A Voice for Choice Advocacy
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A Voice for Choice Advocacy advocates for people’s rights to be fully informed about the composition, quality, and short- and long-term health effects of all products that go into people’s bodies, such as food, water, air, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
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The CA Vaccine Work Group and #SB866 would allow 12+ year old minors to consent
to vaccines without their parents knowledge!

Take Action: Make an appointment TODAY to meet with your CA State Senator today to discuss SB 866.
- Not sure who that is, enter your address here: https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/ (Note: No need to contact your Assembly Member yet)
- Not sure how to set up a meeting and build a trusted relationship with your legislators, watch this webinar: https://youtu.be/NGwnwAcJJZ4
- Not sure what to say: Talking points are below and A Voice for Choice Advocacy will email a flyer early next week, for you to take to use for your State Senator meeting
- Want to share this information with others: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/action-alert-sb866-012122/

#California #Vaccines #COVID19vaccines #ParentalRights #Parents #InformedConsent
AVFCA Action Alert: #SB866 - #California Minor #Vaccine Consent hearing next Thursday!

1) Email the Senate Judiciary Committee Members: Go to: https://secure.everyaction.com/GSrtgnUX5Ey_kFgi9Af6yg2 A Voice for Choice Advocacy has made it easy for you to email the Senators on the Judiciary Committee to ask them to Oppose SB 866. For legislators to read your email (and not assume it as a mass marketing campaign), it is important that your letter is personalized to your situation, so be sure to outline how SB 866 would affect you and your family. You can use some of the talking points from AVFCA's letter (but don't copy it!): https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/AVFCA-SB866-Letter-of-Oppose-unless-Amended-Wiener-Pan.pdf

2) Make plans to come to Sacramento next Thursday to give public comment in person

3) Forward this email to anyone who believes in parental rights. Share this email on social media: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/action-alert-sb-866-sen-judiciary/
Before June 1, 2022: Email the Assembly Judiciary Committee Members: Go to: https://secure.everyaction.com/gYfO6JfMgk2QtMqyZZjDNA2 A Voice for Choice Advocacy has made it easy for you to email the Assembly Members on the Judiciary Committee to ask them to Oppose SB 866. For legislators to read your email (and not assume it as a mass marketing campaign), it is important that your letter is personalized to your situation, so be sure to outline how SB 866 would affect you and your family.
#California #SB866 #ParentalRights #COVID19vaccines
Re: Scott Wiener's minor 'consent' bill #SB866 - Mila's testimony on her coerced #COVID19vaccines which resulted in severe nervous system damage.