Matt Ehret and the Canadian Patriot Press
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❗️I'm very concerned to hear that my friend, your friend Texas, Russell Bentley, is reported missing in Donetsk. He was last seen in the city's Petrovsky region on April 8th, several days ago now.

Sincerely hope that he comes back into contact soon and all is well with him.
Many people have asked me what it is about Lyndon LaRouche's ideas that I think are so important for the modern world and what exactly did he contribute to science or economics? To answer this question, I'd suggest listening to Sergey Glazyev's memorial to Lyndon LaRouche delivered in 2022 and also try investing some time reading LaRouche's 1984 mini text book 'So You Wish to Learn All About Economics' which is a most rewarding, albeit still challenging read. I've worked through it a few times over the years and it makes transparent LaRouche's innovations to the already existent science of physical economy (outlined in brief in the Glazyev memorial link). LaRouche develops upon metrics of increased potential relative population density, increased energy flux density of energy sources, increased productive powers of labor per sq km and per capita, and the epistemological parallelism of creative healthy human minds and the material expression of said process in the measurable aspects of the universe (ie: a more developed conception of Plato's co-existent and interfacing states of reality Being and Becomming). The science of measuring the free energy of systems, capital returns on investments, relative proportions alocatable for R and D to incubate new discoveries and inventions, considerations for applying said new discoveries into the over-all productive process (including educational institutions) all blend holistic considerations of the need for relative (NOT absolute) states of stability/homeostasis... While at the same time vectoring the system towards the absolute function of harmonic disequilibrium (change/breaking free of limits to growth through fluid creative flexibility). The relatively changing values associated with various categories of "land", or "resources" etc will be thus contingent on those discoveries and their application that have or have not been made. The obvious political and cultural considerations here obviously play a big role since we have a hive-mind oligarchical death cult that has exerted continuous pressure onto humanity since ancient times who plays very dirty
If people want to understand how my mind works, I'd say read Plato, and read this book
In the fifth part of Occult Tesla, we ask: is Yuval Noah Harari the reincarnation of Tesla- whose soul he did not believe existed?
So Alex Jones has gone full Templar Crusader today...
I dealt with this at great length in Sir Kissinger: Midwife to New Babylon ... and yes the idea is to merge the new Templars (aka: Jesuits) with the new gnostic inbred Church of pseudo-Christianity (Anglicanism) in a new world order with a central control in a new Middle East purged of the Jews and Arabs
In this week's episode of The Multipolar Reality with Matt and V, a geopolitical summary of global events is showcased from the agenda to provoke a war with Iran, to the expansion of NATO into the Pacific, Japan's joining the AUKUS and Canada's revival of the Arctic Ballistic Missile Shield. We additionally explore the absurdity of late stage oligarchical self-implosion and the healthier dynamic emerging in Eurasia
Part 6 of The Occult Tesla series is now available and addresses the question why exactly did Tesla attack Einstein, and why did he try to flatten space?
Since Tucker Carlson is doubling down on his promotion of the "UFOs are demons living in our atmosphere, under oceans and inside the earth" on the most recent Joe Rogan Podcast, I thought it were a good idea to share my reasons for Tucker's involvement in a larger mass-gnostic/Kaballistic invokation of a new Darbyist/rapturist variation of Christianity for the 21st century with aliens playing the role of angels and demons (and implicitly good aliens shaping the rules based order crusaders and evil interdimensional aliens shaping the evil CPC and authoritarian regimes on the other side of the iron curtin. Pretty soon, it won't be too many steps before mainstream Christianity merges with scientology and Falun Gong (which both assert as sacred truths the bizarre shit I just wrote):
In 30 min, Richard Poe will launch into what is sure to be an extremely provocative and fact-filled journey into the origins of "Social Imperialism" (which the British created and renamed Communism while also fueling the entire-anti Jewish conspiracy theory mythos: