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Forwarded from Deleted Account
想問下lower of cost and net realisable value 有咩分別
"lower of cost and NRV" 係一個Term
指係prudence 原則下 計closing inventory 要揀數字最低果個
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唔好意思,關於dividend 都係想再問,例如2005年
Declare a final dividend of $0.05 per share,

如果用番而家DSE standard

Income statement,appropriation

Less:proposed ordinary dividends $115 000

Statement of financial position

Proposed ordinary share divided $115 000

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Forwarded from Y
1. Declared and paid: 毋須關心dividend所屬年度
例如: 2018/1/1 - 2018/12/31 的會計年度
Declare and paid FY2018 Interim dividend
Declare and paid FY2017 Final dividend

Dr. Dividend [屬性上為Appropriation item]
Cr. Bank [Paid, 比左錢, 唔會入proposed / dividend payable]

Dr. Profit and loss appropriation 或 Retained profits
Cr. Dividend

由於多數情況下都唔考double entry,你會喺statement 上面見倒:
(1) Income statement: 沒有任何效果。因為DSE 的 income statement 不包括分配帳 (Appropriation) 部分
(2) Statement of financial position: Retained earnings 減少,同時沒有任何 Dividend payable / proposed dividends 項目出現

2. Proposed dividend (#2 就係你問既 "今年內declared,但未paid,")
不能考核。見上圖。會於財務報表附註 (Notes to financial statements) 披露(因為屬於HKAS 10的non-adjusting event)。

由此可解釋點解2018年有一筆 declared final dividend,年內沒有支付的股息,並沒有任何double entry。
非常嚴謹而言,Declare dividend (宣派) 及 Proposed dividend (擬派) 亦不一樣。

Proposed: 未到year-end。Directors 預算今年有盈利可以派股息比大家開心下,講個消息出黎。
Declare: 針對final dividend 而言,通常係year-end 之後,出左Financial statements,計左全個fiscal year 幾多錢利潤。正式宣佈派每股幾多錢。呢個時候唔係比大家開心下咁簡單,係承諾左會派。符合Liabilities 定義 (probable economic outflow of resources)。
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2018佢個declares and paid dividend 都係after reporting period,所以不能計落去

但如果係declares within reporting period,但未paid好似2005,


Less: proposed dividend $115 000??

而statement of financial position 係放current liabilities?定reserve???

因為declares within reporting period但未paid,DSE未考過
CE個考法其實係幾奇怪的。現實上唔應該出現 Before year-end 就 declare final dividend

Proposed dividend 係放 notes to financial statements, 不是statement of financial position,所以DSE都唔考得
同埋最新既財務報表唔需要拆開 Capital & Reserves 兩個細部分
Forwarded from msdhayaaysjxxjcjvogk
請問(vi)係唔係話debenture interest係2019年連埋本金一齊還?咁點解要照計一年嘅debenture interest?
回想下你學Accrual and prepayment 嗰一課。
假設今日係2015年1月1日。你簽左份3年既電話合約,但個電訊公司話比你知,你可以2017年12月31日一次過先比三年既電話費 of $30,000.

問:你2015年1月1 - 2015年12月31日 呢個accounting period, 有無電話費expense? Given amount paid = $0.
Forwarded from msdhayaaysjxxjcjvogk
有10000expense 因為expenses have been incurred? 咁算唔算accrued expense?
正確,你會同時book 10,000 expenses入income statement, 再放 10,000 accrual 上去statement of financial position.

咁你2015年1月1日 - 2015年12月31日期間,有無利息費用 Interest expense?