【媒體報導】英國展覽《不自殺聲明》 望藉此讓移英港人謹記19年以生命換自由
感謝 DB Channel 加山傳播的採訪和報導。
Venue: 5 Kelvin St, City Centre, Manchester, M4 1ET, England
Date & Time:
10/9 (Fri): 3-7pm;
11/9 (Sat): 12-7pm;
12/9 (Sun): 12-4pm;
14/9 (Tue) - 16/9 (Thur): 3-7pm;
17/9 (Fri): 2-8pm;
18/9 (Sat):12-8pm;
19/9 (Sun) 12-4pm
Live Story-Telling by Country Girl:
10/9 (Fri) & 17/9 (Fri): 5pm, 7pm
11/9 (Sat) & 18/9 (Sat): 3pm, 5pm
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#iwontsuicide #hongkongers #unitehongkong
#exile #hongkong #comradessupport #emotionalsupport
感謝 DB Channel 加山傳播的採訪和報導。
Venue: 5 Kelvin St, City Centre, Manchester, M4 1ET, England
Date & Time:
10/9 (Fri): 3-7pm;
11/9 (Sat): 12-7pm;
12/9 (Sun): 12-4pm;
14/9 (Tue) - 16/9 (Thur): 3-7pm;
17/9 (Fri): 2-8pm;
18/9 (Sat):12-8pm;
19/9 (Sun) 12-4pm
Live Story-Telling by Country Girl:
10/9 (Fri) & 17/9 (Fri): 5pm, 7pm
11/9 (Sat) & 18/9 (Sat): 3pm, 5pm
Follow @iwontsuicide on Instagram
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#athenasarmy #standwithhongkong #manchester
#iwontsuicide #hongkongers #unitehongkong
#exile #hongkong #comradessupport #emotionalsupport
參與名單(更新時間 2021/09/11)
驛站 Athena's Army
英國港僑協會 Hongkongers in Britain
尤漢邦 Yau Hon Pong
參與名單(更新時間 2021/09/11)
驛站 Athena's Army
英國港僑協會 Hongkongers in Britain
尤漢邦 Yau Hon Pong
Exhibition Highlights - Cocktail – Jack Daniels Whiskey
Artist: Kacey WONG
Wong is exhibition a piece from his series of “In Dire Straits.”
Kacey WONG 黃國才 (www.kaceywong.com)
Born in Hong Kong, Kacey Wong studied architecture in Cornell University and received his Master of Fine Arts degree from Chelsea School of Art and Design and Doctor of Fine Arts Degree from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. His research investigates artist’s and designer’s role in social political causes.
Kacey’s art piece is a frozen Molotov cocktail. The artist pauses the moment before its explosion, which contains many fits of anger, tears and hardship. The beautiful outlook of the work is in sharp contrast to the anger contained within. The size of the cocktail is small, but its potential energy can be gigantic, just like the power of people who do not uphold any significant political seats.
Artist: Kacey WONG
Wong is exhibition a piece from his series of “In Dire Straits.”
Kacey WONG 黃國才 (www.kaceywong.com)
Born in Hong Kong, Kacey Wong studied architecture in Cornell University and received his Master of Fine Arts degree from Chelsea School of Art and Design and Doctor of Fine Arts Degree from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. His research investigates artist’s and designer’s role in social political causes.
Kacey’s art piece is a frozen Molotov cocktail. The artist pauses the moment before its explosion, which contains many fits of anger, tears and hardship. The beautiful outlook of the work is in sharp contrast to the anger contained within. The size of the cocktail is small, but its potential energy can be gigantic, just like the power of people who do not uphold any significant political seats.
Exhibition Highlights - Lo Ting
Lo Ting is getting up at Hong Kong’s border, next to the fish ponds, in front of Shenzhen CCP China.
Artist: Clara CHEUNG
Artist Statement:
Hong Kong is well known for its skyscrapers. However, at the northern border of Hong Kong, a large area of greens and rural villages have been preserved for a long time as a practical separator from CCP China. Besides the previous military consideration under British rule, this green separator is now considered essential for sustainable development in the city. However, under the rule of CCP, development policies in the north of Hong Kong have been progressively changed. As a result, many villages, farmlands and fish ponds, which are among the last green resorts of Hong Kong, are facing the fate of being demolished and evacuated.
Such disruption wakes up one of the Hong Kong ancestors, Lo Ting, a community of half-man-half-fish creatures who lived in Hong Kong a thousand years ago.
這幅畫嘅背景係新界北部馬草壟上面嘅小山丘向北望嘅景象, 可以見到深圳,沙塵滾滾,過度發展;而香港呢邊仲有靜土得以保留。新界東北發展嘅問題如火如荼,除左係環保事宜,其實亦係香港邊境事務。政府想盡快發展新界北部,真正目的就係想完全剷除中港區隔嘅邊界。究竟我哋仲可唔可以抵御北方“發展壓倒一切”嘅意識型態?
Venue: 5 Kelvin St, City Centre, Manchester, M4 1ET, England
Date & Time:
10/9 (Fri): 3-7pm;
11/9 (Sat): 12-7pm;
12/9 (Sun): 12-4pm;
14/9 (Tue) - 16/9 (Thur): 3-7pm;
17/9 (Fri): 2-8pm;
18/9 (Sat):12-8pm;
19/9 (Sun) 12-4pm
Live Story-Telling by Country Girl:
10/9 (Fri) & 17/9 (Fri): 5pm, 7pm
11/9 (Sat) & 18/9 (Sat): 3pm, 5pm
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#iwontsuicide #hongkongers #unitehongkong
#exile #hongkong #comradessupport #emotionalsupport
Lo Ting is getting up at Hong Kong’s border, next to the fish ponds, in front of Shenzhen CCP China.
