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Imagine a musician (pianist, guitarist etc.) who is learning a new technique, or a new piece of music or song. Musicians learn by going slowly at first and gradually speeding up as they become familiar with the technique or music.

I recommend the same when you start preparing for IELTS, or when you learn a new exam technique or study a new topic: start slowly. Try to achieve the score you need at slow speed, and then gradually reduce the time until you can do the same at exam

imtihon bo'yicha maslahatlar: ASTA SEKINLIK BILAN BOSHLANG 📆📚

Yangi kuy chalishni o'rganayotgan musiqachilarni tasavvur qiling. Ular ohangni ma'lum bir darajada ilg'ab olgunlariga qadar sekinroq chalib, asta sekinlik bilan tezlashadilar.

Imtihonga tayyorgarlik ko'rishni boshlaganingizda yoki biron bir yangi mavzuni o'rganayotganingizda ham aynan shu uslubni qo'llashingizni maslahat beraman. O'zingizga kerak bo'lgan darajaga intilishni unchalik ham yuqori bo'lmagan tezlikda boshlang. Vaqt o'tishi bilan, imtihonga mos ravishda siz ham tezlikni oshirasiz.

Speaking - Better Connectors, Better Fluency 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

⭕️ Giving opinions:

Well to be honest...


Wow, without a doubt...


For sure, in my eyes, it's really important because without it...

Yep, I'd say...

I guess so!

I suppose...

⭕️ Adding information:

Another thing is...

On top of that...

As far as I know...

To my knowledge...

⭕️ Adding emphasis:

I'd go as far as to say...


For sure...


As a matter of fact...

In fact...

And here's the thing...

⭕️ Giving examples:

For example...

For instance...

Take "X" as an example...

You can see this with...

⭕️ Contrasting:



That said...

Mind you...

At the same time...

⭕️ Concluding:


All in all...

At the end of the day...

Listening bajarib ko'ramiz👆👆👆
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📣 Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash imtihonlari bo‘yich video chat videosi

2023-yil 31-mart kuni Bilimni baholash agentligining telegramdagi rasmiy kanalida chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash imtihonlari bo‘yich video chat o‘tkazildi.

Ochiq muloqot tarzida o‘tkazilgan ovozli chat davomida:

🔹 chet tili (multilevel) imtihonining baholash mezonlari;
🔹 baholash mezonining ilmiy asoslari;
🔹 oldingi baholash mezoni bilan yangi baholash mezonining farqi;
🔹 apellatsiya murojaatlarini ko‘rib chiqish tartibi;
🔹 ro‘yxatdan o‘tish bilan bog‘liq masalalar;
🔹 sertifikatni OTMlarga kirishda inobatga olinishi;
🔹 va boshqa ko‘plab masalalar bo‘yicha savollarga batafsil javob berildi.

🎙 Video chatda ishtirok eta olmaganlar uchun video chatning video yozuvi telegram kanalimizga joylanmoqda.

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Ҳаёт — қадрингни билганлар билан яшамак қадар гўзал, қадрингга етмаганларга исроф қилмаслик қадар қимматлидир!

© Махбубий

Бошлаган яна бир янги кунингиз хайрли бўлсин Қадрдон! Ассалому алейкум!

Advice for reading time management

Time management in reading comes pretty hard for many candidates. Why is it so? 😥

Obviously, it happens because of the fact that a student lacks reading comprehension. Thus, my first and foremost advice is that in the beginning, a student shouldn't focus too much on catching up with time.

Instead, it would be better to solve a reading test not setting the time and to have it checked by someone else. The person who checks should only point the mistakes, not telling actual correct answers. Then, a student again looks through and corrects his mistakes by himself. This is one of the best ways to boost reading comprehension.

Then, step by step and inch by inch, as it is said, a candidate can practice solving Reading passage 1 in 15 minutes and other two in 20 minutes each, remaining 5 minutes is suggested to spend on checking.

One of the most important features is that it is always infallible to copy answers to an answer sheet immediately after solving one passage on the exam day, because, remember: no extra time will be given for that! ☝️

Readingda vaqtga ulgurish bo'yicha maslahat

Ko'plab o'rganuvchilari uchun reading qismida vaqtga ishlash o'ziga xos qiyinchiliklarni kasb etadi. Bunga sabab nimada? 😕

Tabiiyki, bu narsa o'quvchi matnni yaxshi tushuna olmasligidandir. Shuning uchun ham, eng birinchi maslahatim: avvaliga o'quvchi vaqtga ishlashga unchalik ham shoshilmagani afzal. Uning o'rniga, vaqt qo'ymay reading testini ishlab, uni biron bir boshqa odamga tekshirtirgan yaxshiroq. Shunda, tekshirib beradigan inson faqat javobni to'g'ri yoki noto'g'ri ekanini aytishi kerak. So'ngra, o'quvchini o'zi xato javoblarga to'g'rilarini topishi kerak bo'ladi. Bu reading da tushunish qobiliyatini oshirish uchun sinalgan samarali usullardan.🤓

Keyin esa asta sekinlik bilan nomzod Reading passage 1 ni 15 daqiqada va passage 2 va 3 larni 20 daqiqadan vaqt ajratib, qolgan 5 daqiqada javoblarni yana bir qator tekshirib chiqishga sarflashni o'rganishi durust bo'ladi.

