a match, get litty, babe
That jet set, watch the sunset kinda, yeah, yeah
Rollin' eyes back in my head, make my toes curl, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy (You stay flexin' on me)
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum (Yeah, yeah)
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe (Yeah, babe)
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah babe, yeah babe, yeah babe (Yeah, babe)
In the mornin' or the late
Say the word, on my way
Hop in the Lambo', I'm on my way
Drew House slippers on with a smile on my face
I'm elated that you are my lady
You got the yum, yum, yum, yum
You got the yum, yum-yum, woah
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe (Yeah, babe)
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe (Yeah, babe)
In the mornin' or the late
Say the word, on my way
Justin Bieber
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Юкнинг энг оғири энг кучлиларга тушади. Мусибатнинг энг оғири энг яхшиларга тушади. Синовларнинг энг оғири эса, энг буюкларга тушади...
Қийналяпсизми демак ўсаяпсиз Қадрдон. Фақат нолиманг! Нолиш ожизларнинг ишидир...
Юкнинг энг оғири энг кучлиларга тушади. Мусибатнинг энг оғири энг яхшиларга тушади. Синовларнинг энг оғири эса, энг буюкларга тушади...
Қийналяпсизми демак ўсаяпсиз Қадрдон. Фақат нолиманг! Нолиш ожизларнинг ишидир...
IELTS Academic Band 8.0 Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯
1. historical - tarixiy
/hɪˈstɒr.ɪ.k ə l/ adjective
connected with the study or
representation of things from the past
Many important historical documents were
destroyed when the library was bombed.
Ko'plab tarixiy hujjatlar kutubxona portlatilganda vayron qilingan .
2. available - mavjud, yaroqli
/əˈveɪ.lə.bl / adjective
able to be bought, used, or
There's no money available for an office party this year.
Bu yilgi bayramda ofis uchun pul yo'q.
3. ephemeral - vaqtinchalik
/ɪˈfem. ə r. ə l/ adjective
lasting for only a short time
Fame of fashionable cars is largely
Zamonaviy mashinalarning shuhrati ma'lum darajada vaqtinchalik.
4. abandon - tashlab ketmoq
/əˈbæn.dən/ verb [ T ] LEAVE
We had to abandon the car.
Biz mashinani tashlab ketishga majbur bo'ldik.
5. trend - o'zgarish, o'sish
/trend/ noun [ C ]
There's been a downward/upward trend in
sales in the last few years.
Oxirgi bir necha yil ichida sotuvda pastga yuqoriga o'sish kuzatildi.
6. typically - odatda
/ˈtɪp.ɪ.kli/ adverb
Typically, a doctor will see about thirty patients a day.
Odatda, shifokor kuniga o'ttizga yaqin be'morlarni ko'radi.
7. characteristic - harakterli, o'ziga xos fazilat
/ˌkær.ɪk.təˈrɪs.tɪk/ noun [ C ]
a typical or noticeable quality of
someone or something
adj, typical of a person or thing
Unfortunately a big nose is a family characteristic.
Afsuski, bu oila katta burun harakterli.
1. historical - tarixiy
/hɪˈstɒr.ɪ.k ə l/ adjective
connected with the study or
representation of things from the past
Many important historical documents were
destroyed when the library was bombed.
Ko'plab tarixiy hujjatlar kutubxona portlatilganda vayron qilingan .
2. available - mavjud, yaroqli
/əˈveɪ.lə.bl / adjective
able to be bought, used, or
There's no money available for an office party this year.
Bu yilgi bayramda ofis uchun pul yo'q.
3. ephemeral - vaqtinchalik
/ɪˈfem. ə r. ə l/ adjective
lasting for only a short time
Fame of fashionable cars is largely
Zamonaviy mashinalarning shuhrati ma'lum darajada vaqtinchalik.
4. abandon - tashlab ketmoq
/əˈbæn.dən/ verb [ T ] LEAVE
We had to abandon the car.
Biz mashinani tashlab ketishga majbur bo'ldik.
5. trend - o'zgarish, o'sish
/trend/ noun [ C ]
There's been a downward/upward trend in
sales in the last few years.
Oxirgi bir necha yil ichida sotuvda pastga yuqoriga o'sish kuzatildi.
6. typically - odatda
/ˈtɪp.ɪ.kli/ adverb
Typically, a doctor will see about thirty patients a day.
Odatda, shifokor kuniga o'ttizga yaqin be'morlarni ko'radi.
7. characteristic - harakterli, o'ziga xos fazilat
/ˌkær.ɪk.təˈrɪs.tɪk/ noun [ C ]
a typical or noticeable quality of
someone or something
adj, typical of a person or thing
Unfortunately a big nose is a family characteristic.
Afsuski, bu oila katta burun harakterli.
Listening: BOSH HARF VA KO'PLIK 🎧📚
Listening haqida eng ko’p uchraydigan 2 ta savol:
Agar javob “Central Station” deb bosh harflarda berilgan bo’lsa, “central station” deb kichik harflarda yozilgan javob to’g’ri bo’ladimi?
Agar to'g'ri javob plural bo’lsa, va men “s” (ko’plik qo’shimchasi) yozmasam, javobim to’g’ri bo’ladimi?
Javobim quyidagicha:
Kichik harflarda yozsangiz bo’ladi, shuning uchun “central station” javobi to’g’ri. Hattoki, istasangiz, javobni boshidan oxirigacha katta harflarda yozishingiz mumkin.
