CEFR (Multi level) with Mr Pro
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Барчамиз бу дунёга ғаниматмиз. Бугун олдимизда юрган яқинларимиз эрта ёнимизда бўлишадими йўқми буни билмаймиз. Эзгуликни қалбингизга жо қилинг-ки, ҳар ўтган кунингиз бесамар бўлмасин.
Ўтган кунингиз ўтиб бўлди, эртанги кунингизда яхши амаллар қилиш ният қилиб Аллоҳдан сўранг, албатта амалга ошади, Иншааллоҳ!

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Бу дунёни шундай гўзал яратиб, унга қуёш, ой, сув ва ҳавони бўйсундириб қўйган Аллоҳнинг Жаннати қандай гўзал эканлигини биз ожиз бандалар тасаввур ҳам қила олмаймиз... Унга эришишнинг йўлини эса ҳаммамиз биламиз...

Аллоҳ таоло барчамизга Фирдавс Жаннатига киришликни насиб айласин 🤲 Ассалому алайкум!

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Кимнингдир амалини қоралашдан аввал, уни оқлаш учун йигирмата сабаб изланг.
Йигирмата сабаб топа олмасангиз, ўн тўққизта..., ўн саккизта..., шу тариқа битта сабаб топа олгунча ҳам қоралашдан тийилинг.

Ишонинг, сиз биргина оқловчи сабаб топишингиз билан, қолган ўн тўққизтасини кўра бошлайсиз...


Bilamizki, insho introductionida iloji boricha savolda berilgan so’zlarni takrorlamasdan, savoldagi gaplarni o’z so’zlarimiz qayta yozishimiz kerak, ya’ni paraphrase qilishimiz kerak.

Ammo, ko’pchilik paraphrase ni haddan ziyod oshirib yuborishadi, ya’ni ular umuman ma’nosi mos kelmaydigan yoki ma’no boshqa yo’nalishga burib yuboradigan so’z va so’z birikmalarini paraphrase uchun ishlatishadi.

Masalan, “some people” o’rniga “numerous individuals” yoki “humans” deb yozishadi. Ammo, bu xato, chunki bu birikmalar some people bilan bir xil emas. Yoki, “children” so’zi o’rniga “youths”, “teachers” so’zi o’rniga “educational scholars” deb yozishadi.

Qaytaraman, bu birikmalar children yoki teachers ma’nosini teng anglatmaydi.


Mavzuni so’zma-so’z paraphrase qilmang.
Uning o’rniga, savoldagi gapning grammatika strukturasini o’zgartiring yoki asl ma’noni o’zgartirmagan holda, uni boshqacharoq ifodalashga harakat qiling. Paraphrase qiling bo’lmaydiga so’zlarni (teachers, languages kabi) o’z holicha qoldiring.

Manba: Key to IELTS

Academic Band 8.0 Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. insurmountable - yengib bo'lmaydigan

/ˌɪn.səˈmaʊn.tə.bl ‌/ adjective formal
(especially of a problem or a difficulty) so great that it cannot be dealt with successfully

This small country is faced with an insurmountable debt.
Bu kichik mamlakat yengib bo'lmas qarzga duch keldi.

2. elaborate - puxta

/ɪˈlæb. ə r.ət/ /adjective
containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts
verb [ I ] slightly formal
to add more information to or explain something that you have said

They're making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding.
Ular to'yga eng puxta tayyorgarlik ko'rmoqdalar.

3. Role - rol, ahamiyat

/rəʊl/ noun [ C ]

Schools play an important role in society.
Maktablar jamiyatda muhim rol o'ynaydi.

4. Severe - og'ir

/sɪˈvɪə r / adjective VERY SERIOUS
causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc; very serious

a severe liver infection/leg injury/toothache
og'ir jigar infektsiyasi/oyoq shikastlanishi/tish og'rig'i

5. indeed - darhaqiqat, haqiqatdan ham

/ɪnˈdiːd/ adverb
1. really or certainly, often used to emphasize something
2. used to express that something is correct
used to express surprise, anger, or lack of belief or interest

Indeed, it could be the worst environmental disaster in Western Europe this century.
Darhaqiqat, bu G'arbiy Evropadagi bu asrdagi eng yomon ekologik halokat bo'lishi mumkin.

6. invaluable - juda foydali

/ɪnˈvæl.jʊ.bl ‌/ adjective
extremely useful

The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.
Yangi ish sizga juda foydali tajriba beradi.

7. present - sovg'a

/ˈprez. ə nt/ noun SOMETHING GIVEN
[ C ] something which you are given, without asking for it, on a special occasion, especially to show friendship, or to say thank you

a birthday/Christmas/wedding present
tug'ilgan kun/yangi yil /to'y sovg'asi

Vocabulary: Global challenges 🌎🌍🌏

Developing countries
– countries not generally considered to be fully developed yet;
(rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlar)

Illiteracy is a huge challenge for developing countries to overcome.
Savodsizlik - rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlar uchun eng katta qiyinchilik.

