A Voice for Choice Advocacy
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A Voice for Choice Advocacy advocates for people’s rights to be fully informed about the composition, quality, and short- and long-term health effects of all products that go into people’s bodies, such as food, water, air, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
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"The complaint also says that managers may have been "sanitizing" files before they reached FDA inspectors. "Active efforts were undertaken and even celebrated during and after the 2019 FDA audit to keep the auditors from learning of certain events believed to be associated with the discovery of micros in infant formula at the Sturgis site," the document says.
It goes on to claim that the Sturgis site has continued to permit lax practices around cleaning."
#BabyFormula #Babies #Health #Safety
Carminthia Moore: "I am firmly against government overreach. I believe we get into dangerous territories when the government decides to play doctor. Medical decisions should be made at an individual level and managed by the individual or their legal guardian."
#Georgia #MedicalFreedom #HealthFreedom #HumanRights
The Jimmy Dore Show:

Pediatrician Risa Hoshino rapidly rose to the level of “influencer” during the pandemic with her reports from the front lines of the battle against COVID.

But now according to an investigation by a blogger, Hoshino has been exposed as a fraud who apparently spent most of the pandemic treating patients remotely, and lying about the long hours and difficulties faced by the myriad children she treated with so-called “long COVID.”
#COVID19 #Masks #COVID19vaccines #LongCOVID
Calling all constituents in the San Francisco / Bay and surrounding areas!

Take Action Town Halls are a time intensive civic exercise that are highly effective in engaging the public to take action and to do it in unison.

More info and registration here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/san-franciscobay-area-take-action-town-hall-registration-328335378957

#TakeAction #California #SanFrancisco #BayArea #HumanRights
Contact leaders of businesses, organizations, unions, school boards, Chambers of Commerce, City Councils, etc. who may be affected by one or more of these bills, and ask them to submit a position letter to the legislature.

Submit a position letter to the CA Legislative Portal
- Write a brief letter in your own words summarizing your position on each bill. This does not need to be more than a few sentences stating “I oppose XXX bill because ….”. Make sure your letter is polite, to the point, and sounds convincing. Remember you are trying to sway the legislators to vote the way you want them to, not alienate them.
#California #COVID19 #MedicalFreedom #Freedom #MondayMotivation
- Create an account or sign in at https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/