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My Full Thoughts and Analysis of the Trump/Biden Debate

• I’ll start by saying that I think CNN handled the debate a lot better than I imagined… despite a few instances where it seemed like they allowed Biden to respond and did not given Trump an opportunity in some cases… I think overall they did a semi-fair job.

I thought a lot of the questions were shitty… and I’d say a quarter of the questions actually mattered.

• With that said, CNN knows it was a bloodbath…. I’m watching the after show now and they’re panicking.. people they’re talking to say Trump was the far-better candidate…

I do not see how CNN can hold another debate. Biden looked awful… sounded angry… and Millions of Americans saw the two men side by side, and only one came out looking sounding like a true leader…

🔴 JOE BIDEN: Score 2 Out of 10

• Joe Biden came out absolutely flat and with a lot of nasty phlegm in his throat… coughing… it was gross. And he seemed angry the entire time.

He was very incoherent throughout the debate, where often you couldn’t even understand him, the first 30-40 minutes were horrible.

Joe did perk up after the first commercial break… so I truly wonder if they gave him a cocktail during this time.

Joe reverted back to a few known and widely disputed hoaxes, including the Losers and Suckers hoax… anyone with a brain and common sense watching this knows it was a really bad fabricated lie.

But… Joes lies and a few of his unhinged Quibs will no doubt circulate by democrats and FAKE NEWS, making it look like he “blasted” Trump… expect those clips to be under 15 seconds because anything longer than that, you’ll see that he’s a mess.

🔴 TRUMP 8 out of 10

• Trump came out swinging and he landed some very big hits early on… and himself compared to Biden, on Screen, there is no doubt that he was more cognitively inclined.

• Trump noticed what CNN was doing by at times given Biden the opportunity to have the last word, but Trump was very smart to make sure that he used his time and brought up Bidens lies to correct the record.

But this was also the reason I gave him an 8… because he took too long to correct the record and didn’t have much time left to answer the questions originally asked, having to be reminded by CNN.

Overall, Trump had an outstanding debate…

What are your thoughts?
Did I miss anything?

Somebody in the chat asked how they could tip me… nobody has to, but if you’d like to send me a tip me, you can do so here. 🙏

🚨 Holy Shit Guys…

They are Literally Panicking and Talking About Replacing Joe Biden or Asking Him to Step Aside

CNN: Right now as we speak, there is a deep, wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party.. it involves elected officials and fundraisers and they’re having conversations about the presidents performance….

Joy Reid: I was on the phone throughout the debate… the universal reaction is Panic… the concern is Biden seemed extremely feeble

CNN: the panic I’m hearing from democrats is not like anything I’ve ever heard… Biden was not coherent

So who do you have replacing Joe Biden??? 👀
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Did you miss the Debate? Here you go…. with all notable clips and reactions. 🙏



Shots Fired…. 👀
Hunter was convicted and Probably gonna get convicted again… Joe could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office…

Biden says Trump slept with a pornstar when his wife was pregnant and Trump Corrects the Record

30 Seconds of Incoherence and CNN Cuts Biden off and Trump Destroys Him

This is so embarrassing… Biden forgets what Trump said literally after a few seconds go by…

Biden Resorts to the “Suckers and Losers” Hoax… and Trump Gives Him a Spanking in front of Millions

it’s a massacre… Even Trump Doesn’t Understand what he’s saying.. Trump embarrassed him…

• Jill Biden: "Joe, you did such a great job answering every question. You knew all the facts."

CNN is Narrative Seeding and asks Trump if he’ll Accept the Results of the 2024 Election if he loses…


CNN: Right now as we speak, there is a deep, wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party.. it involves elected officials and fundraisers and they’re having conversations about the presidents performance….

Joy Reid: I was on the phone throughout the debate… the universal reaction is Panic… the concern is Biden seemed extremely feeble

CNN: the panic I’m hearing from democrats is not like anything I’ve ever heard… Biden was not coherent

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Happy Friday everyone!

How are we feeling this morning?
Both of these were posted by Trump after we all went to bed lol

Drop a . For the TROLL KING 👑

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Trump has a rally today in Virginia (the man is a machine)… and this is the line of cars waiting to see him…. In the middle of a work day.🤯

America knows what’s up…

Trump is going to be extra spicy today after that ass-whooping last night.

After the euphoria of last nights ass-whooping has settled down this morning, it is most certainly assured that they did in fact throw Biden under the bus with this debate..

This was the earliest televised US general election debate since 1960…

So why in the world would they allow millions of people witness this? Especially Before many states start early voting?

All of FAKE NEWS, at the same time started saying “oh shit… we need someone new in there” at the same exact time.”? Very sus…

It also appears that if Joe Biden has been using amphetamines, it’s clear that he wasn’t given any last night…

So who will they replace him with?
Who makes sense to “rejuvenate” the democrat party?

• Gavin Newscum?
— yeah, California is shit.

• Michelle Obama?
— Good luck, the memes alone will destroy him.

• Hillary Clinton?
— Democrats even know she’s a killer and corrupt.

Also, is there even enough time regarding state laws and processes to change their candidate out? I don’t think so… that window in a lot of states has closed.

The only working theory I’ve heard that makes sense is the “Rockefeller Precedent.”