“s” ni tushirib qoldirish ba’zida xato bo’lmasligi mumkin. Ammo, agar savolning grammatikasi ko’plikni talab qilganda, birlik yozish xato bo’ladi. Masalan, “the journey takes three hour” deb yozish xato. Shuning uchun, doim gapni sinchiklab tekshiring. ☝️
Manba: ielts-simon
Listening haqida eng ko’p uchraydigan 2 ta savol:
Agar javob “Central Station” deb bosh harflarda berilgan bo’lsa, “central station” deb kichik harflarda yozilgan javob to’g’ri bo’ladimi?
Agar to'g'ri javob plural bo’lsa, va men “s” (ko’plik qo’shimchasi) yozmasam, javobim to’g’ri bo’ladimi?
Javobim quyidagicha:
Kichik harflarda yozsangiz bo’ladi, shuning uchun “central station” javobi to’g’ri. Hattoki, istasangiz, javobni boshidan oxirigacha katta harflarda yozishingiz mumkin.
“s” ni tushirib qoldirish ba’zida xato bo’lmasligi mumkin. Ammo, agar savolning grammatikasi ko’plikni talab qilganda, birlik yozish xato bo’ladi. Masalan, “the journey takes three hour” deb yozish xato. Shuning uchun, doim gapni sinchiklab tekshiring. ☝️
Manba: ielts-simon
Academic Band 8.0 🎯🎯🎯
1. conventional - an'anaviy, odatiy
/kənˈven t .ʃ ə n. ə l/ adjective
traditional and ordinary
conventional behaviour/attitudes/clothes
Odatiy xatti - harakat / munosabat / kiyimlar
2. retain - saqlab qolmoq, ushlab qolmoq
/rɪˈteɪn/ verb [ T ]
keep or continue to
have something
She has lost her battle to retain control of the company.
U korxonani nazoratini ushlab qolishda o'zining kurashini yo'qotdi.
3. harsh - juda qattiq
/hɑːʃ/ adjective UNKIND
1. unpleasant, unkind, cruel or
unnecessarily severe
adjective TOO STRONG
2. too strong, bright, loud, etc
The children had had a harsh upbringing.
We thought the punishment was rather harsh for such a minor offence.
Biz jazo juda qattiq deb o'yladik
bunday kichik jinoyat uchun.
4. Assure that - ishontirmoq
/əˈʃɔː r / verb [ T ] SAY WITH
The unions assured the new owners of the workers' loyalty to the company.
Kasaba uyushmalari kompaniyaning yangi egalarini ishchilarning kompaniyaga sodiqligiga ishontirishdi.
5. mismanage - noto'g'ri boshqarmoq
/ˌmɪsˈmæn.ɪdʒ/ verb [ T ]
to organize or control
something badly
The company was mismanaged
by its former manager.
Sobiq menejir tomonidan korxona noto'g'ri boshqarildi.
6. unprecedented - mislsiz, tengsiz
/ʌnˈpres.ɪ.den.tɪd/ adjective
never having happened or
existed in the past
This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.
Bu asr misli ko'rilmagan miqyosida atrof - muhit halokatiga guvoh bo'ldi.
7. affect - ta'sir o'tkazmoq
/əˈfekt/ verb [ T ] INFLUENCE
to have an influence on
someone or something, or to cause
them to change
Both buildings were badly affected by the fire.
Yong'in ikkala binoga ham yomon ta'sirini o'tkazdi.
1. conventional - an'anaviy, odatiy
/kənˈven t .ʃ ə n. ə l/ adjective
traditional and ordinary
conventional behaviour/attitudes/clothes
Odatiy xatti - harakat / munosabat / kiyimlar
2. retain - saqlab qolmoq, ushlab qolmoq
/rɪˈteɪn/ verb [ T ]
keep or continue to
have something
She has lost her battle to retain control of the company.
U korxonani nazoratini ushlab qolishda o'zining kurashini yo'qotdi.
3. harsh - juda qattiq
/hɑːʃ/ adjective UNKIND
1. unpleasant, unkind, cruel or
unnecessarily severe
adjective TOO STRONG
2. too strong, bright, loud, etc
The children had had a harsh upbringing.
We thought the punishment was rather harsh for such a minor offence.
Biz jazo juda qattiq deb o'yladik
bunday kichik jinoyat uchun.
4. Assure that - ishontirmoq
/əˈʃɔː r / verb [ T ] SAY WITH
The unions assured the new owners of the workers' loyalty to the company.
Kasaba uyushmalari kompaniyaning yangi egalarini ishchilarning kompaniyaga sodiqligiga ishontirishdi.
5. mismanage - noto'g'ri boshqarmoq
/ˌmɪsˈmæn.ɪdʒ/ verb [ T ]
to organize or control
something badly
The company was mismanaged
by its former manager.
Sobiq menejir tomonidan korxona noto'g'ri boshqarildi.
6. unprecedented - mislsiz, tengsiz
/ʌnˈpres.ɪ.den.tɪd/ adjective
never having happened or
existed in the past
This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.
Bu asr misli ko'rilmagan miqyosida atrof - muhit halokatiga guvoh bo'ldi.
7. affect - ta'sir o'tkazmoq
/əˈfekt/ verb [ T ] INFLUENCE
to have an influence on
someone or something, or to cause
them to change
Both buildings were badly affected by the fire.
Yong'in ikkala binoga ham yomon ta'sirini o'tkazdi.