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Бир кун, эрталаб уйғонганингизда, тўсатдан ҳамма нарса ўтмишда қолганини тушунасиз...
Шунда фарқи йўқ, яхши ёки ёмон - ҳаммаси ўз аҳамиятини юқотади. Сизга фақат ўзингиз қоласиз. Янги кун. Янги ҳаёт. Тоза вароқ. Энди барчасини қандай рангларга бўяш ўзингизга боғлиқ! Ассалому алейкум Қадрдонлар!
Бир кун, эрталаб уйғонганингизда, тўсатдан ҳамма нарса ўтмишда қолганини тушунасиз...
Шунда фарқи йўқ, яхши ёки ёмон - ҳаммаси ўз аҳамиятини юқотади. Сизга фақат ўзингиз қоласиз. Янги кун. Янги ҳаёт. Тоза вароқ. Энди барчасини қандай рангларга бўяш ўзингизга боғлиқ! Ассалому алейкум Қадрдонлар!
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Шундай инсонлар борки, томчи сувдан яралганини яхши билади...
Аммо кибри чексиз денгиздай...
Тафаккур қил эй банда, ким эдингу, ким бўлдинг. Дунё учун нима бердинг...
Шундай инсонлар борки, томчи сувдан яралганини яхши билади...
Аммо кибри чексиз денгиздай...
Тафаккур қил эй банда, ким эдингу, ким бўлдинг. Дунё учун нима бердинг...
Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯
1. Flourish - gullab - yashnamoqda
/ˈflʌr.ɪʃ/ verb SUCCEED
1[ I ] to grow or develop successfully
verb WAVES
If you do something with a flourish, you do it with one big, noticeable movement
My tomatoes are flourishing this summer. Mening pomidorlarim bu yozda gullab -yashnamoqda.
2. evident - aniq, oydin
/ˈev.ɪ.d ə nt/ adjective slightly formal
easily seen or understood; obvious
The full extent of the damage only became evident the following morning.
Zararning to'liq miqdori faqat ertasi kuni aniq bo'ldi.
3. expose - olib tashlamoq
/ɪkˈspəʊz/ verb [ T ] UNCOVER
1. to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen
verb [ T ] MAKE PUBLIC
2. to make public something bad or dishonest
expose sb to sth phrasal verb [ usually passive ]
to make it likely that someone will experience something harmful or unpleasant
The plaster on the walls has been removed to expose the original bricks underneath.
Uning ostidagi asl g'ishtlarni ochish uchun devorlardagi gips olib tashlandi.
4. relate - 1. bog'liq 2. aytib bermoq
/rɪˈleɪt/ verb [ T ]
She related the events of the previous week to the police.
U o'tgan haftadagi voqealarni politsiyaga aytib berdi.
5. behavior - xulq, axloq
verb [ I or T ]
to act in a particular way, or to be good by acting in a way which has society's approval
She always behaves well/badly when her aunts come to visit.
Xolalari tashrif buyurganida, u o'zini har doim yaxshi/yomon tutadi.
6. undertake - zimmasiga olmoq
/ˌʌn.dəˈteɪk/ verb [ T ] undertook , undertaken DO
1. slightly formal to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult
2. formal to promise that you will do something
[ + that ] The government undertook that the buildings would be redeveloped.Hukumat binolar qayta qurilishini o'z zimmasiga oldi.
7. Contrary - qarshisidagi, aksincha , nimanidir aksini
/ˈkɒn.trə.ri/ noun (S )the contrary the opposite
I was worried that it might be too difficult for me but I found the contrary.
Men uchun bu juda qiyin bo'lishi mumkinligidan qo'rqardim, lekin men buning aksini topdim.
1. Flourish - gullab - yashnamoqda
/ˈflʌr.ɪʃ/ verb SUCCEED
1[ I ] to grow or develop successfully
verb WAVES
If you do something with a flourish, you do it with one big, noticeable movement
My tomatoes are flourishing this summer. Mening pomidorlarim bu yozda gullab -yashnamoqda.
2. evident - aniq, oydin
/ˈev.ɪ.d ə nt/ adjective slightly formal
easily seen or understood; obvious
The full extent of the damage only became evident the following morning.
Zararning to'liq miqdori faqat ertasi kuni aniq bo'ldi.
3. expose - olib tashlamoq
/ɪkˈspəʊz/ verb [ T ] UNCOVER
1. to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen
verb [ T ] MAKE PUBLIC
2. to make public something bad or dishonest
expose sb to sth phrasal verb [ usually passive ]
to make it likely that someone will experience something harmful or unpleasant
The plaster on the walls has been removed to expose the original bricks underneath.
Uning ostidagi asl g'ishtlarni ochish uchun devorlardagi gips olib tashlandi.
4. relate - 1. bog'liq 2. aytib bermoq
/rɪˈleɪt/ verb [ T ]
She related the events of the previous week to the police.
U o'tgan haftadagi voqealarni politsiyaga aytib berdi.
5. behavior - xulq, axloq
verb [ I or T ]
to act in a particular way, or to be good by acting in a way which has society's approval
She always behaves well/badly when her aunts come to visit.
Xolalari tashrif buyurganida, u o'zini har doim yaxshi/yomon tutadi.
6. undertake - zimmasiga olmoq
/ˌʌn.dəˈteɪk/ verb [ T ] undertook , undertaken DO
1. slightly formal to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult
2. formal to promise that you will do something
[ + that ] The government undertook that the buildings would be redeveloped.Hukumat binolar qayta qurilishini o'z zimmasiga oldi.
7. Contrary - qarshisidagi, aksincha , nimanidir aksini
/ˈkɒn.trə.ri/ noun (S )the contrary the opposite
I was worried that it might be too difficult for me but I found the contrary.
Men uchun bu juda qiyin bo'lishi mumkinligidan qo'rqardim, lekin men buning aksini topdim.
Band 9 words for SPEAKING 🔥🔥🔥
✅ Academic (adjective) – connected with education and studying; involving a great deal of reading and studying, rather than practical skills;
(akademik = ilmiy)
All the candidates had excellent academic credentials.
Barcha nomzodlar mukammal ilmiy ma’lumotlarga ega edilar.
✅ Ambition (noun) – something which you want to achieve very much;
His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.
Uning maqsadi o'z biznesini yuritish.
✅ Aptitude (noun) – a natural ability or sill at something;
We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account.
Biz sizning shaxsiy qobilyatingiz va layoqayatingizni hisobga olamiz.
✅ Aspire (verb) – to want very much to achieve something or to become; someone
Most of his students aspired to a career in business.
Uning shogirdlarining aksariyati biznes bilan shug'ullanishga intilishgan.
✅ Commerce (noun) – the activities connected with business or trade; the large scale buying and selling of goods and services;
We are trying to develop a model for best practice in electronic commerce.
Biz elektron tijorat sohasida eng yaxshi amaliyot modelini ishlab chiqishga harakat qilmoqdamiz.
✅ Conflict (noun) - a continued period of fighting or hospitality between countries or groups;
There was a lot of conflict between him and his father.
U bilan otasi o'rtasida juda ko'p ziddiyatlar bo'lgan.
✅ Entrepreneur (noun) – a person who sets up a new business, especially when that involves financial risk, in the hope of making a profit and getting a lot of money;
He was one of the best entrepreneurs of the 1980s.
U 1980-yillarning eng yaxshi tadbirkorlaridan biri edi.
✅ Academic (adjective) – connected with education and studying; involving a great deal of reading and studying, rather than practical skills;
(akademik = ilmiy)
All the candidates had excellent academic credentials.
Barcha nomzodlar mukammal ilmiy ma’lumotlarga ega edilar.
✅ Ambition (noun) – something which you want to achieve very much;
His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.
Uning maqsadi o'z biznesini yuritish.
✅ Aptitude (noun) – a natural ability or sill at something;
We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account.
Biz sizning shaxsiy qobilyatingiz va layoqayatingizni hisobga olamiz.
