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"Кунлар жуда тез ўтиб кетмоқда..." бу гапни барчамиз айтамиз. Ҳушёр тортинг Қадрдон! Ўтиб бораётган кун эмас, балки умрдир...

Нима бўлганда хам умримизни шундай яшаб ўтайликки, бизни фақат гўзал амалларимиз ила ёдга олишсин! Ассалому алейкум Қадрдон!

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Доим табассум қилиб юрадиган кишиларнинг ташвишлари йўқ деб ўйлардим... Кейин билсам, уларда ҳам ташвишлар бор-у, фақат улар ташвишларини елкалари устига олишмас экан, балки оёқлари остида янчиб ўтишар экан...

Academic Band 8.0 Vocabulary⚡️⚡️⚡️

🔥seldom - kamdan-kam hollarda

/ˈsel.dəm/ adverb
almost never

Now that we have a baby, we seldom get the chance to go to the cinema.
Endi farzandli bo'lganimiz uchun kinoga borish imkoniyati kamdan-kam bo'ladi

🔥initiate - boshlash

/ɪˈnɪʃ.i.eɪt/ verb [ T ] START
something to begin

Who initiated the violence?
Zo'ravonlikni kim boshlagan?

🔥misjudge - noto'g'ri hukm qilish

/ˌmɪsˈdʒʌdʒ/ verb [ T ]
to form an opinion or idea
about someone or something which is
unfair or wrong

Sophie totally misjudged the situation
and behaved quite inappropriately.
Sofiya vaziyatni butunlay noto'g'ri baholadi va o'zini juda noo'rin tutdi.

🔥attend - qatnashmoq

/əˈtend/ verb BE PRESENT
1. [ I or T ] SLIGHTLY FORMAL to
go to an event, place, etc.
2. [ T ] SLIGHTLY FORMAL to go officially
and usually regularly to a place

1)Over two hundred people attended the
Ikki yuzdan ortiq kishi dafn marosimida qatnashdi.

2)The meeting is on the fifth and we're hoping everyone will attend.
Uchrashuv beshinchi kuni va hamma ishtirok etadi degan umiddamiz.

🔥impending - yaqinlashib kelayotgan ko'ngilsiz voqea

/ɪmˈpen.dɪŋ/ adjective [ before noun ]
describes an event, usually
something unpleasant or unwanted, that
is going to happen soon
pending /ˈpen.dɪŋ/ adjective
about to happen or waiting to

Lineker announced his impending retirement from international football before the 1992 European Championships.
Lineker 1992-yilgi Yevropa chempionati oldidan xalqaro futboldagi faoliyatini yakunlashini e'lon qildi.

There were whispers that a deal was pending.
Kelishuv kutilayotganj haqida shivir-shivirlar eshitildi.

🔥deficient - yetishmayotgan

/dɪˈfɪʃ. ə nt/ adjective
1. not having enough of
2. not good enough

1)A diet deficient in vitamin D may cause the disease rickets.
D vitaminining yetishmaslihi raxit kasalligini olib kelishi mumkin

2)His theory is deficient in several respects.
Uning nazariyasi bir necha jihatdan kamchilikka ega.

🔥pose - sababchi bo'lmoq, sabab bo'lmoq, savol so'ramoq

/pəʊz/ verb CAUSE
1. [ T ] to cause something,
especially a problem or difficulty
2. [ T ] to ask a question,
especially in a formal situation such as a meeting

1)Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone.
Yadro quroli hamma uchun xavf tug'diradi.

2)Can we go back to the question that
Helena posed earlier?
Helena ilgari bergan savolga qaytishimiz mumkinmi?

Academic Band 8.0 Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. priority - ustuvor, muhim

/praɪˈɒr.ɪ.ti/ noun [ C or U ]
something that is very important and must be dealt with before other things

The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority.
Rahbariyat ofis xavfsizligini ustuvor deb hisoblamagan ko'rinadi.

2. bound - aniq

/baʊnd/ adjective CERTAIN
[ after verb ] certain or extremely likely to happen
adjective FORCED
[ after verb + to infinitive ] having a moral or legal duty to do something

You're bound to feel nervous about your interview.
Suhbatingizdan asabiylashishingiz aniq.

