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🎼 Big Big World
🎤 Song by Emilia Rydberg


I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel that
I do do will miss you much
Miss you much...

I can see the first leaf falling
It's all yellow and nice
It's so very cold outside
Like the way I'm feeling inside

I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel that
I do do will miss you much
Miss you much...

Outside it's now raining
And tears are falling from my eyes
Why did it have to happen?
Why did it all have to end?

I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel that
I do do will miss you much
Miss you much...

I have your arms around me warm like fire
But when I open my eyes
You're gone...

I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel that
I do do will miss you much
Miss you much...

I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do feel I will miss you much...
Miss you much...

Emilia Rydberg
Big Big World

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Тасаввур қилинг, денгиз кўпиги қадар гуноҳларингиз бор. Аллоҳ таоло уларни бир зикр сабабли ўчириб юборади...

Расулуллоҳ соллаллоҳу алайҳи васаллам:
"Ким бир кунда 100 марта "Субҳаналлоҳи ва биҳамдиҳи", деса, денгиз кўпикларича гуноҳи бўлса ҳам кечирилади", деганлар...

Бу кунда саловат ва зикрни бисёр қилайлик. Ассалому алайкум ва роҳматуллоҳи ва барокатуҳ!

Stop saying "THANK YOU"! Use these alternatives to sound like a native 🌠💫

🌟 Oh my God! This is so sweet!

🌟 Oh, you shouldn't have!

🌟 I owe you one.

🌟 You made my day.

🌟 I can't thank you enough.

🌟 I don't know what to say.

🌟 What would I do without you?

🌟 I really appreciate it!

🌟 I truly appreciate it!

. .

How do you REPLY to "Thank you"?

🌟 It's my pleasure.

🌟 Don't mention it.

🌟 No need to thank me. It's nothing.

🌟 Happy to help.

10 English Slang Words YOU NEED TO KNOW in 2022 🤘😎

1. LIT
– something is very good, enjoyable or exciting/zo'r

Your hat with an American flag is very lit.
Sizning Amerika bayrog’i tasvirlangan shlyapangiz juda zo'r.

2. G.O.A.T – Greatest Of All Time
(Eng zo’r)

Some people say that Leonel Messi is a G.O.A.T football player in the world.
Ba’zi odamlar Leonel Messini futbolda barcha davrlarning eng zo’r o’yinchisi deb ta’riflashadi.

3. SNATCHED – very fashionable, looks really good/zamonaviy

Her dress is snatched.
Uning ko’ylagi zamonaviy.

4. ON FLEEK – perfectly done/ juda ajoyib bajarilgan

Your homework is perfectly done!
Uyga vazifangni juda zo’r bajaribsan!

5. SALTY – to be upset or angry over something/ biron narsadan xafa bo’lmoq

I am salty to cancel my trip to Italy this summer.
Yozdagi Italiyaga sayohatim qoldirilgandan xafaman.

6. FIRE – really cool and amazing/ajoyib

Last holiday was fire.
O’tgan bayram juda ajoyib bo’ldi.

7. LOW - KEY - quiet, modest, not very assertive/kamtar, oddiygina

I want to keep my party low-key.
Ziyofatni kamtarroq o'tishini xohlayman.

8. SAVAGE – used to describe a shocking event or a careless attitude/hayratlanarli, e'tiborsiz munosabatda bo'lish

He borrowed my car, drove it into a house, completely crashed it, didn’t even apologize. Savage!
U mening mashinamni olib, uyga haydab kirgan, hatto mashinamni urib olib, mendan uzr ham so'ramadi.

9. SLAY – to do really well or succeed at something/ muvafaqqiyatli bajarmoq

I slayed the test!
Men testdan o’tdim.

10. STAN – a crazed and obsessed fan/ashaddiy muxlis

I am a football stan.Men futbol muxlisiman.

Synonyms of "A LOT OF" (Part 1)

1. A good (great) deal
Meaning: a large amount

Example: I know a good deal of K-pop music.

