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"Nasa is faking everything song"
Title: The Flat Earth Man
Artist: Conspiracy Music Guru

You see if they can get you to believe
That your on a spinning ball
Well things like god and creation
Just make no sense at all

"I told you so" song by Conspiracy Music Guru (Everything from the September 11, Monsanto, the Media, 5G, Georgia Guidestones, & the Vaccine Agenda). YouTube
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Ballarat, Victoria, Australia had an uncanny resemblance to Germany & the Netherlands today, but they are fighting a different battle.

Still: good on them for standing up against this ridiculous ausnet plan, and hopefully they will look into what's going on globally and see the major battle we have ahead, and we can all unite and stand up together.

I found two sites that explain what they were protesting about today: PissOffAusnet.com.au and KingstonandDistrictPowerAlliance.org and their Facebook page
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Your "Carbon Footprint" is a LIE (and we all fell for it)

Your carbon footprint is a scam. You'll never guess where the term carbon footprint came from in the first place & that it was only created less than 20yrs ago by one of the world's largest oil companies, BP - so you'd take the blame for the problem of carbon; not them.

Over the years, BP--and the fossil fuels industry in general--have greenwashed the world into believing they care about making a positive change for our environment. When in reality, they've been conducting their dirty business behind the scenes.

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The (evil?) architect of The Great Reset
Who is Klaus Schwab, really? I'll be trying to bring a more balanced perspective to the answer to that question. Because when it comes to the leader of the WEF, it seems like most of the information that's out there is pushing a very one-sided view. Klaus Schwab founded the World Economic Forum in 1971, and it's since grown from a humble management conference, into a globe-spanning giant whose members include numerous world leaders, and the most profitable companies on the planet. But a lot of people have questions about the motives of the WEF. Source | Blog Post
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Mark My Words...THIS is Coming in 2022
It's Time to Sound the Alarm, and Prepare
The good news is you're getting a heads-up, and have time to prepare. The bad news is that is actually happening...

(This is one you can send to friends who aren't conspiratorial)

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This is Jimmy Corsetti
(BrightInsight | Joe Rogan Episode #1742)
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This is his update video where he discusses the evidence. Another good video that you can send to those who are not ready to hear the whole thing but you want to help them realize they need to prepare.

PROOF That it's Coming - (You Must Prepare NOW)

THIS is how you know it's happening. Mark my words - this is imminent, no matter how much we don’t want it to be. And this is how you should immediately prepare, because you absolutely want to get ahead of this before the masses do.

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Here is the other video that you may choose to send instead:

Mark My Words...THIS is Coming in 2022
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This is Jimmy Corsetti
(BrightInsight | Joe Rogan Episode #1742)
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How to turn your knowledge into an online course or online coaching (from someone that made a million dollars from selling selfie-information)
Full Video: How to turn your knowledge into an online business (the "THREE Cs")
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It is illegal to make anyone participate in an experimental program using coercion. When "forced to do something that they would not otherwise do", that is not only coercion but domestic terrorism. The list of felony's holds up to a 99-year prison term and up to a 100 million dollar fine.
~ Dr David Martin

[Legal] U.S. Felony's with Forced or Coerced Experiments Attorney General Document.
Source | PDF | Post
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Pink Floyd Red Pill
The Ruling Class
Teach your children well
Rule the World, Control the Narrative
How do we do that? Grease the wheels of public consent. Get them to agree to perpetual war at any cost. To help the rich to fuck the poor.
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The only way to clear Spike Protein: (Autophagy)
FLCCC Weekly Update (July 13, 2022)

Odysee | Rumble | Post (links/videos/refs/downloads)
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Roger Waters from Pink Floyd - snippets from his interviews & tours warning of the Ruling Class & the "This is Not a Drill" tour.
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Canada Internet Outage happened on the Cyber Polygon Tabletop Simulation date of July 8, 2022.

* On May 25, the CyberPolygon site said the July 8 date was postponed

* HugoTalks video about Canada's Internet Outage

* Download my CyberPolygon folder

* Jan 19, 2021 - World Economic Forum uploaded a video called "A cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics?" which would: “spread faster and further than any biological virus.” on their YouTube channel.

Klaus Schwab's remarks in CyberPolygon 9 July 2021 compares cybersecurity to the pandemic and not only do we need vaccines but we need to "immunize the internet"

* WEF removes Cyber Polygon from their website weforum.org/projects/cyber-polygon (Archived Versions: archive.ph | archive.org)
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Mark Steyn speaks to wife and mother of the first doctor who lost his life after taking the Covid vaccine who then got attacked, called liars and accused of spreading antivax misinformation
Duration: 6:12 | Date: 14 July 2022
Source: https://youtu.be/7HGKbGzrpco
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"Only our hearts can save us"
- Michael Griffith (Café Locked Out)

"... if you are trying to reach these people and wake them up, what they risk is having their hearts broken, because not only did they do this brave thing, but if they find out they were duped, facing that truth could be unbearable"

Social Media friendly version: more videos for those who see through the lies & transcript
Full version: rumble
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George Green | NWO Insider | 2017

George Green is the author of Handbook to a New Paradigm—a book to help awaken humanity to the coming collapse, mass depopulation program, and the current times we’re now facing.

Although I’m not sure of the validity of some of his claims, the things he states are in parallel to a lot of the other New World Order Insiders, so I thought I’d edit down the long interview into clips to have as a comparative reference.

Transcript, Refs & Download Books
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"Mass Formation Always Destroys Itself"
~ Mattias Desmet

Okay.. I am seeing progress in my hometown but it's still very visible as I drive around... so we'll see...