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How We the People can defend our Freedom and The Republic Peacefully
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State national shenanigans within our movement.
Audio released by Madyson Marquette where Scott McKay admits the program Miki Klann is pushing will most likely get her put in jail.
I hate to tell many of you but this isn't just about Scott, none of these podcasters and people on them are good people. It's all about the money, motives and controlling narratives for their own personal gain.
They're using us. You can keep following their path and learn the hard way, that's up to you.
I'm only trying to warn you with evidence I've seen myself.
FDA is a front organization: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample testing occurs
๐Ÿ’ฃBREAKING ๐Ÿ“‰ Russia: Rosbankโ€™s website is down

Customers canโ€™t login. Multiple Russian banks are preventing clients from logging in because they donโ€™t have liquidity to give clients their money, due to US sanctions.

Analysts say that this could be the start of ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ bank run.
USD Collapse is Already Concluded ๐Ÿงต

The purchasing power of the USD has steadily declined due to inflation, signaling a collapse that echoes through the global economy. The Euro is following the same trajectory. This shift didnโ€™t happen overnight like in Venezuela; instead, the frog was boiled slowly.

Real estate has become unaffordable for the masses, credit card delinquencies are rising, and student debt burdens are overwhelming. The collapse of a reserve currency isn't just an economic disaster; it signifies the decline of Western civilization.

The process of demoralizing the population has been largely successful. Demoralized individuals struggle to identify the truth and often rely solely on government solutions. Indoctrination tactics, implemented in universities and influenced by the Rockefeller education system, aiming for a new world order.

Sophisticated attacks on our natural hormonal functions by the toxins in our food, water, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry have created a population unable to perceive reality accurately.

Hormones were targeted for a reason.

Our hormones have consciousness and grant us the unique ability to sense reality and foresee the future. This intuitive power is a gift from God.

Awareness is the first step towards change. By identifying these issues and understanding their roots, we can begin to reclaim our autonomy and return to critical thinking.

Only together can empower each other to overcome these systemic challenges.

Together, we can rebuild a society grounded in truth, kindness, and more prosperous, with less dependence on the Government.

I'll be attending to this phrase of Question tonight, please if you're among my subscriber on this humanitarian telegram channel and you haven't done any of this below then you should act as quick as possible. it's imperative to proactively transition to the updated qfs and protect your money from Crashing with the Banks because its sooner than we could expect.

*How can I register QFS
*How can I own a QFS card
*How can I purchase Xrp
*How can I purchase XIm
*What wallet is safe to store xlm, xrp, algo
*How can I connect my wallet to QFS for enhanced control and security.

Get ready for the great reset..
For more information and proper guidance,
Kindly click
the Elmhurst Illinois meetup is full up.  the folks in the private chat have filled the event. 

we have Georgia seminar and Middletown Maryland seminar coming up.

these events will be open to everyone on the channel.  first come , first serve. 

these two seminars are the new peaceful process of reversion.

they will be the same as the last 4 events. 

they will be presented by myself and lauri .

arrangements have been made so i can continue to teach the peaceful private process of reversion.

details to come in the following week.
Media is too big
Note:If you keep money in your savings,Checking, 401k and IRA you will lose them soon!
Avian bird flu suddenly becomes COW FLU as dairy farms begin culling animals to destroy the domestic food supply
Bank of Israel advances digital shekel plans; CBDC to be used to surveil, control monetary transactions of Israelis
QFS, NESARA, XRP, and Stellar โ€“ THE STRUCTURED PAYOUT SYSTEM โ€“ Redemption Rate = The Amount Paid For Each Zim Dollar
Look up Substantive right. 

There are two juris of Law at play in every court. 

1. is by default and  procedural of rules and code, statues, over 6.5 million pages of SMU 

2. is inherent and must be claimed by the moving party, equity of the 20 maxims

Learning the difference.

Look up substantive right

It's in the code, right in front of our eyes.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God [ they meant the most high ] entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

so much is packed into this sentence.... 

they threw off political bands [ bindings ] of a system of government and claimed their higher status necessary to affect change of the system ( and their status in it ) .

they recognized their duty to notify by giving notice .... 

they claimed the highest status of sum-one.... 
and so much more....
all in one sentence...... 

we can achieve so much with the words we use and how they appear in order.....  to give/convey order to a situation of relation ..... 

there is power in our words....

they last through time. 
they can be stronger than time itself.
EXPOSED: NESARA GESARA Initiatives Reveal the Fall of Corrupted Banks, Stock Market Collapse, and Deep State Corporations in the Vatican

The NESARA GESARA initiatives, shrouded in secrecy for years, are emerging as the light at the end of a long and dark tunnel. In this article, we delve into the dramatic changes sweeping across the global economic stage, the demise of corrupted banks, and the inevitable fall of the Deep State, whose roots are rumored to extend to the Vatican.
๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿฆ… Do not shed tears. This is WAR. Put on your armor.