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Imtihoni bo'yicha maslahatlar: SO'Z BOYLIK - OMAD KALITI 🔐🔓

Oldin ham aytganimdek, natijangizni oshirish uchun 'sirli' formula mavjud emas. Siz faqatgina jiddu jahd bilan o'qib, shug'ullanishni davom ettirishingiz kerak xolos. Biroq, atiga bittagina maslahat berish imkonim bo'lganida, shubhasiz, u quyidagicha bo'lardi: so'z boyligingiz ustida ishlang!

Speaking va writing qismlarida turli xil so'zlardan foydalansangiz, yaxshi natijaga erishishingizga ehtimol yuqori bo'ladi. Reading qismida javoblarni topishda va listening da audiolarni yaxshi tushuna olishda ham so'z boylikni o'rni beqiyos.

Ho'sh, siz yangi so'zlarni har kuni daftaringizga yozib ketyabsizmi? Har kuni inglizcha matnlarni o'qiyabsizmi? Lug'atdan foydalanyabsizmi? Google yoki Wikipedia da yangi so'z va birikmalarni ma'nolarini izlayabsizmi?

Agar bularni qilmayotgan bo'lsangiz, hoziroq boshlang!

ADVANCED ENGLISH PHRASES to sound more natural in English 💯🔥

24/7 - constantly going on (doimiy ravishda)

I am working 24/7, because I have to finish this project.

TO DRAW THE LINE - to stop, to never do something because you think it is wrong (to'xtatmoq, biron narsani yomon ekanligini bilib, uni qilmaslik)

I am going to draw the line about working more than forty hours a week.

EASIER SAID THAN DONE - not as easy as it appears to be ( o'zbek tilida "aytishga oson" iborasiga to'g'ri keladi)

Needless to say, this is easier said than done!

EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING - finding good in every bad situation (yomon vaziyatda ham yaxshilikni topa olish)

Though he had failed his exam, he realized that every cloud has a silver lining, as now he could focus his attention on things he loved doing.

TO GO THE EXTRA MILE - to make an extra effort ( qo'shimcha harakat qilish)

When it comes to weaker students, the teacher goes the extra mile to help them understand.

PLAIN AS DAY - obvious, clear (aniq, ravshan)

I don't want to sound mean but with your low grades it's plain as day that you won't get into Harvard


1️⃣ Writing task 2 da "I", "my" va "we" so'zlarini ishlatsa bo'ladimi?

Ha, albatta! Universitet uchun yoziladigan insholarda iloji boricha bu so'zlardan foydalanmaslik haqida eshitgandirsiz, lekin IELTS da bunday emas. Agar savol sizni fikringizni so'rasa, albatta "I agree", "I believe" yoki "in my opinion" iboralaridan foydalanishingizga to'g'ri keladi.

2️⃣ Writing task 2 da yolg'on fakt va statistikalardan foydalansam bo'ladimi?

Bunday qilishni maslahat bermagan bo'lardim. Chunki, fikrimcha, bu narsa inshoingizni "yasama" bo'lib qolishiga olib keladi. Shunchaki sabab va misollar keltirgan holda o'z shaxsiy fikr va g'oyalaringizni izohlab bering - olam guliston!

3️⃣ Umumiy tarzda odamlar haqida gapirish uchun "you" so'zidan foydalansa bo'ladimi?

Speaking imtihonida "when you go on holiday, you have the chance to relax" ga o'xshash gap aytsa bo'lar... Biroq, yozma imtihonda, buni "when people go on holiday..." ga o'zgartirish ma'qulroq bo'ladi.

4️⃣ Writing task 2 da ikkala tomon fikrlari haqida yozmasam, balim past chiqadimi?

Bu narsa tushadigan savolga bog'liq. Agar savol sizdan har ikki tomonni muhokama qilishingizni so'rasa, siz buni qilishingiz shart. Lekin, agarda savol siz biron bir fikrga qo'shilish yoki qo'shilmasligingizni so'rayotgan bo'lsa, tabiiyki, siz argumentni har ikki tomonini izohlashingiz kerak emas.

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Бу ҳаёт сизникидир, уни ўзингиз истаганингиздек имкон қадар бахтга йўғрилган холда яшашга интилинг. Яхшилик қилинг ва яхшилар қуршовида бўлинг!

Яна бир янги бошланган кунингиз ҳайрли бўлсин. Ассалому алайкум!

Advice: 'DEEP' ANSWERS 🌟

Unfortunately, many candidates give shallow answers in their speaking and writing tests. They mention a few different ideas, but fail to develop any of them in detail. They would get higher scores if they just took one idea and developed it in detail; this is what I call a deep answer.

