A Voice for Choice Advocacy
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A Voice for Choice Advocacy advocates for people’s rights to be fully informed about the composition, quality, and short- and long-term health effects of all products that go into people’s bodies, such as food, water, air, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
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"The 20-page brief with exhibits requests investigation of several alleged crimes under Florida state law, including: 2d degree murder while committing acts of terrorism; 2d degree murder while committing aggravated abuse of the elderly and disabled adults; aggravated manslaughter of the elderly, disabled adults, and children; and racketeering."

#Fauci #Justice #COVID19 #COVID19vaccines #CovidProtocol #Nuremberg2

A sweeping ban on COVID-19 vaccine mandates for employees of private Texas businesses is on its way to Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk, carrying with it a $50,000 fine for employers who punish workers for refusing the shot.

The legislation offers no exceptions for doctors’ offices, clinics or other health facilities. The bill also includes unpaid volunteers and students working in medical internships or other unpaid positions as part of graduation requirements.

#Covid19vaccines #Texas #FreedomOfChoice #InformedConsent

Anthony Fauci-run lab in MONTANA experimented with coronavirus strain shipped in from Wuhan a year BEFORE Covid pandemic began:

"The research was a joint venture between the NIH's Rocky Mountain Laboratories and Wuhan Institute of Virology collaborator Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina."

#Fauci #COVID19 #Plandemic #GainOfFunction #Nuremberg2
