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Ишлашни билган одам, дам олишни хам билиши керак...
Мана шундай жойларда мазза қилиб дам олиб келишга нима дейсиз..?

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Бугунги кунимиз бошқа кунларимиз каби жуда мухимдир... Бу кунни шунчаки яшаб ўтмайлик. Қандайдир мухим ишлар қилингки хотираларингизда ажиб фахр билан қолсин...

Сизга хайрли тонг тиловчилар бисёр бўлсада, мен хам сизларга бугунги тонгингиз хайрли бўлсин дейман. Ассалому алайкум!

Ingliz tilida keng qo’llaniladigan his-hayajon so’zlari. 1-qism.

1. A-ha!

2. Ahhhh! (Talaffuzi: aaaa!) Ha, endi tushundim.

3. Augh! (Talaffuz: auh!! ) Jahli chiqqanda ishlatiladi.

4. Awww! (Talaffuzi: Aauvv) yoqimtoy narsa yoki odam haqida ishlatiladi.

5. Bah! (Talaffuz: Ba!) Siz kutmagan yoqimsiz narsaga nisbatan ishlatiladi.

6. Booo! (Talaffuzi: Buuu!) Sahnada kimdir juda yomon va yoqimsiz ijro etayotganda, tomoshabinlar tomonidan ishlatiladi.

7. Brrrrr! Juda sovuq ma’nosini bildiradi.

8. D’oh! (Talaffuzi: D’o! )Yoqimsiz nimadir sodir bo’lganda ishlatiladi.

9. Dah! (Talaffuzi: Da!) Kimdirning ahmoqligidan jahlingiz chiqqanda ishlatiladi.

10. Eeeek! (Talaffuzi: iiiik!) Asosan, qizlar tomonidan biror nimadan qo’rqqanda ishlatiladi.

Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. endeavour - harakat qilmoq

/enˈdev.ə r / verb [ I + to infinitive ]
to try to do something

Engineers are endeavoring to locate the source of the problem.
Muhandislar muammoning manbasini topishga harakat qilmoqdalar.

2. ascertain - ishonch hosil qilmoq, aniqlamoq

/ˌæs.əˈteɪn/ verb [ T ] formal
to discover; to make certain

The police have so far been unable to ascertain the cause of the explosion.
Politsiya hozircha portlash sabablarini aniqlay olmadi.

3. not necessarily - shart emas, ...unday emas

/ˈnes.ə.ser.ɪl.i/ adverb
used in negatives to mean 'in every case' or 'therefore'

The fact that something is cheap doesn't necessarily mean it's of low quality.
Biror narsaning arzonligi uning sifati pastligini anglatmaydi.

4. tolerate - toqat qilmoq

/ˈtɒl. ə r.eɪt/ verb [ T ] ACCEPT
1. to accept behaviour and beliefs which are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them
verb [ T ] DEAL WITH
2. to deal with something unpleasant or annoying, or to continue existing despite bad or difficult conditions

I will not tolerate that sort of behaviour in my class.
Men sinfimda bunday xatti-harakatlarga toqat qilmayman.

5. repeatedly - qayta - qayta

/rɪˈpiː.tɪd.li/ adverb
many times

He telephoned repeatedly, begging her to return.
U qayta-qayta telefon qilib, qaytib kelishini iltimos qildi.

6. counter - peshtaxta

/ˈkaʊn.tə r / noun [ C ] SURFACE
1. a long flat narrow surface or table in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc. at which people are served
verb [ I or T ]
to react to something with an opposing opinion or action; to defend yourself against something

There was nobody behind/on the counter when I went into the bank, and I had to wait to be served.
Men bankka kirganimda peshtaxtaning orqasida/orqasida hech kim yo'q edi va men xizmat ko'rsatishni kutishim kerak edi.

7. comprehend - tushunmoq

/ˌkɒm.prɪˈhend/ slightly formal
to understand something completely

I'll never comprehend why she did what she did.
U nima uchun bunday qilganini hech qachon tushunolmayman.

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Дунёнинг ғамини кўтариб олманг, чунки у Аллоҳникидир..
Ризқ ғамини кўтариб олманг, чунки, у ҳам Аллоҳнинг измидадир.
Келажак ғамини кўтариб олманг, у ҳам Аллоҳнинг буйруғи остидадир.
Фақат Аллоҳни қандай рози қиламан, деган битта ғамни кўтаргинг холос!
Ассалому алайкум. Хайрли тонг Қадрдон!