✅ Aspire (verb) – to want very much to achieve something or to become; someone
Most of his students aspired to a career in business.
Uning shogirdlarining aksariyati biznes bilan shug'ullanishga intilishgan.
✅ Commerce (noun) – the activities connected with business or trade; the large scale buying and selling of goods and services;
We are trying to develop a model for best practice in electronic commerce.
Biz elektron tijorat sohasida eng yaxshi amaliyot modelini ishlab chiqishga harakat qilmoqdamiz.
✅ Conflict (noun) - a continued period of fighting or hospitality between countries or groups;
There was a lot of conflict between him and his father.
U bilan otasi o'rtasida juda ko'p ziddiyatlar bo'lgan.
✅ Entrepreneur (noun) – a person who sets up a new business, especially when that involves financial risk, in the hope of making a profit and getting a lot of money;
He was one of the best entrepreneurs of the 1980s.
U 1980-yillarning eng yaxshi tadbirkorlaridan biri edi.
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Хоҳлайсизми, йўқми, ҳаёт шундай;
Алам чекмасдан, офиятда бўлмайсиз!
Хато қилмасдан, ўрганмайсиз!
Муваффақиятсизликка учраб, тажриба орттирмагунча зафар қучмайсиз!
Ажралмагунча қадрига етмайсиз!
Хоҳлайсизми, йўқми, ҳаёт шундай;
Алам чекмасдан, офиятда бўлмайсиз!
Хато қилмасдан, ўрганмайсиз!
Муваффақиятсизликка учраб, тажриба орттирмагунча зафар қучмайсиз!
Ажралмагунча қадрига етмайсиз!
Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯
1. Viable - hayot, yashashga qobil
/ˈvaɪ.ə.bl / adjective
1. able to work as intended or able to succeed
2. specialized able to continue to exist as or develop into a living being
In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
Kompaniyaning hayotiyligini ta'minlash uchun, afsuski, xodimlar sonini kamaytirish kerak bo'ladi.
2. attitude - munosabat
/ˈæt.ɪ.tjuːd/ noun OPINION
1. [ C or U ] a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this
It's often very difficult to change people's attitudes.
Odamlarning munosabatini o'zgartirish ko'pincha qiyin.
3. alternative - muqobil , birini tanlab olish zaruriyati
/ɒlˈtɜː.nə.tɪv/ noun [ C ]
something that is different from something else, especially from what is usual, and offering the possibility of choice
There must be an alternative to people sleeping on the street.
Ko'chada uxlayotgan odamlarga muqobil bo'lishi kerak.
4. acquire - olmoq
/əˈkwaɪə r / verb [ T ]
to get something
He acquired the firm in 1978.
U kompaniyani 1978 yilda sotib olgan.
5. approach - yondashuv, yaqinlashuv
/əˈprəʊtʃ/ verb COME NEAR
1. [ I or T ] to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality or amount
2. [ T ] to deal with something
3. [ T ] to speak to, write to, or visit someone in order to do something such as make a request or business agreement
We could just see the train approaching in the distance.
Biz uzoqdan poezd yaqinlashayotganini ko'rolgandik.
6. reportedly - xabarlarga ko'ra
/rɪˈpɔː.tɪ adverb
according to what many people say
New York is reportedly a very exciting place to live.
Xabarlarga ko'ra, Nyu -York - yashash uchun juda qiziqarli joy.
7. Utilize - qo'llamoq, ishlatmoq
utilize /ˈjuː.tɪ.laɪz/ verb [ T ] formal
to use something in an effective way
The vitamins come in a form that is easily utilized by the body.
Vitaminlar organizm tomonidan osonlikcha iste'mol qilinadigan shaklda bo'ladi.
1. Viable - hayot, yashashga qobil
/ˈvaɪ.ə.bl / adjective
1. able to work as intended or able to succeed
2. specialized able to continue to exist as or develop into a living being
In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
Kompaniyaning hayotiyligini ta'minlash uchun, afsuski, xodimlar sonini kamaytirish kerak bo'ladi.