Artist: Clara CHEUNG
Artist Statement:
Hong Kong is well known for its skyscrapers. However, at the northern border of Hong Kong, a large area of greens and rural villages have been preserved for a long time as a practical separator from CCP China. Besides the previous military consideration under British rule, this green separator is now considered essential for sustainable development in the city. However, under the rule of CCP, development policies in the north of Hong Kong have been progressively changed. As a result, many villages, farmlands and fish ponds, which are among the last green resorts of Hong Kong, are facing the fate of being demolished and evacuated.
Such disruption wakes up one of the Hong Kong ancestors, Lo Ting, a community of half-man-half-fish creatures who lived in Hong Kong a thousand years ago.
這幅畫嘅背景係新界北部馬草壟上面嘅小山丘向北望嘅景象, 可以見到深圳,沙塵滾滾,過度發展;而香港呢邊仲有靜土得以保留。新界東北發展嘅問題如火如荼,除左係環保事宜,其實亦係香港邊境事務。政府想盡快發展新界北部,真正目的就係想完全剷除中港區隔嘅邊界。究竟我哋仲可唔可以抵御北方“發展壓倒一切”嘅意識型態?
Venue: 5 Kelvin St, City Centre, Manchester, M4 1ET, England
Date & Time:
10/9 (Fri): 3-7pm;
11/9 (Sat): 12-7pm;
12/9 (Sun): 12-4pm;
14/9 (Tue) - 16/9 (Thur): 3-7pm;
17/9 (Fri): 2-8pm;
18/9 (Sat):12-8pm;
19/9 (Sun) 12-4pm
Live Story-Telling by Country Girl:
10/9 (Fri) & 17/9 (Fri): 5pm, 7pm
11/9 (Sat) & 18/9 (Sat): 3pm, 5pm
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#exile #hongkong #comradessupport #emotionalsupport
Exhibition Highlights - Wounds of Freedom
Artist: Mate
Artist Statement:
The creation concept of ‘Wounds of Freedom’ echoes the sacred scripture of Buddhism, ‘Lotus Sūtra’ - ‘No peace in three realms, same as a firing house’. The scripture stated, we, as humankind, are living in a realm that is full of fear and suffers, which is expelled from how kindliness or crudeness we are. The bigger world is simply as a house in large fire and terror surrounding us that we have no space to hide. It is a portrayal of Hong Kong. Surveillance, restriction from invisible threat and suffering spread through the air. People who live in this city had to be very cautious in every single step and could only breathe in a line of wrecked freedom. Every time we step ahead, we are not only afraid of being arrested and prosecuted but disappeared and murdered.
Line and clay are the base elements of the work. Restricted by hidden lines represent the inability of escape and powerlessness of life. These two sets of artworks portrayed the dreadful psychic of being exposed in front of death threats and the political atmosphere of Hong Kong in the past two years by the red and blue flames, respectively. The invisible pressure and panic occupied our hearts like the fire burst through the house. It also unveiled that the future waiting for us is not heaven but the ruin after the burst.
Venue: 5 Kelvin St, City Centre, Manchester, M4 1ET, England
Date & Time:
10/9 (Fri): 3-7pm;
11/9 (Sat): 12-7pm;
12/9 (Sun): 12-4pm;
14/9 (Tue) - 16/9 (Thur): 3-7pm;
17/9 (Fri): 2-8pm;
18/9 (Sat):12-8pm;
19/9 (Sun) 12-4pm
Live Story-Telling by Country Girl:
10/9 (Fri) & 17/9 (Fri): 5pm, 7pm
11/9 (Sat) & 18/9 (Sat): 3pm, 5pm
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#exile #hongkong #comradessupport #emotionalsupport
Artist: Mate
Artist Statement:
The creation concept of ‘Wounds of Freedom’ echoes the sacred scripture of Buddhism, ‘Lotus Sūtra’ - ‘No peace in three realms, same as a firing house’. The scripture stated, we, as humankind, are living in a realm that is full of fear and suffers, which is expelled from how kindliness or crudeness we are. The bigger world is simply as a house in large fire and terror surrounding us that we have no space to hide. It is a portrayal of Hong Kong. Surveillance, restriction from invisible threat and suffering spread through the air. People who live in this city had to be very cautious in every single step and could only breathe in a line of wrecked freedom. Every time we step ahead, we are not only afraid of being arrested and prosecuted but disappeared and murdered.
Line and clay are the base elements of the work. Restricted by hidden lines represent the inability of escape and powerlessness of life. These two sets of artworks portrayed the dreadful psychic of being exposed in front of death threats and the political atmosphere of Hong Kong in the past two years by the red and blue flames, respectively. The invisible pressure and panic occupied our hearts like the fire burst through the house. It also unveiled that the future waiting for us is not heaven but the ruin after the burst.
Venue: 5 Kelvin St, City Centre, Manchester, M4 1ET, England
Date & Time:
10/9 (Fri): 3-7pm;
11/9 (Sat): 12-7pm;
12/9 (Sun): 12-4pm;
14/9 (Tue) - 16/9 (Thur): 3-7pm;
17/9 (Fri): 2-8pm;
18/9 (Sat):12-8pm;
19/9 (Sun) 12-4pm
Live Story-Telling by Country Girl:
10/9 (Fri) & 17/9 (Fri): 5pm, 7pm
11/9 (Sat) & 18/9 (Sat): 3pm, 5pm
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展覽其中一位策展人兼story telling表演者村姑,發出嚴正道歉聲明。
作為一名策展人兼story teller,籌備工程應準備得更充分和考慮大家感受,今次教訓令我獲益良多,下次,我承諾會做得更好。
對於story telling整喊晒啲觀眾,仲要唔提供紙巾,我深深道歉。
Apology Statement
As one of the curators of the exhibition and the performer of the story-telling, Country Girl would like to sincerely apologise for the imperfect experience.