Practise explaining just one idea in as much detail as you can. The ability to do this could really benefit your speaking and writing scores.

imtihon bo'yicha maslahatlar: 'CHUQUR' JAVOBLAR 🌟

Afsuski, imtihon speaking va writing qismlarida nomzodlar sayoz yoki yuzaki javoblar bilan kifoyalanib qolishadi. Ular bir nechta fikrlarni keltiradilaru, lekin hech birini mufassal qilib bayon qilib berishmaydi. Agar ular shunchaki bitta fikrni olib, o'shani tafsilotlari bilan izohlab berishganida edi, natijalari ham yaxshiroq chiqar edi; aynan shuni men 'chuqur javob' deb atayman.

Shunchaki bitta g'oyani qo'lingizdan kelganicha misollar bilan kengroq yoyib berishni mashq qiling. Shu narsani qila olishingiz speaking va writing ballaringizgni yuqoriroq bo'lishiga katta yordam berishi mumkin.

Stop saying "I DON'T KNOW"! Speak English like a native 🔥💯


If you want to sound professional when someone's asking you a question that you don't know the answer to, use this phrase instead of "I don't know".


If you want to continue a friendly conversation, you can use this alternative.


You can use both "I have no clue" and "I have no idea" to express that you have no information/knowledge about something. They mean the same thing.


It's a rhetorical question. This one is used for saying that you don't know something because it is impossible for anyone to know it.


This word is used informally and in spoken language, especially by teenagers.

🌟 WHY DON'T WE ASK [name]

What should you do if you're truly not the best person to be answering this question? Admit that it's not quite in your wheelhouse, but that you can undoubtedly find the person that's best for the job.

Hijriy yangi yilingiz muborak bo’lsin🎉

Hijriy-qamariy yil hisobining birinchi oyi Muharram oyi hurmatli oydir. Alloh taolo urush-buzg‘unchiliklarni harom qilgan to‘rt oyning biridir. Hadislarda ushbu oyni “Allohni oyi”ekanligi haqida xabarlar bor. Oylar orasida Ramazon oyidan keyingi eng barokatli va fazilatli oy muborak muharram oyidir.
Bu oyda yaxshi amallaringizni ko’paytiring, Alloh har bir ezgu ishlaringizga baraka bersin 😊

Ilm olishda charchamen😊
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Ҳаётда кўп нарса сизнинг қўлингизда бўлмаслиги мумкин, лекин умид бундан мустасно...
Умид қилганингизда, сиз ижобийликни танлайсиз. Бу олдинга интилишни давом эттириш учун етарлича кучга сабаб бўла олади. Сиз қўрқувдан халос бўласиз ва қийинчиликларга тик боқасиз...
Ҳаёт нима бермасин, ҳеч қачон ишонч ва умидни тарк этманг.

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Ҳар тонгни гўзал нарсаларнинг нияти ила бошланг... "Бугун албатта яхшиликлар бўлади!" - дея яхши гумонда бўлинг. Чунки тилаклар дуога айланади, дуолар эса албатта ижобат бўлади!


Catch the next list of SUPER HELPFUL linking words to express a personal opinion.

1. After giving this matter some (serious) thought, …

2. As far as I'm concerned, …

3. As the old saying goes, …

4. Having given this question due consideration, …

5. I am of the opinion that …

6. I can’t help thinking that …

7. I know this is a minority view, but / I’m in the minority in thinking that …

8. I tend towards the opinion that …

9. I think it’s fair/reasonable to say …

10. I’ll tell you what I think, …

11. I’m entirely/quite convinced that …

12. I’ve come the conclusion that …

13. If I must come up with an opinion / If you (really) want my opinion, …

14. In my limited experience, …

15. It could/might well be that …

16. Know what I think? …

17. My opinion was best expressed by … when s/he said/wrote …

18. My view/position on this (issue) (is clear and) is that …

19. Off the top of my head, …

20. Plainly, …

21. Quite frankly, …

22. There is a part of me that says …

23. This may well be controversial, but …

24. To my mind / To my way of thinking, ...

25. To summarise my (rather complex) views on the matter, …

26. What I always say is …

27. With some reservations, …

28. Without a shred/shadow of doubt, …

29. You’d have to be crazy not to agree that / Any idiot can see that …

Save the post and share it with your friends!

List of linking words.pdf
1.8 MB

Bilamiz, linking words writing va speaking uchun judayam muhim. Linking words fikrlarimizni chiroyli va silliq bog’lashga va yozma va og’zaki nutqimizda uyg’unlikka erishishga yordam beradi.

Ammo, doimo “I think” deb takrorlayverishdan charchagan bo’lsangiz, quyidagi linking words ro’yxati sizlar uchun!

