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Туннинг бағрини ёриб яна бир тонг отмоқда. Бу биз учун янги имконият, янги неъмат...
Эзгу амаллар қилиш учун имкон бериб, тонгда уйғотган Aллоҳга беҳисоб шукрлар бўлсин. Ушбу кунингиз зикрда ва шукрда ўтсин. Ассалому алайкум!

🎼 traitor
🎤 Song by Olivia Rodrigo



Brown guilty eyes and little white lies
Yeah, I played dumb but I always knew
That you'd talk to her, maybe did even worse
I kept quiet so I could keep you

And ain't it funny
How you ran to her
The second that we called it quits?

And ain't it funny
How you said you were friends?
Now it sure as hell don't look like it

You betrayed me
And I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
You'd talk to her
When we were together
Loved you at your worst
But that didn't matter

It took you two weeks
To go off and date her
Guess you didn't cheat
But you're still a traitor

Now you bring her around
Just to shut me down
Show her off like she's a new trophy

And I know if you were true
There's no damn way that you
Could fall in love with somebody that quickly

Ain't it funny
All the twisted games
All the questions you used to avoid?

Ain't it funny?
Remember I brought her up
And you told me I was paranoid

You betrayed me
And I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
You'd talk to her
When we were together
Loved you at your worst
But that didn't matter

It took you two weeks
To go off and date her
Guess you didn't cheat
But you're still a traitor

God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you
When she's sleeping in the bed we made
Don't you dare forget about the way

You betrayed me
'Cause I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
You'd talk to her
When we were together
You gave me your word
But that didn't matter

It took you two weeks
To go off and date her
Guess you didn't cheat
But you're still
You're still a traitor (ah-ah-ah)
Yeah, you're still a traitor

God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you

Olivia Rodrigo


Bu ro'yxatda chap tarafdagi so'zlar informal, o'ng tarafdagisi formal so'zlar.

Bring in - introduce (tatbiq qilinmoq)

Check - verify (tekshirmoq)

Choose - select (tanlamoq)

Clear - transparent (shaffof)

Come in - enter (kirmoq)

Call off - cancel (bekor qilmoq)

Chance - opportunity (imkoniyat)

At once - immediately (darhol, birdaniga)

A lot of - numerous (ko'p)

Again and again - repeatedly (takror-takror; qayta-qayta)

At first - initially (avvaliga)


Bu ro'yxatda chap tarafdagi so'zlar informal, o'ng tarafdagisi formal so'zlar.

Bring in - introduce (tatbiq qilinmoq)

Check - verify (tekshirmoq)

Choose - select (tanlamoq)

Clear - transparent (shaffof)

Come in - enter (kirmoq)

Call off - cancel (bekor qilmoq)

Chance - opportunity (imkoniyat)

At once - immediately (darhol, birdaniga)

A lot of - numerous (ko'p)

Again and again - repeatedly (takror-takror; qayta-qayta)

At first - initially (avvaliga)

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Гўзаллик на жондадир, на тандадир... Гўзаллик гўзал боқувчи кўз ила қалб тўла иймондадир...

Яна бир гўзал тонгни қаршилаган Қадрдонларга, Ассалому алайкум!


People who become good at things do the basics well, and they only show off occasionally.

For example, native speakers (of any language) spend most of their time using clear and relatively simple language. They might add a 'flourish' here and there, but it's rare to meet a native speaker who tries to make every sentence seem impressive.

I try to persuade students to aim for this 'natural' native-speaker style of writing and speaking. Learn to write and speak in a clear, simple, accurate and coherent way. Leave the rhetorical flourishes to politicians and professional writers!

Imtihon bo'yicha maslahatlar: ASOSNI PUXTA QILING 🔥💯

Biron bir fan yoki ko'nikmani yaxshi o'zlashtirgan kishi asosni yaxshi o'rganib chiqqan bo'ladi.

Masalan, har qanday inson o'z ona tilisida asosan nisbatan soddaroq birikmalardan foydalanadi. Faqatgina ba'zi-ba'zida "e'tiborni jalb qiladigan" so'zlarni nutqida ishlatar, lekin bu kamdan kam uchraydi.

O'quvchilarga aynan shunday 'tabiiy' soddaroq usulda gapirish va yozish kerakligini tushuntirishga harakat qilaman. Tabiiy, sodda, aniq va ravon tarzda gapirishga va yozishga intiling. Retorik tarzda so'zlashni esa siyosatchi va professional yozuvchilarga qo'yib bering!