The preparation could have been more considerate and taking into account the audience's feelings. This lesson has benefited me a lot, and next time, I promise to do better.
I am deeply sor9ry that the story-telling has made lots of audiences into tears, and without providing tissue and napkins at the scene.
Country Girl
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展覽其中一位策展人兼story telling表演者村姑,發出嚴正道歉聲明。
作為一名策展人兼story teller,籌備工程應準備得更充分和考慮大家感受,今次教訓令我獲益良多,下次,我承諾會做得更好。
對於story telling整喊晒啲觀眾,仲要唔提供紙巾,我深深道歉。
Apology Statement
As one of the curators of the exhibition and the performer of the story-telling, Country Girl would like to sincerely apologise for the imperfect experience.
The preparation could have been more considerate and taking into account the audience's feelings. This lesson has benefited me a lot, and next time, I promise to do better.
I am deeply sor9ry that the story-telling has made lots of audiences into tears, and without providing tissue and napkins at the scene.
Country Girl
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Exhibition Highlights - Yellow object - Filial Duty Calls / Love in the Time of… / Prologue: Guilt
Artist: rice and beans theatre
Since the Handover in 1997, the Hong Kong government and Communist China continue to strip us of our culture, rights, and liberty. The imposition of the National Security Law marks the end to Hong Kong's autonomy. The road to freedom is going to be a never-ending uphill struggle.
This project is a collection of what was, what has been, what is, and what could be. This is written from the vantage point of somebody who is homesick more than ever. This is a rally for the ones who are still risking their lives out there. This is written in remembrance of those who cannot be there anymore. This is a lament of families broken and loves forever lost. This is a warning for anyone who would listen, and for those who would not. Whatever it is, yesterday feels so long ago, and yet tomorrow seems farther away still.
Revolution is a process. Revolution takes generations. We fight, so that our children’s children can keep fighting the good fight. For freedom. For justice. For truth. For love. Take action. Do something even when you can’t. We must keep on. We must never forget.
rice and beans theatre 創作了三個電腦遊戲,由三位虛構香港人的角度,在不同時空下探索反送中運動後的香港。
Venue: 5 Kelvin St, City Centre, Manchester, M4 1ET, England
Date & Time:
10/9 (Fri): 3-7pm;
11/9 (Sat): 12-7pm;
12/9 (Sun): 12-4pm;
14/9 (Tue) - 16/9 (Thur): 3-7pm;
17/9 (Fri): 2-8pm;
18/9 (Sat):12-8pm;
19/9 (Sun) 12-4pm
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#athenasarmy #standwithhongkong #manchester
#iwontsuicide #hongkongers #unitehongkong
#exile #hongkong #comradessupport #emotionalsupport
Artist: rice and beans theatre
Since the Handover in 1997, the Hong Kong government and Communist China continue to strip us of our culture, rights, and liberty. The imposition of the National Security Law marks the end to Hong Kong's autonomy. The road to freedom is going to be a never-ending uphill struggle.
This project is a collection of what was, what has been, what is, and what could be. This is written from the vantage point of somebody who is homesick more than ever. This is a rally for the ones who are still risking their lives out there. This is written in remembrance of those who cannot be there anymore. This is a lament of families broken and loves forever lost. This is a warning for anyone who would listen, and for those who would not. Whatever it is, yesterday feels so long ago, and yet tomorrow seems farther away still.
Revolution is a process. Revolution takes generations. We fight, so that our children’s children can keep fighting the good fight. For freedom. For justice. For truth. For love. Take action. Do something even when you can’t. We must keep on. We must never forget.
rice and beans theatre 創作了三個電腦遊戲,由三位虛構香港人的角度,在不同時空下探索反送中運動後的香港。
Venue: 5 Kelvin St, City Centre, Manchester, M4 1ET, England
Date & Time:
10/9 (Fri): 3-7pm;
11/9 (Sat): 12-7pm;
12/9 (Sun): 12-4pm;
14/9 (Tue) - 16/9 (Thur): 3-7pm;
17/9 (Fri): 2-8pm;
18/9 (Sat):12-8pm;
19/9 (Sun) 12-4pm
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我是村姑,Athena’s Army 其中一位創辦人。除了在Athena的角色,我也是一位Poly被捕的示威者、前初選選舉經理、前社區主任。 流亡在外,除了成為流亡手足,我也成了「流亡家長」。
Athena’s Army是一個生活支援平台,受眾是給予者和受助者,在網站上,你們會看到照料衣食住行的不同功能,但網站外,我們希望承載的是一份同甘共苦的連繫,只有香港人心連心,才會有光復香港的一天。
我們會分享身在海外的我們有甚麼可做; 兩年多過後,我們要怎樣繼續向前行。
10月1日 6PM Piccadilly Gardens見
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#光復香港時代革命 #一息尚存抗爭到底
#hongkongaid #athenasarmy #兄弟爬山各自努力
#athenasarmy #standwithhongkong #manchester
#hongkongers #unitehongkong
#exile #hongkong #comradessupport #emotionalsupport
我是村姑,Athena’s Army 其中一位創辦人。除了在Athena的角色,我也是一位Poly被捕的示威者、前初選選舉經理、前社區主任。 流亡在外,除了成為流亡手足,我也成了「流亡家長」。
Athena’s Army是一個生活支援平台,受眾是給予者和受助者,在網站上,你們會看到照料衣食住行的不同功能,但網站外,我們希望承載的是一份同甘共苦的連繫,只有香港人心連心,才會有光復香港的一天。
我們會分享身在海外的我們有甚麼可做; 兩年多過後,我們要怎樣繼續向前行。
10月1日 6PM Piccadilly Gardens見
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#piccadillygardens #weunion #weunion2021
#光復香港時代革命 #一息尚存抗爭到底
#hongkongaid #athenasarmy #兄弟爬山各自努力
#athenasarmy #standwithhongkong #manchester
#hongkongers #unitehongkong
#exile #hongkong #comradessupport #emotionalsupport
【WRITE TO YOUR MP】 📢Ask the UK Govt to take actions on Hong Kong🇬🇧
自蘋果日報被迫停刊,香港局勢正急速惡化,民間組織被迫解散;記者、評論人、民選代表,以至平民皆被無理拘押、控告或限制出境。同時間,大量港人經BN(O) Visa遷移英國。無論閣下身處英國何方,皆為英國合法選民,有權向所屬選區的國會議員表達意見。
為了推動英國政府加快行動,盡早實施馬格尼茨制裁,及為更多有迫切需要的港人提供救生艇計劃,我哋邀請各位花啲時間,發電郵俾自己居住地區的國會議員,表達您作為British National,對香港事務的關注,以及要求政府作出相應措施。
Since the forced closure of Apple Daily, the arbitrary interpretation of law is posing real threats to journalists, commentators, democratically elected leaders, and civilians. Concurrently, a record number of Hong Kongers have immigrated to the UK. No matter where you choose to reside, you are all legal voters of the country and have the right to express your concerns to your elected representatives.