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"Катта бўлганингда ким бўласан..?" деб сўралган саволларга:
"Ўқитувчи бўламан",
"Доктор бўламан" ... дер эдик. Хеч қачон "Бахтли бўламан!" демасдик... Чунки бола эдик... Болаликда ҳамма нарса бахт эди!

Ingliz tilida keng qo’llaniladigan his-hayajon so’zlari.

(Qavs ichida talaffuzi berilgan.)

11. Eh? Huh? [E? Ha?] nimadirni tushunmaslikni bildirish

12. Ewwww! [yeuuuuu!] nimadirning yoqimsizligini ifodalash

13. Gah! [Ga!] umidsizlilikni ko’rsatish

14. Huh! [Ha!] nimagadir qiziqishi yo’qligini ifodalash

15. Meh! [me!] biror nimaga umumam qiziqishning yo’qligi

16. Nah! [Na!] yo’q deganma’noni bildiradi

17. Ooh-la-la! [Uuu-la-la] xursandchilikni ko’rsatadi

18. Phew! [Fyu!] yengil tortish, nimadandir qutulganlik

19. Jeez! [Jiiz!] jahli chiqqanlikni bildiradi

20. Yay! [Yay] yaxshi yangilikni nishonlash

21. Yee-haw! [Yii-hou!] o’ta xursandchilik

22. Yikes! [Yaiks!] yomon vaziyatga nistaban ishlatiladi

23. Yuck! [Yak!] yoqimsiz, jirkanch ma’nosini bildiradi.

Listening: imtihon kunida nima qilish kerak? 🎧

Test markazga qanday borishni oldindan rejalashtiring va biroz barvaqtroq keling. Siz imtihonga har tomonlama shay bo’lishingiz kerak.

Savollar ko’rsatmalarni sinchiklab o’qing. Juda ko’plab o’quvchilar ko’rsatmalarga amal qilmaslik yoki noto’g’ri o’qish tufayli, juda oddiy xatolarga yo’l qo’yishadi.

Javobingzi savollar varag’iga yozavering. Axir, siz buning uchun allaqachon pul to’lagansiz!

Audiolar tugagandan so’ng, javobingizni ehtiyotkorlik bilan javoblar varag’iga ko’chiring.

Istasangiz, javoblaringizni bosh harflarda yozishingiz mumkin.

Agarda texnik yoki boshqa sabablar tufayli, audioni yaxshi eshita olmagan bo’lsangiz, imtihon oxirida bu haqida shikoyat qiling. Siz imtihon uchun pul to’lagansiz va yaxshi xizmat ko’rsatilishiga haqqingiz bor! 😉

Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. inundate - toshmoq, toshib suv bosib ketmoq

/ˈɪn.ʌn.deɪt/ verb [ T ] TOO MUCH
1. to give someone so much work or so many things that they cannot deal with them all
verb [ T ] FLOOD
2. formal to flood an area with water

We have been inundated with requests for help.
Biz yordam so'rab murojaatlar bilan to'lib toshganmiz.

2. means - vosita, iloj

/miːnz/ plural noun METHOD
1. a method or way of doing something
plural noun MONEY
2. money, for example from an income, that allows you to buy things

They had no means of communication.
Ularning aloqa vositalari yo'q edi.

3. exceptional - ajoyib, alohida

/ɪkˈsep.ʃ ə n. ə l/ adjective approving
much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc

The company has shown exceptional growth over the past two years.
Kompaniya so'nggi ikki yil ichida ajoyib o'sishni ko'rsatdi.

4. devastate - vayron qilmoq

/ˈdev.ə.steɪt/ verb [ T ] DESTROY
1. to destroy a place or thing completely or cause great damage
verb [ T ] UPSET
2. to make someone feel very shocked and upset

The old buildings were devastated last year and replaced with the new ones.
O‘tgan yili eski binolar vayron bo‘lib, o‘rniga yangilari qurilgan.

5. adept at - bilimdom, mohir

/əˈdept/ adjective
having a natural ability to do something that needs skill

She is very adept at dealing with the media.
U ommaviy axborot vositalari bilan ishlashda juda mohir.

6. disastrous - halokatli

/dɪˈzɑː.strəs/ adjective
extremely bad or unsuccessful

Such a war would be disastrous for the country.
Bunday urush mamlakat uchun halokatli bo'ladi.

7. as a result of - natijada

because of something

Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.
So'nggi paytlarda sotishning pasayishi natijasida foyda kamaydi.

