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​​Мониторинг Lambda в AMP (Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus) с помощью ADOT (AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry):

To support generating, collecting, and exporting application metrics from AWS Lambda to Prometheus, we extended the OpenTelemetry Lambda layer to ensure end-to-end support for the metric pipeline. In addition to supporting Prometheus, a separate layer is also able to support exporting metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP).

#Lambda #AMP #ADOT #OpenTelemetry
Лямбда-arm64 на Graviton2 — быстрее и дешевле:

Lambda functions powered by Graviton2 are designed to deliver up to 19 percent better performance at 20 percent lower cost.

Для Лямбд без зависимостей простое переключение на ARM даст неплохую экономию.

x86 128 MB $0.0000000021
arm64 128 MB $0.0000000017

🎉 Сразу с поддержкой в CloudFormation и CDK (хотя этого на момент написания поста нет в документации) — просто добавляем параметр Architectures: [arm64] в AWS::Lambda::Function.

p.s. Отдельно интересно, что архитектура задаётся как list, a не string, что может указывать на возможность задания сразу нескольких архитектур в будущем.

Updated, спасибо за пример @geekexport:
 Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
  Handler: ./dist/index.handler
  Timeout: 30
  MemorySize: 1024
   - arm64

#Lambda #Graviton2
​​Сравнение производительности Lambda-x86 vs Lambda-arm64:

In conclusion, we can see the benefit of AWS Graviton2 for both price and performance. 

#Lambda #cost_optimization
IAM Permissions Boundary на защите Лямбда инфраструктуры:

▪️ Problem 1: IAM is hard and application developers aren’t IAM experts
▪️ Problem 2: Traditional organisational policy may disallow IAM role creation by application teams
An IAM permissions boundary allows us to get the best of both worlds:
▫️ Application team retains ownership of granular permissions in per-function roles and can ship independently 👍
▫️ Platform team can continue to enforce a maximum blast radius (equal to the EC2Application role) on the application, regardless of how developers specify their function policies 👍

#IAM #Lambda #security
Публичный слой для Лямбда + AWS Lambda Powertools for Python:

Теперь добавить поддержку AWS Lambda Powertools for Python можно просто добавив одну строчку в код Лямбды:

Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
- arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:017000801446:layer:AWSLambdaPowertoolsPython:3

Как избежать бесконечного вызова (рекурсии) Лямбды при работе с S3:

(1) Using a prefix or suffix in the S3 event notification
(2) Using object metadata to identify the original S3 object
(3) Using an Amazon DynamoDB table to filter duplicate events
1 2 3
Output uses the same bucket Y Y Y
Output uses the same key N Y Y
User-defined metadata N Y N
Lambda invocations per object 1 2 1-2

Записи EPAM AWS RU Community Meetup от 21.10.21:

🔹 Николай Пойда @mykola7799 объявил победителей EPAM AWS WordPress Challenge.

🔹 Александр Бармин сделал доклад по теме Writing serverless app with AWS SAM.

🔹 Роман Бойко (Serverless Specialist Solution Architect, AWS) подробно рассказал про внутренности ЛямбдыAWS Lambda deep dive.

#video #serverless #Lambda
В дополнение по теме Serverless отмечу обязательное к просмотру видео Романа Бойко (Serverless Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS) с разбором подкапотной работы Лямбды:

Тот вариант видео, что нужно добавить в закладки и периодически пересматривать.

​​Lambda Function URL: 🎉

Each function URL is globally unique and can be associated with a function’s alias or the function’s unqualified ARN, which implicitly invokes the $LATEST version.

For example, if you map a function URL to your $LATEST version, each code update will be available immediately via the function URL.

Lambda Function URL vs. API Gateway

Function URLs are best for use cases where you must implement a single-function microservice with a public endpoint that doesn’t require the advanced functionality of API Gateway, such as request validation, throttling, custom authorizers, custom domain names, usage plans, or caching.