Yana bir e'tiborga olinishi kerak bo'lgan jihat shuki, imtihon topshiriladigan kunda birinchi matnni ishlab bo'lib, keyingisiga o'tib ketmasdan, javoblarni javoblar varaqasiga ko'chirib qo'yish tavsiya qilinadi. Chunki, unutmang: reading qismida bu uchun alohida vaqt berilmaydi! ☝️

How to talk about money in English 🤑💸💵

- describes a person who doesn't have money or has ran out of money (puli yo'q yoki puli tugab qolgan odamni tasvirlash uchun ishlatiladi)

I can't afford to go on holiday this year - I'm broke.

💰 CASH - money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cards (naqd pul)

He says he wants cash
in advance before he'll do the job.

💰 CURRENCY - the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time (valyuta)

A new currency has been introduced in the foreign exchange market.

💰 EXPENSES - money you spend on something (xarajat)

We've just had a new garage built at great expense.

💰 INTEREST - percentage that bank gives back to you, because you put your savings into their savings accounts (foiz, ulush)

You should put the money in a savings account where it will earn interest.

💰 TAXES - (an amount of) money paid to the government that is based on your income or the cost of goods or services you have bought (soliq; to'lov)

Tax cuts (= reductions in taxes) are always popular.

Students' questions: STARTING ESSAYS WITH 'NOWADAYS' ✍️

Here's a question that I've been asked many times:

Is it ok to start an essay with 'nowadays'?

The quick answer is yes. There's nothing wrong with this word, and the examiner won't reduce your score if you use it.

But be careful. Not all topics can be introduced with the word 'nowadays'. This word is usually used by native speakers to compare the present with the past. For example:

Fifty years ago, only the rich could afford international holidays, but nowadays foreign travel is relatively inexpensive.

📌 My tip: While there's nothing wrong with the word 'nowadays' when it is used correctly, I think it's a bit of a beginner's way to start an essay. If your mind goes blank in the exam, go ahead and use it. Otherwise, I'm sure you can find another way to start your essay.

IELTS imtihoni bo'yicha maslahatlar: INSHOLARNI "NOWADAYS" SO'ZI BILAN BOSHLASH ✍️

Ko'p o'quvchilar mendan "Insholarni 'nowadays' so'zi bilan boshlasam bo'laveradimi?" degan ma'noda savollar so'rab turishadi.

Meni javobim: albatta ha. Bu so'zni hech qanday g'ayritabiiy joyi yo'q va imtihon oluvchi ham bu so'zni ishlatganingiz uchun bahoingizni pastlatib yubormaydi.

Lekin, ehtiyot bo'ling! Barcha mavzularni ham 'nowadays' so'zi bilan ifodalab bo'lmaydi. Asosan bu so'z o'tgan zamon bilan hozirgi kunni taqqoslaganda ishlatiladi.

📌 Shaxsiy maslahatim: 'nowadays' so'zi to'g'ri ishlatilganida hech qanday yomon joyi bo'lmasa ham, fikrimcha, bu insho boshlashni eng sodda usullaridan. Agar imtihonda miyangizga boshqa so'z kelmay qolsa, albatta bu so'zni ishlatavering. Biroq, inshoingizni boshqacharoq uslubda boshlay olishingizga ham ishonchim komil.

Q1 C
Q6 A
Q7 C
Q8 B
Q9 water-skiing
Q11 kitchen
Q12outdoor shoes
Q13 use showers
Q14 sailing
Q16horse riding
Q17(special) dinner
Q18 the Mountain Men
Q19 C
Q22 A
Q24 C
Q28 B
Q30 B
⚡️ Chet tili imtihoni sanalari e’lon qilindi

Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash bo‘yicha aprel oyida bo‘lib o‘tadigan test sinovi sanalari e’lon qilindi.

📆 Unga ko‘ra test sinovining yozma qismi 8-9-aprel kunlari, gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash imtihonlari esa talabgorlar soni ko‘p bo‘lgani uchun 13-14-, 17-21-, 25-29-aprel va 1-5-may kunlari bo‘lib o‘tadi.

📍 Test sinovlari barcha hududlarda, jumladan Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi, viloyatlar va Toshkent shahrida tashkil etiladi.

👨🏻‍💻 Talabgorlar imtihon joyi, kuni va aniq vaqtini my.gov.uz saytining “Mening arizalarim” bo‘limidan bilishlari va ruxsatnomani yuklab olishlari mumkin.

📌 Talabgorlardan test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan hududga belgilangan vaqtdan kamida yarim soat oldin shaxsini tasdiqlovchi hujjat va ruxsatnoma bilan kelishlari so‘raladi.

Izoh: Test sinovi natijalari Vazirlar Mahkamasining qaroriga muvofiq imtihonlar yakunlangandan so‘ng bir haftada (12-may kuni) e’lon qilinadi.

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Дунёдаги энг гўзал неъмат сизнинг тириклигингиз ва гўзал қалбингиз эканлигини биласизми?
Қачонки ҳаётга табассум билан боқсангиз, у ҳам сизга кулиб боқади...

Бошланган янги кун беморлар дардига шифо, кексаларга роҳат, оилангизга бахт, хонадонингизга файз, танингизга саломатлик, дилингизга қувончу шодлик олиб келсин Қадрдон... Ассалому алайкум!


In the speaking and writing tests, the most important thing is to answer the question. This seems obvious, but many students are so worried about using 'difficult grammar' that they don't give relevant answers.

In the speaking test, listen carefully to the question and answer it as if you were speaking to a friend. Try to speak without thinking too much; forget the grammar and just have a normal conversation.

In the writing test, take some time to understand each question and plan your answer. Check the question every time you write a new idea; make sure that everything you write is relevant. If part of your answer is not related to the topic you will lose marks, even if your grammar is perfect.
