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Russian Western Military district launched field training in Bryansk, Smolensk, Belgorod and Voronezh regions with 3000 servicemen, 300 vehicles including T-72B3 tanks and BMP-2 APCs -Liveuamap

„Cerberus' sale this week of part of its sizeable holdings in Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank is likely the first step to a full exit from the lenders by the U.S. investor, said two people with knowledge of the matter.

For years, profits in the financial industry of Europe's largest economy have been under pressure, as banks face stiff competition, high expenses, and ongoing low interest rates.

But Cerberus in 2017 bet big on Germany by buying a 3% stake in Deutsche Bank and a 5% stake in Commerzbank, a move that the two people said was meant in part to capitalise on the prospect of bank mergers.“ -Reuters

What could go wrong?

German Parliament in Berlin established 2G+ rules which means that only negative tested and vaccinated MP‘s can enter the parliament.

Kenya was affected by a nationwide blackout yesterday. According to reports the power is in most parts of the country restored. The Outage reportly was caused by collapsed high voltage line


Media is too big
A (controversial according to MSM) Italian Doctor and Researcher was found dead according to friends of him.

Dr. Domenico Biscardi stated that he wanted to file a lawsuit at European courts based on a claimed discovery (See footage) and testimony in front of the Italian goverment.

Dr Biscardi also not long ago talked about his possible death in the near future „if I die I die as hero“

„Although the cause of death cannot be ascertained at this time, if the heart attack were to be confirmed by a hypothetical autopsy, it is plausible to think that it was the stress of the research he was carrying out and the checks he had undergone to have brought it to him. Obviously we are in the field of hypotheses, everything remains to be confirmed. The hypothesis of an attack on his person for the truths he was about to discover and disclose is also being examined.“ [...]

Reference (Italian):

If you ever ask yourself for who these people work - it’s not you

Prince Andrew has failed in his motion(s) to get Virginia Roberts Giuffre's complaint dismissed -via InnerCityPress

Security forces have barricaded themselves inside the Bulgarian parliament with MPs while protesters outside the parliament demand the end of the covid policy.

Protesters broke through the police cordon in front of the parliament and tried to gain access to the parliament.

New goalpost: inflation will get better in March 22‘ (or not)

Media is too big
Dallas city council - open mic session:
