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Bilamiz, linking words writing va speaking uchun judayam muhim. Linking words fikrlarimizni chiroyli va silliq bog’lashga va yozma va og’zaki nutqimizda uyg’unlikka erishishga yordam beradi.

Ammo, doimo “I think” deb takrorlayverishdan charchagan bo’lsangiz, quyidagi linking words ro’yxati sizlar uchun!

Marhamat, yuklab oling va ularni faol qo’llang! 🤗

Stop saying "THANK YOU"! Use these alternatives to sound like a native 🌠💫

🌟 Oh my God! This is so sweet!

🌟 Oh, you shouldn't have!

🌟 I owe you one.

🌟 You made my day.

🌟 I can't thank you enough.

🌟 I don't know what to say.

🌟 What would I do without you?

🌟 I really appreciate it!

🌟 I truly appreciate it!

. .

How do you REPLY to "Thank you"?

🌟 It's my pleasure.

🌟 Don't mention it.

🌟 No need to thank me. It's nothing.

🌟 Happy to help.

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Ҳаётингда маҳкам тутишинг керак бўлган энг ажойиб ҳикмат – Сен ҳақингда айтиладиган гапларга аҳамият бермаслигингдир. Кимлигингни бошқалардан кўра ўзинг яхшироқ биласан, Аллоҳ эса сенинг ҳолатинг ва ниятингни ўзингдан ҳам яхшироқ билади
Шундай экан қилаётган ишларингни оқлаб, қадру- қимматингни тушириб юрма!

​​Lyrics Song
🎼 Selena Gomez - Love You Like A Love Song Baby

It’s been said and done
Every beautiful thought’s been already sung,
And I guess right now, here’s another one.
So your melody will play on and on with the best of all ‘em
You are beautiful like a dream come alive, incredible.
A centrefold, miracle, lyrical.
You saved my life again
And I want you to know, baby.

I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
And I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat
I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
And I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat

Constantly, boy, you played through my mind like a symphony
There’s no way to describe what you do to me.
You just do to me, what you do.
And it feels like I’ve been rescued
I’ve been set free
I am hypnotized by your destiny
You are magical, lyrical, beautiful, you are
And I want you to know, baby

I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
And I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat
I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
And I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat

No one compares, you stand alone
To every record I own
Music to my heart, that’s what you are
A song that goes on and on

I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
And I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat
I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
I love you like a love song

🎧 https://t.me/cefrprofessionals
A Bus Stop Horror Story
A Bus Stop Horror Story

𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞l | Mister Podcast
10 English Slang Words YOU NEED TO KNOW 🤘😎

1. LIT
– something is very good, enjoyable or exciting/zo'r

Your hat with an American flag is very lit.
Sizning Amerika bayrog’i tasvirlangan shlyapangiz juda zo'r.

2. G.O.A.T – Greatest Of All Time
(Eng zo’r)

Some people say that Leonel Messi is a G.O.A.T football player in the world.
Ba’zi odamlar Leonel Messini futbolda barcha davrlarning eng zo’r o’yinchisi deb ta’riflashadi.

3. SNATCHED – very fashionable, looks really good/zamonaviy

Her dress is snatched.
Uning ko’ylagi zamonaviy.

4. ON FLEEK – perfectly done/ juda ajoyib bajarilgan

Your homework is perfectly done!
Uyga vazifangni juda zo’r bajaribsan!

5. SALTY – to be upset or angry over something/ biron narsadan xafa bo’lmoq

I am salty to cancel my trip to Italy this summer.
Yozdagi Italiyaga sayohatim qoldirilgandan xafaman.

6. FIRE – really cool and amazing/ajoyib

Last holiday was fire.
O’tgan bayram juda ajoyib bo’ldi.

7. LOW - KEY - quiet, modest, not very assertive/kamtar, oddiygina

I want to keep my party low-key.
Ziyofatni kamtarroq o'tishini xohlayman.

8. SAVAGE – used to describe a shocking event or a careless attitude/hayratlanarli, e'tiborsiz munosabatda bo'lish

He borrowed my car, drove it into a house, completely crashed it, didn’t even apologize. Savage!
U mening mashinamni olib, uyga haydab kirgan, hatto mashinamni urib olib, mendan uzr ham so'ramadi.

9. SLAY – to do really well or succeed at something/ muvafaqqiyatli bajarmoq

I slayed the test!
Men testdan o’tdim.

10. STAN – a crazed and obsessed fan/ashaddiy muxlis

I am a football stan.Men futbol muxlisiman.