3. measures - usul, o'lchov, chora, yo'l

/ˈmeʒ.ə r / noun METHOD

What further measures can we take to avoid terrorism?
Terrorizmning oldini olish uchun yana qanday choralar ko'rishimiz mumkin?

4 . assist - yordam bermoq

/əˈsɪst/ verb [ I or T ] formal
to help

The army arrived to assist in the search.
Qidiruvga yordam berish uchun armiya yetib keldi.

5. conflict - janjal, urush

/ˈkɒn.flɪkt/ noun [ C or U ]

There was a lot of conflict between him and his father.
U bilan otasi o'rtasida juda ko'p janjal bo'lgan.

6. comprise - ichiga olmoq

/kəmˈpraɪz/ verb [ T L only + noun not continuous ] formal
to have as parts or members, or to be those parts or members

The course comprises a class book, a practice book and an audio tape.
Kurs dars kitobi, amaliyot kitobi va audio tasmani o'z ichiga oladi.

7. thus - shunday qilib, shu tariqa

thus /ðʌs/ adverb formal
1. in this way
2. with this result
3. thus far
as far as this or until now

They planned to reduce staff and thus to cut costs .
Ular xodimlarni qisqartirishni va shu tariqa xarajatlarni kamaytirishni rejalashtirdilar.

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Муваффақиятга эришиш учун ҳеч бўлмаганда бирор нарса қилиш ва буни ҳозир қилиш керакдир.

Ҳар кимнинг ўз ғоялари бор, лекин одамлар уларни амалда қўллаш учун ҳеч нарса қилмайдилар ва ҳозир ҳам ҳеч нарса қилмаябдилар.

Ҳаракатни эртага эмас, бир ҳафтада кейин эмас, ҳозирдан бошлашингиз керак!

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Эрта тонгдан кайфиятни максимал даражада юқори кўрсаткичга чиқариш ўз қўлингизда эканлигини унутмаганингиз ҳолда,шунчаки табассум қилинг...
Ва шуни хам унутмангки яқинларингизга бор-йўғи бир чимдим мехрнинг ўзи кифоя қилади... Ассалому алайкум!

Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯

1. according to - ga ko'ra, shunday qilib

/əˈkɔː.dɪŋˌtuː/ /-ˈkɔːr-/ preposition
1. as stated by
preposition METHOD
2. in a way that agrees with
3. according to plan
Something that happens according to plan, happens in the way it was intended to

According to Sarah they're not getting on very well at the moment.
Saraning so'zlariga ko'ra, ular hozirda unchalik yaxshi munosabatda emas.

2. though - biroq

/ðəʊ/ conjunction
1. despite the fact that
2. but
3. as though
as if
4. despite this

They're coming next week, though I don't know which day.
Ular keyingi haftada kelishyapdi, biroq aynan qaysi kunligini bilmayman.

3. stabilize - barqaror qilmoq

/ˈsteɪ.bɪ.laɪz/ verb

He suffered a second heart attack 2 days ago but his condition is stabilized now.
U 2 kun oldin ikkinchi marta yurak xurujiga uchradi, ammo hozir uning ahvoli barqarorlashgan.

4. neither… nor… - na, na

/ˈnaɪ.ðə r / , /ˈniː-/

They speak neither French nor German, but a curious mixture of the two.
Ular na Fransuzcha na Nemischa gaplashishdi, lekin hayratlanarli ikkisini arashtirishdi.

5. dismiss - unutmoq

/dɪˈsmɪs/ verb FORGET

Let's not just dismiss the idea before we've even thought about it.
Keling, bu haqda o'ylamasdan turib, g'oyani unutmaylik.

6. in retrospect - o'ylamoq o'tmishga nisbatan

/ˈret.rə ʊ  .spekt/
in retrospect
thinking now about something in the past

In retrospect, I think my marriage was doomed from the beginning.
O‘ylab qarasam, nikohim boshidanoq barbod bo‘lgan deb o‘ylayman.

