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DevOps and other issues by Yurii Rochniak (@grem1in) - SRE @ Preply && Maksym Vlasov (@MaxymVlasov) - Engineer @ Star. Opinions on our own.

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Howdy folks, my colleague Vlad (DevOps Engineer) needs a car for the 128th brigade where he serves.

Volkswagen T4/T5

> We need a car for unfolding/folding communication nodes.
> For example this

Link to the MonoBank jar:

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5375 4112 0077 9804

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HUG Kyiv #15: Terraform

- How (not) to test terraform.
- Helm charts in TF, good together :)

- Vsevolod Polyakov, SRE engineer @ Let's Enhance, founder of and author of @UkropsDigest.
- Oleksiy Kraevy, Senior DevOps engineer @ YayPay, a DevOps switcher from telecom, currently at a fin-tech startup on AWS.

When: Tuesday 25th October, 19:00 (Kyiv TZ)
Where: Online
Language: Ukrainian

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A blog post by Charity Majors about Platform Engineering as a next generation of OPS-ish work.

She also created a table of skills, or rather skills differences, between Platform engineers and DevOps engineers. I don’t fully agree with all those differences, but I’m not quite sure yet, is it because I’m not fully onboarded yet to the concept of Platform Engineering or I just generally disagree.

Anyways, if you need a single-sentence summary of the Platform Engineering, let it be this one:

One of the key principles of any developer platform is that it should be easy to do the right things, and hard to do the wrong things.

#culture #platform_engineering
A blog post by The Duckbill’s Group CEO Mike Julian with an ambitious title: “Why Cloud Finance Is Broken and Ineffective”.

The Duckbill’s Group is a consultant company that helps its customers to reduce their cloud spendings. Mostly in AWS (frankly, I’m not sure if they work with other clouds).

Despite the ambitious title, this article advocates for a very simple idea: “the cost of a cloud is a matter of architecture”. Yes, you can apply AWS savings plans to reduce the cost, you can obviously terminate dangling instances and volumes. It all contributes to your savings, but still the most important part is the architecture.

There’s also a linked article in the same blog that clarifies a bit this thesis as well as provides some practical insights into how to think about your architecture as a cost center.

The second article is AWS-specific, but the first one basically applies to any cloud.

#cloud #money #aws
Do you prefer understandable diagrams to tons of text?

C4 model - describe principles for creating architecture diagrams and how to be sure that they will be useful and readable.

The site includes talk, which is so amazing, that I propose you spend 35min on it.

One of the mentioned tools in the talk is Structurizr. We start adopting that tool a few weeks ago and the final results look pretty nice.

And yes, Structurizr is more powerful than Mermaid, but do not work in plain markdown.

​​HUG Kyiv #15: Terraform will start in a few hours

When: Tuesday 25th October, 19:00 (Kyiv TZ)
Where: Online
Language: Ukrainian

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A nice article by a friend of mine on how to replace GNU Make with Invoke and Python. The nice part is that it goes beyond some simple “Hello world” examples.

I think using a tool like Invoke or Rake is beneficial. Yet, I still use GNU Make in many places mostly because it’s available almost everywhere out of the box.

As a bonus you can also check out the Task tool - yet another task automation tool written in Go. It uses YAML for configuration, therefore it’s declarative, but you know… YAML. Also, using a full fledged programming language obviously provides more features and flexibility.

#make #iac #automation
The whole purpose of managed services is that you don’t need to care much about many things except costs. Yet, cost management could be tricky in the cloud.

Obviously, there are many consultants and services that build their business model by helping people to save some bucks.

However, there are also community solutions.

For example, here’s a community calculator for AWS VPN and a similar calculator for Google Cloud VPN.

Bonus: Reddit discussion about the Google Cloud VPN Costs calculator.

#aws #gcp #costs #networking
There's gonna be a couple of posts today, so here's the first one.

AWS now allows one to transfer Elastic IPs between AWS accounts.

That's it. These are the news. However, it's a significant change especially for those, who are in process of re-design their cloud architecture.

A nice technical article about volume snapshots in Kubernetes.

Kubernetes has a snapshot-controller with vendor-independent API. This article explains what are the benefits of using snapshots as well as provides several use case scenarios with configuration examples.

pgdump-aws-lambda is a ready-to-use Lambda function that creates a dump of your PostgreSQL database and streams it it S3.

There is already a native way to backup RDS databases. However, I can see a couple of use cases for this tool. For example:
- Backup databases that run on plain EC2 machines. I’m not sure if anyone does it today, but I worked in a company that did.
- Backup databases located outside AWS in case of hybrid setups. Obviously, it’s going to be challenging to configure such interconnection in a secure and reliable way, but if you’re using a hybrid setup, you already know what am I talking about.
- Use this Lambda function as a blueprint and extend its functionality. For example, obfuscate certain fields to create a non-production DB for tests, etc.

TBH, I’m not sure how it’s going to work with the 15 minutes hard limit for execution time for Lambdas, but you won’t find out unless you try, I guess.

So overall, an interesting project that I won’t likely use myself, but it might be fun to play with.

#databases #aws #serverless
A very interesting article about when to use AWS Lambda functions and when not.

The article explores a couple of serverless scenarios and whether it’s required to use a Lambda function there.

In nutshell: do not use Lambda when there’s a native integration between the components; and use it to transform data, not to transport it.

#aws #serverless
This is a small nice article about how small changes could impact performance.

I like such stories very much. I believe, they expose the beauty of software engineering. Just like in maths classes complex equations result in something like x = 1.

Also, one can learn from this article a thing or two about the memory allocation in Go as well as some performance profiling techniques.

#programming #go #performance
Well, it’s happening. Pulumi now supports YAML in GA.

Here are my thoughts about this. The imperative revolution didn’t happen. We haven’t suddenly started to define the infrastructure in TypeScript or Go. Also, it looks like both approaches can co-exist just fine, even as a part of a single tool.

I think that the second point is great, because the users (we) have more options. Smaller setups can benefit from a simpler declarative way, while more complicated installations can leverage the whole power of general purpose languages.

#iac #pulumi