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DevOps and other issues by Yurii Rochniak (@grem1in) - SRE @ Preply && Maksym Vlasov (@MaxymVlasov) - Engineer @ Star. Opinions on our own.

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Jaana Dogan про архитектуру Spanner - реляционной базы данных, которую использует Google. И о том, как им удаётся достичь 99.999% доступности, особенно на запись

#databases #google
​​How to be DBA, starter pack

Percona creates Percona University Online with tiny (2-5 minutes) videos about databases.
They contain basic information, like DB upgrades, useful tools etc. and are now actively adding content.

Beside this, channel have many strong talks for mature folks, so I highly recommend subscribe to it channel if their content seems interesting to you.

#database #databases
Автоматический файловер асинхронной репликации в MySQL 8.0.22.

Позволяет автоматически переключиться на файловер сорс, если основной выпал. В статье также есть гайд, как это настроить.

Some good practices of writing SQL queries by Metabase.

With ORMs and other abstracts on top of databases writing raw SQL is not such common practice nowadays, but it's still a valuable skill.

This article contains some general guidelines for SQL syntax as well as some advices. Ofc, there's also an advertising for Metabase. This is their blog in the end of the day.

#sql #databases
​​Data storage cheatsheet for public clouds and cloud-agnostic services as well.

This obviously not a full list of all the available databases. However, it provides some insights on what the Big Three cloud vendors provide as well as some open-source alternatives.

Our friends from Cossack Labs have released a new version of their Acra tool.

Acra is a database security suite for data protection. It provides application-level encryption for data fields, multi-layered access control, database leakage prevention, and intrusion detection capabilities in one suite. Acra was specifically designed for distributed apps (web, server-side and mobile) that store data in one or many databases. Basically, you can encrypt individual fields completely transparent for an application!

So, what's special about this release? A lot of features that previously were available only in the enterprise version now made their way to open source! Among them: database encryption, searchable encryption, and encryption-as-a-service API.

Apart from that, Acra allows to tokenize certain fields in your database to achieve anonymization. This is actually a cool feature! In one of my former companies we had to create our own tool to achieve that. Here you get it as a part of the package.

#security #databases #toolz
New Year resolutions is a very common practice. I do mine as well, but this time I want to share a review of databases in 2021 with Dr. Andy Pavlo.

Some points from the article:

- RDBMS is an old concept, but it dominates the market even for greenfield projects and it‘s here to stay
- PostgreSQL gains more and more popularity. It might be not the most popular database, but it steadily moving to the top
- “…only old people care about official TPC numbers.”
- More and more money is invested into DB-related startups. Size of each funding series has also increased comparing to previous big takes. ”We are in the golden era of databases. There are so many excellent choices available today. Investors are searching for database start-ups that can become the next Snowflake-like IPO.”
- People have moved away from MapReduce and Hadoop technologies nowadays.
- Larry Ellison - a co-founder of Oracle - is back to the 5th position of the richest persons list

There are quite a few ways to run PostreSQL on Kubernetes. Just to name a few: a Helm chart by Bitnami, the Crunchy operator, an operator by Zalando, I think Percona has one as well.

Here’s yet another operator - StackGres.

It’s open-source, but has paid enterprise support if you need it. I haven’t tried it personally, but it this person from Reddit has and apparently is fully satisfied.

#kubernetes #databases
Did you know that there’s a database of databases?

You can find various useful information on each DB on that website. I wish you could search this website by features (data model, support for joins, concurrency control, etc.). However, you can only search by name.

P.S. if you want to add a database to the list, you can write this guy.

While Web Assembly aka WASM is getting momentum, we are going to see more and more “X in a browser” things.

So, today it’s Postgres Playground by Crunchy (the authours of a famous Postgres k8s operators).

This is more of a set of learning tutorials than a freeplay sandbox. So, you can get yourself familiar with Postgres and learn various things about it there. Currently available tutorials are for:

- Basics of psql
- Partitioning
- Performance analysis
- Joins
- Indexing
- PostGIS
- Window functions and CTEs

#databases #postgresql #wasm