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Media is too big
Today with Benny Johnson, Kash gives us excellent insight as to what to look forward to via the looming Hunter Biden indictment(s). Following up from his statements with Charlie Kirk 3 days ago.

Today, Kash even highlights on the definitive evidence of Hunter Biden engaging in sexual activity with minors.

The posturing from the Left and the reporting in left-wing media suggests they know it’s coming too.

Today, the “Big 3” Blue States, New York, California, and Illinois, all announced a State of Emergency to address the “Monkeypox Crisis”.

Read my analysis here on the DNC Globalist plan for 2022 midterms, the irregularities in behavior of this Monkeypox outbreak, as well as the media admittance that Monkeypox is part of the Smallpox family… think Bill Gates.

Notice the clear distinction between China as a whole, and China under control of the CCP.

Just as Russia recognize the evil in Ukraine is not a result of America as a whole, but rather America under control of the DNC Globalists.

The Deep State is not a phenomenon unique to America. They sought to infiltrate EVERYTHING.

Thankfully, it appears Trump, Putin, and Xi recognize the difference.


Russia just came out with a statement similar to the comms from Pompeo and Grassley. Russia just made sure to reiterate that they only recognize the People’s Republic of China, and not the CCP.

Russia and pro-Trump white hats are all in unison today, making sure the People know there is a distinction between China as a whole, and the CCP.

China has a Deep State too.


Pelosi is shamelessly engaging in insider trading and the left-wing media are proudly reporting on it.

All while Nancy’s insider trading is in the media spotlight and Trump has been openly drawing attention to it as well.

Optically, this is doing significant damage to the DNC/Globalists. But why would they do this to themselves?

See all my analysis on the developments here!

America First candidates go undefeated marking the end of the establishment GOP, and voter turnout suggests the midterms could be an extinction-level event for the DNC.

The Left are freaking out. They know what this represents.

See all my analysis here on the results of the primary elections from last night!
Just some quick math.

Robson needs to make up 12k votes in the final 160k from Maricopa. Meaning she needs to secure approximately 53% of the total remaining votes in order to barely win.

Thus far Robson has secured 46% of the vote, and that's including the inflated rate from mail in ballots. The day-of voters were voting heavily for Lake.

This is also a primary so the results are not going to be as polarized from a blue county.

Essentially, Kari won, and Maricopa can't find a way out.

For those wondering why it’s taking Maricopa County so long to count the votes.

They know they need more ballots to win, but due to 2020, they are now the single most watched county with the biggest spotlight IN AMERICA.

They are caught between a rock and a hard place. They either cheat and go to jail because they are under heavy surveillance, or they don’t cheat, Kari wins, and they all go to jail later.

This is why it’s taking one county 24+ hours to count their primary.

Guys, I see a shitload of people freaking out and not reading anything before reacting.

Fox News announced that Robson is leading Kari Lake IN MARICOPA COUNTY by 2,600 votes. Not in total.

This means that of the ballots they counted, Kari Lake GAINED ground in Maricopa county. She was losing this county already.

Kari is not losing AZ.

But the fact that one county needs ANOTHER 24 hours to count their primaries… how more blatant can we make it?

#Arizona #Maricopa
The media refuse to call the AZ Gubernatorial race. Even though it’s mathematically impossible for Kari Lake to lose, barring fraud.

Maricopa County are stalling to find a way to make up the difference in the vote. We are on the 3rd day of counting now and they still won’t call it.

See all the details on the numerical certainty that Lake already won, how Katie Hobbs is abusing her position, and how this is a massive red pill and validating America’s position on fraud the 2020 election.

Folks, this is without a doubt my most explosive article to date, and Russia’s allegations have escalated to a whole level.

Russia has now DIRECTLY accused the US DNC of intentionally, creating, disseminating, and artificially fueling the spread of, C19 as well as Monkeypox.

We have finally arrived at what I believed Ukraine to be about all along.


Folks, it’s happening.


Kari Lake wins the GOP Primary! Takes every county.

The more votes they count, the more come in for Lake. Like I said, it was a mathematic certainty based on the rest of the performance of the State.

This proves that the stall we have witnessed was a political one. There was ZERO reason for them to stop counting, not once but TWICE. It is a BLATANT attempt at fraud. And the extreme discrepancies between the mail-in vote and day-of vote clearly shows that fraud was attempted.

Katie Hobbs is compromised and needs to be arrested immediately.

I’m sorry y'all, I've never done this, but I might just repost this article all day long to make sure every single person sees it. That's how important this is.

I mean how can I overstate Russian MIL DIRECTLY accusing the DNC and Big Pharma of creating and releasing Covid 19 and Monkeypox to win elections...

This is undoubtedly the most important story on the planet, with implications that affect every single organism on Earth... and it feels like I'm the only one talking about it.

Trump has remained completely silent on this subject.

Russian MIL just accused the DNC of creating and unleashing C19. There is an exactly 0% chance Trump and US MIL don't know about this. Same with Biden. Direct threat to NATSEC. They know.

I can clearly see why Biden would not want to talk about this, but why on Earth would Trump NOT talk about it?

My guess is he's maintaining his distance. Appearing uninvolved. Meaning there is a plan, and you're witnessing it.

Tensions between Russia and the Biden admin continue to rise. Talks appear to be going nowhere, and now Russia have been expressing doubt of the US compliance with not only the Biological Weapons Treaty, but now the US/Russian nuclear treaty, New START.

Nuclear treaties failing and proxy war with Russia. China threatening military intervention in Deep State proxy Taiwan. All of this is culminating to Trump’s statement the other night.

“America is on the edge of an abyss.”

So the FBI are raiding Mar-a-Lago.

My first reaction is, the optics are amazing. Biden appears to have weaponized the FBI and has now gone full-blown fascist dictator, and the Left are celebrating it.

Am I the least bit worried? No. Why? Because everything the DNC do, it always ends up backfiring on them.

Just like with Mueller, the Left are going to cheer for Trump’s exoneration.

The FBI, won’t find anything, Biden looks like Hitler, and the Trump base is about to fired up.

Media is too big
It’s been less than an hour and we already see Dan Bongino monologuing on Fox News, saying we live in a third world country.

The bad optics for Biden have already begun. Trump’s base and normies everywhere are about to be beyond pissed off.

Tensions rising with Russia and China, now we will be on the brink of civil unrest. We are getting closer and closer to the edge of the abyss. The precipice.

Also, if anyone believes Trump was unaware this was coming, I have multiple bridges to sell you.

You all think the FBI was planning to raid Trump, and he didn’t catch wind of it? The FBI leaks everything. Trump has a plethora of loyal holdovers in the IC. Trump is working with the US Military and therefore Military Intelligence. His Secret Service detail(s) surely would have had to have been notified.

Trump 100% knew this was coming.

This smells like a trap.