2. attitude - munosabat
/ˈæt.ɪ.tjuːd/ noun OPINION
1. [ C or U ] a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this
It's often very difficult to change people's attitudes.
Odamlarning munosabatini o'zgartirish ko'pincha qiyin.
3. alternative - muqobil , birini tanlab olish zaruriyati
/ɒlˈtɜː.nə.tɪv/ noun [ C ]
something that is different from something else, especially from what is usual, and offering the possibility of choice
There must be an alternative to people sleeping on the street.
Ko'chada uxlayotgan odamlarga muqobil bo'lishi kerak.
4. acquire - olmoq
/əˈkwaɪə r / verb [ T ]
to get something
He acquired the firm in 1978.
U kompaniyani 1978 yilda sotib olgan.
5. approach - yondashuv, yaqinlashuv
/əˈprəʊtʃ/ verb COME NEAR
1. [ I or T ] to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality or amount
2. [ T ] to deal with something
3. [ T ] to speak to, write to, or visit someone in order to do something such as make a request or business agreement
We could just see the train approaching in the distance.
Biz uzoqdan poezd yaqinlashayotganini ko'rolgandik.
6. reportedly - xabarlarga ko'ra
/rɪˈpɔː.tɪ adverb
according to what many people say
New York is reportedly a very exciting place to live.
Xabarlarga ko'ra, Nyu -York - yashash uchun juda qiziqarli joy.
7. Utilize - qo'llamoq, ishlatmoq
utilize /ˈjuː.tɪ.laɪz/ verb [ T ] formal
to use something in an effective way
The vitamins come in a form that is easily utilized by the body.
Vitaminlar organizm tomonidan osonlikcha iste'mol qilinadigan shaklda bo'ladi.
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Ҳар тонгни гўзал нарсаларнинг нияти билан бошланг. "Бугун албатта яхшиликлар бўлади!" - дея, яхши гумонда бўлинг. Чунки тилаклар дуога, дуолар эса ижобат бўлади ИншаАллоҳ...
Ассалому алейкум!
Ҳар тонгни гўзал нарсаларнинг нияти билан бошланг. "Бугун албатта яхшиликлар бўлади!" - дея, яхши гумонда бўлинг. Чунки тилаклар дуога, дуолар эса ижобат бўлади ИншаАллоҳ...
Ассалому алейкум!
Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯
1. compound - aralashma birikma
/ˈkɒm.paʊnd/ noun [ C ] COMBINATION
1. a chemical that combines two or more elements
2. formal something consisting of two or more different parts
noun [ C ] AREA
Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.
Tuz natriy va xlor aralashmasidir.
2. potential - potinsial, salohiyat
/pə ʊ ˈten. t ʃ ə l/ adjective [ before noun ]
possible when the necessary conditions exist
noun [ U ]
someone's or something's ability to develop, achieve or succeed
A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the company.
Bir qator potentsial xaridorlar kompaniyaga qiziqish bildirishdi.
3. capacity - hajm, imkoniyat
/kəˈpæs.ə.ti/ noun AMOUNT
1. [ C or S or U ] the total amount that can be contained or produced, or (especially of a person or organization) the ability to do a particular thing
2. [ S ] formal a particular position or job
The stadium has a seating capacity of 50 000.
Stadion 50 000 o'ringa mo'ljallangan.
4. relevant - muvofiq, mos
/ˈrel.ə.v ə nt/ adjective
1. connected with what is happening or being discussed
2. correct or suitable for a particular purpose
Education should be relevant to the child's needs.
Ta'lim bolaning ehtiyojlariga mos kelishi kerak.
5. readily - tez, darhol
/ˈred.ɪ.li/ adverb
quickly, immediately, willingly or without any problem
He readily agreed to help.
U darhol yordam berishga qo'shildi.
6. broaden - kengaymoq
/ˈbrɔː.d ə n/ verb WIDER
1. [ I or T ] to become wider, or to cause something to become wider
2. [ T ] to increase the range of something
The road broadens and becomes a big road at this point.