General Flynn put out an interesting take recently, and it’s starting to age well.. he insinuated a “Change of Batter” is coming to the US Presidency — President Hillary Clinton & VP Gavin Newsome?

The Rockefeller Precedent… summarized.

In a nutshell…
1. Nixons VP, Agnew resigned from office… (Kamala)
2. Nixon appointed Gerald Ford as VP (Biden appoints Hillary)
3. Nixon, because of Watergate, was forced to resign (Biden)
4. Gerald Ford became the unelected president (Hillary)
5. Gerald Ford appointed unelected Nelson Rockefeller (Newsome)
This is a very real possibility… but how realistic is it? I don’t know…
but it did happen…

It requires both the House and Senate to confirm… would they confirm this?
—— I’m not so sure, but I won’t put it past them.

Is there enough time?

Regardless of the combination of who they could install… I feel like someone is definitely going to get changed out. You?

The Supreme Court’s Decision Shit all over the DOJ’s Efforts to Criminalize Hundreds of the January 6 cases

• In a nutshell, one of the statutes they used to charged hundreds of J6’ers is going to get thrown out the window… this will massively narrow the “obstruction of an official proceeding” charge for many political J6 Prisoners.

• This also affects Donald Trumps DC Federal Criminal Case from Jack Smith that is currently placed on hold. 💥

OPINION: Fischer v. United States

To prove a violation of 18 U. S. C. §1512(c)(2)—a provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act—the Government must establish that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects, or other things used in an official proceeding, or attempted to do so.

ROBERTS, C. J., delivered the opinion of the Court. THOMAS, ALITO, GORSUCH, KAVANAUGH, and JACKSON, joined.

JACKSON, J., filed a concurring opinion.

BARRETT, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which SOTOMAYOR and KAGAN, joined.


Amy Coney Barret filed a dissenting opinion… yes. Maybe to remain impartial for decisions to come (future)?

Her opinion didn’t matter in the end, did it?

What everyone should be asking is why these two Justices voted the opposite way…?

This was clearly a big win for J6er’s and Trump. With Amy dissenting, this would have been a slam dunk for them.
Media is too big
“We have to change Joe Biden and it breaks my heart… Please God, Democrats! We’re all watching the same thing.”


Honestly… and I want everyone to think about this.. WHO do they have that they think would be a good replacement?

—— everyone knows she’s a killer and her husband went to Epstein Island over two dozen times.

—— Please do it… I triple dog dare you. The memes will destroy him.

—— Bro… have you seen California lately? lol they literally have a shit map app available in

They’re screwed… they have Noboday.. and wait until (if they do) replace the Black Woman as VP. 😂

Thomas Massie’s Wife, Rhonda, has passed away… 🙏

There is no indication on how she passed, and for now, it has remained private.

People are thinking that perhaps it was because of his recent criticism of AIPAC, especially in the Tucker Interview a few weeks ago.

But Massie has always been vocal about AIPAC, I believe.

She may have been suffering from cancer and they kept it private or something else… and that is totally within reason. I’m a private person too and I’d understand.

So for now, until we know more, send prayers. Anyone who loses their spouse deserves it..

Uh ohhh…
Replacing Joe Biden on the Ballot is Getting Spicy very Fast.. 🌶️

The Heritage Oversight Project Highlights They Cannot Take Biden off the Democratic Ticket in Three States, for any Reason other than Death or 25th Amendment 👀

• The Heritage Project has set their sights on three swing states.
• Georgia
• Nevada
• Wisconsin

• Wisconsin: does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death. 

• Nevada: no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or 'a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.

• Georgia: If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election, his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted. 

• Texas, the two party's nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot.

• Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.

• Some states don't have any laws on the books for dealing with a presidential nominee withdrawing, and there is little precedent for such a situation occurring. 

The 25th amendment seems like the only way, or death… unless he plans to not run in these states?

The Rockefeller Precedent is looking more and more enticing… 👀

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Trump is speaking today in Chesapeake, 3PM ET… Trump will be on around 4:15pm ET

Who’s watching?
Should we do a BONGO Party?

🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 🇺🇸

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Rep. Roy files resolution to urge VP Kamala Harris to declare Joe Biden is unable to carry out his duties as Commander-in-Chief — 25th Amendment

Why in the world would Chip Roy, a “Republican” do that?

I want Biden to be the nominee… he’s a walking redpill.
Forwarded from MJTruth (MJTruth (CandlesInTheNight))
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Trump is speaking today in Chesapeake, 3PM ET… Trump will be on around 4:15pm ET

Who’s watching?
Should we do a BONGO Party?

🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 🇺🇸

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Doug Kass, BIG DNC Insider Posted That Obama Is Having a Sit Down to REPLACE Joe Biden Kamala is Pissed She’s Not Being Considered

They’re kicking the Black woman to the curb 🤣🤣

“What I am hearing regarding Joe Biden, Eon Klain (former Chief of Staff) and OBAMA is having a sit down with the Joe Biden today…

Jill Biden is insisting that Joe Biden is Running, and Kamala Harris is FURIOUS that she is not being considered for replacement, while Whitmer and Newsome are..”


🧢 https://t.me/realKarliBonne/252054