To push for government actions on implementing sanctions and providing lifelines to the many in immediate danger, we ask each of you to write to your MP on the situations in Hong Kong.
We enclose below a ✉️template email with 📌key points for you to write to your MP, encouraging them to escalate your concern to the relevant parliamentarian or department.
SUBJECT: UK Govt to take actions on Hong Kong
Dear [Insert MP Name],
I'm writing as a constituent to ask her majesty's government to take action on the rapid deterioration of human rights situation in Hong Kong.
The recent forced closure of Apple Daily newspaper has aroused yet another wave of white terror where laws have been arbitrarily interpreted in a bid to justify the escalating crackdown on press and speech freedom. The fundamental rights of Hong Kongers are severely undermined. As a signatory of the Joint Declaration, I ask the government to take immediate actions in response to the deteriorating situation of Hong Kong.
With the ongoing reform in the Nationality and Borders Bill, the UK government should extend the eligibility of the BNO visa scheme to Hongkongers :
a. born after 1997 with parents holding BN(O)s as a sole applicant;
b. born before 1997 in Hong Kong with rights to register BN(O)s but did not due to acts of omission such as inability as a child;
c. provide a more just procedure for refugees applicants from Hong Kong.
Provide emergency visa for journalists, politicians, public figures whose work are hugely restricted and unsafe to continue with.
Impose Magnitsky sanctions on Hong Kong and Chinese officials responsible for human rights crime and these officials’ immediate family members.
Allow Tier-5 Working Holiday visa application for HKSAR passport holders from within the UK and accept applications on a rolling on-demand basis. Those eligible for the scheme and already within the border can apply for a formal status to stay and live in the UK.
Continue to align with like-minded allies to exert pressure on China to live up to its international obligations and provide a lifeboat scheme to the people of Hong Kong.
I believe the UK government should take a firmer stand to defend Hong Kong and its freedom-loving people, and propose genuine punitive causes to those who have dismantled the city's autonomy.
I look forward to hearing your response in due course.
Yours sincerely,
[Insert Your name]
[Full address and postcode]
❓搜查自己當區所屬的議員 Use the "Find MPs" service to locate your MP
❓您是否英國合資格選民 Are you an eligible voter in the UK
Members of Parliament have an immense amount of work to handle daily. It may take a couple of weeks for them to reply to your first enquiry. After all, it takes time and effort to develop a lasting relationship with your local representatives.
當國會議員回覆您後,請您撥冗填寫以下Google Form,作為簡單統計,以便了解項目成效及各議員之立場: https://bit.ly/3ATGCei
自蘋果日報被迫停刊,香港局勢正急速惡化,民間組織被迫解散;記者、評論人、民選代表,以至平民皆被無理拘押、控告或限制出境。同時間,大量港人經BN(O) Visa遷移英國。無論閣下身處英國何方,皆為英國合法選民,有權向所屬選區的國會議員表達意見。
為了推動英國政府加快行動,盡早實施馬格尼茨制裁,及為更多有迫切需要的港人提供救生艇計劃,我哋邀請各位花啲時間,發電郵俾自己居住地區的國會議員,表達您作為British National,對香港事務的關注,以及要求政府作出相應措施。
Since the forced closure of Apple Daily, the arbitrary interpretation of law is posing real threats to journalists, commentators, democratically elected leaders, and civilians. Concurrently, a record number of Hong Kongers have immigrated to the UK. No matter where you choose to reside, you are all legal voters of the country and have the right to express your concerns to your elected representatives.
To push for government actions on implementing sanctions and providing lifelines to the many in immediate danger, we ask each of you to write to your MP on the situations in Hong Kong.
We enclose below a ✉️template email with 📌key points for you to write to your MP, encouraging them to escalate your concern to the relevant parliamentarian or department.
SUBJECT: UK Govt to take actions on Hong Kong
Dear [Insert MP Name],
I'm writing as a constituent to ask her majesty's government to take action on the rapid deterioration of human rights situation in Hong Kong.