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Ҳаётнинг маъноси тонглардан.., мақсадларнинг боши осмон тўла юлдузлардан.., гулларнинг боши илдизлардан.., муҳаббатнинг боши қарашлардан.., дўстликнинг боши яхшиликдан.., мўъжизанинг боши эса Сиздан бошланади...
Гўзалликлар дунёсига хуш келибсиз! Ассалому алайкум. Хайрли кун Қадрдон!

Academic Band 8.0 Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. historical - tarixiy

/hɪˈstɒr.ɪ.k ə l/ adjective
connected with the study or
representation of things from the past

Many important historical documents were
destroyed when the library was bombed.
Ko'plab tarixiy hujjatlar kutubxona portlatilganda vayron qilingan .

2. available - mavjud, yaroqli

/əˈveɪ.lə.bl ‌/ adjective
able to be bought, used, or

There's no money available for an office party this year.
Bu yilgi bayramda ofis uchun pul yo'q.

3. ephemeral - vaqtinchalik

/ɪˈfem. ə r. ə l/ adjective
lasting for only a short time

Fame of fashionable cars is largely
Zamonaviy mashinalarning shuhrati ma'lum darajada vaqtinchalik.

4. abandon - tashlab ketmoq

/əˈbæn.dən/ verb [ T ] LEAVE

We had to abandon the car.
Biz mashinani tashlab ketishga majbur bo'ldik.

5. trend - o'zgarish, o'sish

/trend/ noun [ C ]

There's been a downward/upward trend in
sales in the last few years.
Oxirgi bir necha yil ichida sotuvda pastga yuqoriga o'sish kuzatildi.

6. typically - odatda

/ˈtɪp.ɪ.kli/ adverb

Typically, a doctor will see about thirty patients a day.
Odatda, shifokor kuniga o'ttizga yaqin be'morlarni ko'radi.

7. characteristic - harakterli, o'ziga xos fazilat

/ˌkær.ɪk.təˈrɪs.tɪk/ noun [ C ]
a typical or noticeable quality of
someone or something
adj, typical of a person or thing

Unfortunately a big nose is a family characteristic.
Afsuski, bu oila katta burun harakterli.

Listening: BOSH HARF VA KO'PLIK 🎧📚

Listening haqida eng ko’p uchraydigan 2 ta savol:

Agar javob “Central Station” deb bosh harflarda berilgan bo’lsa, “central station” deb kichik harflarda yozilgan javob to’g’ri bo’ladimi?

Agar to'g'ri javob plural bo’lsa, va men “s” (ko’plik qo’shimchasi) yozmasam, javobim to’g’ri bo’ladimi?

Javobim quyidagicha:

Kichik harflarda yozsangiz bo’ladi, shuning uchun “central station” javobi to’g’ri. Hattoki, istasangiz, javobni boshidan oxirigacha katta harflarda yozishingiz mumkin. 

“s” ni tushirib qoldirish ba’zida xato bo’lmasligi mumkin. Ammo, agar savolning grammatikasi ko’plikni talab qilganda, birlik yozish xato bo’ladi. Masalan, “the journey takes three hour” deb yozish xato. Shuning uchun, doim gapni sinchiklab tekshiring. ☝️

Media is too big
Life Change Begins with Education, Not Inspiration | Jim Rohn Motivational Video

Academic Band 8.0 Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. minimize - kichraytirib ko'rsatmoq, kamaytirmoq

/ˈmɪn.ɪ.maɪz/ verb [ T ]
1. to reduce something to the
least possible level or amount
2. to make something seem less
important or smaller than it really is

We must minimize the risk of infection.
Biz infektsiya xavfini kamaytirishimiz kerak.

2. lead - boshlamoq

/liːd/ verb led , led CONTROL

I don't know the way, so you'd better lead.
Men yo'lni bilmayman, shuning uchun siz boshlaganingiz ma'qul.

3. create - yaratmoq

/kriˈeɪt/ verb MAKE
[ T ] to make something new,
especially to invent something

The Bible says that God created the world.
Bibliyada aytilishicha, Xudo dunyoni yaratgan.

4. investigate into - tadqiq etmoq, tergov qilmoq

/ɪnˈves.tɪ.geɪt/ verb [ T ]
to examine a crime, problem,
statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth

Police are investigating allegations of corruption involving senior executives.
Politsiya yuqori lavozimli rahbarlar ishtirokidagi korruptsiya ayblovlarini tergov qilmoqda.

5. surprisingly - hayratlanarli

/səˈpraɪ.zɪŋli/ adverb
unexpectedly or in a way that is

Not surprisingly, the jury found them guilty.
Hakamlar hay'ati ularni aybdor deb topishgani hayratlanarli emasdi.