2. Ample
Meaning: enough or more than enough; plentiful

Example: I have ample stores of food and water.

3. Abundance
Meaning: a very large quantity of something

Paris is a city that has an abundance of fine restaurants.

4. Enormously
Meaning: to a very great degree or extent

The quality of life varies enormously from one place to another.

5. Heaps
Meaning: a large amount or number of

I have got heaps of work to do.

6. Legion
Meaning: a great number

After graduating from university, I have a legion of new friends.

7. Loads
Meaning: much or many

Send loads of love to your family from me.

Source: linguamarina 👩‍💻

For more interesting posts, join our channel and share with your friends. 👇


Adverbs of Place 🏜️

Far away

Adverbs of Time


Adverbs of Degree 📈

A little

Frequency Adverbs 🎛️


Adverbs of Manner💥


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🌱 Aссалому алайкум. Пайшанба тонги муборак бўлсин 😊

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин!

Бошланган янги кун барчага омадли келсин!

Stop saying "THANK YOU"! Use these alternatives to sound like a native 🌠💫

🌟 Oh my God! This is so sweet!

🌟 Oh, you shouldn't have!

🌟 I owe you one.

🌟 You made my day.

🌟 I can't thank you enough.

🌟 I don't know what to say.

🌟 What would I do without you?

🌟 I really appreciate it!

🌟 I truly appreciate it!

. .

How do you REPLY to "Thank you"?

🌟 It's my pleasure.

🌟 Don't mention it.

🌟 No need to thank me. It's nothing.

🌟 Happy to help.

10 English Slang Words YOU NEED TO KNOW in 2022 🤘😎

1. LIT
– something is very good, enjoyable or exciting/zo'r

Your hat with an American flag is very lit.
Sizning Amerika bayrog’i tasvirlangan shlyapangiz juda zo'r.

2. G.O.A.T – Greatest Of All Time
(Eng zo’r)

Some people say that Leonel Messi is a G.O.A.T football player in the world.
Ba’zi odamlar Leonel Messini futbolda barcha davrlarning eng zo’r o’yinchisi deb ta’riflashadi.

3. SNATCHED – very fashionable, looks really good/zamonaviy

Her dress is snatched.
Uning ko’ylagi zamonaviy.

4. ON FLEEK – perfectly done/ juda ajoyib bajarilgan

Your homework is perfectly done!
Uyga vazifangni juda zo’r bajaribsan!

5. SALTY – to be upset or angry over something/ biron narsadan xafa bo’lmoq

I am salty to cancel my trip to Italy this summer.
Yozdagi Italiyaga sayohatim qoldirilgandan xafaman.

6. FIRE – really cool and amazing/ajoyib

Last holiday was fire.
O’tgan bayram juda ajoyib bo’ldi.

7. LOW - KEY - quiet, modest, not very assertive/kamtar, oddiygina

I want to keep my party low-key.
Ziyofatni kamtarroq o'tishini xohlayman.

8. SAVAGE – used to describe a shocking event or a careless attitude/hayratlanarli, e'tiborsiz munosabatda bo'lish

He borrowed my car, drove it into a house, completely crashed it, didn’t even apologize. Savage!
U mening mashinamni olib, uyga haydab kirgan, hatto mashinamni urib olib, mendan uzr ham so'ramadi.

9. SLAY – to do really well or succeed at something/ muvafaqqiyatli bajarmoq

I slayed the test!
Men testdan o’tdim.

10. STAN – a crazed and obsessed fan/ashaddiy muxlis

I am a football stan.Men futbol muxlisiman.

Synonyms of "A LOT OF" (Part 1)

1. A good (great) deal
Meaning: a large amount

Example: I know a good deal of K-pop music.

2. Ample
Meaning: enough or more than enough; plentiful

Example: I have ample stores of food and water.