1. Should you read the whole passage before looking at the questions?
2. Should you go to the questions first, then skim/scan to find the answers?

My answer to question 1 is no. You don't have time to read the whole passage unless your English is almost 'native speaker' level.

My answer to question 2 is yes and no.

Yes - go to the questions first.
No - don't skim or scan unless the question contains a name or number.

My advice is to do the questions one by one. Instead of skimming or scanning, read the passage carefully. The answers to most question sections will be in order in the passage, so you will gradually read the whole passage as you find the answers.

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🔥Озгина мотивация😊

Бир кун ҳаммаси яхши бўлади деймиз. Aслида бугунимиз ҳам энг яхшиси эканини билмаймиз.
Бир кун ўша ёр ҳам келар, муаммолар унутилар, қарз узилар, уй олинар, ватанга қайтилар, соғайиб кетилар...

Aммо, аммо ўша вақтда бугунгидек ёшроқ бўлмайсиз. Ўша бир куни бугунги иштиёқингиз, шижоатингиз, кучингиз, қувватингиз бўлмаслиги мумкин. Ўша куни бугун хоҳлаётганларингизни хоҳламай қолишингиз мумкин.

Илм олишдан тухтаманг, чунки илм мартабангизни улуг килади.

Бугунингизни қадрланг. Aслида энг яхши кун бугундир!

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Баҳорнинг яна бир пайшанбасини қаршилар эканмиз Аллоҳдан ҳар бир қилаётган хайрли ишимиздан, босган ҳар бир қадамимиздан рози бўлсин дея сўраб қоламиз...

Жисмимиздан соғлик, қалбимимиздан хотиржамлик аритмасин. Ҳалол топганимиз фақат хурсандчилик, яхшиликка буюрсин. Кунимиз файзу барокатли ўтсин... Ассалому алайкум!
Education vocabulary 🧑‍🎓👩‍🎓📚

– bolalar bog’chasi

Primary school – boshlang’ich maktab

Secondary school – o’rta maktab

Higher education – yuqori maktab

Lab work – laboratoriya ishi

Algebra – algebra

BA – bakalavr daraja

MA – magistratura daraja

PhD – doktarantura daraja

To graduate from a university – univesititetni bitirmoq

To read history – tarix fanidan tahsil olmoq

Presentations – taqdimotlar

Lectures – ma’ruzalar

Tutorials – darsliklar

Dissertations – dissertatsiya

Assignments – topshiriqlar

Project work –loyiha ishlari

Research – tadqiqod

Scholarship – stipendiya

Gap year – bir yillik o'qishdan ta'til

Student loan – talaba krediti

Literate – savodli

Illiterate – savodsiz

Religious studies – diniy bilimlar

PE (physical education) – jismoniy tarbiya

IT (information technology) – axborat texnologiyalari

Weather Vocabulary☀️🌤

🌟 to be below freezing
- below zero degrees Celsius;
(0 darajadan past ob-havo)

🌟 bitterly cold - very cold and unpleasant;
(qattiq sovuq)

🌟 a blanket of snow - a complete covering of snow;
(qor bilan qoplangan)

🌟 boiling hot - very hot (informal);
(juda issiq {norasmiy so’z})

🌟 changeable - weather that often changes;
(o’zgaruvchan ob-havo)

🌟 a change in the weather - when weather conditions change;
(ob-havoning o’zgarishi)

🌟 clear blue skies - a sky without clouds;
(bulutsiz osmon)

🌟 to come out (the sun) - when the sun appears out of a cloudy sky;
(bulutlar orasidan quyosh chiqishi)

🌟 a cold spell - a short period of cold weather;
(qisqa vaqtlik sovuq havo)

🌟 to dress up warm - to wear warm clothes to protect yourself against wintry conditions;
(issiq kiyinmoq)

🌟 a drop of rain - a little bit of rain;
(bir tomchi yomg’ir)

🌟 a flash flood - a sudden and severe flood;
(to’satdan toshqin toshishi)

🌟 freezing cold - very cold (informal);
(juda sovuq {norasmiy so’z})

🌟 heatstroke - a serious condition caused by being too long in hot weather;
(oftob urishi)

🌟 heavy rain - intense rainfall;
(kuchli yomg’ir)

🌟 long-range forecast - the weather forecast for several days or weeks ahead;
(uzoq muddatli ob-havo bashorati)