The recent forced closure of Apple Daily newspaper has aroused yet another wave of white terror where laws have been arbitrarily interpreted in a bid to justify the escalating crackdown on press and speech freedom. The fundamental rights of Hong Kongers are severely undermined. As a signatory of the Joint Declaration, I ask the government to take immediate actions in response to the deteriorating situation of Hong Kong.
With the ongoing reform in the Nationality and Borders Bill, the UK government should extend the eligibility of the BNO visa scheme to Hongkongers :
a. born after 1997 with parents holding BN(O)s as a sole applicant;
b. born before 1997 in Hong Kong with rights to register BN(O)s but did not due to acts of omission such as inability as a child;
c. provide a more just procedure for refugees applicants from Hong Kong.
Provide emergency visa for journalists, politicians, public figures whose work are hugely restricted and unsafe to continue with.
Impose Magnitsky sanctions on Hong Kong and Chinese officials responsible for human rights crime and these officials’ immediate family members.
Allow Tier-5 Working Holiday visa application for HKSAR passport holders from within the UK and accept applications on a rolling on-demand basis. Those eligible for the scheme and already within the border can apply for a formal status to stay and live in the UK.
Continue to align with like-minded allies to exert pressure on China to live up to its international obligations and provide a lifeboat scheme to the people of Hong Kong.
I believe the UK government should take a firmer stand to defend Hong Kong and its freedom-loving people, and propose genuine punitive causes to those who have dismantled the city's autonomy.
I look forward to hearing your response in due course.
Yours sincerely,
[Insert Your name]
[Full address and postcode]
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❓您是否英國合資格選民 Are you an eligible voter in the UK
Members of Parliament have an immense amount of work to handle daily. It may take a couple of weeks for them to reply to your first enquiry. After all, it takes time and effort to develop a lasting relationship with your local representatives.
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Once you have received your reply from MP, please fill out this Google Form so we can review the effectiveness of this campaign and grasp a general understanding of each MP’s stance: https://bit.ly/3ATGCei
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#國際線 #每人都係國際線手足
#一人行一小步 #事在人為 #拒作移民黨
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#hongkongers #unitehongkong
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#國際線 #每人都係國際線手足
#一人行一小步 #事在人為 #拒作移民黨
#athenasarmy #standwithhongkong #manchester
#hongkongers #unitehongkong
#exile #hongkong #comradessupport #emotionalsupport
10月1日集會後,我們遊行前往曼城China Town,遊行隊伍曾經喺四個地方停低,分別燒毁五面中國國旗、拋擲雞蛋、施放狗糞、釋放煙霧。 四個地方分別為: 中國銀行、中國城牌匾、兩間位於中國城過去曾表示支持國安法嘅店舖。 以上所有行為均於以上地點嘅五米範圍內發生。
嚟緊嘅方向始終如一,同喺10月1日嘅文宣上寫嘅一樣: 我哋唔想錯過任何一隻需要援助嘅手,我哋要照料好自己人,先有革命嘅本錢。
難得咁多人留意到我哋,當然我哋要用呢個機會向大家講吓,我哋嘅平台《驛站》上係有專欄㗎,其中一位專欄作家係非常本地嘅本地人,佢喺認識咗我哋成員之後,了解咗Athena’s Army理念之後主動希望可以幫手嘅一位熱心本地人,對於今次事件,佢出多咗篇文章,大家有興趣可以睇一睇延伸閱讀: https://athenas.army/bob-james/
今日之後,我哋會貫徹始終,將重心放喺支援手足上,希望香港人亦更加關注推動香港獨立、倒共產黨台嘅事情上。花生好好食,但食得多會熱氣,大家見字飲水 (利申: 由五月受攻擊開始,一直保持沉默就係因為唔想製造花生)。
所以在此,同大家重申多一次,Athena’s Army係一個支援手足衣食住行嘅平台,有需要嘅手足記得TG我哋,想成為家長嘅人都可以到平台登記。
老老實實,希望多啲實事,唔需要再出呢類嘅聲明。呢啲天氣,瞓番個回籠覺好過?🎶有邊個唔想做個小小廢青 被逼挺身不惜與綠魔交織🎵
FB: http://www.facebook.com/athenasarmyuk
IG: http://www.Instagram.com/athenasarmyuk
TG: https://t.me/athenas_army
Website驛站: http://athenas.army
10月1日集會後,我們遊行前往曼城China Town,遊行隊伍曾經喺四個地方停低,分別燒毁五面中國國旗、拋擲雞蛋、施放狗糞、釋放煙霧。 四個地方分別為: 中國銀行、中國城牌匾、兩間位於中國城過去曾表示支持國安法嘅店舖。 以上所有行為均於以上地點嘅五米範圍內發生。
嚟緊嘅方向始終如一,同喺10月1日嘅文宣上寫嘅一樣: 我哋唔想錯過任何一隻需要援助嘅手,我哋要照料好自己人,先有革命嘅本錢。
難得咁多人留意到我哋,當然我哋要用呢個機會向大家講吓,我哋嘅平台《驛站》上係有專欄㗎,其中一位專欄作家係非常本地嘅本地人,佢喺認識咗我哋成員之後,了解咗Athena’s Army理念之後主動希望可以幫手嘅一位熱心本地人,對於今次事件,佢出多咗篇文章,大家有興趣可以睇一睇延伸閱讀: https://athenas.army/bob-james/
今日之後,我哋會貫徹始終,將重心放喺支援手足上,希望香港人亦更加關注推動香港獨立、倒共產黨台嘅事情上。花生好好食,但食得多會熱氣,大家見字飲水 (利申: 由五月受攻擊開始,一直保持沉默就係因為唔想製造花生)。
所以在此,同大家重申多一次,Athena’s Army係一個支援手足衣食住行嘅平台,有需要嘅手足記得TG我哋,想成為家長嘅人都可以到平台登記。
老老實實,希望多啲實事,唔需要再出呢類嘅聲明。呢啲天氣,瞓番個回籠覺好過?🎶有邊個唔想做個小小廢青 被逼挺身不惜與綠魔交織🎵
FB: http://www.facebook.com/athenasarmyuk
IG: http://www.Instagram.com/athenasarmyuk
TG: https://t.me/athenas_army
Website驛站: http://athenas.army
【驛站專欄 —— Bob James第二期】In Support of Flag Burning
On Friday, another assembly took place to discuss the issues Hong Kong is currently facing and to encourage more political action, including writing to local members of parliament. An incident took place that has caused much debate online. We Brits might call the fallout to this, ‘a storm in a teacup’, that it has been exaggerated out of proportion. There was no destruction of local property, there was no raging fire – all that was burned was a simple flag. You will find no local news stories supporting the narrative that anything more happened than this. There is no outcry from locals, I have looked for it and as a local, I know where to look. The idea that this has or will cause any locals to look unfavourably upon Hong Kong or on any students from China or Hong Kong is ridiculous.