7. boost - ko'paytirish, yaxshilash

/buːst/ verb [ T ]
to improve or increase something

The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.
Teatr chiptalar narxini pasaytirish orqali o'z tomoshabinlarini ko'paytirishga muvaffaq bo'ldi.

AcademicVocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. soar - uchmoq, parvoz qilmoq

/sɔː r / verb RISE QUICKLY
1. [ I usually + adverb or preposition ] to rise very quickly to a high level
2. [ T ] to reach a great height
[ I ] (of a bird or aircraft) to rise high in the air while flying without moving the wings or using power

All night long fireworks soared into the sky.
Tun bo‘yi osmonda salyutlar uchdi.

2. phenomenon - hodisa, g'aroyib hodisa, favqulodda hodisa

/fəˈnɒm.ɪ.nən/ noun [ C ] plural phenomena

Gravity is a natural phenomenon.
Gravitatsiya tabiiy hodisa.

3. culprit - jinoyatchi

/ˈkʌl.prɪt/ noun [ C ]
1. someone who has done something wrong
2. a fact or situation that is the reason for something bad happening

Police hope the public will help them to find the culprits.
Politsiya jamoatchilik ularga jinoyatchilarni topishda yordam berishiga umid qilmoqda.

4. pivotal - asosiy, muhim

/ˈpɪv.ə.t ə l/ adjective
central and important

a pivotal role/idea
asosiy rol/g‘oya

5. overall - umumiy

/ˌəʊ.vəˈrɔːl/ adverb [ before noun ] , adjective
in general rather than in particular, or including all the people or things in particular group or situation

The overall situation is good, despite a few minor problems.
Bir nechta kichik muammolarga qaramasdan, umumiy ahvol yaxshi.

6. inform - ma'lumot aytish

/ɪnˈfɔːm/ verb [ T ]
to tell someone about particular facts

Walters was not properly informed of the reasons for her arrest.
Valtersni hibsga olish sabablari haqida to'g'ri ma'lumot berilmagan.

7. philosophy - falsafa

philosophy /fɪˈlɒs.ə.fi/ /-ˈlɑː.sə-/ noun

the philosophy of education/religion/science
ta'lim/din/fan falsafasi

Speaking Vocabularies Band 8.5

🔸Figure something out:
find a way to solve a problem.

E: I think Peter is smart enough to figure out what to do.
E: I'm surprised when Lucy figured it out quickly.

🔸Fill in for someone: to temporarily do another person's work or task.

E: Mary's colleague filled in for her while she was sick.
E: The French teacher was sick and Mr. Mike filled in for her.

🔸Find one's feet: to become confident or comfortable in a new situation.

E: It took him a week to find his feet in his job.
E: It was difficult when I moved to a new city. but I eventually found my feet.

🔸 For good: forever, permanently.

E: Нe intends to remain married to her for good.
E: I want to be with you for good.

🔸 To foot the bill: to pay the bill for someone, to раy for something.

E: You paid for lunch last week. Let me foot the bill for dinner tonight.
E: She ordered drinks and then left him to foot the bill

🔸Freak out: to bесоmе very angrу or lose control of yourself because of somebody or something.

E: I freaked out when I saw her with another man.
E: Snakes really freaked me out.

🔸Fresh as a daisy: someone who is full of energy, completely fresh and attractive.

E: Her smile is as fresh as a daisy.
E: His girlfriend looks as fresh as a daisy!

🔸Full of beans: а person who is lively, and full of energy.

E: Нe's always full of beans in the morning.
E: Мy son is usually full of beans at the bedtime.

🔸 For a song: if yоu buy something for a song, you buy it at a very cheap price.

E: Нe bought the car for a song at an auction.
E: I bought the painting for a song two years ago.

🔸For the time being: at the present; at the mоmеnt.

E: For the time being, I am studying Japanese.
E: For the time being, you can leave your suitcase here.

🔸From now on: from this moment and forever into the future.

E: From now on, employees can wear casual clothes to work every Thursday.
E: From now on, I promise to bе on time.

Different Ways to Say Congratulations

1. Respects

2. Fantastic

3. Hats off!

4. Sensational

5. Well done

6. Good job!

7. You rock!

8. Nice going

9. Good show!

10. Good going!

11. Good for you!

©️ https://t.me/cefrprofessionals
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Тонг отиб кўзимизни очиб билдикки, кўзимиз нури равшан, ўрнимиздан туриб юра олдикми, демак танимиз бут! Осмонга юзланиб кўрдикки булут сузмоқда...
Оллоҳнинг биз учун ато этган бу неъматларига Хамд айтмаймизми?

Яратганнинг инояти ила бошланган янги кунингиз барчага ўз хайрларини ёғдирсин Қадрдон, Ассалому алайкум!

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Шундай вақтлар бўладики, молу-дунёнинг қиймати қолмайди, муваффақиятнинг қиймати қолмайди, мансабларнинг қиймати қолмайди... Аммо муҳаббатнинг қиймати ҳеч замон йўқолмайди.

© Айман Ёғий



Bu so’z og’zaki uslubga xos. Uning o’rniga doim boshqa so’z ishlatishingiz mumkin. Masalan, “get a job” deyish o’rniga “find a job” deb yozing. Yoki “get some clothes” deyish o’rniga “buy yoki purchase clothes” deb yozing.

Bu so’zni sifatdan oldin yozish o’ta og’zaki uslun, misol uchun “prett good”. Bu, asosan, og’zaki uslubda uchraydi.

Bu so’z ham “pretty” (juda ma’nosida) so’zi kabi og’zaki uslubga mos.

Ko’pincha intorductionda “totally agree” deb yozishadi. Ammo bu ham og’zaki uslub.

And, But va So (gap boshida kelganda)
Formal writing uchun bu so’zlarni gap boshida ishlatmang. Gapning boshiga bu so’zlarni qo’yish o’rniga, boshqa muqobil so’zlarni ishlating, masalan: “'Furthermore/In addition, However/Nevertheless, Therefore/Thus/Consequently.”

Manba: James Biden

Biz ko’p vaqtimizni DARS TAYYORLAB emas, dars tayyorlash haqida O’YLAB O’TKAZAMIZ.

Aksariyat hollarda, ko’pchilik o’quvchilar dars qilish o’rniga, nima dars qilsam ekan yoki qanday bajarsam ekan deb o’ylab o’tkazib yuborishadi.

Sxema quyidagicha: kuni bo’yi qanday bal olmoqchimiz va bunga qanday erishmoqchimiz shu haqida o’ylab yuraveramiz. Youtubedan yuqori balga erishish sirlari haqida o’nlab videolarni ko’rib chiqamiz.

Ana endi, maslahat va yo’riqlarga to’yib olib, yana reja tuzamiz. Nimadan dars tayyorlash yoki qanday tayyorlash bo’yicha rejalar yaratamiz. 🗒📑


Juda ko’p hollarda rejalar rejaligicha qolib ketaveradi. Bajariladigan ishlar ro’yxati yon daftarchamizda ro’yxatligicha qolib ketaveradi. 😑

Odamzod o’zi shunday. Biz o’ylayveramiz, rejalashtiraveramiz, o’ylayveramiz, rejalashtiraveramiz. Amalda bajarishga esa juda kam vaqt sarflaymiz.

Shuning uchun ,ba’zi hollarda kamroq o’ylab, ko’proq bajarsak, maqsadlarimizga muvofiq bo’ladi. Va miyamiz 🧠 ham ortiqcha o’y-hayollardan xalos bo’lib, yengil tortadi.

O’qishingiz shart!!!☝️

Soatlab test practicelarni vaqtga qo’yib ishlab chiqsangizu, xato javoblarni analiz qilib chiqmasangiz….

