️BESTARORG - IT & robotics startups company
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BESTARORG — innovative robotics IT team, researchers, robot-makers
Simple solutions for complex problems!





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Gadgetlarga qaramlik - ruhiyatga bilinarsiz tarzda salbiy taʼsir oʻtkazadi.

21 asrda ma'lum bilan yana bir qaramlik — bu smartfonlar. U nafaqat aloqada boʻlishni, balki ilova ochish, yangiliklarni tomosha qilish, surat joylashtirish, tanimagan insonlar bilan muloqot qilish va yana bir qancha vaqtni oʻgʻirlovchi odatlarni oʻz ichiga oladi.

Eng asosiysi, u inson ruhiyatiga katta zarar yetkazadi. Bu muammoni yechishda EYEMED qaygʻuradi.

👉 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uz.jaxadev.appdatausagetracker
🎊 O'zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi kuni bilan tabriklaymiz!

8-dekabr Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Davlat Konstitutsiyasi qabul qilinganiga 29-yil toʻldi.

🇺🇿 Shu munosabat bilan BESTARORG IT jamoasi barcha yurtdoshlarimizni bayram munosabati bilan muborakbod etamiz!

Hurmatl ila,

🎉 С Днём Конституции Республики Узбекистан!

8 декабря исполняется 29 лет со дня принятия государственной Конституции Республики Узбекистан.

🇺🇿 IT команда BESTARORG от всей души поздравляет вас с 29-летием со дня принятия Конституции Республики Узбекистан.

С уважением,
YouTube kanalimiz obunachilari soni 1000 dan oshdi.

Biz bilan bo'lganingiz uchun va bizni qo'llab quvvatlaganingiz uchun rahmat. Hammasi oldinda!

Sizning tanlovingiz —@bestarorg
​​Yangi Yil da yangi maqsadlar: 2021-yil sarhisobi

BESTARORG-jamiyatning ko'plab sohalarini rivojlantirish, tubdan yangilash uchun innovatsion jamoa. BESTARORG raqobatchilardan sifat jihatidan farq qiluvchi eng yangi mahsulotlarni ishlab chiqarishni maqsad qilgan.

- 10 ga yaqin xalqaro va mahalliy IT olimpiadalarda g'olib va sovrindor bo'ldik.
- Yilni boshida yurtimiz raxbarini tashabbusini jamoamiz birinchi bo'lib inobatga olib 1000 dan ortiq foydalanuvchilarga ega "ADIBLAR" ilovasini ishlab chiqdik
- Play Store’ga joylagan ilovalarimiz ni umumiy yuklashlari 2K+;
- Professional rivojlanish uchun xalqaro ekspertlarning kurslarini tugatdik;
- Qilgan loyihalarimiz va kelgusi rejalarimiz yurtimiz raxbari, ko'plab mahalliy investorlar, xalqaro biznes ekspertlar tomonidan e'tirof etildi
- YouTube kanalimiz obunachilari 1K dan oshdi
- O'quv platformamiz ko'pkina insonlarga yechim bo'ldi;
- Jamoamiz kengaydi;

📌 2022-yil uchun jamoamiz maqsadlarni qo'ydi va hozirda biz texnik va akademik bilimlarimizni kuchaytirish ustoda ishlamoqdamiz.

📢 @bestarorg
🥳"ADIBLAR" ilovasini yuklanishlari 1000 dan oshdi.

Mamlakatimizning buyuk shoirlari va arboblari, o'zbek mutaffakirlaring ijodlari mavjud ushbu elektron dastur bir yil mobaynida ko'plab odamlarning muammolariga yechim bo'ldi. Biz esa bu sonlarni ko'rib, motivatsiya olib va ilhomlanib ishimiz davom ettirmoqdamiz.

Tak'idlash joyizki, "ADIBLAR" dasturi ko'plab maxalliy ekspertlar va raxbarlar tomonidan yuksak e'tirof etilgan. Mana 1 yil ichida jamoamiz shu natijaga etishganidan xursand.

Elektron dastur haqida lavha: youtu.be/9OtUVYboaiw

Dastur imkoniyatlari:

Ilova taqdimoti:

📢 @bestarorg
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Let me introduce an incredible YouTube channel of the BESTARORG IT Team

This channel has a lot of data about robotics, mechanical and electrical engineering spheres. It is the best Uzbek ROBOTICS team.
I assure you that you will be the luckiest person to subscribe to this remarkable team's YouTube channel.

ROBO wars in Uzbekistan🔥🔥🔥: youtube.com/shorts/1JxNiXbOB3M?feature=share

• Robo Football in Uzbekistan: https://youtube.com/shorts/i8nATpQMohc?feature=share

Innovative content is here👉 Youtube.com/BESTARORG
How is BESTARORG working now?

• It has been 2 years since we launched our website, and run a crucial team. We are now working to improve our knowledge.

By launching the first Uzbekistan app called "BESTARORG", the president of Uzbekistan Shavkat Miromonovich was impressed by our achievements and how we helped our society through this platform/project.

• We have met twice with our president Shavkat Miromonovich. Also, ministers of Uzbekistan and Erdogan Bilal - alumni of Harvard College, son of the Turkey president met with us and they were impressed by our projects.

We are incredibly proud to announce that we already helped 3000 people with our 2 projects Adiblar and Eyemed, eye vision care, and a screen dependence solver app.

We have made innovative robots like Smart Automation System, which is designed for the whole city, home, and gardens or parks. It includes an intelligent system for the home, Ecobot, and a smart waste bin, which will cost only 39$ for everyone.

• We are also champions of the world and republic Olympiad of robotics and startup competitions.

Simple solutions for complex problems, selection of new generation.
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Famous bloger, Timur Alixonov posted a video about social media addiction and how his life become more productive without it. We agree with his point and ideas

Moreover, Working in front of a screen for hours is harmful to yourself.

We are sending you useful gymnastics fragments from our app - EyeMed. EyeMed cares about you and your future as it is designed to help people.

P.s. 500 people already used this app and their life became productive. What about you? Do you care about vision of your eyes?

@bestarorg — Selection of a young generation!
Everyone uses computers, from phones to internet gadgets, from tablets to TV. But once we take the phone and turn it on as soon as we get it out of our pocket, automatically open networks to Instagram Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Google networks and including video games.

How long do you spend before the screen of the gadget? When was the last time you read the book? More than 3 hours without interruption, remember when reading a book?

Try out healthcare app called Eyemed👉 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uz.jaxadev.appdatausagetracker

Windows computer users: t.me/eyemedapp/30

Made by @bestarorg