Amir Tsarfati
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Believer | Husband | Father | Bible Teacher | Best Selling Author| Conference Speaker | Middle East News Commentator | Founder and President of Behold Israel
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Roy Yanovski: 100 days of reserve service officially ended yesterday. Some initial insights:
1. Gaza is seen as a backward area, the "most densely populated in the world" which has been under Israeli "siege" for years. There is no bigger lie than this. Gaza is a modern, beautiful and developed city - with large and well-equipped houses, wide boulevards, public spaces, a promenade by the sea and parks. Looks much better than any other Arab city from the Jordan to the sea, much more similar to Tel Aviv than Kfar Qasim or Umm Al Fahem. And of course it is very far from being "the densest in the world".

2. If it's a siege, let me live in a siege - the houses are bursting with goods and food from all the countries of the Middle East, the latest furniture, advanced electrical equipment and what not. There are also luxury estates that would not embarrass Savion and Kfar Shmariahu. There is absolutely no shortage of wealth in Gaza. In general, most of the houses I've been in were much bigger than the apartment I live in in Tel Aviv. The sentence "If only they had a chance for a good life, they wouldn't fight in Israel" is simply not relevant to Gaza.

3. The most common thing in the homes of the Gaza Strip: the map of Israel - under the heading "Map of Palestine". There is no mention of Israel or Israeli settlements in general.
And it is found in almost every home, in every school and in every public institution, the goal of erasing the State of Israel is neither hidden nor restrained, it is almost everywhere. The historical distortion of this map, which is taught from the age of 0 (mandatory borders of territories that were never all designated for an Arab state) is a topic for another discussion that only emphasizes the distorted perception of reality by the residents of Gaza.

4. In all the neighborhoods we were in, there are ready-made Hamas combat compounds - weapons, tunnels, charges, launching compounds, all inside residential houses, some of which are also prepared with openings in the walls for passing between buildings and what not. The residents of the Gaza Strip who live in the combat zones know this, they have received countless notices to evacuate. Long before the IDF entered. The Israel Defense Forces' announcements are still there everywhere. Those who decided to stay in the fighting areas are either Hamas members in various positions or people who consciously decided to stay in the areas used by Hamas for fighting, their consideration is with them.

5. Hamas members rarely go around armed. They are neither stupid nor suckers. They know they won't be shot if they go in "civilian" guise. They prepare the IDF ahead of time at the entrances to the buildings and arm themselves just a moment before they attack. That is why the fighting is much more complex than any other arena and anyone who tries to judge from the outside why soldiers shot X or didn't shoot Y should go into Gaza for a week or two and come back with insights.

6. The circle that enables the activity of Hamas is much larger than its tens of thousands of terrorists. The ideology of Hamas is found in almost every home, in pictures, in propaganda materials. Hamas in Gaza is like Messi in Argentina.

7. The strengthening of Hamas at this level requires the active assistance of the population. There is no way that the residents of the compounds where we located rockets and weapons did not know that the place is used as a launching compound where they try to massacre Israelis every day. And I find it hard to believe that the parents in the kindergarten where there was a tunnel shaft in one of which we were in do not know this. Who chooses to send their children to a kindergarten that serves as a terrorist infrastructure?

8. Hamas's strongest weapon is lies and propaganda. It's his fuel. This is how you will maintain the "siege" lie for years, this is how they are doing now with the photos of the innocent victims and the killing of the "journalists" who turn out to be terrorist operatives.
Gaza is the only place in the world where 500 dead are reported half an hour after an explosion. Even in earthquakes and heavy disasters, it takes the rescue forces several days to identify and estimate the number of dead, but the Palestinian Ministry of Health knows already a minute after the explosion what the damage is. This is ridiculous and the world media quoting the numbers as living words of God is pathetic.
I would attribute the same level of credibility to the reports this week about "hunger" in Rafah.
Despite American and British denials that yesterday they did not attack the Houthis in Yemen, sources in the Yemeni network firmly claim that yesterday targets were attacked in the port city of Hodeidah and as a result of which 6 were eliminated, 4 Houthis and 2 expert engineers belonging to the Lebanese Hezbollah.
Rockets fired from central Gaza towards the Israeli town of Netivot. Most rockets were intercepted. A direct hit in a house is reported.
Documenting a fall in an open area near Netivot.
Following yesterday's attack - Iraq returns its ambassador from Iran.
Since the SA government has announced that they stand by Hamas, 1.4 trillion Rand in investments have been withdrawn from SA - Economist Magnus Heystek
Reports in Lebanon: The IDF is now carrying out the strongest and most powerful wave of attacks since the beginning of the war in southern Lebanon - at least 30 attacks on 15 different targets.
The IDF held an exercise simulating an attack in Lebanon
The Commander of the Northern Command:
We are more prepared than we have ever been, for tonight if we need "part of our increased readiness for the expansion of combat"
Heavy bombing in Khan Yunis, from now.
American Central Command:
On January 11th we took over an Iranian weapons ship destined to reach the Houthis in Yemen.
This is the first weapons ship captured since the beginning of the Houthi attacks on shipping lanes last November.
Two American navy seals who participated in the action that took place off the coast of Somalia are still missing.