Soatlab audio eshitsangizu, audioni yaxshi tushunmasangiz va yangi so’zlarni o’rganmasangiz…

Son-sanoqsiz kinoyu-video ko’rsangizu, videoda ishlatilgan so’zlar ma’nosini tushunmasangiz…

Yotvolib dars qilsangizu, ammo o’rganayotgan narsalaringizni asl mag’zini tushunmasangiz…

Unda siz shunchaki bitta aylana ichida yuguryapsiz, manzilga qarab ketayotganingiz yo’q. Tinimsiz band bo’lish SAMARADOR bo’lish degani emas.

QATTIQ MEHNAT qilyapsiz degani TO’G’RI MEHNAT qilyapsiz degani emas.

Focusni to’g’ri nuqtaga qo’yish kerak. Unutmang, hammayam ko’p ishlaydi. Ammo maqsadga erishadiganlar sanoqli.

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Ҳар бир зулматнинг ортида нур борлиги, ҳар бир туннинг ортида тонг отиши каби, ҳар бир сабрнинг ортида хам хурсандчилик бордир...

Яна бир янги кунингиз муборак бўлсин Қадрдон, бугунги кунингиз кечаги кунданда муваффақиятли келсин! Ассалому алайкум!

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Ҳаттоки, умрингиз давомидаги энг катта хатога йўл қўйган бўлсангиз ҳам, билингки, бу иш ортидан албатта бир яхшилик келади...

Synonymous of DIFFERENT 🎯🎯🎯


💥 Ranging

💥 Varying

💥 Distinct

💥 Diverse

💥 Assorted

💥 Unlike

💥 Disparate

💥 Alternative

💥 Several

Grammar Time



Adjectives beginning with un-, dis-, or im- / in- / il- / ir- have a negative meaning.

for example: unenthusiastic, disorganised, impatient

Un-, dis- yoki im- / in- / il- / ir- bilan boshlangan sifatlar inkor maʼnosini bildiradi.

masalan: ishtiyoqsiz, tartibsiz, sabrsiz

Exception/mustasno holat:
invaluable (qimmatbaho)

I Academic Vocabulary

1.exemplify - misol bilan tushuntirmoq, misol keltirmoq

/ɪgˈzem.plɪ.faɪ/ verb [ T ]
to be or give a typical example of something

This painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.
Ushbu rasm o'sha paytda juda mashhur bo'lgan naturalistik uslubni mukammal tarzda misol keltiradi.

2. endanger - xavf ostida qoldirmoq

/ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒə r / /-dʒɚ/ verb [ T ]
to put someone or something at risk or in danger of being harmed, damaged or destroyed

He would never do anything to endanger the lives of his children.
U hech qachon farzandlarining hayotini xavf ostiga qo'yadigan hech narsa qilmaydi.

3. as well - shuningdek

as well (as)
in addition (to)

I want to visit Andrew as well as Martin.
Men Endryuga, shuningdek Martinga ham tashrif buyurishni xohlayman .

4. explore - tadqiqot qilmoq

/ɪkˈsplɔː r / verb [ I or T ]
to search and discover (about something)
to explore space

The best way to explore the countryside is on foot.
Tadqiqot qilishga eng zo'r yo'l —qishloqni piyoda yurib chiqish .

5. emerge - paydo bo'lmoq

/ɪˈmɜːdʒ/ verb [ I ]
to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something

She emerged from the sea, blue with cold.
U dengizdan sovuqdan ko'karib chiqdi.

Media is too big
Evil Boss Takes Advantage Of Homeless Employee

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Анас розияллоҳу анҳудан ривоят қилинади:

Расулуллоҳ соллаллоҳу алайҳи васаллам: "Ким жума куни бомдод намозидан олдин: "Астағфируллоҳаллазий ла илаҳа илла ҳувал ҳайюл қойюм ва атубу илайҳ", деб уч марта айтса, Аллоҳ таоло унинг гуноҳларини денгиз кўпигича бўлса ҳам, кечириб юборади, дедилар.

© Ибн Сунний ривоятлари.

Маъноси: Ҳай ва қайюм сифатли Зотдан бошқа илоҳ йўқ ва Унга истиғфор айтаман, Унга тавба қиламан.

Эслатинг, эслатиш мўминларга манфаат берур! Жуманинг хайри ва барокати сизга бўлсин азизлар!
