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Forwarded from Tartaria & History Channel (Jeanne Roman)
Our history books tell us that the people of the ancient world were not technologically advanced.

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Forwarded from Tartaria & History Channel (Jack - Powered Pyramids)
We live in an electromagnetic ATOMic universe. We are all part of the one unified field. The causal waves of light that move through the field give birth to and form Earth's electro-magnetic field. Earth is an anagram for theatre. At the theatre you watch moving pictures of light. That's what this experience is. Waves of light that are given form when your senses or rather sensors receive this information and deserialize the information contained within this light into physical form. Thus giving birth to the material world.

The Australian National University have done further studies expanding upon John Wheelers double slit experiments with Quantum theory and have concluded that our subjective realities do not materialize until we perceive light through our sensors. The act of perceiving the waves of light is what causes the waves to collapse and form the particle!

So the sun, moon and other planets are all electro-magnetic torus fields, full of waves of light. These wandering stars are moving above us daily. Their position and angular alignments relative to you is what gives birth to your electromagnetic field at the time of your birth. This is why an astrologer needs the date time and location of birth, its geo locating your position relative to what moves above. The angular alignment is important as it determines the influence each of these torus fields have on the causal waves of light that move through your electromagnetic field.

The metaphysical structure of ALL things, is the electromagnetic torus field. Microcosm & Macrocosm.

Pyramids also create an electromagnetic torus field and its why pyramids have such an incredible power about them. The Russian Government have measured the electromagnetic torus / vortexes their pyramids produce!

With pyramids being a torus field, they are also using angular alignment to channel and reflect light from a source.

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Powered Pyramids

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Forwarded from Tartaria & History Channel (Larry)
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Was the purpose of destroying the World's Fairs to also destroy its link to Tartaria! 🧐

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Forwarded from Tartaria & History Channel (Matt Holistic)
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Borax to pull out nanos? Soda ash, Baking Soda, and Borax. High PH to heal.

Borax documents:

🤔Banned in 30 countries

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Cultivate Elevate

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Forwarded from Tartaria & History Channel (Jeanne Roman)
Larger than the Great Pyramid at Giza a crystal pyramid lies under the Bermuda Triangle.  
This made national news on 
May 8, 2013.

The crystal pyramid found in the Bermuda Triangle and the pyramids at the Shen-hsi site in Xi'an China are 180 longitudinal degrees apart and at the same latitude.

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Forwarded from Tartaria & History Channel (Jeanne Roman)
Pyramids discovered off the coast of Florida

Two gigantic crystal pyramid have been verified by American and French scientists in the Bermuda Triangle near Florida.
"With the use of sonar, oceanographer Dr. Meyer Verlag discovered giant glass pyramids at a depth of two-thousand meters.  The use of other devices have allowed scientists to determine that these glass giants are both made of a crystal-like substance, and are nearly 3 times larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.

In a press conference held in the Bahamas, the scientist presented a report with the exact coordinates of the pyramids. Most of the original documentation has disappeared from the web and instead this game changing discovery has been relegated to the fringe reporters.

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Forwarded from Tartaria & History Channel (Jeanne Roman)
Sunken Pyramids of Wisconsin’s Rock Lake, US

(Using the Yonaguni picture as a reference)

Since the early 1830s, when the first pioneers arrived in Wisconsin between -what is now- Milwaukee and the capital at Madison, the native Winnebago residents told of a “sunken village of rock tepees” under the Rock Lake.

Their tradition was dismissed as mere Indian fable until two duck hunters peered over the side of their boat during a water-clarifying drought at the turn of the 20th century.

They beheld a huge pyramidal building sitting dark and massively in the depths of Rock Lake.
Beneath the surface of Rock Lake lie at least ten structures. Two of these have been mapped and photographed by skin divers and sonar.

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Forwarded from IdaHart
For those of us who've been fighting against trafficking all our lives, we're finally watching a tsunami of it being taken down everywhere. This is an excellent site reporting worldwide from local levels. Everyone needs to keep pushing on LEO 's, judicial systems, and law makers wherever we are. Make our voices heard bringing down the foundation's of Evil, is making a difference where we all live. See where it's all happening, as we climb their pyramids of control and power, in our own places:
Forwarded from OneStop
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MS-13 Satanists in Houston caught kidnapping and sacrificing young girls ...

Maybe we should close the border?

Lo yen è in caduta libera e i mercati si chiedono se ci sia una linea rossa.

Non c'è.

La linea rossa che esiste è il rendimento dei JGB a 10 anni, che non può salire perché causerebbe una crisi fiscale.

Il Giappone non può contemporaneamente stabilizzare lo yen e limitare i rendimenti.

Il debito del Giappone lo ha messo in una situazione terribile.

Ps. Il Giappone potrebbe vendere le ingenti riserve di dollari per stabilizzare lo yen, questo però ridurrebbe l'offerta di moneta. La BoJ dovrebbe acquistare qualche altra forma di asset, se volesse continuare a farlo.
Forwarded from Sara Hopps Channel (Sara Hopps)
12 hours ago Ivanka Trump posted this photo on Instagram. Remember what Ivanka wears are COMMS.

The dress Ivanka is wearing is called “REFORMATION”.

Reformation in GM = 134

“Roller Derby” 🐎
“It’s Game Over”
“King Charles Iii”
“Thirty One”
“House of Cards” 🃏
“Bullet Train”
“Eighty Four”
“The Tree of Life”
“Johnny Be Goode”
“One Two Five”
“One Two Nine” 👀

Notice in Ivankas photo has the horse in the background. Is Ivanka letting us know something might happen during the Kentucky Derby!? 🐎

Also notice in the GM it says “One Two Nine” (129) - We were just talking about that Q drop on @aftertruth85 and @PatriotPrincess1111 Live on Friday!