Developed countries – countries considered to have advanced economies, industries and social infrastructure;
(rivojlangan mamlakatlar)

Developed countries contribute aid to those nations affected by famine.
Rivojlangan davlatlar ochlikdan aziyat chekkan davlatlarga yordam ko'rsatadilar.

Livelihood – the way a person makes a living;

Many villagers sell handicrafts, as this is the only livelihood they can find.
Ko'p qishloq aholisi hunarmandchilik buyumlarini sotishadi, chunki bu ular uchun yagona tirikchilik.

Civil war – war between inside a country;
(fuqoralar urushi)

It will take many years for our nation to recover from civil war of the 1990s.
90 -yillardagi fuqarolar urushidan xalqimizning tiklanishi uchun ko'p yillar kerak bo'ladi.

To migrate – to move permanently between countries;
(ko’chib o’tish)

Migration within in the Eurozone is a highly controversial issue at present.
Yevropa hududidagi migratsiya hozirda juda munozarali masala.

Longevity – the tendency to have a long life expectancy;
(uzoq umr ko’rish)

Japanese people have perhaps the highest longevity in the world.
Yaponlar, ehtimol dunyodagi eng uzoq umr ko'radigan odamlardir.

Media is too big

🎧​​​ https://t.me/cefrprofessionals
The Hell Screen (Ryūnosuke Akutagawa)
🔘 "The Hell Screen"
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa

"There can be no doubt that Akutagawa had more individuality than any other writer of his time and has left in Japanese literature a mass of artistic work, often grotesque and curious, that, while it undoubtedly angers the proletarian experimenters who now hold the stage and fight with lusty pens and a highly developed class consciousness against all that he stood for, will continue to live as long as men go on treasuring the fancies their fellows from time to time set down with care on paper."

🎧 https://t.me/cefrprofessionals
TASK 1 with sample

You are working for a company. You need to take some time off work and want to ask your manager about this. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter:
• explain why you want to take time off work
• give details of the amount of time you need
• suggest how your work could be covered while you are away

Dear Sir,
The main endeavour of writing
this letter is to express my concerns with my hostel accommodation which I have been sharing with other three students. Our room is on the first floor and the room number is G-702. I have been living in a hostel for the last 1 year. My previous roommates were extremely cooperative, polite, friendly and inclined to do study.
However, the students with whom I have been living for the
two months, are totally different from me. They do parties at night and also invite their friends. They are doing dance till late at night and put a radio extreme loudly which makes an enormous noise. Apart from that they never clean the room and make it very dirty. Because of all those reasons, I am unable to do concentrate on my study and I get disturbed a lot during my exam preparation. So, I find it is more difficult to stay with them. I hope you can understand my above-mentioned situation. I would be grateful if you could shift me to another place. Most importantly, I would prefer a quiet place where I can do my work peacefully. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Samuel Pate
Task 2

Some parents think that helping their children with homework is good. Others think children should do their homework on their own. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Homework is a necessary evil. I don’t know many children who actually enjoy doing their
Nonetheless, it is beneficial to their progress and that is
the reason teachers give homework
However, sometimes, children are given too much homework and in such situations it may be necessary for the parents to help them. Children should do their homework
on their own. Only then
will they benefit. If parents do the
homework the children are not getting the intended benefits.
However, there are at least a few situations where this may be necessary. Young children, especially those attending KG or primary school, will need their parents’ assistance to complete their homework
and other activities. Older children may also
need their parents’ help from
timeto time. In a country like India, children, especially those going to private schools, are burdened with too much homework. After completing their work, they get hardly any
time to study. In such
situations, they need the help of their parents. Just because students are doing their
homework, it doesn’t mean that they are actually paying attention to what they are doing. A lot of them simply copy answers from their notebook.
As a result, they aren’t gaining anything from
this exercise. They need to learn the answers to score higher grades in the examination. If they spend too much time on their homework, their score will suffer.
To conclude, students are supposed to do their
homework on their own.
However, this is not always possible because of time constraints. In
such situations, parents should lend a helping hand.
🎼 "Faded"
🎤 Song by Alan Walker - (feat. Iselin Solheim)


You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us?
Another star
You fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see us

Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Was it all in my fantasy?
Where are you now?
Were you only imaginary?

Where are you now?
Under the sea
Under the sea
Where are you now?
Another dream
The monster's running wild inside of me
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded

These shallow waters never met what I needed
I'm letting go a deeper dive
Eternal silence of the sea, I'm breathing

Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Under the bright but faded lights
You've set my heart on fire
Where are you now?
Where are you now?

Where are you now?
Under the sea
Under the sea
Where are you now?
Another dream
The monster's running wild inside of me
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded

Alan Walker - (feat. Iselin Solheim)