🌟 to pour down - to rain heavily;
(jala qo’ymoq)

🌟 thick fog - a dense fog that makes visibility very poor;
(qalin tuman)

🌟 torrential rain - see ‘heavy rain’ above;
(kuchli yomg’ir)

🌟 tropical storm - a storm typical of ones that you find in tropical climates;
(tropik bo’ron)

🌟 weather forecast - a TV/radio programme or section in a newspaper/magazine which predicts weather conditions;
(ob-havo ma’lumoti)

"LA'CORE" Узбекистон- Корея кушма компанияси ишга таклиф этади!! 🤝🤝🤝
Аъзо булиш бепул!
Тармокли маркетинг усулида ишлаймиз!
Компания 100% расмий фаолият юритади!
Республикамизда 40 дан зиед офислар фаолият юритмокда!
Тулик 30 кунда ойлик хисобот киласиз, каталог хар фасл учун 1 та, йилига 4 дона оласиз 👍👍💐💐 Узингизга маькул вактда офисдан махсулотларни чегирмали нархда олишингиз мумкин. 💥💥 Фаолиятингизни устиришингиз учун спонсорлар томонидан бепул дарслар утказилиб борилади.
Энг асосийси компанияда ишлаб узингизга, оилангизга сифатли махсулотларимизни чегирмали нархларда ишлатиш имконига эга буласиз!!
Уз бизнесингизни юритиб, Узбекистонимиз ривожига хисса кушган буласиз!!👍👍👍👆👆👆
Заводимизда Корея технологияси ва табиий хом ашёси асосида сифатли ва иклимга мос махсулотлар ишлаб чикарилади 👍👍👍
Ажойиб, кувнок жамоа билан фаолият юритасиз!!!💃💃💃💃🌹
Nodirabegim 90 230 64 96

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Саломлашишнинг етмишта савоби бор бўлиб, ундан олтмиш тўққизтаси салом берганники, биттаси эса алик олганникидир!

Кунингиз барокатли, умрингиз мазмунли, мушкулингиз осон, йўлингиз равон бўлсин азизлар!

Ассаламу Алайкум ва Раҳматуллоҳи ва Барокатуҳ!

Work Vocabulary 👩‍🌾🧑‍🍳👩‍🏫👨‍🏭

to be called for an interview
- to be invited to attend an interview;
(suhbatga chaqirish)

to be your own boss - to have your own business;
(o’zingizga o'zingiz boshliq bo'lish)

a dead-end job - a job with no promotional opportunities;
(lavozimini oshirish imkoniyatiga ega bo’lmagan ish)

a good team player - somebody who can work well with other people;
(jamoada yaxshi ishlay oladigan odam)

a heavy workload - to have a lot of work to do;
(ko’p ishlash)

a high-powered job - an important or powerful job;
(muhim va martabali ish)

job satisfaction - the feeling of enjoying a job;
(ishdan zavqlanish)

manual work - work that requires physical activity;
(jismoniy faoliyatni talab qiladigan ish)

maternity leave - time off work given to a woman about to have a baby;
(onalik ta’tili (dekret))

to meet a deadline - to finish a job by an agreed time;
(ishni kelishilgan vaqtgacha tugatish)

a nine-to-five job - a normal job that consists of an 8 hour day (approximately);
(to’qqizdan beshgacha ish)

one of the perks of the job - an extra benefit you get from a job;
(ishdan olinadigan qo’shimcha foyda)

part-time - working less than full-time;
(yarim kunlik ish)

to run your own business - see ‘to be your own boss’;
(o’z biznesingizni yuritish)

to be self-employed - see ‘to be your own boss’;
(o’z-o’zini ish bilan ta’minlash)

sick leave - time allowed off work when sick;
(kasallik ta’tillari)

to be stuck behind a desk - to be unhappy in an office job;
(ofis ishida baxtsiz bo’lmoq)

to take early retirement - to retire early (retire: to reach an age when you are allowed to stop working for a living);
(erta nafaqaga chiqmoq)

temporary work - work done for a limited time only;
(vaqtinchalik ish)

voluntary work - to work without pay;
(ish haqisiz ishlamoq)

to be well paid - to earn a good salary;
(yaxshi maosh olmoq)

working conditions - the hours, salary and other entitlements that comes with the job;
(ish sharoitlari)


Bilamizki, insho introductionida iloji boricha savolda berilgan so’zlarni takrorlamasdan, savoldagi gaplarni o’z so’zlarimiz qayta yozishimiz kerak, ya’ni paraphrase qilishimiz kerak.