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Нимагадир эришмоқчи бўлсанг, шунчаки хаёл қилма, ўша нарсага айлан, ўша орзу билан ухла. Ўша орзу билан уйғон.

Бор диққат-эътиборингни эришмоқчи бўлган нарсангга қарат. Ўша орзу сенга бир дақиқа ҳам тинчлик бермасин, ана ўшанда, албатта, мақсадга етасан.

Мақсадларга лиммо-лим бўлган янги кун муборак! Ассалому алейкум!

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Энг оғир дамлар сизни қаршиласа, тўсатдан, сиз кутмаган ва ўйламаган томондан ёрдам келади...
Бу - қачонлардир, кимгадир нажот бўлиб, сўнг яхшилигингизни унутганингиз, Аллоҳ эса унутмагани бўлади...

Reading: Test practice qilishning boshqa usuli 📖

Cambridge Test practice kitoblaridan bitta matnni oling.

Kitob oxiridan to’g’ri javoblarni oling.

Endi avval savolni o’qing, key wordsni belgilang, va javobni matndan toping. Siz javobni allaqachon bilasiz, shning uchun uning matnni qayerida joylashganini toping. ☝️

Matn ichida savoldagi key words ni sinonimlarini topib belgilang.

Kalit so’zlarni topgandan so’ng, ularni savol va matndagi sinonimlari bilan, jadval tarzida yozib oling.

Bu yo’l bilan siz matn ichida key words va ularning sinonimlarini topish va aynan nega shu javob to’g’riligini topishga o’rganasiz. Agar doim shunday mashq qilib tursangiz, o’zingizda ijobiy o’zgarishlar sezasiz.

Academic Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. priority - ustuvor, muhim

/praɪˈɒr.ɪ.ti/ noun [ C or U ]
something that is very important and must be dealt with before other things

The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority.
Rahbariyat ofis xavfsizligini ustuvor deb hisoblamagan ko'rinadi.

2. bound - aniq

/baʊnd/ adjective CERTAIN
[ after verb ] certain or extremely likely to happen
adjective FORCED
[ after verb + to infinitive ] having a moral or legal duty to do something

You're bound to feel nervous about your interview.
Suhbatingizdan asabiylashishingiz aniq.

3. measures - usul, o'lchov, chora, yo'l

/ˈmeʒ.ə r / noun METHOD
1. [ C usually plural ] a way of achieving something, or a method for dealing with a situation
noun SIZE What further measures can we take to avoid terrorism?
Terrorizmning oldini olish uchun yana qanday choralar ko'rishimiz mumkin?
2. [ C or U ] a unit used for stating the size, weight, etc. of something, or a way of measuring
3. [ C ] a way of judging something

What further measures can we take to avoid terrorism?
Terrorizmning oldini olish uchun yana qanday choralar ko'rishimiz mumkin?

4 . assist - yordam bermoq

/əˈsɪst/ verb [ I or T ] formal
1. to help

The army arrived to assist in the search.
Qidiruvga yordam berish uchun armiya yetib keldi.

5. conflict - janjal, urush

/ˈkɒn.flɪkt/ noun [ C or U ]

There was a lot of conflict between him and his father.
U bilan otasi o'rtasida juda ko'p janjal bo'lgan.

6. comprise - ichiga olmoq

/kəmˈpraɪz/ verb [ T L only + noun not continuous ] formal
to have as parts or members, or to be those parts or members

The course comprises a class book, a practice book and an audio tape.
Kurs dars kitobi, amaliyot kitobi va audio tasmani o'z ichiga oladi.

7. thus - shunday qilib, shu tariqa

thus /ðʌs/ adverb formal
1. in this way
2. with this result
3. thus far
as far as this or until now

They planned to reduce staff and thus to cut costs .
Ular xodimlarni qisqartirishni va shu tariqa xarajatlarni kamaytirishni rejalashtirdilar.

How long should an introduction be? ✍️

1. Repeat what they give you in your own words.

Usually, the essay question will have one or two sentences before it tells you what the task is (whether to agree/disagree or discuss causes etc). When we paraphrase two sentences, it is normal to match the length. In other words, your paraphrasing should be of similar length to the source material.

2. Explain what your essay will do.

This could be indirectly (by giving your opinion) or directly (by saying 'this essay will discuss x and y).

Let's look at what to avoid.

1. Don't make up background statements.

It's just a waste of time. Also, they usually sound irrelevant, formulaic and awkward. If the question provides a background fact, you should paraphrase it, but don't add anything that the question doesn't already provide.

2. Don't give the reasons or detailed ideas in your intro.

Your job is to give your position only. Your body paragraphs are where you put your reasons.

Insho introductionda NIMA YOZISH KERAK?✍️

1. Sizga berilgan mavzuni o’z so’zlaringiz bilan qayta yozing.

Ko’pincha inshoda 1-2 ta gap va savol bo’ladi, siz esa gaplarni o’zini paraphrase (o’z so’zlari bilan qayta yozish) qiling. Bitta gap berilgan bo’lsa bitta gap bilan, ikkita gap berilgan bo’lsa ikkita gap bilan qayta yozsangiz bo’ladi. Insho mavzusi oxiridagi savol yoki vazifa ko’rsatmalarini paraphrase qilish kerak emas.

2. Inshoyingiz maqsadini aniq yozing.

Ya’ni mavzu bo’yicha shaxsiy fikringizni ayting yoki “bu inshoda shu va shularni muhokama qilaman” deyishingiz ham mumkin.


1. Background gaplar.

Background gap bu berilgan mavzu haqidagi umumiy fikr. Bunday gaplar yozish shart emas, chunki bu shunchaki vaqtingizni oladi, va ular ko’pincha mavzuga aloqasi yo’q, qolipli gap bo’lib chiqadi. Agarda background gap insho savolida berilgan bo’lsagina, uni introductionda paraphrase qiling. Aks holda, bunday gap o’ylab topaman deb vaqtingizni ketkazmang.

2. Batafsil sabab yoki izohlar bermang.

ntroduction bu shunchaki kirish qism. Unda faqatgina mavzu va inshoning asosiy maqsad yoki vazifasi aytiladi xolos. Barcha batafsil izohlar asosiy qismlarda beriladi.

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Ҳаётда йиқилишинг мумкин, воз кечилишинг мумкин, қўлингдаги ҳамма нарсангни йўқотишинг мумкин. Ҳатто ўзингни энг омадсиз инсондек ҳис қилишинг мумкин.

Aммо унутмаки, ҳеч ким мақсадига хатоларсиз ва йўқотишларсиз эришмаган. Ҳеч ким бир неча бор йиқилмасдан кўзлаганига етмаган.

Ҳаётнинг ҳар бир зарбалари сени янада кучли бўлишингга ундайди. Йўлга чиқдингми, тўхтама. Курашишда давом эт...
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Ҳар тонг сизни сиз аввал бўлмаган кун кутади. Ҳар тонг сизни сиз аввал кўрмаган олам қарши олади.

Ҳар бир муваффақиятингиздан завқлансангиз улар қайта ва қайта содир бўлаверади. Янги кунга, янги оламга хуш келибсиз Қадрдон! Ассалому алайкум!


📌result - olib kelmoq, sababchi bo'lmoq

/rɪˈzʌlt/ verb [ I ]
to happen or exist because
something else has happened
result from sth phrasal verb
If a situation or problem results
from a particular event or activity, it is
caused by it

Teachers were not fully prepared for the
major changes in the exam system, and
chaos resulted.
O'qituvchilar imtihon tizimidagi katta o'zgarishlarga to'liq tayyor emas edilar va bu tartibsizlikka olib keldi.

📌catastrophe - falokat

/kəˈtæs.trə.fi/ noun [ C ]
1. a sudden event that causes very great
trouble or destruction
2. a bad situation

They were warned of the ecological
catastrophe to come.
Ular ekologik falokat kelishidan ogohlantirildi.

📌complete - to'ldirmoq

/kəmˈpliːt/ verb [ T ] MAKE WHOLE
1. to make whole or perfect
2. to write all the details asked for
on a form or other document

Complete the sentence with one of the
adjectives provided.
Gapni berilgan sifatlarning bittasi bilan to'ldiring.

📌sophisticated - murakkab

/səˈfɪs.tɪ.keɪ.tɪd/ adjective
having a good understanding of
the way people behave and/or a good
knowledge of culture and fashion

I think a more sophisticated approach is
needed to solve this problem.
O'ylaymanki, yanada murakkab yondashuv bu muammoni hal qilish uchun zarur.

📌cause - sabab

/kɔːz/ noun REASON
[ C or U ] the reason why
something, especially something bad,

They are fighting for a cause - the
liberation of their people.
Ular bir maqsad uchun kurashmoqdalar - bu o'z xalqining ozodligi uchun.