Flag burning is legal in the UK, it is protected under freedom of speech laws in the USA, and across the west is recognised as a fine gesture of political dissatisfaction. In this instance, once the truth of what happened on Friday is considered, the only people who have any reason to oppose this gesture are those who welcome what Hong Kong has become under CCP rule.
You might think and others might say that there are more civilized forms of protest, and there might be a good argument in that if civility had been shown to the Hong Kongers in exile here in the UK. There’s also the power of evocative images. We all know the power of images, we’ve felt it when viewing the iconic photograph of that man standing before a tank in Tiananmen Square for example. Flag burning works as a political gesture because it is a shocking image. It should make some people uncomfortable because political battles are uncomfortable. Do we forget that 2 million people marched in protest of the extradition law? Do we think an oppressive regime that has beaten, broken and killed for its own point will listen to peaceful words and gestures? A burnt flag is nothing compared to what must be done in the fight for freedom from a brutal regime. Let a thousand flags be aflame as a cry for freedom and justice!
Bob James
From Manchester, UK. Grew up in local area before spending 8 years abroad in Mexico, Colombia and Turkey. Returned in 2018. Published short-story writer interested in learning more about Hong Kong and giving a local’s perspective.
FB: http://www.facebook.com/athenasarmyuk
IG: http://www.Instagram.com/athenasarmyuk
TG: https://t.me/athenas_army
Website驛站: http://athenas.army
On Friday, another assembly took place to discuss the issues Hong Kong is currently facing and to encourage more political action, including writing to local members of parliament. An incident took place that has caused much debate online. We Brits might call the fallout to this, ‘a storm in a teacup’, that it has been exaggerated out of proportion. There was no destruction of local property, there was no raging fire – all that was burned was a simple flag. You will find no local news stories supporting the narrative that anything more happened than this. There is no outcry from locals, I have looked for it and as a local, I know where to look. The idea that this has or will cause any locals to look unfavourably upon Hong Kong or on any students from China or Hong Kong is ridiculous.
Flag burning is legal in the UK, it is protected under freedom of speech laws in the USA, and across the west is recognised as a fine gesture of political dissatisfaction. In this instance, once the truth of what happened on Friday is considered, the only people who have any reason to oppose this gesture are those who welcome what Hong Kong has become under CCP rule.
You might think and others might say that there are more civilized forms of protest, and there might be a good argument in that if civility had been shown to the Hong Kongers in exile here in the UK. There’s also the power of evocative images. We all know the power of images, we’ve felt it when viewing the iconic photograph of that man standing before a tank in Tiananmen Square for example. Flag burning works as a political gesture because it is a shocking image. It should make some people uncomfortable because political battles are uncomfortable. Do we forget that 2 million people marched in protest of the extradition law? Do we think an oppressive regime that has beaten, broken and killed for its own point will listen to peaceful words and gestures? A burnt flag is nothing compared to what must be done in the fight for freedom from a brutal regime. Let a thousand flags be aflame as a cry for freedom and justice!
Bob James
From Manchester, UK. Grew up in local area before spending 8 years abroad in Mexico, Colombia and Turkey. Returned in 2018. Published short-story writer interested in learning more about Hong Kong and giving a local’s perspective.
FB: http://www.facebook.com/athenasarmyuk
IG: http://www.Instagram.com/athenasarmyuk
TG: https://t.me/athenas_army
Website驛站: http://athenas.army
Athena's Army
Athena's Army, Manchester, United Kingdom. 207 likes · 2 talking about this. Athenas Army runs events and services in support of comrades in exile.