Bu vaqtda yo'l kengayadi va katta yo'lga aylanadi.
7. irrespective - qat'iy nazar
/ˌɪr.ɪˈspek.tɪv/ adverb
without considering; not needing to allow for
The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone’s ethnic origins.
Qonun kimning millatiga mansubligidan qat'iy nazar qo'llanilishi kerak.
1. compound - aralashma birikma
/ˈkɒm.paʊnd/ noun [ C ] COMBINATION
1. a chemical that combines two or more elements
2. formal something consisting of two or more different parts
noun [ C ] AREA
Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.
Tuz natriy va xlor aralashmasidir.
2. potential - potinsial, salohiyat
/pə ʊ ˈten. t ʃ ə l/ adjective [ before noun ]
possible when the necessary conditions exist
noun [ U ]
someone's or something's ability to develop, achieve or succeed
A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the company.
Bir qator potentsial xaridorlar kompaniyaga qiziqish bildirishdi.
3. capacity - hajm, imkoniyat
/kəˈpæs.ə.ti/ noun AMOUNT
1. [ C or S or U ] the total amount that can be contained or produced, or (especially of a person or organization) the ability to do a particular thing
2. [ S ] formal a particular position or job
The stadium has a seating capacity of 50 000.
Stadion 50 000 o'ringa mo'ljallangan.
4. relevant - muvofiq, mos
/ˈrel.ə.v ə nt/ adjective
1. connected with what is happening or being discussed
2. correct or suitable for a particular purpose
Education should be relevant to the child's needs.
Ta'lim bolaning ehtiyojlariga mos kelishi kerak.
5. readily - tez, darhol
/ˈred.ɪ.li/ adverb
quickly, immediately, willingly or without any problem
He readily agreed to help.
U darhol yordam berishga qo'shildi.
6. broaden - kengaymoq
/ˈbrɔː.d ə n/ verb WIDER
1. [ I or T ] to become wider, or to cause something to become wider
2. [ T ] to increase the range of something
The road broadens and becomes a big road at this point.
Bu vaqtda yo'l kengayadi va katta yo'lga aylanadi.
7. irrespective - qat'iy nazar
/ˌɪr.ɪˈspek.tɪv/ adverb
without considering; not needing to allow for
The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone’s ethnic origins.
Qonun kimning millatiga mansubligidan qat'iy nazar qo'llanilishi kerak.
Vocabulary: Healthcare, health and sport🏃🏃♀️
✅ Pursuits – hobbies or sports which people do for enjoyment;
(sevimli mashg’ulot)
Skiing and cycling are my main pursuits at weekends.
Dam olish kunlari chang'i va velosport - mening asosiy mashg'ulotlarim.
✅ Dependency – the condition of relying on something in an addictive way;
(biror narsaga o’rganib qolmoq)
The player was treated for drug dependency at a detox clinic in Paris.
Futbolchi Parijdagi detoks klinikasida giyohvandlikdan davolangan.
✅ Champions – highly successful people in sport or business;
Roger Federer is champion tennis player, and good role model to.
Rojer Federer - tennis bo'yicha chempion va yaxshi namuna.
✅ Health warnings – notices or cigarette or alcohol packaging warning about medical effects;
(sog’liq haqida ogohlantirish)
Almost all countries have health warnings on tobacco these days.
Hozirgi kunda deyarli barcha mamlakatlarda tamaki haqida sog'liq ogohlantirishlar mavjud.
✅ Pursuits – hobbies or sports which people do for enjoyment;
(sevimli mashg’ulot)
Skiing and cycling are my main pursuits at weekends.
Dam olish kunlari chang'i va velosport - mening asosiy mashg'ulotlarim.
✅ Dependency – the condition of relying on something in an addictive way;
(biror narsaga o’rganib qolmoq)
The player was treated for drug dependency at a detox clinic in Paris.
Futbolchi Parijdagi detoks klinikasida giyohvandlikdan davolangan.
✅ Champions – highly successful people in sport or business;
Roger Federer is champion tennis player, and good role model to.
