Bolsa de Empleo | Bioemprender
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📌 Postdoctoral position @ Cheng & Zhou lab- Structural biology of Aging (Bay Area, CA)
📌 NIH-funded postdoctoral position - Karakas Lab at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN

As a Postdoctoral Researcher in our lab, you will work closely with Dr. Karakas, utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM, and various biophysical techniques. You will have the freedom to design and conduct experiments, analyze data, and contribute to the development of novel methodologies.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in biochemistry, biophysics, or related fields. While prior experience in X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM, or electrophysiology would be advantageous, it is not required. We welcome applicants with diverse backgrounds and a strong interest in applying structural biology techniques to study ion channels.

To apply for this position, please submit the following documents via e-mail to Erkan Karakas at
Cover Letter: Please provide a cover letter that outlines your research interests, goals, and how your background aligns with our research focus.
CV: Attach a current curriculum vitae highlighting your educational background, research experience, and publications.
References: Include the contact information (2-3 references) who can provide insight into your qualifications and potential as a postdoctoral researcher.

We encourage interested candidates to apply as soon as possible. The position will remain open until filled.
For any additional inquiries or further information, please do not hesitate to contact Erkan Karakas at or by phone at (615) 343-4494.
📌 Postdoc position in Plant Comparative Genomics and Phylogenetics - Durham University, UK
📌 PhD Funded Position in Wheat Quantitative Genetics at The Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research in Germany
📌 PhD position, chemical ecology - University of Vermont
📌 PhD position in biogeography and plant evolution - University of Munich, Germany
📌 2-3 Postdoc positions in biomaterials and drug delivery - Duke University
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📌 3 Three PhD Funded Positions in Nematode Systematics, Marine eDNA, Invertebrate Microbiomes - University of Georgia, United States
📌 Senior Scientist (Protein Engineer) position at ModeX Therapeutics (Weston, MA, USA)

Please, apply on the website, but also send a copy of your CV to Yuri Iozzo, PhD (eqv), Associate Director of Digital Biology
📌 postdoc position available in Peijun Zhang's group at eBIC, UK

The initial closing date for applications is 13th November 2023, however applications will be reviewed and interviewed on an ongoing basis until this vacancy is filled.

For further information about this role please contact Peijun Zhang (
📌 Structural Biology Facility Manager vacancy at the John Innes Centre, Norwich UK

We are looking for someone with extensive postdoctoral expertise in protein crystallography; experience of cryo-EM and SAXS would also be advantageous. The successful applicant will oversee the Facility and contribute to a wide variety of projects. The post holder will be expected to provide training and to ensure financial sustainability of the Facility though usage recharges and funding applications.
Closing date – 3rd December 2023.
Salary – £43,550 - £54,900
Contract – indefinite, full-time

For further details, please visit our website or contact the Human Resources team on 01603 450814 or quoting reference 1004561.
📌 Postdoc in Liquid Phase TEM - Grenoble, France.

This project will be a continuation of our efforts to control graphene surface properties and to hermetically encapsulate hydrated samples ( The project will use the Electron Microscopy Platform at the IBS and the Nano-characterization Platform at Minatec/CEA. The two platforms house state-of-the-art microscopes and sample preparation equipment for biology and materials science, repectively. The liquid cells developed will be applied to study a wide range of samples in important research areas, including protein complexes and safer electrolytes in batteries.

Qualifying candidates will have
-- a PhD degree in science (or equivalent) with at least 3 years of TEM experience
-- good fine motor skills
-- good communication (English) and interpersonal skills
-- good organizational and technical problem-solving skills
-- motivation and ability to work independently
-- curiosity in different research subjects (ranging from protein complexes to battery components)
The following qualities will be a plus
-- STEM, EELS, and EDS experience
-- programming skills for data analysis
-- experience in imaging organics or radiation sensitive samples
-- French

Contact:; +33 (0) 4 5742 8497
Deadline: 30th November, 2023
📌 Open position for Cryo-Electron Microscopy/Tomography Specialist at EMBL, Heidelberg

The call is open until Dec 3, 2023:
Convocatoria Contratos Sara Borrell 2024

Fenotipado Molecular: Biomarcadores, Mecanismos Moleculares y Dianas

Se busca un/a Doctor/a en Bioquímica, Biomedicina, Biotecnología, Biología,
u otras titulaciones afines, con interés en solicitar un Contrato Sara Borrell en la
convocatoria de la AES 2024 para incorporarse al grupo Translational Research in
Respiratory Medicine (TRRM,
research-in-respiratory-medicine-group) del Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida

Descripción del Proyecto:
El objetivo del proyecto es el estudio de los mecanismos moleculares que
median las secuelas pulmonares tras la enfermedad crítica. Las tareas se
desarrollarán en el contexto del “Fenotipado Molecular”, con especial énfasis en la
aplicación de enfoques “ómicos” y de machine learning como herramientas
fundamentales para proporcionar indicadores útiles en la toma de decisiones médicas,
así como para la identificación de nuevas dianas terapéuticas. Este trabajo se
enmarca en los proyectos dirigidos por el Dr. David de Gonzalo Calvo

Requisitos obligatorios:
- Cumplimiento de los requisitos establecidos en la convocatoria Sara Borrell 2024.

Requisitos de experiencia investigadora:
- Experiencia en proyectos de investigación y técnicas de laboratorio de
Bioquímica/Biología molecular.

- Se valorará positivamente la experiencia en análisis estadístico y/o bioinformático.
- Publicaciones científicas indexadas de alto impacto, con al menos diez artículos y
tres como primer autor/a.
- Dominio del inglés.
- Habilidades comunicativas, responsabilidad y capacidad para trabajar de manera
independiente y en grupo.

Las personas interesadas y que cumplan con los requisitos especificados en
la convocatoria pueden enviar su currículum, carta de motivación y referencias al Dr.
David de Gonzalo Calvo (, indicando en el asunto "Candidat@
Sara Borrell 2024". El plazo de recepción de solicitudes es hasta el 18 de Febrero

Se realizará una evaluación de los candidatos basada en su idoneidad para
el puesto y su alineación con los requisitos de la convocatoria. Los candidatos que
avancen a la etapa final serán sometidos a una entrevista personal.
Agradecemos de antemano su interés y participación en este proceso de
Buenos días mis 100tifikos/as 🧪

BIOEMPRENDER está muy cerca de daros lo que tanto pedís…

Después de darle muchas vueltas y encontrar dos empresas expertas creemos que tenemos la solución 💡

Siempre hemos estado de vuestra mano 🤚🏽 y nunca os vamos a soltar.

No volveremos a cometer errores pasados… Tenemos que tomar acción en vuestra carrera…

Solo os adelantamos que el futuro pinta muy bien ♥️

🧠 Mientras, os dejamos (por última vez) esta formación por 39€ Si, has leído bien. Por 39€💙

🌟 Y esta, por 67. Con todo el material para entrevistas. 🫡

Repito: por última vez 😊

Más que nada; porque viene lo nuevo 🔥
Bolsa de Empleo | Bioemprender pinned «Buenos días mis 100tifikos/as 🧪 BIOEMPRENDER está muy cerca de daros lo que tanto pedís… Después de darle muchas vueltas y encontrar dos empresas expertas creemos que tenemos la solución 💡 Siempre hemos estado de vuestra mano 🤚🏽 y nunca os vamos a soltar.…»
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