【驛站專欄 —— Clara CHEUNG 第一期】新界東北的景觀
小時候曾在元朗、屯門居住,後來在北區粉嶺生活過好幾年,十多年前也積極關注菜園村事件,所以對我來說,城市與鄉郊的景觀對比,應該一點也不陌生。可是,當我在2013、14年於《新界東北STYLE 生活可以是這樣的》 巡迴藝術展中(1),看見一系列由不同藝術家在香港邊境拍攝的作品時,我還是覺得震撼。
當年正值港共政權推出迅速發展新界東北計劃,引起民間社會不滿。當中,包括一群藝術家,看不過眼政權繼菜園村後,再大力以推土機摧毀家園、破壞生態,於是他們也參與護村行動,以藝術創作去回應議題。《新界東北STYLE 》的參展藝術家當年主要在坪輋一帶,與村民一起推動不同的文化行動,向其他因種種原因未有機會接觸到香港鄉郊文化的都市人,解說「原來生活可以是這樣的」,讓更多香港人了解護村的重要。有個別的藝術家甚至在守護家園行動告一段落後,繼續留在坪輋居住,後來還與村民一起推動坪輋舞火龍慶典,一方面祈盼火龍為村莊帶來吉祥,另一方面也藉此凝聚社群。
香港著名於世,莫過於商廈林立的繁華都市景觀,但隨著人類文明的逐步發展,過去二、三十年間全球的重要趨勢,反而是關注如何去補救因人類過度發展所造成的惡果: 放棄推土機式城市發展,更注重綠色生活的推廣。香港都市發展至今,早已超越「發展是硬道理」的階段。
當然,香港北部與深圳接壤的地區,自英治時期,都維持於低人口密度的鄉郊狀態,也有其軍事考慮: 讓天然屏障把香港邊境清晰地確立。而近日,港共特首林鄭月娥再積極重提新界北發展(2) ,一方面與香港文明進程背道而馳,另一方面,她亦不畏言,說要盡快落實一地兩檢等邊境措施,很明顯新界北的都市發展,重點是要把香港邊境徹底鏟除。新界東北的保育,不單是要捍衛綠色生活、保護環境生態,也是要從根本的地理景觀中去維持中港區隔,確定香港領土範圍。
我近日在Athena’s Army於曼徹斯特組織之《我不自殺聲明 文獻及藝術展覽》中,也以馬草壟小山丘上看到的景觀作為背景。山丘上,盧亭人魚(3)從靜土中緩緩起來,想著如何為這遍綠悠悠的土地做些什麼 ⋯⋯
張嘉莉 (9/9/2021)
(1)有關《新界東北STYLE 生活可以是這樣的》藝術展的網上資料:
(2) 相關新聞: 《林鄭月娥:冀餘下任期可交代對新界北發展新想法》: https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/component/k2/1600928-20210715.htm
(3) 有關盧亭的網上資料: https://m.mingpao.com/ldy/cultureleisure/culture/20210328/1616869464087/同場加映-盧亭-香港文化-搵水散水-港人與海
About Author
Clara Cheung
As the District Councillor in Happy Valley, Wan Chai from Jan 2020 to July 2021, CHEUNG’s recent art practice involves performance art in public space and community art projects with mixed media. She and her partner founded C&G Artpartment in 2007. The art space has had more than 50 art exhibitions that included over 100 artists in response to the social and cultural issues in Hong Kong.
於2007年與拍檔,創立C&G藝術單位,歷年舉辦不下50個展覽,回應香港社會議題。近年的作品,以行為藝術與社區參與式創作為主。2020年1月至2021年7月, 曾為灣仔跑馬地區區議員。
小時候曾在元朗、屯門居住,後來在北區粉嶺生活過好幾年,十多年前也積極關注菜園村事件,所以對我來說,城市與鄉郊的景觀對比,應該一點也不陌生。可是,當我在2013、14年於《新界東北STYLE 生活可以是這樣的》 巡迴藝術展中(1),看見一系列由不同藝術家在香港邊境拍攝的作品時,我還是覺得震撼。
當年正值港共政權推出迅速發展新界東北計劃,引起民間社會不滿。當中,包括一群藝術家,看不過眼政權繼菜園村後,再大力以推土機摧毀家園、破壞生態,於是他們也參與護村行動,以藝術創作去回應議題。《新界東北STYLE 》的參展藝術家當年主要在坪輋一帶,與村民一起推動不同的文化行動,向其他因種種原因未有機會接觸到香港鄉郊文化的都市人,解說「原來生活可以是這樣的」,讓更多香港人了解護村的重要。有個別的藝術家甚至在守護家園行動告一段落後,繼續留在坪輋居住,後來還與村民一起推動坪輋舞火龍慶典,一方面祈盼火龍為村莊帶來吉祥,另一方面也藉此凝聚社群。
香港著名於世,莫過於商廈林立的繁華都市景觀,但隨著人類文明的逐步發展,過去二、三十年間全球的重要趨勢,反而是關注如何去補救因人類過度發展所造成的惡果: 放棄推土機式城市發展,更注重綠色生活的推廣。香港都市發展至今,早已超越「發展是硬道理」的階段。
當然,香港北部與深圳接壤的地區,自英治時期,都維持於低人口密度的鄉郊狀態,也有其軍事考慮: 讓天然屏障把香港邊境清晰地確立。而近日,港共特首林鄭月娥再積極重提新界北發展(2) ,一方面與香港文明進程背道而馳,另一方面,她亦不畏言,說要盡快落實一地兩檢等邊境措施,很明顯新界北的都市發展,重點是要把香港邊境徹底鏟除。新界東北的保育,不單是要捍衛綠色生活、保護環境生態,也是要從根本的地理景觀中去維持中港區隔,確定香港領土範圍。
我近日在Athena’s Army於曼徹斯特組織之《我不自殺聲明 文獻及藝術展覽》中,也以馬草壟小山丘上看到的景觀作為背景。山丘上,盧亭人魚(3)從靜土中緩緩起來,想著如何為這遍綠悠悠的土地做些什麼 ⋯⋯
張嘉莉 (9/9/2021)
(1)有關《新界東北STYLE 生活可以是這樣的》藝術展的網上資料:
(2) 相關新聞: 《林鄭月娥:冀餘下任期可交代對新界北發展新想法》: https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/component/k2/1600928-20210715.htm
(3) 有關盧亭的網上資料: https://m.mingpao.com/ldy/cultureleisure/culture/20210328/1616869464087/同場加映-盧亭-香港文化-搵水散水-港人與海
About Author
Clara Cheung
As the District Councillor in Happy Valley, Wan Chai from Jan 2020 to July 2021, CHEUNG’s recent art practice involves performance art in public space and community art projects with mixed media. She and her partner founded C&G Artpartment in 2007. The art space has had more than 50 art exhibitions that included over 100 artists in response to the social and cultural issues in Hong Kong.