Marhamat, yuklab oling va ularni faol qo’llang! 🤗

Stop saying "THANK YOU"! Use these alternatives to sound like a native 🌠💫

🌟 Oh my God! This is so sweet!

🌟 Oh, you shouldn't have!

🌟 I owe you one.

🌟 You made my day.

🌟 I can't thank you enough.

🌟 I don't know what to say.

🌟 What would I do without you?

🌟 I really appreciate it!

🌟 I truly appreciate it!

. .

How do you REPLY to "Thank you"?

🌟 It's my pleasure.

🌟 Don't mention it.

🌟 No need to thank me. It's nothing.

🌟 Happy to help.

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Ҳаётингда маҳкам тутишинг керак бўлган энг ажойиб ҳикмат – Сен ҳақингда айтиладиган гапларга аҳамият бермаслигингдир. Кимлигингни бошқалардан кўра ўзинг яхшироқ биласан, Аллоҳ эса сенинг ҳолатинг ва ниятингни ўзингдан ҳам яхшироқ билади
Шундай экан қилаётган ишларингни оқлаб, қадру- қимматингни тушириб юрма!

​​Lyrics Song
🎼 Selena Gomez - Love You Like A Love Song Baby

It’s been said and done
Every beautiful thought’s been already sung,
And I guess right now, here’s another one.
So your melody will play on and on with the best of all ‘em
You are beautiful like a dream come alive, incredible.
A centrefold, miracle, lyrical.
You saved my life again
And I want you to know, baby.

I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
And I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat
I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
And I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat

Constantly, boy, you played through my mind like a symphony
There’s no way to describe what you do to me.
You just do to me, what you do.
And it feels like I’ve been rescued
I’ve been set free
I am hypnotized by your destiny
You are magical, lyrical, beautiful, you are
And I want you to know, baby

I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
And I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat
I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
And I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat

No one compares, you stand alone
To every record I own
Music to my heart, that’s what you are
A song that goes on and on

I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
And I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat
I, I love you like a love song baby (3x)
I love you like a love song

🎧 https://t.me/cefrprofessionals
A Bus Stop Horror Story
A Bus Stop Horror Story

𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞l | Mister Podcast
10 English Slang Words YOU NEED TO KNOW 🤘😎

1. LIT
– something is very good, enjoyable or exciting/zo'r

Your hat with an American flag is very lit.
Sizning Amerika bayrog’i tasvirlangan shlyapangiz juda zo'r.

2. G.O.A.T – Greatest Of All Time
(Eng zo’r)

Some people say that Leonel Messi is a G.O.A.T football player in the world.
Ba’zi odamlar Leonel Messini futbolda barcha davrlarning eng zo’r o’yinchisi deb ta’riflashadi.

3. SNATCHED – very fashionable, looks really good/zamonaviy

Her dress is snatched.
Uning ko’ylagi zamonaviy.

4. ON FLEEK – perfectly done/ juda ajoyib bajarilgan

Your homework is perfectly done!
Uyga vazifangni juda zo’r bajaribsan!

5. SALTY – to be upset or angry over something/ biron narsadan xafa bo’lmoq

I am salty to cancel my trip to Italy this summer.
Yozdagi Italiyaga sayohatim qoldirilgandan xafaman.

6. FIRE – really cool and amazing/ajoyib

Last holiday was fire.
O’tgan bayram juda ajoyib bo’ldi.

7. LOW - KEY - quiet, modest, not very assertive/kamtar, oddiygina

I want to keep my party low-key.
Ziyofatni kamtarroq o'tishini xohlayman.

8. SAVAGE – used to describe a shocking event or a careless attitude/hayratlanarli, e'tiborsiz munosabatda bo'lish

He borrowed my car, drove it into a house, completely crashed it, didn’t even apologize. Savage!
U mening mashinamni olib, uyga haydab kirgan, hatto mashinamni urib olib, mendan uzr ham so'ramadi.

9. SLAY – to do really well or succeed at something/ muvafaqqiyatli bajarmoq

I slayed the test!
Men testdan o’tdim.

10. STAN – a crazed and obsessed fan/ashaddiy muxlis

I am a football stan.Men futbol muxlisiman.

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Ҳаётнинг маъноси тонглардан.., мақсадларнинг боши осмон тўла юлдузлардан.., гулларнинг боши илдизлардан.., муҳаббатнинг боши қарашлардан.., дўстликнинг боши яхшиликдан.., мўъжизанинг боши эса Сиздан бошланади...
Гўзалликлар дунёсига хуш келибсиз! Ассалому алайкум. Хайрли кун Қадрдон!
