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⚡️ Chet tili imtihoni sanalari e’lon qilindi

Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash bo‘yicha aprel oyida bo‘lib o‘tadigan test sinovi sanalari e’lon qilindi.

📆 Unga ko‘ra test sinovining yozma qismi 8-9-aprel kunlari, gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash imtihonlari esa talabgorlar soni ko‘p bo‘lgani uchun 13-14-, 17-21-, 25-29-aprel va 1-5-may kunlari bo‘lib o‘tadi.

📍 Test sinovlari barcha hududlarda, jumladan Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi, viloyatlar va Toshkent shahrida tashkil etiladi.

👨🏻‍💻 Talabgorlar imtihon joyi, kuni va aniq vaqtini my.gov.uz saytining “Mening arizalarim” bo‘limidan bilishlari va ruxsatnomani yuklab olishlari mumkin.

📌 Talabgorlardan test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan hududga belgilangan vaqtdan kamida yarim soat oldin shaxsini tasdiqlovchi hujjat va ruxsatnoma bilan kelishlari so‘raladi.

Izoh: Test sinovi natijalari Vazirlar Mahkamasining qaroriga muvofiq imtihonlar yakunlangandan so‘ng bir haftada (12-may kuni) e’lon qilinadi.

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Дунёдаги энг гўзал неъмат сизнинг тириклигингиз ва гўзал қалбингиз эканлигини биласизми?
Қачонки ҳаётга табассум билан боқсангиз, у ҳам сизга кулиб боқади...

Бошланган янги кун беморлар дардига шифо, кексаларга роҳат, оилангизга бахт, хонадонингизга файз, танингизга саломатлик, дилингизга қувончу шодлик олиб келсин Қадрдон... Ассалому алайкум!


In the speaking and writing tests, the most important thing is to answer the question. This seems obvious, but many students are so worried about using 'difficult grammar' that they don't give relevant answers.

In the speaking test, listen carefully to the question and answer it as if you were speaking to a friend. Try to speak without thinking too much; forget the grammar and just have a normal conversation.

In the writing test, take some time to understand each question and plan your answer. Check the question every time you write a new idea; make sure that everything you write is relevant. If part of your answer is not related to the topic you will lose marks, even if your grammar is perfect.

Imtihon bo'yicha maslahatlar: SAVOLGA JAVOB BERING! 🎯

imtihonning speaking va writing qismlarida eng muhim omil - bu savolga ayni javob berishdir. Bu narsa aniq va ravshandek ko'rinar, lekin ko'plab o'quvchilar "murakkab va mukammal grammatika" haqida shu darajada ko'p qayg'uradilarki, buning oqibatida hatto savolga mavzudan chiqib ketmay javob berish ikkinchi darajaga tushib qoladi.

Speaking imtihonida savolni e'tibor bilan tinglang va o'zingizni huddikim do'stingizga gapirayotganday tuting. Javoblarni ko'p o'ylanmay berishga harakat qiling; grammatikani hayolingizdan chiqarib, shunchaki odatiy suhbat qurishga intiling.

Writing qismida esa shoshilmay har bir savolni yaxshilab tushunib, rejali ish qiling. Har bir yangi fikrni yozayotganingizda, insho savolini yana bir marta o'qib, mavzudan chiqib ketmayotganingizga ishonch hosil qiling. Grammatikangiz har qancha mukammal bo'lmasin, agar mavzudan chiqib ketsangiz, albatta ball yo'qotasiz.

What to do on the exam day?🗓📆

Strange is the case of a candidate who is finally taking his exam... The more he has prepared for it, the more he feels excitement and responsibility. One way or another one is highly likely to feel exam stress and if he is not able to take a leash over his emotions at the very necessary moments, then, everything planned can turn upside down.

So, what to do on the exam day?🤔

First and foremost, it's very important not to study anything ... absolutely anything on that day! Take a realistic look at the case: you can't master anything new just 4 or 5 hours before your exam. On the contrary, it will add more and more anxiety to your poor brain!

Instead, try to occupy yourself with something you really enjoy doing from the bottom of your heart. It may be listening to music, singing, dancing, jumping... It depends on your personality! 💆💆‍♀

Most importantly, bear in mind that the exam results will show you where you are right now, but it can't really determine where you WILL be or where you CAN be after a couple of years!

Just take a deep breath and go for it!

Imtihon kuni nimalar qilish kerak? 🗓📆

Axiyri imtihonini topshirayotgan o'quvchini holati ajib... U qancha ko'p tayyorgarlik ko'rgan bo'lsa, shuncha ko'p hayajon va ma'suliyatni his etadi. Nima bo'lgan taqdirda ham, har qanday inson bu kunda hayajonga beriladi. Ammo bu vaziyatda u o'z tuyg'ularini jilovlab ola olmasa, ko'zlangan maqsadga erishish, albatta, amri mahol...

Ho'sh, imtihon kuni o'quvchi nimalar qilishi kerak? 🤔

Eng birinchi navbatda, bu kuni biron nima o'rganishga harakat ham qilish joiz emas. Vaziyatga real qaraydigan bo'lsak, imtihondan 4 yoki 5 soat oldin o'quvchi biron bir yangi ko'nikmani o'zlashtira olishi aqlga sig'mas darajada kulguli eshitiladi. Aksincha, bu hol o'quvchini yanada ko'proq tashvishlanishiga sabab bo'ladi.

Uning o'rniga, nazarimda, inson o'zi qilishdan rohat oladigan ish bilan mashg'ul bo'lishi durustroq. Balki, bu musiqa tinglash, kuylash, raqsga tushish, jismoniy mashqlar bilan shug'illanish bo'lishi mumkin... Bu narsa odamni o'zini tabiati va dunyoqarashiga bog'liq bo'ladi.💆‍♀💆

Eng muhimi, har qanday vaziyatda ham, shuni yodingizda tutingki, imtihon natijalari siz AYNI DAMDA qay darajada ekaningizni ko'rsatadi. Lekin zinhor bazinhor bir necha yillardan keyin siz qayerda bo'lishingiz yoki nimalar QILA OLISHINGIZni belgilab bermaydi.

🎼 I Call It Love
🎤 Song by Lionel Richie


I look at you
You look at me (you can't help it, yeah, we're feeling butterflies)
It's obvious
We got some chemistry (I think I know what it feels, so right)

Now I wanted so long to know
Now you're telling me
You gotta let it go (don't tell me I have to start all over again)

I never thought
This day would come (this is something that I've wanted in my life)
I realize
That you're the one (and you're telling me it's time to say goodbye)

What's inside of my heart, It ain't gonna change
So it shouldn't be
So easy to walk away (you feel it I feel it let's not pretend)

Maybe I don't know what love Is
Maybe I'm a fool
I just know that I'm feeling
And it's all because of you

Don't tell me
I don't know
I want the truth
'Cause they call it
We call it
You call it
I call it love

It's so clear
For you to see (don't let nobody tell you what to do)
Why they can't
Just let us be happy (I don't want to find somebody new)
If you know what's really in your heart
Then don't let 'em
Tear us apart ('cause you feel it I feel it, let's think it through)

Maybe I don't know what love is (maybe I'm a fool)
Maybe I'm a fool
I just know what I'm feeling
And it's all because of you (please don't)

Don't tell me
I don't know
I want the truth
'Cause they call it (yeah)
We call it (yeah)
You call it (woah)
I call it love

We have a bond that's unbreakable
And it's not time to let it go (we're in love)
And now that we know it's real
We're going to let it show
To the whole world

That I'm yours forever
And you're my girl
You're my everything
I don't know

Maybe I don't know what love is
Maybe I'm a fool (maybe I'm a fool)
I just know what I'm feeling
And it's all because of you (it's all because of you)

Don't tell me
I don't know
I want the truth (I want the truth)
'Cause they call it (they call)
We call it
You call it
I call it love

Maybe I don't know what love is
Maybe I'm a fool (I call it)
I just know what I'm feeling
And it's all because of you (all 'cause of you)

Don't tell me
I don't know (baby)
I want the truth
'Cause they call it (they call)
We call it (we call)
You call it (you call)
I call it love (I call it love)

They call it love
I call it love

Lionel Richie
I Call It Love

Listening bajaramiz😊
Mini mock bajaramiz
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Анас розияллоҳу анҳудан ривоят қилинади:
"Расулуллоҳ соллаллоҳу алайҳи васаллам: "Ким жума куни бомдод намозидан олдин: "Астағфируллоҳаллазий ла илаҳа илла ҳувал ҳайюл қойюм ва атубу илайҳ", деб уч марта айтса, Аллоҳ таоло унинг гуноҳларини денгиз кўпигича бўлса ҳам, кечириб юборади", дедилар...

© Ибн Сунний ривоятлари

Эслатинг, эслатиш мўминларга манфаат берур!
Ассалому алайкум ва роҳматуллоҳи ва барокатуҳ. Жуманинг хайри ва барокати сизга бўлсин Қадрдон!

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Бу дунёда бахтли бўлиш учун хам, бахтсиз бўлиш учун хам сабаблар етарлидир.
Ўзингизни қандай хис қилмоқчи бўлсангиз, керакли сабабларини ўзлаштиринг...

Кунингиз мазмунли ўтсин Қадрдон. Ассалому алайкум!


What's the fastest way to improve your English?

Well, in my opinion the answer is this: put yourself in the best possible English language environment.

Studying alone is a slow, hard journey. But if you can find a way to surround yourself with English speakers, or a community of English learners, you'll make faster progress and the journey won't seem so arduous.

If you're feeling stuck or isolated as you learn English and prepare for the test, perhaps you need to find an environment or community that can carry you forward.


Ingliz tilini rivojlantirishni eng samarali usuli qanday?

Fikrimcha, qo'lingizdan kelganicha maksimal darajada Ingliz tili muhitiga bo'lsangiz, ko'zlangan natijaga erishish ancha tezroq bo'ladi.

Yolg'iz o'qib o'rganish mashaqqatli va uzoq davom etadigan jarayon. Ammo Ingliz tilida so'zlashuvchilar yoki shu tilni o'rganuvchilar jamoasi atrofida ko'proq vaqt o'tkazsangiz, o'sish ham shunga mutanosib ravishda tezroq sodir bo'ladi.

imtihonga tayyorgarlik ko'rishda yoki Ingliz Tilini o'rganishda sizga yordamchi vazifasini o'taydigan jamoani topishingiz maqsadga muvofiq bo'ladi.