📌interact with - ... bilan munosabatda bo'lmoq

/ˌɪn.təˈrækt/ verb [ I ]
to communicate with or react to

Dominique's teacher says that she interacts well with the other children.
Dominikning ustozi boshqa bolalar bilan yaxshi munosabatda bo'lishni aytadi.

📌urge - turtki

/ɜːdʒ/ /ɝːdʒ/ noun [ C ]
a strong wish, especially one
which is difficult or impossible to control

Lawyers will urge the
parents to take further legal action.
Advokatlar ota-onalardan qo'shimcha qonuniy choralar ko'rishlarini talab qiladi.

Advice: Ko’rsatmalarni yaxshilab o’qing!☝️

Bilasizmi imtihon topshiruvchilar judayam ko’p oson ballarni nega qo’ldan chiqarib yuborishadi? Chunki ular ayniqsa Reading va Listening qismlarida ko’rsatmalarni sinchiklab o’qishmaydi. Ko’rsatmalarni yaxshilab o’qimasangiz, siz savolni noto’g’ri tushunasiz.

Misol uchun, agar ko’rsatmalarda “write two words and/or a number” deyilgan bo’lsa, bu shuni anglatadiki:

Bitta so’z
Bitta so’z va raqam
Ikkita so’z
Ikkita so’z va raqam
Yoki raqam

Hattoki, raqam so’z bilan yozilsa ham, u raqam hisoblanaveradi. Shuning uchun “thirty two cars” bu bitta so’z va raqam.

Agarda ko’rsatmalarda 2 ta so’z yozing deyilgan bo’lsa, va to’g’ri javob “red and yellow” bo’lsa, siz uni “red, yellow’ deb yozing. “Red and yellow” bu 3 ta so’z va shuning uchun ham xato.

Va nihoyat, agarda sizga 1 ta so’z yozing deyilgan bo’lsa, faqat bitta so’z yozing. Artikllarni qo’shib yozmang, chunki ular ham so’z soniga kiritiladi. Agar javob “an earthquake” bo’lsa, siz faqat “earthquake” deb yozing.

Manba: ieltsadvantage


📝concede - 1) tan olmoq; 2) ruxsat bermoq

/kənˈsiːd/ verb
1. [ T ] to admit, often
unwillingly, that something is true
2. [ T ] to allow someone to have
something, even though you do not want to

1)[ + speech ] "Well okay, perhaps I was a
little hard on her, " he conceded.
[+og'zaki] "Yaxshi, ehtimol men unga nisbatan biroz qattiqroq edim",- tan oldi u.

2)Britain conceded independence to India in 1947.
Britaniya 1947-yilda Hindiston mustaqillikka erishishiga ruxsat berdi.

📝responsible for - javobgar

/rɪˈspɒn t .sɪ.bl ‌/ adjective DUTY
be responsible for
sb/sth/doing sth
to have control and authority over
something or someone and the duty of
taking care of it or them

Paul is directly responsible for the efficient running of the office.
Paul ofisning samarali ishlashiga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri javobgardir.

📝oppose - qarshi

/əˈpəʊz/ verb [ T ]
to disagree with something or
someone, often by speaking or fighting against them

Most of the local residents opposed the
closing of their hospital.
Mahalliy aholining aksariyati kasalxonaning yopilishiga qarshi chiqishdi.

📝adverse - salbiy

/ˈæd.vɜːs/ adjective [ before noun ]
having a negative or harmful
effect on something

So far the drug is thought not to have
any adverse effects.
Hozircha preparat hech qanday salbiy ta'sirga ega emas deb hisoblanmoqda.

📝breakthrough - yutuq

/ˈbreɪk.θruː/ noun [ C ] an important discovery or event
that helps to improve a situation or
provide an answer to a problem

A major breakthrough in negotiations
has been achieved.
Muzokaralarda katta yutuqqa erishildi.

📝regard as - sifatida qarash

/rɪˈgɑːd/ verb [ T usually + adv/prep ]
to consider or have an opinion
about something or someone

Tom's parents always regarded her as the
cleverest of their children.
Tomning ota-onasi uni har doim bolalarining eng aqllisi deb bilishgan.

📝inquire into - so'rash

/ɪnˈkwaɪə r / verb [ I or
T ]
to ask for information
inquire after sb,
to ask for information about
someone, especially about their health, in order to be polite
inquire into sth

Shall I inquire about the price of
Chiptalar narxini so'rasam bo'ladimi?