3. Abundance
Meaning: a very large quantity of something

Paris is a city that has an abundance of fine restaurants.

4. Enormously
Meaning: to a very great degree or extent

The quality of life varies enormously from one place to another.

5. Heaps
Meaning: a large amount or number of

I have got heaps of work to do.

6. Legion
Meaning: a great number

After graduating from university, I have a legion of new friends.

7. Loads
Meaning: much or many

Send loads of love to your family from me.

Source: linguamarina 👩‍💻

For more interesting posts, join our channel and share with your friends. 👇

Synonyms of "A LOT OF" (Part 2)

8. Masses
Meaning: a large number of people

There were masses of people in town today.

9. Myriad
Meaning: ten thousand; a great number

And now myriads of bars and hotels are opening up along the coast.

10. Plenty
Meaning: a large or sufficient amount or quantity; more than enough

They've always had plenty of money.

11. Plethora
Meaning: a large or excessive amount of something

There's a plethora of books about the royal family.

12. Reams
Meaning: a very large amount of something

She's written reams of poetry.

13. Scads
Meaning: a large number or quantity

He earns scads of money.

14. Slew
Meaning: a large amount or number

Mr Savino has been charged with three murders as well as a whole slew of other crimes.

Source: linguamarina 👩‍💻

For more interesting posts, join our channel and share with your friends. 👇

🎼 Infinity
🎤 Jaymes Young


Baby, this love
I'll never let it die
Can't be touched by no one
I'd like to see 'em try (oh, oh)

I'm a mad man for your touch, girl, I've lost control
I'm gonna make this last forever, don't tell me it's impossible

'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)

Oh, darling, my soul
You know it aches for yours
And you've been filling this hole
Since you were born, oh

'Cause you're the reason I believe in fate, you're my paradise
And I'll do anything to be your love or be your sacrifice

'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)

Meet me at the bottom of the ocean
Where the time is frozen
Where all the universe is open
Love isn't random, we are chosen
And we could wear the same crown
Keep slowing your heart down
We are the gods now

'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)

Jaymes Young

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Аслида бугун ҳам кечаги кун каби айнан бир хил кун тақдим этилди. Аммо айнан кечагидай яшашга мажбур эмассиз... Бугунги кунингизни шодлик, табассум ва муҳаббатга тўлдиринг...

Ассалому алайкум. Янги кун, янги имкон муборак Қадрдон!

Phrases commonly used in speaking📌

1. Stay out of trouble.
Muammodan uzoqroqda yur.

2. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Bunday qilma. Men qilmagan bo’lardim.

3. You’re pushing your luck. Omadingni o’zingdan itaryapsan.

4. You have your head in the clouds. Asl haqiqatni ko’rmayapsan.

5. Let me know… Menga xabar bering.

6. Get back to me. Menga javob qaytaring.

7. Get real. Realistik bo’l.

8. Let’s get down to business. Qani, ishga kirishamiz!

9. It was like pulling teeth. Juda qiyin kun bo’ldi.

10. Good to know. Bilib qo’ygan yaxshi.

11. Who knows? Buni javobini hech kim bilmaydi.

12. Who cares? Bu hech kimga qiziq emas.

13. Who do you think you are? O’zingizni kim deb o’ylayapsiz?

14. Who asked you? Sizdan hech kim fikringizni so’ramadi.

15. I’d like to pick your brain. Sizning fikringizni bilmoqchiman.

16. Keep me posted. Menga xabar yozib turing. (Ko’pincha, sarkastik uslubda “bu menga juda qiziqarli emas” ma’nosida qo’llaniladi.)

17. I don’t know it off the top of my head. Bunga darhol javob bera olmayman. Avval eslab olishim yoki bu ma’lumotni qidirib topishim kerak.

18. I spoke to soon. Shoshib gapirib yubordim.

19. Keep them on their toes. Ularni ish bilan band qilib turing.

20. I’m sorry for the mix up. Chalkashtirganim uchun uzr.