Function URLs are included in Lambda’s request and duration pricing. (So it's FREE!💪)

▪️ Rest API (first 333 mil) = $3.5
▪️ HTTP API (first 300 mil) = $1.0
▫️ Lambda URL = Free
▪️ CloudFront proxying to Lambda URL = ~ $1.0 to $1.2

Timeout (seconds)

▪️ Rest API = 29
▪️ HTTP API = 30
▫️ Lambda URL = 900
▪️ CloudFront proxying to Lambda URL = 60 (by default)

🆕 Lambda + Node.js 18.x: 🎉

🔹 Node.js 18 is now supported by Lambda. When building your Lambda functions using the zip archive packaging style, use a runtime parameter value of nodejs18.x to get started building with Node.js 18.
🔸 For existing Node.js functions, review your code for compatibility with Node.js 18, including deprecations, then migrate to the new runtime by changing the function’s runtime configuration to nodejs18.x.

🆕 Lambda SnapStart:

Lambda SnapStart can improve startup performance for latency-sensitive applications by up to 10x at no extra cost, typically with no changes to your function code. The largest contributor to startup latency (often referred to as cold start time) is the time that Lambda spends initializing the function, which includes loading the function's code, starting the runtime, and initializing the function code.

✻ With SnapStart, Lambda initializes your function when you publish a function version. Lambda takes a Firecracker microVM snapshot of the memory and disk state of the initialized execution environment, encrypts the snapshot, and caches it for low-latency access. When you invoke the function version for the first time, and as the invocations scale up, Lambda resumes new execution environments from the cached snapshot instead of initializing them from scratch, improving startup latency.

⚠️ Important
➣ If your applications depend on uniqueness of state, you must evaluate your function code and verify that it is resilient to snapshot operations. For more information, see Handling uniqueness with Lambda SnapStart.

SnapStart supports:
Java 11 runtime

SnapStart does not support:
provisioned concurrency
Lambda Extensions
> 512 MB ephemeral storage

ℹ️ You can't use SnapStart on a function's unpublished version ($LATEST).

SnapStart vs Provisioned Concurrency

👉 Use Provisioned Concurrency if your application has strict cold start latency requirements.
👉 SnapStart helps you improve startup performance by up to 10x at no extra cost.
You can't use both SnapStart and Provisioned Concurrency on the same function version.

​​📙 AWS Lambda Container Architecture

​​⚒️ lambda-debug is a tool that enables you to invoke Lambda functions in the cloud from any event source and intercept the requests with breakpoints locally.

🏠 Local debugging: Set breakpoints in your code and step through your functions invocations locally on native events triggered in the cloud.
👍 No code changes: No need to modify your code to enable debugging. Just add some dev dependencies and some configuration.
🔐 Same IAM permissions: Your functions will run with the same IAM permissions as they do in the cloud.
 Fast iterations: No need to deploy your code to the cloud to test changes. Just save your code and invoke your functions in the cloud.

Добрая пятничная история

Пару недель назад AWS выкатил поддержку CloudFront OAC для Lambda function URLs, чтобы можно было удобно ходить в приватные Лямбды.

Сначала все обрадовались, полезное дело, безопасности, все дела, но после выяснилось, что работают лишь GET запросы, а на POST/PUT отдаётся ошибка.

Потом все расстроились, потому что зря обрадовались — ведь это не фича, а баг.

Но один хороший человек упоролся и выяснил, что если посчитать SHA256 хэш и добавить его в заголовок x-amz-content-sha256, то и POST/PUT тоже работают.

Он написал запрос на обновление AWS документации для CloudFront и теперь там:

ℹ️ Note
If you use PUT or POST methods with your Lambda function URL, your user must provide a signed payload to CloudFront. Lambda doesn't support unsigned payloads.

В итоге расстроились и те, кто обрадовался, когда другие расстроились, потому что рано обрадовались.

Какая же здесь мораль? Документация — важна. Грамотно задокументированный баг всегда можно сделать фичей.

#CloudFront #Lambda