Ammo, ko’pchilik paraphrase ni haddan ziyod oshirib yuborishadi, ya’ni ular umuman ma’nosi mos kelmaydigan yoki ma’no boshqa yo’nalishga burib yuboradigan so’z va so’z birikmalarini paraphrase uchun ishlatishadi.

Masalan, “some people” o’rniga “numerous individuals” yoki “humans” deb yozishadi. Ammo, bu xato, chunki bu birikmalar some people bilan bir xil emas. Yoki, “children” so’zi o’rniga “youths”, “teachers” so’zi o’rniga “educational scholars” deb yozishadi.

Qaytaraman, bu birikmalar children yoki teachers ma’nosini teng anglatmaydi.


Mavzuni so’zma-so’z paraphrase qilmang.
Uning o’rniga, savoldagi gapning grammatika strukturasini o’zgartiring yoki asl ma’noni o’zgartirmagan holda, uni boshqacharoq ifodalashga harakat qiling. Paraphrase qiling bo’lmaydiga so’zlarni (teachers, languages kabi) o’z holicha qoldiring.


Introductionni yakunlash

Ba’zi o’rganuvchilar insholaridagi kirish qismini quyidagi kabi gaplar bilan yakunlashishadi: “In this essay, I will discuss both these views and give my opinion.” Bunday gap bilan insho savolidagi gapni o’zini ko’chirib olyapsiz va bu yaxshi fikr emas.

Yoki boshqalar quyidagicha gap bilan examiner e’tiborini tortishga harakat qilishadi: “I will now prove that…” Yana bir bor aytaman, bunday gap kerak emas. Chunki examiner allaqachon nima uchun insho yozayotganingizni biladi va kirish qismida nima haqida yozishingizni aytishni o’zi kifoya.


Kirish qismida inshoyingiz o’zini asosiy e’tibor markaziga qo’ying, o’zingizni emas. Introductionda “I will discuss…” deyish o’rniga “This essay will discuss...” deyish maqsadga muvofiqdir. ☝️

Town and City Vocabulary 🏢🏬🏣

to close down
- to stop doing business;
(biznesni to’xtatmoq)

fashionable boutiques - fashionable clothes shops;
(mashhur brendlar do’koni)

to get around - to travel around;
(sayohat qilmoq)

high-rise flats - multi-story apartments;
(ko’p qavatli kvartiralar)

in the suburbs - the outer area of large towns and cities where people live;
(shahar atrofi)

local facilities - local buildings or services serving the public;
(aholiga xizmat ko'rsatadigan mahalliy servislar)

multi-storey car parks - car parks on several floors;
(ko’p qavatli avtoturargohlar)

poor housing - housing that is not in good condition;
(yaxshi sharoitga ega bo’lmagan uy-joy)

public spaces - areas in a town or city that are open to the public;

public transport system - public vehicles such as buses and trains that operate at regular times on fixed routes;
(jamoat transporti tizimi)

residential area - an area where people live
(odamlar yashaydigan joy)

shopping centre - an area consisting of multiple shops;
(savdo markazi)

tourist attraction - a place of interest to tourists;
(turistlar uchun qiziq joylar)

traffic congestion - heavy traffic making it difficult to move around a town or city;

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Аллоҳ таоло ушбу тонгда қилган барча орзу-ниятларимиз ва эзгу тилакларимиз рўёбига етказсин!

Бу дунёда ҳар бир қадамимиз синов, ҳар бир кўрганимиз сабоқ эканлиги англаб туриш туйғусидан, улардан ўзимизни юксалтирадиган хулосалар чиқариш идрокидан бенасиб этмасин!

Ушбу ёмғирли кунда файз ва барокат ҳамрохимиз бўлсин. Ассалому алайкум!

List of linking words.pdf
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Bilamiz, linking words writing va speaking uchun judayam muhim. Linking words fikrlarimizni chiroyli va silliq bog’lashga va yozma va og’zaki nutqimizda uyg’unlikka erishishga yordam beradi.

Ammo, doimo “I think” deb takrorlayverishdan charchagan bo’lsangiz, quyidagi linking words ro’yxati sizlar uchun!

Marhamat, yuklab oling va ularni faol qo’llang! 🤗

Source: Successful Writing