6. perhaps - ehtimol

/pəˈhæps/ adverb

He hasn't written to me recently - perhaps he's lost my address.
U menga yaqinda xat yozmadi — ehtimol u mening manzilimni yo'qotgan.

7. involve - jalb qilmoq

/ɪnˈvɒlv/ verb [ T not continuous ]
to include someone or
something in something, or to make
them take part in or feel part of it

I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning .
Men o'quvchilarni o'qishga faol jalb qiladigan o'qitish usullarini afzal ko'raman.

Ашуро куни муборак бўлсин

Ким Ашуро куни оила аъзолари учун одатдагидан кенг-мўл сарф-харажат қилса, Аллоҳ таоло бу куннинг ҳурматидан унга йил бўйи кенглик қилиб беради.

❗️Шундай экан бугун Оилангиздан бор мехрингизни аяманг!
Яқинларга ҳам юборинг!
Reading: Balni oshirishning haqiqiy siri 🤫

Reading balni oshirishni haqiqiy siri yashirin texnika yoki usul emas. Bu anchagina osonroq narsadir.

Reading qobiliyatingiz oshishini istasangiz, ko’proq o’qing! 📖

Sizga yoqadigan narsalar haqida o’qing. Hobbilaringiz, siz havas qiladigan odamlar, g’iybatmi, farqi yo’q. O’z ona tilingizda nimani o’qish yoqsa, shuni ingliz tilida o’qing. Dars sifatida emas, shunchaki rohatlanish uchun o’qing.

So’zlarni tushunmasangiz ham mayli, miyangizni ingliz tilidagi matnlarni o’qish bilan band qiling. Shunda, o’zingiz sezmagan holda, reading qobiliyatingiz oshadi. ☝️

Ha, albatta, raeding matnlarini ham o’qish kerak, uning texnikalari ham kerak. Ammo, kun tartibingizga shunchaki rohatlanish uchun reading qilish vazifasini qo’shing va natijalardan o’zingiz ham hayratlanib qolasiz.
Vocabulary: Global challenges 🌍🌍🌏

🌟 A challenge
– a problem or difficulty to be faced;

The west faces many challenges due to its ageing population.
G'arb aholining qarishi tufayli ko'plab qiyinchiliklarga duch kelmoqda

🌟 Economical or political instability – a rapid, unmanaged change in a country’s economy or political situation;
(iqtisodiy yoki siyosis beqarolik)

Economical instability causes many people to move abroad to seek reliable work.
Iqtisodiy beqarorlik ko'pchilikni ishonchli ish izlash uchun chet elga ketishiga sabab bo'ladi.

🌟 Social unrest – riots, protests or fighting by the public against, each other or the government.
(ijtimoiy tartibsizlik)

Social unrest is spreading from the countryside to the cities, and the police are not responding.
va ommaviy tartibsizliklar qishloqlardan shaharlarga tarqalmoqda, ammo politsiya hech qanchay javob qaytarmayapti.

🌟 An issue - a topic, subject or question that must be considered;

The issue of petrol price inflation is not often discussed in the media.
Ommaviy axborot vositalarida benzin narxining inflyatsiyasiga uchrash muammosi tez -tez muhokama qilinmaydi.

🌟 Pressing matters – urgent, important issues;
(muhim masalalar)

I could not go to the college reunion because of more pressing matters at home with my family.
Men oilam bilan muammolar dolzarb bo'lgani uchun kollej yig'iniga bora olmadim.

🌟 Joblessness – a synonym for “unemployment”;

Joblessness among older people is actually higher than among recent graduates.
Keksa odamlar orasida ishsizlik darajasi yangi bitiruvchilarnikiga qaraganda ancha yuqori.

🌟 Economic prospects – the future possibilities for a national economy;
(iqtisodiy istiqbol)

The economical prospects for very small countries are quite positive these days.
Hozirgi kunda juda kam sonli mamlakatlarning iqtisodiy istiqbollari anchagina ijobiy.

🌟 Social mobility – the ability of people to progress in terms of salary, lifestyle and social status;
(ijtimoiy o'sish)

The greatest aid to social mobility is good education and training.
Ijtimoiy o'sishga eng katta yordam - bu yaxshi ta'lim va o’qish.

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Кимнидир билишинг, тушунишинг учун унинг тилини билишинг шарт эмас...
Дилингни очсанг бас, ҳаммаси аён бўлади, қолади!

IELTS Vocabulary: Global challenges 🌍🌍🌏

🌟 A challenge
– a problem or difficulty to be faced;

The west faces many challenges due to its ageing population.
G'arb aholining qarishi tufayli ko'plab qiyinchiliklarga duch kelmoqda

🌟 Economical or political instability – a rapid, unmanaged change in a country’s economy or political situation;
(iqtisodiy yoki siyosis beqarolik)

Economical instability causes many people to move abroad to seek reliable work.
Iqtisodiy beqarorlik ko'pchilikni ishonchli ish izlash uchun chet elga ketishiga sabab bo'ladi.

🌟 Social unrest – riots, protests or fighting by the public against, each other or the government.
(ijtimoiy tartibsizlik)

Social unrest is spreading from the countryside to the cities, and the police are not responding.
va ommaviy tartibsizliklar qishloqlardan shaharlarga tarqalmoqda, ammo politsiya hech qanchay javob qaytarmayapti.

🌟 An issue - a topic, subject or question that must be considered;

The issue of petrol price inflation is not often discussed in the media.
Ommaviy axborot vositalarida benzin narxining inflyatsiyasiga uchrash muammosi tez -tez muhokama qilinmaydi.

🌟 Pressing matters – urgent, important issues;
(muhim masalalar)

I could not go to the college reunion because of more pressing matters at home with my family.
Men oilam bilan muammolar dolzarb bo'lgani uchun kollej yig'iniga bora olmadim.

🌟 Joblessness – a synonym for “unemployment”;

Joblessness among older people is actually higher than among recent graduates.
Keksa odamlar orasida ishsizlik darajasi yangi bitiruvchilarnikiga qaraganda ancha yuqori.

🌟 Economic prospects – the future possibilities for a national economy;
(iqtisodiy istiqbol)

The economical prospects for very small countries are quite positive these days.
Hozirgi kunda juda kam sonli mamlakatlarning iqtisodiy istiqbollari anchagina ijobiy.

🌟 Social mobility – the ability of people to progress in terms of salary, lifestyle and social status;
(ijtimoiy o'sish)

The greatest aid to social mobility is good education and training.
Ijtimoiy o'sishga eng katta yordam - bu yaxshi ta'lim va o’qish.

Source: IELST Band 9_Vocab

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Bu muommoning bir qancha sabablari bor. Eng avvalo, siz yodlayotgan lug’at speakingga mos bo’lmasligi mumkin. Masalan, men ham talabalarimga har dars kamida 40-50 ta yangi so’z yodlashni talab qilaman. Ammo, bu degani ularning speaking darajasi juda yuqorilab ketadi degani emas.

Men berayotgan lug’at, asosan, reading comprehensionni oshirish uchun mo’ljallangan bo’lib, ularning aksariyati reading tekstlarda uchratish mumkin. Bu so’zlar ko’pchiligi akademik yoki biror ilmiy mavzuga oid bo’lganligi uchun ham, ularni speakingda qo’llab bo’lmaydi.

Ikkinchi muommo - siz so’zlarni kontekstdan yulib olingan holda yodlayotgan bo’lishingiz mumkin. Ya’ni, siz so’zlarni gap yoki undan ham yaxshirog’i matn ichidan olgan holatda emas, shunchaki ularning ro’yxatini yodlayotgan bo’lishingiz mumkin. Bunday holatda, siz so’zlarni qanday vaziyatda qo’llashni bilmaslikdan ishlata olmaysiz yohud ularni noto’g’ri kontekstda qo’llab, speakingdan pastroq bal olishingizga sababchi bo’lasiz.

Xo’p, unda qanday qilib so’z yodlashim kerak? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

So’z yodlashning eng yaxshi yo’li uni kontekst ichida yodlashdir.

Masalan, English Collocation in Use📕 (speakingda lug’atni oshirish uchun eng yaxshi qo’llanma, meni nazarimda) kitobidan biron bir mavzuni olasiz. Aytaylik, “Unit 16: Town and Cities” 🏬. Undagi yangi so’z va birikmalarni tarjima qilib chiqasiz. E’tibor bering, siz so’zlarni alohida emas, balkim birikmalari yoki gaplari bilan birga tarjima qilasiz. Shundan keyin, shu mavzuga oid biron bir speaking topic uchun o’z javobingizni tayyorlaysiz. Misol uchun: “Describe your hometown”.🏘 Siz butun javobingizni so’zma-so’z yozishingiz shart emas. Nima demoqchi ekanligingizni qisqacha reja tuzasiz va nutqingizda ishlatmoqchi bo’lgan asosiy so’z va birikmalarni qisqa konspekt shaklida yozib chiqasiz.

Speakingim oshmayapti deb nolish noto'g'ri! Uning o'rniga, har kuni kamida bittadan mavzuga javobingizni tayyorlang va shunda mehnatingiz natijasini ko'ra boshlaysiz! 😉

Live the way you want to be remembered !!!
