CEFR (Multi level) with Mr Pro
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Яхшилик қилиш учун қўлингиздан келган барча имконингиздан фойдаланинг. Эвазига ҳаёт ҳам ҳамиша сизга кутилмаган совғаларни ҳозирлаб қўяди. Шунинг учун ҳам ҳаёт жуда қизиқарли.
Ҳаётингиз орзуга, орзуингиз эса воқеликка айлансин... Тунингиз осуда ўтсин Қадрдон!

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Вақтида биргина сўз билан олишингиз мумкин бўлган кўнгилни, вақт ўтгандан кейин достон ёзсангиз ҳам ололмаслигиз мумкин...

Шундай экан яқинларингизни борида қадрига етинг, уларни ардоқланг... Ва албатта ўзингизга ҳам қадрли бўлиш насиб этсин... Ассалому алайкум!

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Ҳордиқ онларини мана шунақа жойларда ўзказсангиз руҳингиз анча енгиллашиб қалбингиздан ғуборлар чиқиб кетади...

Phrases commonly used in speaking (Part 3) 📌

40. Can I take a message?
Biror xabar yetkazib qo’yaymi?

41. They’re out of the office right now. Ular ofisda emas.

42. They’re not available at the moment. Ularning hozir vaqti yo’q.

43. Don’t push me. 1) Asabimga tegma 2) Meni majburlama.

44. Don’t be so quick to judgment. Xulosa chiqarishga shoshilma.

45. I have a bad feeling about this. Ko’nglim nohush.

46. I have a good feeling about this. Ko’nglim yaxshi ish bo’lishini sezyapti.

47. I can’t imagine. Tasavvur qila olmayapman.

48. A little birdie told me. Bir gap eshitdim. (ma’lumot manbasi ko’rsatishni hohlamaganda)

49. Make time for (something). Nimagadir vaqt topish.

50. Let me see how I can move some things around. Vaqt ajratish uchu kun tartibimga qarab ko’raychi.

51. Look out! Ehtiyot bo’ling!

52. Think fast! Tez firklang!

53. Loosen up. O’zingni bo’sh qo’y.

54. Put (something) on hold. Kimnidir kuttirib qo’yish/nimanidir vaqtinchalik orqaga surib qo’yish.

55. You can’t be serious. Xazillashyotgan bo’lsang kerak.

56. Go ahead. Olg’a!/Davom et.

57. It’s no big deal. Katta muammo emas.

58. Will do. Bo'pti qilaman.

59. Don’t put me on the spot.
Boshqalarni oldida menga urushma.

60. Watch where you’re going. Ketayotgan yo’linga qara.

Vocabulary 📗

Performance - how well a person, machine, etc. does a piece of work or an activity;

Some athletes take drugs to improve their performance.
Ba'zi sportchilar o'z faoliyatini yaxshilash uchun dori ichishadi.

Meanwhile - until something expected happens, or while something else is happening;
(ayni paytda)

Carl's starting college in September. Meanwhile, he's travelling around Europe.
Sentyabr oyida Karl kollejda o’qoishni boshlaydi. Ayni paytda u Evropa bo'ylab sayohat qilmoqda.

Generally - considering the whole of someone or something, and not just a particular part of them;
(umuman olganda)

Your health is generally good, but you do have a few minor problems.
Umuman olganda sizning sog’ligingiz yaxshi, lekin sizda kichik muammolar bor.

Particularly - especially, or more than usual;

We're particularly interested to hear from people who speak two or more European languages.
Biz ayniqsa ikki yoki undan ortiq Yevropa tillarni biladigan odamlarni so’zlarini eshitishga qiziqamiz.

An influence - the power to have an effect on people or things, or a person or thing that is able to do this;

Helen's a good influence on him;
Helen unga yaxshi ta’sir qildi.

Correlation - a connection between two or more things, often one in which one of them causes or influences the other;

There's a high correlation between smoking and lung cancer.
Chekish va o’pka saratoni o’rtasida katta bog’liqlik bor.