Rojer Federer - tennis bo'yicha chempion va yaxshi namuna.
✅ Health warnings – notices or cigarette or alcohol packaging warning about medical effects;
(sog’liq haqida ogohlantirish)
Almost all countries have health warnings on tobacco these days.
Hozirgi kunda deyarli barcha mamlakatlarda tamaki haqida sog'liq ogohlantirishlar mavjud.
Reading: Vahima qilmang! 🙅🙅♀️
Ba’zi savollar juda oson, ba’zilari juda qiyin bo’ladi. Asosiysi, siz qiyin savolga duch kelganingizda vahimaga tushmasligingiz kerak. Hattoki, IELTS o’qituvchlari ko’p hollarda savol qiyinligidan javoblarni tekshirib ko’rishga majbur bo’lishadi.
Eng katta xato, bitta savolga haddan ziyod ko’p vaqt sarflash tufayli, boshqalariga umuman ulgurmay qolishdir. Buning o’rniga, javob chiqmasa, keyingisiga o’tib keting. ☝️
Vaqtingiz qolsa, shu savolga qaytishingiz mumkin yoki boshqa savollar siz qoldirib ketgan savolni topishga yordam berishi mumkin.
Imtihonda vaqtingizni va asablaringizni to’g’ri boshqarish juda muhim. Asablaringizni jilovlay olmasangiz, readingdan maslahatlar sizga yordam bermaydi.
Siz readingdagi hamma savolni ishlay olmasligingiz mumkin, yaxshisi buni tan olib, o’zingiz ishlay oladigan savollarga vaqt sarflaganingiz foydaliroq.
Ba’zi savollar juda oson, ba’zilari juda qiyin bo’ladi. Asosiysi, siz qiyin savolga duch kelganingizda vahimaga tushmasligingiz kerak. Hattoki, IELTS o’qituvchlari ko’p hollarda savol qiyinligidan javoblarni tekshirib ko’rishga majbur bo’lishadi.
Eng katta xato, bitta savolga haddan ziyod ko’p vaqt sarflash tufayli, boshqalariga umuman ulgurmay qolishdir. Buning o’rniga, javob chiqmasa, keyingisiga o’tib keting. ☝️
Vaqtingiz qolsa, shu savolga qaytishingiz mumkin yoki boshqa savollar siz qoldirib ketgan savolni topishga yordam berishi mumkin.
Imtihonda vaqtingizni va asablaringizni to’g’ri boshqarish juda muhim. Asablaringizni jilovlay olmasangiz, readingdan maslahatlar sizga yordam bermaydi.
Siz readingdagi hamma savolni ishlay olmasligingiz mumkin, yaxshisi buni tan olib, o’zingiz ishlay oladigan savollarga vaqt sarflaganingiz foydaliroq.
Anonymous Poll
1. Get
This word feels a little bit informal. There is always a replacement that does the job. For example, 'get a job' could be replaced with 'find a job'. 'Get some clothes' could be 'buy' or 'purchase' some clothes.
2. Pretty
By this I mean expressions like 'pretty good'. Basically 'pretty + adjective' is a fairly informal structure that is best used in speaking.
3. Really
It's inappropriate for formal writing for the exact same reason as above.
4. Totally
I often see people say 'I totally agree'. 'Totally' used in this way is informal.
5. And, But, So (to start sentences)
For formal writing, some teachers and grammar nazis consider doing this to be informal and wrong. There is no reason to risk it for your IELTS test, so avoid starting your sentences with these. Using them in the middle of your sentences is fine. Replacements could be 'Furthermore/In addition, However/Nevertheless, Therefore/Thus/Consequently.
Source: James Biden
1. Get
This word feels a little bit informal. There is always a replacement that does the job. For example, 'get a job' could be replaced with 'find a job'. 'Get some clothes' could be 'buy' or 'purchase' some clothes.
2. Pretty
By this I mean expressions like 'pretty good'. Basically 'pretty + adjective' is a fairly informal structure that is best used in speaking.
3. Really
It's inappropriate for formal writing for the exact same reason as above.
