burpsuite (not official)
27.8K subscribers
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new BurpSuite PRO files, plugins, articles.
latest cracked BS:

Official chat: https://t.me/burp_chat
Download Telegram
279.3 MB
pass: 311138
java -jar burpsuite_pro_v2.1_BurpHelper.jar
285.1 MB
pass: 311138

The keygen was published for burpsuite 2.1.04 pro.
To run it, java 1.8.0_221 is required, because of which TLS 1.3 interception will not be available, otherwise the keygen is working fine.

java -noverify -Xbootclasspath/p:burp-loader-keygen-2_1_04.jar -jar burpsuite_pro_v2.1.04.jar

or from keygen itself
285.6 MB
pass: 311138

inside README.md, plz read it before run BS. Use Java 8.

Happy Hacking!
290 MB
pass: 311138

inside README.md, plz read it before run BS. Use Java 8.

Happy Hacking!
In #Burp Suite you can mark which parameter (or path, title) you need to scan.
To do it, open Intruder tool, mark the most interesting parts of the HTTP request, and then send it to scan.
