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No sauce to this yet, but it would be on par with how the FBI operate and would help wake up normies to this reality.

As back in 2016, the FBI used a Yahoo report to corroborate the Steele Dossier to spy on Trump. A false report THAT WAS INTENTIONALLY LEAKED BY THE FBI, as per the IG Report from Horowitz. See above.

If this is true, and the FBI justified illegal search and seizure of Trump, based on Maggie’s note flushing story…that will be the end of the FBI 😂

We need that affidavit.

Based on the DOJ’s lack of transparency and Trump’s posturing, it’s safe to assume the DOJ doesn’t want us to see what’s in the affidavit. Meaning they know they fucked up.

If the raid produced evidence of a crime, no one would care about the probable cause. Looks like the DOJ/FBI got greedy, and thought if they “got” Trump, the affidavit would be forgotten.

Well they didn’t find anything, and unless there’s some substantial reasonable cause, the FBI face extinction in 2023.

For those wondering why the race is being called so early, it’s because Hageman is already up 14 points, and the Deep State rats depend on the mail-in vote to overwhelm the in-person vote.

If they don’t have a lead early, they aren’t going to gain ground because the in-person vote has been consistently HEAVILY in favor of America-First candidates. As the votes come in, the margin widens in our favor.

The mass discrepancies in the mail-in vs. the in-person, also confirms mail-in fraud exists.

Now the margin is up to 32 points with 52% in.

The 2 questions conservatives need to be asking are:

-Why do mail-in voters vote so differently than in-person voters?

-Why do the mail-in votes CONSISTENTLY go against America First candidates?

Numbers don't lie, and it's a mathematical impossibility for there to be THIS much variance between mail-in and in-person voters. ESPECIALLY in primaries.

The only explanation is fraud and the vessel are mail-in votes.

Thus the need for a virus.

Harriet Hageman’s dominant win in the Wyoming At-Large Primary marks the end of the Establishment GOP and the emergence of the America First Party.

In addition to this massive win for Trump and the base, there are some trends forming that mathematically confirm the mail-in/early vote is being manipulated.

The Deep State know what will happen with a pro-Trump Congress with supermajorities.

Extinction level event.

Anyone else notice that the language around China has changed?

Pompeo and Grassley dropped tweets denouncing specifically the CCP, on the same day as Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs recognized the PRC and not the CCP. Now the information from the Pit, shortly followed by General Flynn.

Everyone has changed their messaging to specify the distinction between the CCP and China as a whole.

It’s not accidental. White hats are painting the picture that China has a Deep State too.

New briefing from Russian MIL! Russia accuse the US/Ukraine of staging a NUCLEAR false flag at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, the largest NPP in Europe!

Russian MIL show high res satellite imagery to refute the West’s claims of Russia stockpiling weaponry at the NPP, alleging the US/Ukraine are looking to cause a Chernobyl-like event in the coming days, while UN Secretary-General Gutierrez tours Ukraine.

Update from Russian MIL on this ongoing situation.

Russia claim they have new intelligence to suggest TOMORROW, August 19th, the Kiev regime are planning to carry out the provocation of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, with intent to cause a man-made disaster, and blame it on Russia.

Specifically as UN Secretary-General Gutierrez will be in Ukraine.

I know there is a lot of big news today but Russia are warning of possible Chernobyl-like event.

Even MSM NBC are reporting on it.

Russia are telling Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant workers not to go to work tomorrow, due to intelligence that Ukrainian Armed Forces will be attempting to cause a nuclear catastrophe via shelling the power plant.

If the core overheats, it will be like Chernobyl. This is the biggest Nuclear power plant in Europe.

This needs more attention.
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UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutierrez seen in Odessa, Ukraine today. Overseeing systems and addressing the threat to the global grain supply due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Russian MIL are still monitoring for any attacks on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and claim they will neutralize any threats.

The briefing yesterday from Russian MIL will likely deter any attacks from Ukrainian Armed Forces but the situation is still being heavily monitored.

Perhaps Omicron was a “defensive bioweapon” released by good parties.

That’s what the US DoD claim the Biolabs program in Ukraine was supposed to be used for. To counteract more lethal bioweapons.

Perhaps we are witnessing dueling biological warfare. Where good entities are releasing non-lethal viruses that serve as a natural vaccine and provide actual immunity to Deep State viruses.

The US MIL have these programs, this is what they are supposed to be used for. Very much a possibility.
Holy shit…

At some point, voter fraud and biotechnology were going to intersect, because they have always been part of the same plot.

We are rapidly approaching the revelation of the greatest crime against humanity in history.

That C19 was man-made, by US DS/Globalist entities, released intentionally, in order to abuse emergency powers, in order to implement mail-in voting, in order to pull of voter fraud, in order to keep Trump out of office.

C19 will be the nail in the DS coffin.

I don’t know who made the connection first, I saw it from Kristin A. Martin on Truth Social @msinformation45

But we have some growing connections between Konnech Inc. and biotechnology. Voter fraud and the virus are connected, just as we have always known. Which is also in line with what Russian MIL have alleged.
Russia soon to send proof of CHEMICAL terrorism by Ukraine to the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons!

We now have allegations of Deep State proxy Ukraine utilizing biological weapons, chemical weapons, and are looking to cause a nuclear catastrophe in Zaporozhye.

I assume we will see another briefing from General Kirillov soon.
Russian Ministry of Defense claims the Zelensky regime poisoned Russian civilians and service members in the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant region, with man-made botulinum toxins.

Russian MIL are preparing the supporting documents as we speak.
We know one of the names to be Brian Auten.

He is one of the 30 subpoenas from Durham in the Danchenko case.

Auten was one of the agents who legitimized Russian disinformation in the Steele Dossier, as well as labeled legitimate information, Hunter’s laptop, as “Russian disinformation”.

The FBI/DOJ corruption becoming more obvious to normies.

See all the details around Auten in my article below from July 26th.
In light of Fauci’s resignation, let’s look at when things changed for Fauci.

January 2022, the NIH emails were released, thanks to Jim Jordan, showing that the world’s top virologists and microbiologists told Fauci and Collins of the NIH, that C19 was most certainly not naturally occurring, meaning it was man-made.

Here are the emails proving Fauci and Collins actively covered up the fact that C19 was a bioweapon.
Trump now has the avenue, to prove in the court of law, that the FBI violated The Constitution.

No idea how it will unfold, but all of this theatre will eventually lead to the public backlash needed to justify abolishing the FBI, and likely restructure the Intelligence Community as a whole.

#Trump #FBI

Tucker was on an absolute rampage this evening, talking about the biolabs in Ukraine, NIH gain of function, Facui’s emails, cover up of C19’s true origins, Russia’s looming bio-terror allegations.

Tucker’s segment on Fauci’s resignation hits on many of the narratives and topics I cover, and is a great example of these disturbing realities sneaking into the mainstream.

Slowly but surely. The normalization process is underway.