4. Totally
I often see people say 'I totally agree'. 'Totally' used in this way is informal.
5. And, But, So (to start sentences)
For formal writing, some teachers and grammar nazis consider doing this to be informal and wrong. There is no reason to risk it for your IELTS test, so avoid starting your sentences with these. Using them in the middle of your sentences is fine. Replacements could be 'Furthermore/In addition, However/Nevertheless, Therefore/Thus/Consequently.
Source: James Biden
Useful list of linking words to express a personal opinion ☝️
Level: Intermediate
1. As far as I know, …
2. I agree with the opinion of …
3. I could be wrong, but …
4. I’d definitely say that …
5. I’d guess/imagine that …
6. I’d say that …
7. I’m absolutely certain that …
8. I’m fairly confident that …
9. I’m no expert (on this), but …
10. I’m positive that …
11. I’m pretty sure that …
12. It seems to me that …
13. It’s a complicated/difficult issue, but …
14. My (point of) view (on this) is …
15. Obviously, …
16. Some people may disagree with me, but …
17. This is just my opinion, but …
18. Without a doubt, …
19. You probably won’t agree, but …
Look through the examples and save the post for yourself.
The next list is Upper-Intermediate and Advanced level linking words. 🔥
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Level: Intermediate
1. As far as I know, …
2. I agree with the opinion of …
3. I could be wrong, but …
4. I’d definitely say that …
5. I’d guess/imagine that …
6. I’d say that …
7. I’m absolutely certain that …
8. I’m fairly confident that …
9. I’m no expert (on this), but …
10. I’m positive that …
11. I’m pretty sure that …
12. It seems to me that …
13. It’s a complicated/difficult issue, but …
14. My (point of) view (on this) is …
15. Obviously, …
16. Some people may disagree with me, but …
17. This is just my opinion, but …
18. Without a doubt, …
19. You probably won’t agree, but …
Look through the examples and save the post for yourself.
The next list is Upper-Intermediate and Advanced level linking words. 🔥
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📓 Oxford English Grammar Course: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced (Michael Swan and Catherine Walter)
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📓 Barron’s ESL Proficiency Series: Prepositions, Phrasal Verbs (Jean Yates and Carl W. Hart)
📓 Ultimate Phrasal Verb Book (Carl W. Hart)
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📓 Reading Challenge 1,2,3 (Casey Malarchar and Andrea Janzen)
📓 Real Listening and Speaking 1,2,3,4 (Miles Craven, Sally Logan and Craig Thaine)
📓 Real Reading 1,2,3,4 (Liz Driscoll)
📓 Real Writing 1,2,3,4 (Graham Palmer, Roger Gower and Simon Haines)
📓 Inside Reading 1,2,3,4 (Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman)
📓 Tactics for Listening: Basic Tactics, Developing Tactics, Expanding Tactics (Jack C. Richards)
📓 Oxford English Grammar Course: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced (Michael Swan and Catherine Walter)
📓 Practical Grammar 1,2,3 (David Riley and John Hughes)
📓 50 Steps to Improving Your Academic Writing (Chris Sowton)
📓 Writing – Learn to Write Better Academic Essays (Els Van Geyte)
📓 English Through Reading (Nasibe Sevgi)
📓 Reading and Writing Targets 1,2,3 (Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley)
📓 Key Words for Fluency: Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate (George Woolard)
📓 New Explorer Reading and Writing 1,2,3 (Patrick Hwang)
📓 Macmillan English Grammar in Context B1-B2, B2-C1 (Michael Vince)
📓 Read and Understand 1,2,3,4 (Betty Kirkpatrick and Rebecca Mok)
📓 Barron’s ESL Proficiency Series: Prepositions, Phrasal Verbs (Jean Yates and Carl W. Hart)
📓 Ultimate Phrasal Verb Book (Carl W. Hart)
📓 Master English Collocations and Phrasal Verbs (Marc Roche)
📓 Reading Challenge 1,2,3 (Casey Malarchar and Andrea Janzen)