A Voice for Choice Advocacy
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A Voice for Choice Advocacy advocates for people’s rights to be fully informed about the composition, quality, and short- and long-term health effects of all products that go into people’s bodies, such as food, water, air, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
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"Advertisers could pay for filters within a person's virtual world to inject their reality with specific messaging. And it may not only be traditional billboards — it could be a virtual product placement where you pass a person that's not even real holding a can of a specific brand's soft drink...
Or it could be a simulation of a human that engages you in conversation in line for coffee, a human that you think is real, only for them to covertly talk about whatever an advertiser paid them to try to sell to you, whether it's a bag of potato chips or political messaging."

#Metaverse #MoreSlavery #NextLevelSlavery #DystopianNightmare
https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-meta-metaverse-splinter-reality-more-2021-11?utmSource=twitter&utmContent=referral&utmTerm=topbar&referrer=twitter via @businessinsider
How #Austria intends to force vaccines:
"Under the government’s plan, authorities will send out invitations to vaccination appointments to the 2 million people who are not yet fully vaccinated, and after Feb. 1, will begin imposing fines of around $4,000 on those who refuse to attend.
In the meantime, when the current lockdown lifts on Dec. 13, restrictions will stay in place for unvaccinated people."
https://news.yahoo.com/austrias-plan-covid-19-vaccines-162939856.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr via @Yahoo
World's Top Breath-Hold Diver Diagnosed With Myocarditis From @pfizer #Vaccine.
#NurembergTrialsForCovid https://www.bitchute.com/video/7Cc4sUui8TIX/