於2007年與拍檔,創立C&G藝術單位,歷年舉辦不下50個展覽,回應香港社會議題。近年的作品,以行為藝術與社區參與式創作為主。2020年1月至2021年7月, 曾為灣仔跑馬地區區議員。
【驛站專欄 —— 拔刀J 第一期】睇漫畫都可以改變時代 ── 從和月伸宏《浪客劍心》講下幕末維新
從一個香港人角度去睇,從幕末到明治呢段日本歷史,係好有啟發性。不過,千祈唔好抱住一種“人哋得,點解我哋唔得”嘅心態,咁樣只會令你嘔血同埋生cancer。因為時代唔同、背景唔同,有好多嘢就係人哋得我哋唔得。不過,幕末明治呢個時代係好值得我哋去認識同埋研究,裡面唔同嘅人物,佢哋嘅思想、視野、志向、操守、氣節。最重要嘅係,呢段歷史裡面基本上係冇任何黑白忠奸正派反派嘅立場論。當年,無論係幕府、攘夷派、維新派 etc,每一個人都覺得佢係為佢嘅時代同埋佢嘅信念去奮鬥,未必人人都好清楚所謂新時代應該係點樣,但係每個人都有犧牲自己性命嘅覺悟。
About Author
香港創作人,寫劇本寫小說,拍電影拍電視;本身睇好多世界各地電影電視、書、漫畫、動畫、特攝 etc。但係,表面上睇唔出佢係毒L⋯⋯
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從一個香港人角度去睇,從幕末到明治呢段日本歷史,係好有啟發性。不過,千祈唔好抱住一種“人哋得,點解我哋唔得”嘅心態,咁樣只會令你嘔血同埋生cancer。因為時代唔同、背景唔同,有好多嘢就係人哋得我哋唔得。不過,幕末明治呢個時代係好值得我哋去認識同埋研究,裡面唔同嘅人物,佢哋嘅思想、視野、志向、操守、氣節。最重要嘅係,呢段歷史裡面基本上係冇任何黑白忠奸正派反派嘅立場論。當年,無論係幕府、攘夷派、維新派 etc,每一個人都覺得佢係為佢嘅時代同埋佢嘅信念去奮鬥,未必人人都好清楚所謂新時代應該係點樣,但係每個人都有犧牲自己性命嘅覺悟。
About Author
香港創作人,寫劇本寫小說,拍電影拍電視;本身睇好多世界各地電影電視、書、漫畫、動畫、特攝 etc。但係,表面上睇唔出佢係毒L⋯⋯
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【驛站專欄 —— 栩翎 第一期】失根的遊子
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Forwarded from 香港文化社 Hong Kong Cultural Community
【Hong Kong Cultural Community Screening Series - Tyranny: Imagination and Reality】
Hong Kong Cultural Community (HKCC), in partnering with Haven Productions, is delighted to present Mancunians, our very first exciting screening series – Tyranny: Imagination and Reality. Our series is selected to bring the audience a vision of a tyrannical future, to reflect upon the present. There will also be an after-movie screening discussion with award-winning director/producer Mr Ka-leung Ng.
Tickets are now available at https://hkculturalcommunity.square.site/
Screening of Ten Years
Venue: Heaton Moor United Church, Stockport, SK4 4HL
Date: Saturday, 13 November 2021
Time: 5:30 - 8pm
*Hong-kongese style light refreshments will be provided.
Price: Standard £8.50; Concession £6; Donations welcome.
Screening of Night is Young and Red Flag
Venue: The Performance Space, Manchester City Library, M2 5PD
Date: Monday, 22 November 2021
Time: 5:15 - 7:30pm
Price: Standard £8.50; Concession £6; Donations welcome.
HKCC is a non-profit organisation. After costs (e.g. movie license, venue hire), all proceeds will support future developments and cultural activities. Donations welcome.
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Hong Kong Cultural Community (HKCC), in partnering with Haven Productions, is delighted to present Mancunians, our very first exciting screening series – Tyranny: Imagination and Reality. Our series is selected to bring the audience a vision of a tyrannical future, to reflect upon the present. There will also be an after-movie screening discussion with award-winning director/producer Mr Ka-leung Ng.
Tickets are now available at https://hkculturalcommunity.square.site/
Screening of Ten Years
Venue: Heaton Moor United Church, Stockport, SK4 4HL
Date: Saturday, 13 November 2021
Time: 5:30 - 8pm
*Hong-kongese style light refreshments will be provided.
Price: Standard £8.50; Concession £6; Donations welcome.
Screening of Night is Young and Red Flag
Venue: The Performance Space, Manchester City Library, M2 5PD
Date: Monday, 22 November 2021
Time: 5:15 - 7:30pm
Price: Standard £8.50; Concession £6; Donations welcome.
HKCC is a non-profit organisation. After costs (e.g. movie license, venue hire), all proceeds will support future developments and cultural activities. Donations welcome.
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香港文化社 Hong Kong Cultural Community
Hong Kong Cultural Community (HKCC) is a registered non-profit organisation in the UK, dedicated to preserving and promoting Hong Kong culture.
Hong Kong Cultural Community (HKCC) is a registered non-profit organisation in the UK, dedicated to preserving and promoting Hong Kong culture.